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Shark Valley .... a NESA guide for teachers

by Sandy Dayhoff Environmental Education Specialist

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The fol!owlng people contributed greatly to the completlon of thls reference •••

Martha Aikens

Pat Tolle

Michael D. Watson

Sandl Wh1.~ -:!.:ead

Pictures by:

Diana da Coe t a

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In 1971 the National Park Service started a pilot environmental edu· cation progl"am e.t Shark Va.lley ln Everglades Natlonal Park. Improve­ment and growth next. Over the years envi.romnental education has pi-oven to be a great success. Each year since 1971 approximately 10, 000 Dade, Monroe, and Broward County students have participated in our environmental educatlon program.

We are still growing while trylng to mainta.ln the purpose of the program. This purpose i1 to:

1. ACQUAINT THE CH1 LVREN OF SOUrH FLORIVA WITH THE EVERGLAVES thJLough a. pl~a.n;t ruid .lri Olr.deJt. to ...

2. VEVE LOP WITHIN THEM AN UNVERSTNJV1NG OF THE VALUE OF THE EVERGLAt>f.S TO THE TOTAL WEB OF Ufc . which .U a ~ttq~Ue. we. mttht a.c.Jtleve. .ln t.o e.6£ •••

3. VEVELOP CllITH1N THEM AH APPRECIATION FO~ THE TOTAL ENVIRONMEWT whlc.h mt.l.b.t be <tcc.ompwhed bi oifil.eJL to .. •


This guide is meant to serve ae a reference for you, the teacher. It will hopefully serve you in helping your students to discover Everglades and be a springboard for new ideas. We solicit your input and sugges .. tions for improving the program.

A child• s mind is similar to a. eecd; once plallted properly~ it will slowly grow and develop into a healthy, beautiful 11£1ower 11 to reseed new generations to c01ne. We, together (teachers and park rangers), ar.e the caretakers of those very precious seeds. We can only hope that this truly unique wilderness experience will help that seed grow, develop, and spread other seeds of environmental consciouaness for future generations.

Welcome to our program--yours and mine. Between this guide and your workshop, we hope you will feel confident to embark on a new and exciting school year in environmental education.

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Shortly after arriving at Shark Valley your elate will be greeted by a Range.r- Nnturalist who will introduce the day' e activities. These activities will most likely include quite a bit of walking.

Si.nee the tram ie a machine, it can be expected to out of operation occaslonally. But !or the most part, you can expf"ct a tram trip to the Observation Tower.

Teachers will be requested to take a small group of students on their own for some of the walking tour. Ooops ••• you're starting to worryf Don'tf Names of tr~es and plants are not that important to remember. It is th<? pro­cess that is important--shapes, colors, patterns, change, a.nd how things function are where the real le11on lies.

After the walk and a trip by tram to the tower, lunch ie in order. If lunchee are consolidated in one large box. it will make !or easy distri­bution. Names ahould be on a.11 bag lunches. After lunch it1 s a leisurely walk up to the Observation Tower. It1a over--well. almost. We board the bus nnd sing and tell stories on the way out, and, alas, say 11So long" bacx at the parking lot. Talcs of this field trlp will last for weeks. We hope you and your class will review and discuss the impact of man on the E\•erglades system a.nd maybe, just maybe, you and your class and othere Hke you will contdbute i.n m.aking south Florida a better place to live.


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.. . ~


Remember, we want your field trip to be the best ever. so we: must make a few necessary rulea. Ten.chers are expected to be the disci­plinarians at all ti.mes. In order t.o help you, may we suggest a bri,'!f talk on the following 11 Do(a) 11 a.nd 11 Don't(s} 11 with your cla:te?


--Wear grubby clothes

-- 'V car old shoes (may get wet)

- ... Take home pleasant tnemories

·-Use your sense of wonder

--Rctnember to go up the tower only with a ra.nger or teacher

- - Ask questionl't


--Feed or molest any wildlife

.... collect souvenirs

--Pick any plants

--Throw rocks

.. z .. .

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Just what i1 a National Environmental Study Area. (NESA)? At the beginning of the 19701 s, a growing demand .for Environmental Educ&-­tion (EE) programs aur!aced in our nation's echooll. To help meet this need, the National Park Sorvlce helped develop EE material& called the National Environmental Education Development {NEED). Physical sitee were designated for using the curriculum materials and philosophy of NEED. These sltes are known as NESA 1 s .

Evergladee National Park haa several NESA's. T~·o of them are Royal Palm and Long Pine Key, areas only a few miles a part in the aouthern section of the park. They a re deaignated ae NESA' s because of their excellent representation of everglades wildlife an.d plants, and the forces which govern the:m. In addition, these areas allow easy comparbon and contrast with urban enviromnenta where most students live. The fact that most urban and agricultural areas ln am.i.~Pl'n Florida were once pa.1·' ,£ the everglade• wilderness is an relationship wh t .. can be explored by students as th"Y travel from their homos to these NESA areas.

By agreei .. 1 to be in th~ NESA program at Everglades Park, a teacher .. na.ke1 a connnitrnent: he or ahe will attend a park-sponsored workshop at least once every two years. The Park Service, in turn, makes a commitment: it will do all it can to make the fo~ ld trip mean• ingful by providing coordln.ation, resource materials llke this guide, and a naturalist to assist the group. Teachers must prepare thelr students before coming to the park, and conduct follow-up activities on their own. They must aleo help conduct the field trip whlle in the park.

Becimse a half million students attend schools ln immedlate areas around the park, 11ome controlling factors had to be employed for the NES.A program. So, only sixth-grade teachers are permitted to attend the NESA workshops at Royal Palm/Long Pine Key. A uimilar restric­tion iB pla ced on the Shark Valley NESA ln the t.iorthern section of the park--only fourth-gr: ie teachers art: r1ermittc ~ there. Thia gives all students a chance to be in the park program if their fourth and sixth-g rade teacher• wlll simply commit- +~emselves to a workahop. Other teachers can bring their students to tne NES.A areas, but they do so completely on their own.

A NES.A, then, le a physici,! lite where environmental education pro­grams take place. This gu. ~ explore• the ':wo NESA 1 s at the Homestead entrance to the park--Royal Palm and Long Pine Key. The guide ie pri· marily intended for sixth- grade teachere, but anyone who benefits from it ls welcome to use it.

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·rhe NESA program hae an element of risk, of course. Complete control of a class is impossible in a.n outdoor classroom. An alli­gator is exciting to students and they just may !eel like shouting their exuberance. A teacher haa to l>e flexible--there is just no way to predict what will happen on a field trip. You might worry that you do not know the name of every animal and plant. So what? Neither does a.nyone else, including park rangers. It ie so much more important to make observa.tiona and share th.em than it is to know a name. Namea are nice to know, but they are not necessary to appreciate what happens before your eyes.

Plan to take some rlek, then, as vou participate in NESA. Your stu­dents will perhape view you in a new manner, and lt is likely to be a positive one.

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'!here are ma.ny productive ways in which to make use of the environ­ment a.s an educational tool. One approach ls strictly classification: everything has a name and a spet:lfic way of interacting with the universe. Scientists describing unique objects use this taxonomical method as a pi incipal operational procedure in their investigation!t. This method, however. has a drawback for the teacher with a limited scientific back­gt"ound. who may not know the multitude of specific names and conditions with which to describe the environment sclentlfically.

