Download - nationalism

Page 1: nationalism

Feeling of super-hyper-love of country, that also helped to make European countries hate on

each other wicked haaaad

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Feeling of super-hyper-love of country, that also helped to make European countries hate on

each other wicked haaaad


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Line of fighting between the Germans and their British / French enemies; most of it was in areas

of northwestern France

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Line of fighting between the Germans and their British / French enemies; most of it was in areas

of northwestern France

Western Front

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Radical Russian socialists who wanted to totally change Russian society by taking control and

forcing equality in wealth and class

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Radical Russian socialists who wanted to totally change Russian society by taking control and

forcing equality in wealth and class


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People in Eastern Europe who became targeted for genocide – the attempt to violently wipe

them out

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People in Eastern Europe who became targeted for genocide – the attempt to violently wipe

them out


Page 9: nationalism

1914 – who is *?


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Government organized effort to shape public opinion and information to make them look

good, and the other side look evil

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Government organized effort to shape public opinion and information to make them look

good, and the other side look evil


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Region in Southeastern Europe that was very unstable because of lots of nationalism and religious beefs – events here will set off war between Austria Hungary and Russia – and the rest of

Europe to follow

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Region in Southeastern Europe that was very unstable because of lots of nationalism and religious beefs – events here will set off war between Austria Hungary and Russia – and the rest of

Europe to follow

The Balkans

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Country that wanted respect, and its leader Kaiser Wilhelm 2 (!!) was willing to get up in his neighbor’s

faces – good thing they didn’t arm wrestle…. Get it???

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Country that wanted respect, and its leader Kaiser Wilhelm 2 (!!) was willing to get up in his neighbor’s

faces – good thing they didn’t arm wrestle…. Get it???


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Competition over this saw events thousands of miles away from Europe threaten war inside


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Competition over this saw events thousands of miles away from Europe threaten war inside



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Big nation with millions of soldiers, but it was behind in industry and was filled with millions of angry, hungry

people that wanted change – and the war would bring it…

Page 20: nationalism

Big nation with millions of soldiers, but it was behind in industry and was filled with millions of angry, hungry

people that wanted change – and the war would bring it…


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Great Britain, France, Russia and Serbia… and after a while the USA

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Great Britain, France, Russia and Serbia… and after a while the USA

Allied Powers

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In 1922, after success in civil war, the Russian Bolshevik government merged with several other neighboring states that

used to be in the old Russian empire, and became this communist country

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In 1922, after success in civil war, the Russian Bolshevik government merged with several other neighboring states that

used to be in the old Russian empire, and became this communist country

Soviet Union

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American President who decided to join the Allied powers in 1917 and had big plans for the

world after the war

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American President who decided to join the Allied powers in 1917 and had big plans for the

world after the war

Woodrow Wilson

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1914 – who is *?


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German use of these in the Atlantic was a reason why the US joined the war

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German use of these in the Atlantic was a reason why the US joined the war


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Woodrow Wilson wanted to create this after the war – he hoped it would encourage international

cooperation and keep peace between nations

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Woodrow Wilson wanted to create this after the war – he hoped it would encourage international

cooperation and keep peace between nations

League of Nations

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Russian leader who struggled with a losing army in the war and rioting people back home –

eventually the Bolsheviks will kill him

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Russian leader who struggled with a losing army in the war and rioting people back home –

eventually the Bolsheviks will kill him

Czar Nicholas 2 (II)

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Alliance of Germany, the empire of Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire – will end up

losing WW1

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Alliance of Germany, the empire of Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire – will end up

losing WW1

Central Powers

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Country in the Balkans that got into beef with the Austrians when the Archduke Franz

Ferdinand got shot by one of theirs

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Country in the Balkans that got into beef with the Austrians when the Archduke Franz

Ferdinand got shot by one of theirs

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The Bolshevik overthrow of the Russian government which began Russia’s move to


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The Bolshevik overthrow of the Russian government which began Russia’s move to


“October Revolution” of 1917

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Leader of the Russian Bolsheviks who will form the Soviet Union

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Leader of the Russian Bolsheviks who will form the Soviet Union

