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Nationalism shaped the Western Countries during the 1840s to 1890s

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• Czar Alexander II decided to enact reforms, and in 1861 issued an emancipation edict freeing the serfs.

• The new system did not improve the lives of the serfs, however. Alexander’s other reforms led to his assassination in 1881. His son, Alexander III, returned to the old methods of repression.

In Russia

Nationalism in the United States

Only 70 years earlier the United

States became the first

democracy of the modern age,

but still had legacy issues that it

ha not resolved:

1. Slavery

2. Had not diversified its

economy across states.

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• In the middle of the nineteenth century, slavery became the biggest threat to American political and social systems.

Nationalism in the United States (cont.)

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• Abolitionism in the North challenged the Southern way of life.

• With the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, South Carolina voted to secede. Six more states joined the Confederate States of America.

• The Civil War lasted for four years, with the Confederacy being defeated in 1865, ending slavery and creating one nation again.

Nationalism in the United States (cont.)

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• At the end of the eighteenth century, a new intellectual movement known as romanticism emerged.

• Romanticism emphasized feeling and emotion and valued individualism. Artists painted as a reflection of the artist’s inner feelings and infused warmth and emotion into paintings.


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• Ludwig van Beethoven wrote music with powerful melodies that created dramatic intensity.

• Literature reflected a romantic interest in the past. Writers chose medieval subjects that evoked strong feelings of nationalism. Tennyson- Charge of the Light Brigade.

Romanticism (cont.)

• Mary Shelley and Edgar Allan Poe wrote chilling, Gothic literature.

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• New discoveries in science led to a growing faith in science, which, in turn, undermined the religious faith of many people.

• Scientists such as Louis Pasteur and Dmitry Mendeleyev made advancements in medicine and chemistry.

• Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of disease and pasteurization

New Age of Science

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• In 1859, Charles Darwin wrote his book On the Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection, based on the idea that all species evolved according to a principle known as organic evolution. Darwin explained that some species are more adaptable to their environment than others, and, through a process called natural selection

New Age of Science (cont.)

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• In literary and visual arts, realism became a movement driven by the ability to represent the world realistically.

Realism in ART

• After 1850, realism in art became the dominant style. The French artist Gustave Courbet painted scenes from everyday life that included peasants and factory workers.

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• Charles Dickens showed the realities of life in London for the poor and unprivileged in his novels Oliver Twist and David Copperfield. This characters were so sympathetic that they helped inspire social reform.

A Switch to Realism in Literature (reflected the hardships of the time)

• Literary realists of the period rejected the ideals of romanticism and wrote about ordinary characters.