Another way of approaching environmental study is through an investi­gative, completely open-ended method. The teacher guides students in their attempts to discover what is present in their surroundings and to place their discoveries into some kind of perspective. The advantage of this method is it provides the kind of study that activates sen1ory awareness and enables the student to develop creative problem-solving techniques. The di!ficult) rests with the development of research skills. R.eaearch skills are another tool of the scientific investigator, and although they would provide a good background in problem-solving !or the student, it takes time to develop them.

The SPICE Strand approach draws upon the advantages of both of these methods while eliminating the disadvantages. It incorporates both the specific and the investigative approaches into a third approach with which both student and teacher can feel more comfortable. lt requires identi­fication and claasifica.tion, but on a modified basis. It also requires open-ended investigation leading to problem- solving. Yet all of its requirements can be taught by a teacher and fulfilled by a. student who has little of the rigorous ecie.nti~k training demanded by the other approaches.

The Strand approach makes necessary a reorganization 0£ thinking into unfainiliar patterns, which may at first be di!ficult. The valuable, unifying characteristic of the Strand approach, however, makes whatever initial effort may be necessary unquestio~ably worthwhile.

The Strand approach uses five broad, uni.,·ersal concepts aa a way of drawing the environtnent under a total. integrated 11wnbrella11 • They are known as the SPICE Strands beeau&e the !iret letter of concept makes up one of the letters of th.c word SPICE. These concepts, or Strands, are:

SL'd.ILARITIES AND VARIETY: Many likenesses and di£ferences occur among living and nonliving things. A variety of functions, sizes, and atructures exist in plants and stare, rocks and animals,


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processes and people. Yet there are sufficient similarities to permit their classification into orderly patterns. These classi­fications increase one ' a understanding of this world.

PATTERNS: Organizational patterns are kinda of structures that may be !ound in rock fonnations a.s well as in social groups o! people and animals. Functional patterns include trafiic movements and classroom schedules. Spatial arrangements nr e patterns that often please us. Such patterns occur in both nature and in artistic design.

INTERACTION AND INTERDEPENDENCE: Nothing exists in iso­lation. Each indtvidual is constantly interacting with living and nonliving things: his family, his belongings. his friends, hie world. 1'hese people a.nd things also dep.,nd o.n the individual in o rder to function properly. The process is continuous (as part of the life cycle) ever u.fter tl€ath, for dead li!e-forms nourish the. living.

CONTINUITY AND CHANGE: Both living and nonliving things are constantly changing--whether among galaxieo and planets or within body cells and body systems. Some thi.Ilge remain the same in spite of change. Matter and energy may ch:uige in form, but they can never be created or destroyed.

EVOLUTION AND ADAPTATION: o,,.er centuries and centuries, living and nonliving things alter a.nd develop in the process called evolution. Probably the greatest number of changes over th.e longeBt periods 0£ Ume come about in order to enable an organism to adapt to the environment. Hereii t ruy factors then preserve the con­tinuing elements. The characte rbtics that enable the org~ism to adapt best (.for eX31n.ple , thP. beat food finder) are apt to be the traits paesed on from generation to generation, thue ensuring survival of the speci~s.

Similarltles and variety means the simp•.e recognition of each o r ganic and inorganic thing. A classification is de rived by noting similar charac­teriRtics in distinct objects. Once a classification is made. an object'" Patterns can be identified. What it; the nature of its design? Of its function (what does it do)? Of it• organization? The functional pattern leads directly to Interaction and lnt~r'1ependenc~. How docs the specific variety interact with air, water., earth, (other) populations? As it Continues to Change, it is cot.' . tantly undef' Evolution and Adapta­tion, according to how it fits i.tlto the .Pattern of existence. If a substance does not adapt in its present form. it Evolves, through Continuity and Change, into a new Variety~ with a new Pattern of Interaction and Inter­dependence.


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··--·-~ .... -

P iing these largP- concepts. or Strands, teachers who have had no parti­~ular scientific or ecological training can instruct or guide students toward open-ended, purposeful activities. The scope of the Strands . can be focused on the specific at almost any level o! detail or sophisti ... cation. Within the Strands there is a synthesis of environmental relation­•~ips. This synthesis makes. the Strands applicable to the range of discipline& within the school program, yet the Strands provide a tool for study that can be specifically related to the most widely differing ecolo­gical situations. For example, Patterns can be applied to the arrange­ments of beach fauna (biology}, mountain ecology (natural history), or people living in an urban area (social sciences).

Teachers should think of themselves as catalysta--permitting the st:ll­dents to develop the answers themselvee whenever possible, which will result in a greater retention of the basic understandings. Once the basic Strand understandings are established with the students, they will con­tinue to seek new examp,es in new environments, leading to a .keen awareness of m:.m's interactions with the world.

The Strands can be disastrously misused. The danger inherent with any methodology is that the methodology can be used as a thing in itsel£, for ita own sake. There have been unfortunate examples where the Strande were taught as a subject, instead of used to integrate discipline or to unde_rstand processes. Other times, students were ~old to memoriz.: and parrot them like multiplication tables. Avoid these dangers. The Strands are a fram.ework. You may never have to mention them at all. Like the girders in a building, they are hidden from view, but keep every• thing from collapsing.

Perhaps the best thing about th-:- r:;trands is that students can use them as a re!erence point to interrelate the things they know, see, and feel, in their own lives with all their £utu1·e experience and education. rt is fairly clear that the only way people achieve higher levels of understanding ie by understanding new ideas in terms of old ones. Otherwise, people are reduced to learning information and facts without new awareness.

There is one thing about the Strande never to be forgotten: the Strands ex:lat timultaneously in all things at all times. You will find that while the Strands, one irresistably leads into the others. Often one becomes indistinguishable from another. The Strands always reinforce one another.

. Thie la aa it should be. In a >.orld of proce~s, it is inevitable that an honest framework is as dynamic as the world it views.


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Simila.i:!b' and Varlet;y .... There are .five projection• on your ha.nd that are 10 similar to each other, they are called fingers. But the re is so much variety in them that no two are exactly In fact, no two fingers in the world are exactly alike. Once this ~_imilarity, and varietx ii observed, we can identify patterns.

Patterns ...... ~rhe re ia a pattern on the end of every finger called finger prints. Ther~ ls an endle8& variety of finger prints, though they all follow a similar pattern. There b a pattern in the way the blood fl.owe through your hand, from the heart to arteries to tiny capillaries in thi!> hand, and back to the heart through velna. Theee patterns lead directly to ~eraction. and interdependence.

lnteracti~_?,; ... There is inte.ractlo.n when the bloc•d in your hand deliver• augar to every tiny cell in exchange for waste n1aterial. Your fingers intera.ct, though indeeendently, when they are playing a. guitar or a hr-!.1burger. Your band interacts when it ie cold and by per­spiring when it is hot. Interaction a.nd interdependence sitbjects our hands to continuity and change.

Continuity and Change ·- The veins and arteries in your hand _£hange ae the tempe.rature changes. The cells i.n your hand are constantly dying and being replaced by new cells. In fact, the handa you put in your pocket today are not the same hands you had eix weeks ago. As your hands continue to change, they constantly undergo evolution and adaptation.