Vladimir Lenin

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Agreements between the “enemy of my enemy”, which tied all Europe together, so that when any

two countries had beef, everyone would go to war

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Agreements between the “enemy of my enemy”, which tied all Europe together, so that when any

two countries had beef, everyone would go to war


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1919 – Who is *


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The race to make more and better weapons, and bigger armies and navies, that drove European

countries to be hatin’ on each other

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The race to make more and better weapons, and bigger armies and navies, that drove European

countries to be hatin’ on each other


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Middle Eastern empire that was weakening and losing lands, and then joins the losing side of

WW1 and will fall apart at the end

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Middle Eastern empire that was weakening and losing lands, and then joins the losing side of

WW1 and will fall apart at the end

Ottoman Empire

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This country had Serbia’s back, so when Austria attacked, it got involved, and brought the rest

of Europe with it

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This country had Serbia’s back, so when Austria attacked, it got involved, and brought the rest

of Europe with it


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Made mad cash on selling weapons to Britain and France, and its banks lent large sums of money to England and France to buy more

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Made mad cash on selling weapons to Britain and France, and its banks lent large sums of money to England and France to buy more


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Woodrow Wilson’s goals for the world after the war – he only gets one of them to happen

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Woodrow Wilson’s goals for the world after the war – he only gets one of them to happen

Fourteen Points

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1919 – Who is *


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Crazy Russian monk who was a playa and a boozer, but the Czar and his wife thought he was a holy

man – the rest of Russia was shocked and offended

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Crazy Russian monk who was a playa and a boozer, but the Czar and his wife thought he was a holy

man – the rest of Russia was shocked and offended


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This was made by the winners, punished the losers, and created several nations that would not last 100 years –

it was a bad effort at trying to make a lasting peace

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This was made by the winners, punished the losers, and created several nations that would not last 100 years –

it was a bad effort at trying to make a lasting peace

Treaty of Versailles

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Belief that the workers would rise up, beat the crap out of the filthy rich, and remake society into a community of equals – Bolsheviks believe in this

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Belief that the workers would rise up, beat the crap out of the filthy rich, and remake society into a community of equals – Bolsheviks believe in this

Marxism / Communism

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He was next in line to be emperor of Austria-Hungary, until a bullet took him down and

sparked up war

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He was next in line to be emperor of Austria-Hungary, until a bullet took him down and

sparked up war

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

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Agreement between Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Germany before the war; Italy would drop out, and Austria would feel comfortable being aggressive because Germany had its back

thru this

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Agreement between Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Germany before the war; Italy would drop out, and Austria would feel comfortable being aggressive because Germany had its back

thru this

Triple Alliance

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The Czar runs away and a new government decides to stay in the war after this – Russia will

have another; later in 1917

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The Czar runs away and a new government decides to stay in the war after this – Russia will

have another; later in 1917

March Revolution

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The Treaty of Versailles made big parts of the Middle East into these – said that France and Great Britain

would set them free in a couple of years.. Yeah, right…

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The Treaty of Versailles made big parts of the Middle East into these – said that France and Great Britain

would set them free in a couple of years.. Yeah, right…


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Because new military weapons met with old school fighting styles, these developed – on the Western Front, they stretched

over 300 miles and saw bloody fighting with nasty weapons happen over them for years

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Because new military weapons met with old school fighting styles, these developed – on the Western Front, they stretched

over 300 miles and saw bloody fighting with nasty weapons happen over them for years

trenches / trench warfare

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World War 1 had become this – not just fighting over trenches, but a test of strength of societies to be able to deal with the

loss, cost, and stresses of the fight; included civilian sacrifices and use of propaganda

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World War 1 had become this – not just fighting over trenches, but a test of strength of societies to be able to deal with the

loss, cost, and stresses of the fight; included civilian sacrifices and use of propaganda

Total war

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This drove the pace of change in European societies leading up to the war, and its pressures maybe helped to

bring it about; Russia was the slowest at it…

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This drove the pace of change in European societies leading up to the war, and its pressures maybe helped to

bring it about; Russia was the slowest at it…


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Dual attacks on the Western Front that last for months and kill nearly 2 million men… and

move the lines of trenches barely a few miles

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Dual attacks on the Western Front that last for months and kill nearly 2 million men… and

move the lines of trenches barely a few miles

Battles of Verdun and the Somme

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What is *?


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