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National Parks in India By, Jujhar Singh Grade VIII


National Parks

Wildlife Sanctuaries

Dangers faced by National Parks

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National Parks National parks are formed by Central or State Legislation.

Status of National Park is higher than a Sanctuary.

No human habitation is permitted in man area.

Harvesting timbers, cultivation, collection of forest products are restricted. eg. Corbet National Park. An area of countryside, or occasionally sea or fresh water, protected by the state for the enjoyment of the general public or the preservation of wildlife. “Commercial exploitation of natural resources in a national park is illegal.”

Wildlife Sanctuaries A wildlife sanctuary is a place of refuge where abused, injured and abandoned animals may live

in peace and dignity for the rest of their lives.

True wildlife sanctuaries do not breed or exploit for commercial activites like use of animals for entertainment or sport, sale or trade of animals, their offspring or animal parts and by-products.

A true sanctuary respects the integrity of individual animals, providing safe, healthy and secure refuge in enclosures specifically designed for the unique animal which it supports.

Experts estimate that there are about 1,200 exotic animal facilities which provide the barest minimum of care for thousands of animals with little or no knowledge of animals’ nutritional or behavioural needs. These facilities often breed animals to provide cute babies as an attraction for public display and for sale, and many depend on public of “treats” for the animals as the major source of food.

Dangers Faced by National Parks Annual budget shortfalls that have left the system with insufficient funds to handle chronic

maintenance headaches (shoddy roads, buildings in disrepair, inadequate water and sewer systems) and keep staffing at necessary levels. Most observers say another $600 million each year is required to keep pace with crumbling infrastructure alone.

Air pollution, which in parks such as Virginia's Shenandoah rivals that of metropolitan areas.

• Outside threats, including encroaching real estate development, new coal-fired generating plants that will create more pollution, and road construction that could block wildlife migration into and out of parkland.

People keep going to National parks to entertain themselves and take food for support and throw wrappers, plastic bottles, tissues, etc. which can destroy the ecosystem of the place.

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