Evolution and Adaptation -- Over long pel"ioda o! time. the human hand has adapted to new eituations. Th" opposable thumb allows us to do mat'\·elous things wit;1 our hands that moat other animals cannot. Evolution is change over long periods of time. The hands of man a million yea ~ c from today will look and !unction much different than these of today.

So, watch !or the Strands irt everythi..lg natural and man-made, and think of them ae the "SPICE of 11!~" '' And when you cannot remember what they are, you can find them a ... in your pocke~.

Now that you are £ainilia.r with. the Stra.nda, you can apply them to every­thing you and your class will experience when you visit the Royal Palm an.d Long Pine Key NESA • s. Following is an orientation to the NESA Trails in terms of SPICE.


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rn ~~------------------

One easy way to remember tne SPICE Strand framework is to examine the Strands Pocket Model. There are five fingers on your pocket model. one for each Strand:

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'•: his section of the booklet has activities for you to do with your . .. ass before your field trip. These activities can easily be l emoved from the booklet. Run of£ copies and distribute to

s z T £

your class. The vocabulary list will help your class

understand the terms used by the rangers

on the field trip. A c T %

% T % E


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Vocabulary List -- all of the enclosed activities use these words. Go over them with the chiluren before starting the following activities.

1. Guess what? Pass out 1 copy to each child. Give them 15 minutes to work on it.

z. Bingo -- There is a question and answer sheet for the teacher only. There are 3 different Bingo ca.rds on 1 page. Cut them out and make copies of each; then give l to each c.hild. Give out paper clips or small pieces of paper (colored) to use as chips. Teacher calls out questions. After 11 Bingo11 is called, check to see if the answers are right. Next game start asking questions from the botton1 o~ the anewer sheet. Tr:" activity reinforces vocabulary.

3. Crossword Puzzle -- Teacher calla out questions; children fill in the blanks. This activity reinforces the vocabulary.

4. Food Chain Game -- playground activity. Need 1 tub or la.rge con­tainer of water (I gator hole). Use the pictures in the Shark Valley Floor Plan - teacher 1 s guide - or have the children draw their own. Each child has a description of what his animal eats and where he lives; etc.

Rules: NO TALKING! You only allowed to make the noises of your animal.

Start activity by ringing a bell. Everyone starts doing their thing. For in1tance, if you are a raccoon, you crawl; an alligator, in the water, etc. This reinforces the vocabulary and shows interdepen­dance.

5. Word Sleuth .... Flnd and circle Wv.i.•ds given. May be up and down or left to right. Make sure of the spelling I

-1 0-

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1. .Algae - colonies o! tiny green plants

2. Adaptation - implies a 5'.1Hing or fitting by modification

3. Alligator - a reptile; ve.ry important in digging water holes during dry season

4. Deer ... eaatern white-tailed found throughout eastern states; a large, brown, !u!"-bea.ring animal; a vegetarian

5. Dragon Fly .. a member of the insect family; feeds on mosquitoes; larvae aquatic .and feed on other aqua.tic animal life

6. Environment - ev~rything around us; our surroundings

7. Everglades - river of grass; a shallow fresh water river in

8. Evolutie;.n

9. Food Chains

10. Garfish

11. Habitat

12. Hammock

13. Lake Okeechobee

14. Limestone

l 5. Mosquito

16. Park

southern Florida

- the development of a species, organism, etc., from its original to its prese.nt state

- a relationship o! organisms in which each is dependent on another for survival.

- fresh water fish; has a modified lung system

- the home o: .1'1.1".y organism

- scattered iala.nds of hardwood trees and dense under­gro~vth which thrive on slightly elevated spots in the sawgrass country

.. the large, fresh water lake in central Florida; the Everglades watershed

- rock consisting mainly of calciw-n carhouat<~: fossilized shells

.. cla.asi!iec' is an insect; female sucks blood to assist in ?roduc1ng eggs

- an area maintained in its natural state: a public property for the benefit of all

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J 7. Pickerel weed - a water loving plant; has a purple bloom spike

18. Pollution

19. Predator

20. Sabal Palm

21 . Sawgrass

22. Scavenger

23 . Snake

2.4. Vegetarian

25. Water

- that makes the environment unfit fo~ living things

- flesh eaters

- State tree of Florida

- not a grass at an ... -a true sedge having three aides to leaf'

... an animal which feeds on lifeless forms of bird and other animal life, such as vultu.:res

- a cdd blooded reptile

- an animal or bird which feeds entirely on plant life

- a ba.sic necessity of life; the lifeblood of the Everglades

- 12-

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Can you unscramble this? _

What ls your environment? A. The rlver B. Eve rythtng around you c. A place where baby animals live

I am an island in the Everglades that stays high and dry year round.

Fill in the blanks. _ A __ 0 _ ~

I am slimy and cling to other plante and rock•. What color am I?

I am the grass growing in thf" .Everglades. Who am I?-------

I arn the water source for the Everglades. Who am I? -------

I am a microscopic greenish plant that lives in the water. Who am I?


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I show how the energy from the sun gets passed from plants to plant­eaters to meat-eaters. Who am I?

I am a flesh eater. Who am I?

I fall from the sky and everything needs me in order to survh~e •. Who am I?

1 am a. shallow river that goes dry every year, Who am I?

I eat almost any animal that I can catch, but I like gar fish best. Who am I?



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1. What is t h e alligator's favorite food ? Answer: Garfish

2. What ie the state tree of Flor ida? ~~-----------Answer: Sabal Palm (or cabbage palm)

3. High, dry tree islands are called---------­Answer: Hammock

4. A plant hae an arrow-shaped leaf is----------· Answer: Pickerel Weed

5. They eat sawgrass - ---------­Answer: Deer

6. Frogs eat m e - -----------· Answer: Dragonfly

7. On col :l days you can find him on land taking a sunbath ______ • Answer: Alligator

8. He eats dragonflies ~-----------~ Answer: Bull Frog

9, Many of them go north in the summer-----------· Answer: Birds

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------------~ ______ ...,.__....

~- .. ........ ... - ..

\lr:_.!' C:-®1 "1t. •••••••••• . .



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~-)k ,~&I A:.;~ l~lt. .......... ~

~ ,. ~ ~

.. ·· ~-- .. - ---

~ · i l ~

- 17-

- .. -

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1. Microscopic greenish plants that live ln the water.

2. When one organism h dependent on another £or survival.

3. I eat eawgraes.

4. Everything around us.

5. The name of the park we are going to visit.

6. An isla.nd that ls high and dry year round.

7. An animal that kills other animals for food.

8. AU life is on it !or survival.

8. w

2.. 7.


E 0 R

4. E N N


to--G -

6. H M K

1 • A E R

D N 3.


_, 9·

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1. Algae

2. Poodchain

J. Deer

4. Environment

5. Everglades

6. Hammock

1. Predator a. water

- 20-

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NAME ---------------------------------WORD SLEUTH --

T t E N v r R OlN M E N

1 v H E M M1 Kl s T Q x . E A v E .N E v I R 0

R B E p .R E I D A T 0

a I A R pl c G 0 s A

T ~ T L 0 QrH

-, R 0 D E

A A G D L 0 J z c x T

D T A ofM B 1 T K s R !

