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National Resilience Resource Center [email protected]

Promising Resilience Perspectives

Page 2: National Resilience Resource Center LLC Promising Resilience Perspectives.

“We who lived in the concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: The last of his freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.” Viktor Frankl, 1959

National Resilience Resource Center LLC [email protected]

Page 3: National Resilience Resource Center LLC Promising Resilience Perspectives.

“What lessons did we learn? Most of all … they were lessons that taught us a

great deal of respect for the self-righting tendencies in human nature and for the capacity of most individuals

who grew up in adverse circumstances to make a successful adaptation in adulthood.”

Emmy Werner & Ruth Smith, 2001

National Resilience Resource Center LLC [email protected]

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Resilience is an “active process of self-righting and growth”

with “developmental integrity that

guides even the most challenged lives.”

Gina O’Connell Higgins, 1996

National Resilience Resource Center LLC [email protected]

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“The great surprise of resilience research is the ordinariness of the phenomena … . Resilience does not come from rare and special

qualities, but from ordinary everyday magic of ordinary, normative human resources in the minds, brains, and bodies of children, in their

families and relationships, and in their communities.”

Ann Masten, 2001

National Resilience Resource Center LLC [email protected]

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“Resilience is our natural, innate capacity to navigate life successfully. The opportunity to learn how we operate makes a critical difference whether one realizes resilience or not.” Kathy Marshall,


National Resilience Resource Center LLC [email protected]

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“Moving to a resiliency approach requires a a personal transformation of vision … the lens through which we see our world. To make systemic changes

… depends on changing hearts and minds.”

Bonnie Benard, 1993

National Resilience Resource Center LLC [email protected]

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“When there's improvement, it usually

isn't that the services per se were different, it's about a change

in the person whodelivered the service,

and the way they delivered it. It became

clear systems changemeant changing the

interactions between people in all the

systems…a very differentand difficult agenda.”

Annie E. Casey Foundation, Don Crary,The Key Insight, The Eye of the Storm:

Ten Years on the Front Lines of New Futures

National Resilience Resource Center LLC [email protected]

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“What psychologists have learned over 50 years is that the disease model does not move psychology closer to the prevention of … serious problems …. Psychologists need now to call for massive research on human strengths and virtues …. The major psychological theories have changed to undergird a new science of strength and resilience.” Martin Seligman & Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, 2000

National Resilience Resource Center LLC [email protected]

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“Systems change when groups of people together tap their resilience and change from the inside out.” K. Marshall, 2002

National Resilience Resource Center LLC [email protected]

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We wish you peace and joy.

A charitable service of the National Resilience Resource Center LLC.

Kathy Marshall Emerson, [email protected]