.l •

E s E R I s T s T

L s A V.t

A a A L

Find these words •••

1. Environment z. Okeechobee 3, 4 . Hammock 5. Deer 6. Predator 7. Alligator 8. Algae 9. Habitat

l 0, Everglades

z E L E !Q p

F E IM R 0 N

G R A s s M

J.J r G _1A T 0


z L


R s

w D
















A ·~




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(Thb activity helpe tht- chUdren &tnrt aroun~ them.}

Have children take p!1.p~r and pendl &ud write down what ta in th~ clt.11room··blackboard. bcoka. doorn, windows~ etc ..... ~o iteme or more.

Then have them chooeo 10 item:. (from the Uet) A,H~.X £eel are eseential to h&ve in the cla1eroom !or it to functlon. Open lt up to dlscu1:i1sion after they complete the 10 item Uut.

Aak aome key que•tlons ...

... Wrat i• it "';·adc o: ?

.... where did the material cotne from?

.... Ia it recycleable?

...... can we llve without it comfortably?

Au• rld~ to Shark Valley

Have childre!l repea.t cla1s1·oom actlv.1 1 , but en the highway to Shark Valley. What do they !'ee? Write lt down--carst trees, wate.r, e~e.rything th•v aee. Ha'le them s.ign their ~..;une.

At: th~ S~~.rk v .. 11~ ~• ·e,.....s:ance, have children hand in paper.. L&t:er, &leer lunch or back in th" classroom (for the l S minute acUvity), hand back the papers &nd aak thctr to select 10 itt.m 1J frort! th.eir li•t they £eel eeee.ntial to keep the Evel"glade~ functioning.

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Purpose: To illustrate how plants l\nd animals (including man) are dependent upon each other and upon the environment (sun, air, water, and soil) for survival through a 11web11 of inter­relationships, and what happens if the web is damaged

Materials: ball of string magic marker 11nan1e 11 cards {or buttons)

Description: Players form. a circle. Each player is given a 11name11

card which identifies him as some part of the envlronment, such as the sun, air, water, soil, different types 0£ plants and animals. Be sure to include the four basics (above). The participants should keep their cards face down until the web is made. The leader unwinds the string .from player to player, crisscrossing back and forth across the circle. When each player is connected, the leader begins by turning over his card and explaining why his connection with the next person is important. Aftet all the participants have explained th,,.ir importance l.n the web, the leader lets his end of the string go, resulting in an unraveled web.

A discussion follows concernir;g the interrelatedness 0£ all things in the web, , .._t.t what happens when the web is upset.


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The aim of the l~sson is to familiarize the students with the animals of Everglades National Park.

1. a liat consisting of animalti tn the Everglades family, correspon­ding with the number of students in your class.

2.. Cut the list up and put: the name a in a box.

3. Each student pulla a name from the box.

4. The student h to learn as much about his antmal as possible.

5. Form a circle with the group.

6. Choose a student at random; blindfold him~ spin him around; have him point to someone.

7. The person he points to is 1'it11• 'rhe person selected ttit" has to tell

about hiri animal, aa well as a.ct like the animal.

8. The members of the circle are given three chances to guess the name of the animal. If no one guesses it, the 11 it" person is bliudfolded and give& ... a chance to select someone, Whoever guesses is the "it" person.

9. The game continues until everyone tells about hie animal.

Every organism is a part of a Hr. • in the complex array of interconnecting food chains~ Each member of the chain is dependent (in part) on the member before it.

Example: Mosquitoes--min.nows--garfish--alligators Algae- -minnows- -sunfish- -wading birde

Plants make food from nature's raw material.a. They must have just the right combination of weather. water r.onditions, minerals, and topography. Change the combinations and you will alter every link 0£ the chains that depend on them, thus altering the entire web of life itself.


____,.. -

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The aim of this game ls to illustrate a food chain or food chains, using the £ood chains above, or a more complex one, involving more Before the game begins, write the names of the plants and animals involved in your food chain on index cards.

1. Start the with yourself as one of the four basic elements.

2. Ask for a ahow of hands. recognir:ing the one you see first as to what the next link in the chain ahould be.

3. If the person is correct, he is given the card with the name 0£ that element 011 it.

4. Once you1ve complete .J t h.e elements, the game continues by naming all the plants and animals involved in your food chain.

5. Whenever someone joins the chain, be takes the hand of the person precedint1 nim..

6. The chain gang should result in a circle (linked).

7. Explore the possibilities of what would happen if for some reason one of the links i.n the chain was destroyed.

The alm of this game is to show man's dependence on nature, and why it is im.po.rtant to preserve and pro .. f!ct our nature.I res ources.

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What Do You See?

1. Have your class draw what they see from the echoolground or on the achool ground.

z. Discuss the following questions:

a. Is it beautiful?

b, 11 it worth caring for?

c. Could it be improved?

3. Have them draw what might be changed.

4. Let them suggest what activities they could originate. (Example: a clean-up car.'lpaign; personal responsibility; window boxes)

Communicating to Art Objects

Have students collect materials from their environment to make art objects . Each piece of a rt should show one of the following:

1. How beautiful their environment is.

z. How it makes them feel.

3. How time changes their environment.

4. The ugliness or sadness of their environment.

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Reactions to Things

1. Take the children out onto the school grounds.

2. Try to find a spider, insect, irog, or even a garden snake.

3. Dhcuss how they felt when they aaw the object.

4. Find out 1f they want to touch it and why or why not.

5. Some students will like them and others will be frightened. Why?

6. Find out what things frighten the others.

7. Discuss why things frighten you. (Examples: Your parents might dis­like the object; you have had an unpleasant experience with object, i.e., someone put e. frog in your bed; a spider in your shoe; an insect down your cle;thing, etc.)

· 8. Discuss fear and joy as reactions. You react to things around you; wild anJ iiale react in different ways.

9. Think of ways in which wild animals react to danger.

1 O. Follow through by having the children write about the feelings they have experienced in which they were frightened •

.Aim: To show that there are many kinds of plants; they di!£er in their color, texture, shape, size and structured parts.

1. Consider just the plants found on your school ground, such as mosses, ferns, flowering plants, shrubs, trees.

z. Ask the children to bring a plant or part of a plant (no previous dla­cus•ions).

3. Teacher provides a "whole" plant in which the parts arc easily seen.

4. Discuss and label the parta: roots, stems, etc.

5. Look for these parts in the plants found on the school ground. Which parts are easily seen? Wh'ch are not?

6. C911'1pare and contrast the sizes of different plants.

7. Make leaf rubbing of different plants (place a clean sheet of paper over the leaf and blacken the area).


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I. Cut out the nlll'l'1bers. 2.. Put all four of them in a cup. 3. Pick one without looking .. 4. Move the same m.unber of spaces

as the number you chose. 5. First one to reach Sneaky Snake's

hat wins.

2 1 •

3 4


! .. ittered Waterway



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Throughout thie teacher's guide booklet pictures of plants and found int~~ Everglades environment. Give children a copy

{"~ one picture, have them color it, and paste it on a. piece of cardboard · ' wear in class. Play a food c!lain game! See if they can figure out v1ho eats who. Open it up to group discussion. Ask thought provoking questions such as: Why is color important? When do these animals feed··day or night? How often do they eat?

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- - -

This next section of the booklet is devoted to helping you relate the Everglades to your st'udents. It is an on-site resource for you to teach from. 1Homes' 1 is a thematic approach to enviromnental teaching. Encourage your students to take on tho ~haHenge of · ".lding homes and their relationships. It can be a rewarding experience.

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I • ' I i I i


I ~ tor


Entrance Sta.tton--Gate

Parking Lot--Front Yard

C&J'lal--Swimming Pool/Kitchen

Loop Road--Hallway

Otter Hammock·-Bedroorn

Tower--The Attic

Moat-- Backyard

Nature T r ail--Porch


t I








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\f e all have homes of one kind or another--big, littl~, old, new, in wood, block, metal, and in many shapes and colors. They are all different in some way, but they are all the same in one respect--they serve as our little world, a minute environm~.nt.

Everglades National Park has a home, too- .. south Florida. When you visit the park, remember the park is one big home, with &ome pretty strange and beautiful family members. Let's go on a room-to-room inspection.

1. The Parking Lot at Shark Valley is known as our front yard. There is so much life to discover.

2. The Swimming Pool is a busy place to. visit. You say, 11Swimming Pool? 11 Sure enough! Any clear space in the canal free of vegetation is considered a swimming pool. Look around. You might .!Jee. the biggest lounger laying around--the ol' lazy alligator. Does he remind you of another creature from long ago? Maybe a dinosaur? · How does it compare with you? I! you have a small appetite you have a lot in common--' gators only eat about once a week. When it isn't lounging around the pool, it keeps busy clearing out the pool with its strong tail.

Can you answer the following questions? - .. Why is its hide so rough? .. -Why does it have to protect itself? --Why is its belly white in color? --Why is it always laying around?

3. Under this huge awimnting r ooJ. is a good foundation- .. porous limestone bedrock. See if you can't find a piece. You might even be able to find a fossilized shell in itl Some neat foundation, huh? But how did these sea shells get here?

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4. Ju you walk down the hallway (the road), keep looking over your shoulder and keep watching what is going o.n in the swim.ming pool. Actually, it's not just a swimming pool~-it is also a kitchen. Hey! Bend over and touch that green stuff floating in the water. It's slimy a.nd you might not like it, but the Apple Snail does I It is his job to keep the pool clean of algae. Every once in awhile there arc too many pool cleaners. So, a special bird (the Kite) swoops down and eats a couple of snails. The Kite is the foreman on the pool cleaning crew.

S. Have you noticed any mosquitoes? Well, I hope not. !f you do, we will have to fire our mosquito control crew. See those tiny little fish ln the pool? That's the Mosquito Fish. Yep, you guess it. He is part of the mosquito control crew. After the female mosquito bites you, she digeatl her meal a.nd then goes to the wat~r to deposit a bunch of tiny white eggs. A short whlle later, along comes the hu.ngry mosquito fish and gob~les the eggs up--at least, most of them I During the low water periods in the 'glades, mosquito fish are less numerous, so there are more mosquitoes. Lo~ .... i.n the pool. Find a green, sub­merged aquatic plant with a yellow flower. Pick it up. It won't bite-­least not you, anyways. It eats moequitoes. It ie part of the mosquito control crew, too I See i! ypu can't find the bladders that do the eating. You really have to look har rl, as they are very small (about the size of the head of a straight pinJ. Did you notice it doesn't have roots? It get• all its nourishment from the mosquito larvae it sucks into the bladders.


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,. l

6. Have you ever done a cart-wheel? Well, the g•rfish is doing just that in the water. He i8 the long, ekinny fish you see cioing all the splashing. Not only ia he food £or the swimming pond builder (the alligator, but he helps in keeping fish popula.tiona down by gobbling up any extras. He is often called a scavenger !or this very reason.

7. Look for two ducks! Well, they look like ducks, anyway. One ls black with a white snoot and is called the coot. The other is black with an orange beak. They are the gallinulea. See if you can guess what they do. They seem to spend most of their day eating away at the water plants. The vegetation is almost like a.n air mattress you might take to the beach. The coots and gaWnule1 keep it all in good working order.

8. Have you ever on a Saturday afternoon cut a hedge in your yard? Could you make a living at it? Look around. There is a critter here who does juat that I The big yellow and red lubber grasshopper can utU'.lly be found munching 3.W&.y a.r the plants. He really keeps things in good shape. His a1>petite ie tremendous for anything green. You would, too, if you only had one year to live. When these hedge trimmers are young, they are black and yellow and seen traveling in large groups (safety u . .11umbers, maybe!). As these little fellows grow, they change in color to yellow and red and develop wings. These wings aren't ueed in flying but are used i.n helping the grasshopper keep his balance.

9. As you know, air conditioners are super cooling machinee. See if you can't find one. Remember, it will be where it1 s cool. Yee, you guessed it--under the trees. Just how hnportant are air conditioners? Are · they economical to keep up? Do they save energy? How? You may notice different size air conc' rs. Some are very large, but others are very, very small. Get down on yout- hands and knees. See if you can't find a baby tree. Now find some of the critters which prefer

· these tiny air conditioners. What are they? Frogs and ants? What ebe? If you had to make a choice, what size and color air conditioner would you choose.

10. Can you find the wall-to-wall carpeting? That's easy--the sawgrass ! You wouldn1t want to walk barefoot through this carpet, though. Saw­grae1 is true to its name and car_ cut. Now we need a vacuum to help keep the carpet looking good. Think hard I What anima.1 eats eawgrasa? Right! The deer feed '""n the grass and keep it well trimmed and in good order.


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11 . Obviously, bedrooms are for resting--a quiet place where you can go to get a.way from it all. The hammock is a type of bedroom. Many of the night c.rittere are found inside the bedroom sleeping away the day. They may be pretty hard to !ind, so look clo111e ly. Oh, by the way I When you are in the hammock, look out £or the air conditionor cleaners, the tree emails. They are brightly colored ~.nd about the size of a pecan. They usually found on !mooth-barked trees eating tiny lichens from the bark. Maybe you should know there h a killer in this bedroond It is a tree called the Strangler Fig. It gets a strangle hold on another tree and kills it. Why would one tree kill another? Remember, the hammock is the only high, dry land all year around.

Step ou.t into an open spot in the hammock. Consider the sky-­our moving ceiling--and nature's light bulb, the sun. What would happen if the great big lightbulb w~re to burn out?

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As you leave the hammock, look around once more. rt• s ~. bedroom, yes. but it1 s aleo a. graveyard. With so much life all about us, there must be death in order to create more life.


A HOME •••

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In the following pages you will !ind reaou1·ce in.formation about the Everglades, Many o! the things described will be encounl.ered on your field trip. These descriptions will help you find and understand each topic.

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1. Histor~ -- Back in 1945, Shark Valle.y was the site of an oil drilling operation. The road going in wa.s first an access road for the operation. The canal was dug to obtain roadbed material. Canals are damaging the southern Florida envirorunent because they channelize the water. At the end of this canal stands a modern tower built by the National Park Service in 1965. This is the same site where oil was sought. If oil had been dis· covered, do you think Wt! would have a park today?

z. Water -- 11 he life-blood of the Everglades flows 100 miles from Lake Okeechobee to Shark Valley, a real river valley. The water doesn't stop here, though. It flows on at about one-quarter mile a day through the sawgraas, and flows into the Shark River about 15 mil~u south of the Shark Valley tower. This is where the fresh water of the 'glades and salt water of the sea meet and become a brt.cKiah water area called an estuary. The amount of water you eee depends upon the season .. -wet or dry. Winter starh the drying process and by March the Everglades is very dry. In June the tropical rains come for three months with 60 to 65 inches of rainfall. Again, life b in abundance, preparing for winter dry.

Is the wat"r clean? Sawgrass and algae are natural filtering systems. Dade and Broward counties are dependent on this 8'1.tpply for drinking water. The water that feeds the Everglades also must be chared with a continually growing popula­tion. Who will win?

. ,. .-.;,)c•

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3. Limestone -· is the bedrock of the 'glades. It is two miles thick. What's it made of? Calcium. From what? Shells. The 'glades were once part 0£ a shallow inland sea. Now, many years later, you can still find signs of this sea imbedded in the rock as sea shells. The rock is soft, though, and holes are being formed from years of rain, decaying matter, and calcium from the limestone itself. Solution holes (the cal .. cium and rainwater) is what they are known as.

4. Ham,mocke - .. or tree i alanda are the dark green clumps of vegetation you see dotted throughout the open sawgrass. These islands sit on lime­stone ridges (1 to 3 feet high) and stay and dry year round, even when the Shark Valley loop road is covered \'\.ith water. The tropical jungle most visitors expect to find is inside these very hammocks. They are dense and cool, in complete contrast to the sunbaked 'glades outside. .A whole community of animais lives inside this jungle growth. Although you may only feel the mosquito, the others are there, but moat are nocturnal and only venture out at dusk,

As you walk into a hammock. you may notice a definite change in elevation. Acids from decaying plant n1a.tter dissolve away the limestone, creating a moat around the outside of the hammock. 'l'hese moats hold water even during the dry aeason, acting as a barrier in protecting the hammock from 1 glades fires.

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5. Willow heads -- or holes are the lighter green clumps of trees you se ~ scattered throughout the 'glades. They are typically doughnut-shaped or in long strands running with the water flow from the north to the south­west. Willows grow best in solution as they are a water loving plant. In drought times these willow holes are important in sustaining many forms 0£ life. During the dry season, alligators seek these areas and start digging in the soft muck soil. After much work, the alligator trane!onns the willow hole into a "gator hole 11 (aomcti:mes called "survival holes'?. Many fish, birds, and animals might not survive if it were not for these 'ga.tor boles. for everything needs water for survival. For many years alligators were being killed for the valuable hide. In the past, "gator hunters" found the 'gators juat as we, by looking for the light gl"een willow heads. After finding the 'gator, it was shot; then skinned. With alligators disappearing, the 'gator holes soon silted in and dried up. This spelled death for many animals during the dry season. Today, with strict laws protecting this living dinosaur, it is making a strong comeback a~ last.

6. Seminole .. - is what most people call the local native Indians, but Mlccoaukee is their real name, a branch of the Seminole Tribe.

Traditionally !.unters, they also farmed and lived in the hammocks of

They traveled through this land by dugout canoe, seeking not to tame the land, but. to live with it in ·peaceful coexis­tence. Things went on like this for years, until non-natives came and decided the land waa of no use with water on it. They drained it. The canoe became a museum piece. The Mlccosukee, by no choice of their own, left their tre,ditional lifestyle and moved into a 11modern" world.

Shark Valley. They lived in thatched roofed, open .. sided houses called chickees, similar to the one in the Shark Valley parking area.

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'·-,day, while still trying to maintain some tradition, they have adapted s~mcwhat to li.fe along the Tamiami Trail. It is her~, along the Tamiami Trail, where they pursue a new way of life.

Many enterprising individuals rti..u and operate craft ehops and offer air· boat tours a.long a short stretch of the Trail.


It would take a valume or two to try a.nd name all 0£ the plants, so we will deal with only the most obvious.

Pickerel Weed can be seen growing in great profusion in the Shark Valley canal. The leaves are arrow-shaped and .from them appears a beautiful spike of purple-blue flower3. Deer feed on the young flowers and leaves. Often seen clinging to the stems of pickerel weed are small white clusters ol eggs, usually a few inches fr<>nl the water1 s surface. Theae eggs are from the Apple Snail.

Sawgra1u is the plant you see coveri.n.g the 'glades. It is not really a grass at all. If you feel it (be

careful! It is llke the name il11pl1es) you might notice it ha• three edges. That means it is

a sedge. It provides houae .. building material and food for the round-tailed musk1·at and whitP.-taUed deer. Man

can eat it, too; only the tender center stalk la edible, having a

mild flavor.

Cocoplum is a shrubby~ round, waxy-lea.fed plant

that can be seen growing a.long the road shoulders

and out on the ham­mocks. It ts the

only plant with yellow-green,

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t .·und-shaped leav~s. lt ~:i-;-;;- green, round fruit turns to purple when ripe and is about the t1ize of a black olive. These fruits are food for raccoons, deer, and opoasums, as well as some of the birds. They are edible by man, also.

The Gumbo Limbo tree will be easy to identify. Just look £or a tree with a shiny, red, peeling bark. It grows on the high, dry ground o! the hammocks. Years ago this tree was aon;ht fo_

its wood. Craftsmen found the wood easy to carve and many a merry-go-round horse was ""·nade f'r0tn it.

The Strangler Fig tree is everyone's favorite except for the tree it stra.1tgles. It starts its life as a small seed and is often dropped by birds into the top of another tree. Amazingly. it starts to grow up there, slowly sending a thread .. Jike root to the ground. Eventually it will kill its host by shading it too much or by the sheer weight of the strangler crushing it. This is one of the better examples of competition among plants for the scarce high, dry land o! the hammock.

The Sabal Palm is the state tree of Florida. It also goes by the 'lame of _gabbage Palm, named for the heart or leaf bud that tastes like cabbage. Un.fortunately, indulgmg in this delicacy kills the tree. It is the favorite tree for the Strangler Fig. The local Indians use the palm frond for making the thatched roofed huh they call chickees.

The Stoppe,£ t.ree isn't easy to identify by for it--you smell it! I! you think you smell a skunk. you b .£:/t: found it. Perhaps it's nature' i; way of p!'otecting the tree from would-be enemies.

The Bladderwort is seen free-floating in the canal. !ta feathery bright green foliage floats on the ·vr .. ~r's surface, usually with one single yellow flower protruding above the "'·u.ter. It doesn't have roots I It gete its food from 11eatingi' small aquatic critters (mosquito larvae) by means of minute little bladders in the green foliage.


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Let1 e start with the Coot, a medium- eh~ed, black, duck· like bird. with :;;, white snoot and red eyes. Itis not a duck at au. It doesn't have webb~tl feet. Migratory in ita ha.bits. it s~>:-'\de most of the t11i.nt~r i.n Floridn. It is 01·d!narily a vegeta rianr fonding on aquaHc plants growing in the ~anal.

The Ga.llinule is black in color Uk.;; his elose cousin, the coot. He is11 1t a a duck. either. lt1s ccnfosing, huh? Just

rem.ember he has an orange beak wtth ~ yollow dot on the Hp. This

yf~lloYl tip acts a.s a bullseyie ta.rgPt for young birds to tap on, thu!$ getting morn or dad to feed them. They are ba~ically vegl"'tadans in their (~ating habits •

. Y.:.!-.l!ut,;;. " .. Look alive a.nd look up. A large black bird. cir.cling effort ..

lessly above you in the sky is the~ Vulture. He spends much of his day

searching for dead thinga to cat. They have fantastic c-yesight t . ~ well as a good

&em.H~· of amell. There ai·e f'..'li'/O k\nds of

v·ulturc~1 to he found soaring about Shark Valley skies. The Black Vulture has a solid black h~ad and the Turkey Vulture has a red hc!ad. Both bi.ttla have feathcrleaa he~-ds. Th~" is to tb.eii- advantage when sticking thei '.l." heads into the c:a rca.s s of a dead animal. On.e dip in the \11;•ater cleans the skin head. !! feather s WGre there, it \.Vould take a good deal of time to clca.n up after a smelly r~'leal.

The yr;:iite !biq_ is a long-legged, long· necked bi rd with a pink curved bill. lt is one of the bi.:rds we often ca.11 a wad~r. 'I'hey spend most of their day wading in the water searching for food, They are also known a.s grope feede r s. This simply lnea.ns they can ' t iH~e what they eat . They '!'Dove their open bills back and forth in the shallow water until something {a fish, frog, or crayfish)

runs into it and then t he bird clamps its bill shut on his hopeful meal.

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Tl Anhinga, Snake Bird, or Water Tu:key are three different names for a strange looking blackish bird. Easier to identify than most, it usually is found posing with its wings stretched out drying in the sun. The Anhinga catches its food by diving under the water and spearing fish with its sharp beak. After it catches its meal, it returns to the surface, tossing it in the alr and gulping it down head first. If, by chance, you see him doing all this, you will see why he is nicknamed the Snake Bird.

Herons and Egrets are long-legged and long­necked like the Ibis, but tr..~ir bills are straight. They are also calbd Waders. There are many members 0£ this family. in a wide range of colors and sizes. The most obvious is the Great Blue H--"!'on which ia blue ... gray in color with about a six footwingspan. The Egret and White Herons are both white and difficult to diatinguiah from one another. They are all basically fishermen, but also feed on bugs, frogs, and crayfish as well. At night they roost in large flocks over alligator holes in large willow heads. During breeding season (January through March) these birds grow special mating feathers called plumes. In the early 1 QOO~s. plume hunters maas slaughtered these birds :or those special feathers. Not only were the adult! killed, but tl .. ~~oung were left to starve in th~ nest b y the thousands. These feathers were used to adorn fashlonable ladies hat~ throughout the world. Todayt thanks to $trong laws, these birda are pro· tectP.d, but declining water levels once again are threatening th~ populatlon.

The American Wood Stork is a very large black a r•1 white wading :,ird with a solid black feathettlesc head. There i n :~o other bird like this one arour.d. Thie bird, with its down-curved bill is a.lao a grope fpPder. Wood stork populations have b~en declining ove r the years because they need high con­centrations of food during nesting season. Wit.h man controlling water levels in south Florida, this doei:in 1t happen often. lt is the only stork native to North America.

The Everglades Kite is a brov.. .P :.awk with a white band at the base of its tail. You might not get to see this bird because it is extremely rare. It has a very specialized sharp. hooked beak that is used for catching its only food--the Apple Snail. (Frnpty shells are often found along the road shoulders. Again, because of fluctuating water tables, the snail is in snorter supply than ln the past~ and this fantastic bird is the first to feel the effecta of the shortage.

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Tht· Garfish is the fish doing all the !lapping in the wat<:r. It ia also known as the spotted gar and is long and needlP-shaped in appearance as it lays lazily at the water' a aurface. Food consi sts of other fish like bass and bream. 1'he gar is the alligator's main die t ,

~are also fourxl here in the canal s currying along t.he water's surface. These are the large-mouth b;iss and are usually one of the fitst fish to die during the dry periods.

Bream or Sunfish are a favorite food fish among Florida fishermen. They feed on bugs and other aquatic life and are ealen by many of the wading birds .

Mosguito fish are the small fish everyone calls minnows . These are a very important group o! fish as tbey eat the mosquito larvae that are laid on the water by adult mosquito('s . Thnse tiny little fellows are food fo.: just about anything that eats fish.

Catfish and Mudfish are two othe.r fish you might chance to eee1 but it is not likely as they are both bottom-feeding fish.

- ----------- -


The White-tailed Deer in the 'glades are the same kind of deer found thro\tghout the ea~tern


I United States. Their size is

smaller than their northern ,

counterparts. This has to do with

weather, not lack of food. They ar~ smaller because

they don't need an excess l 4ycr of £a.t to protect t.hem i "\ the winter. Up north it is cold and more fat means more warmth. They bed down in lhe hammocks when they aren' t feeding

in t!le open sawgrass. They have adapted quite well to living in this watery environment.

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~ -~are the masked furry bandits of the 'glades, usually only seen in the .?Vening as they are nocturnal. Food consists of about anything from a baby 'gator or bird to fruit and £ish. The hammock is home during the day.

The Oeo•sum gives the appearance of an overgrown hairy gray rat I Like the raccoon, it ls nocturnal, feedlng mostly on fruits and eggs.

Otter are long, 1hi.ny brown seal-like animals which are often called the playboys of the swamp. Seen usually in the water feeding on turtles, fish, and an occasional baby 'gator, they literally play with their food! Otter are still hunted in Florida !or their winter hide, used for making coats.

Bobcat, Panther, and Bear are also found in the 'glades, but are rarely seen.


There some 26 ilffert r1t kinda of snakes found in the park, each having a different habitat--tree, Ullder rocks, on dry land, or near the water edge. It would take too long to describe them all, so let'• stick to a !ew basic facts.

To a snake, n .iAn is neither enemy nor food, and a enake only attack• a. being when it does not sense his presence i.n time to slither away. The forked tongue that gtves such a dangerous appearance is a harmless -:>t'gan. Since snakes have poor eyesight, they muot constantly flick their tongue in order to smell what they cannot see. The baee of 1h tongue ia connected to a smelling organ in the roof of its mouth.



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Sm.kes are not slimy--they are cool and smooth. Their long bodies are co c red with scales that move when muscles contract. This allows the sni ke to move Io rward.

When snakes eat, they unhinge their jaws. This allows them to swallow some falrly large prey. They feecl by grasping their prey with their teeth and looping their bodies in coils around their vict.lm (constrictors espe­cially). Thia doesn't necessarily crush the animal but prevents it from breathing.

In Everglades there are four poisonous snakes--thc Diamondback Rattle­snake, Pigmy Rattlesnake, Coral Snake, and Cottonmouth Water Moccasin. Although man doesn't think too :much of these snakes, they are a friend to man. Certain snake venom ie of use in the treatment of certain medical conditions.

But, REMEMBER ••• don't pick up any snake. View from a safe: distance!


Red Bellied ,..L,urtle, is as the name implies, although that red is more often orange than not. A hard· shelled turtle, it feeds on vegetation like the blad­derwort plant growing in the canal. If you can't see its bellr look a.t its head. II it is yellow and black striped, it is a red-belly, all right. It spends moet o! its time under water feeding or basking in the warm sun.

The Softshell h a water-loving turtle which. has a leathery grayish-brown shell and a super long neck. It looks like an oversized pancake. It feeds on fish, but has bee.n seen eating otl:"'r forms 0£ animal aquatic life.

Everyone knows the Box Turtle. Ambling along a roadway, it searches out whatever it ca.n !ind--plants or animal life will do. The Box Turtle is so named for its shell wh.ich can be tightly closed a box when the turtle is startled. Both front a.nd rear sections are hinged for this purpoae. Mostly, it is a land lover!

Other turtles, such as the Stinkpot, Snappers, and Musk are seen less frequently.


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WHEW! I t Your field trip is over.. We hope it has be ell an enjoyable learning experience. The park also hopes that the experience is reinforced throug.,,..ut the remainder o! the school year. In order to help you do this we have pr~pared a few post .. site acti., .. iHea. Happy learning!

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Haiku and Ci.n.quain Poetry

Poetry forms 01· other scli-c:xprcseion activities are used most effectively in the n1idcl!e or .near ~he end of a hike. Ask the parti­oipa.nts to write a.bout sorncthing they have experienced up that point (a. sound, a smell, an object, a thought, a feeling, etc.). Let those who wish co do &o share their poetry wit:h the others, (See the forma.tis for Haiku and Cinquain)

Group Story

At a epct that particularly sparks thf! imagination, JP.t the g.r"oup make up a story. ~.: .;n could start it off, then let each p{':rson add something to the story.

Group Po( :l'Y

Group poetry can be don(:~ by letting each person write a. line or two a.a part of one whole poem.

Wishful Thinking

Pick a good spot where eve· yol'le can sit or lie down and be quiet £or a few motnents. Then asK each peraon, ''I:E you could be a.ny .. thing other than a being, what would you to be out here and why? 11

',,. .. '+.,_

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•word• Cinquain

,. ------s.

1. U•• l word to name the subject you are writing about.

2. Uae 2 words to describe #1.

'• U•• J words about what #1 is doing.

4. Ule 4 words to tell how you feel about #l.

'• U•• a word tta.t means the same as 111.

In the strict poetic sense, cinquain poetry (pronuonced san (d) cano ha.a few lines with a certain number ot syllables per line,

2 4 6 8 2

instead of a number of words. You might try to get fancy as 1ou go on with poetry, took at Haiku n~xt. Form is not the important factor, the expx·~H~sion of is. Poetic license allowed and encour~ed:

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Haiku ii a three line verae form which originated in thirteenth century Japan. Characteriatics of authentic Haiku are:

--Three linea: Line 1 contains 5 syllable•; Llne Z contains 7 sy~lables; Line 3 contains s--17 syllables in all. Englbh translations do nc.!. always follow this pattern.

•-Each poem include a the season, location, reference to nature. --No eubject matter deals with simple ordinary things. --No rhyme (Japanese words end in vowels or 11n" sounds). --Few articles or pronou.ns--syllablee can be used for better purpose. --Thought comes firat~ then the aylla.ble11 are adjusted to flt the fonn.

Examplea of Haiku for inapiration and demonstration by the Japanese masters.

Departing spring Heeitatea

In the late cherry blossoms. --Bueon

Simply truet: Do not the petals flutter down

Ju -:;:.. like that?

The old pond; A frog jump a in, ....


The sound of the water. ··Basho

Some student expres•ions .....

EARTHQUAKE A mon•ter trying To e•cape from his dungeon Beneath the earth' a crust.

· --Bob Thompson

MOTHER TREE Stretching out her arms To protect the world from the Fury of the akie e.


THE SEA The •ea le like life -­Mighty, big, and beautiful At dawn and at dusk.

--Jimmy Farnsworth

SADNESS The dying of the fl.owe re, The turning of the grass. The autumn breeme.

--Jean Gregory

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TEN LITTLE INDIANS (adapted tune)

Who eats who out in the Everglades? Who eats who out in the Evcrgladl·S? Who eats who out in the Everglades? Bet you can't guess who eats who.

First the mosquitoes eat on yotJ (ouch). First the mosquitoes eat on you (ouch). First the mosquitoes eat on you (ouch). Way down yonder in the Everglades swamp.

Then the skeeter fish eat the skeeter babies (gulp). Then the skeeter fish ea.t the skeeter babies (gulp). Then the skeeter fish eat the skeeter babies (gulp). Way down yonder in the Everglades swamp.

Great big f;zh come gobble up the skeeter fish. Great big fish come gobble up the skeeter fif!h. Great big fish come gobble up th~ skeeter fish. Way down yonder in the Everglades swamp.

Then the birda and gators eat the big .fish (snap). Then the birds and gators eat the big fish (snap). Then the birds a.nd gators eat the big fish (snap). Way down yonder in the Everglades swamp.

Man gets in on the big fw1, too. Man gets in on the big fun, too. M1:1 n gets in on the bi.g !un, too. Brings his gun and sh<?ots them thru (pow).

Gators ain't king in th~ .. Everglades swa~np. Gators ain't king in the Everglades swan-lp. Gators ain't king in the Everglades ~'t'·amp. Ain't no king in the Everglades swamp.

But there's old man bleeding from th~ skeeter. But there's old man bleedinp trom the skeeter. But there's old man bleeding .kom the ekeet:e:r. Ain't no king in the Everglades ~wamp.


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"THE FRlEN 0 11

Once upon a time there was an alllgato1·.

He was an enormously large alligator.

And he had this very special friend. A small boy.

The boy would come every day to the 1gator hole to visit hle friend.

This made the alligator very happy.

Each day the boy would come and bring a book to read to his very special frfend.

The boy trusted the alligator and the alligator trusted the bov.

Why, the alligator evch let th~ boy take things from his pontt.

Things like shells, and fiowe1·s growing in the muddy bank.

Things went this way for a long, long time (about two years).

But then the boy went away for a long time. a.nd the allig'tor was alone much of the time.

It was the dry season and the old alligator decided it was time to spruce up the ol 1 pond, ao he set about hie cleaning and digging.

It was hard work. but he didn' .. mi.nd because he knew that pretly soon his friend would return a..nd when he eaw how good things looked, the boy would be proud.

And the 'gator would be happy.

When the boy finally did come back, ~P. somehow looked dlfferent- .. old.,.r.

The boy spoke. "Alligator, I'm unhappy. I need some money. 11

"I have no money, 11 said the alligator. ''B• you can take some of my food-­the garfhh--and you can •ell them ·r nd make money. Then you will be happy. 11

So the boy did.

The boy went away.

This time h.e was gone a long time.


--------- - - - -- - -

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When the boy retur ned- the alligator roared with joy at the sight of hi~ ~ r iend.

''Hi, boy. Come sit by the bank and .read me a story like long a.go, : i

said the alligator.

"I haven't the time, " said the hoy. "I have a wife and family now, and t!-4ey want a lot of new thing a . ' '

"Oh, '' sc:\id the r. 11 I haven •t got new thing!! or I ·.JliO uld give them to you. Wait a minute I I have an idea. Catch those frogs over there and take them to the city to s ell and you will have money to buy thos~ things for your family."

The boy didn't like the id~a of getting wet. but he did, grumbling all the way.

And. of course. this all made the alligator happy to help his friend, even it that was his food.

It was a bad dry season, and the alligator suffe red. Not much food, especially with no garfish or frogs.

The alligator anxiouely awaited his friend.

Thie time when the boy returned he had a long, gray beard. He was getting old.

HI bear I can make good money from your hide, my friend," said the boy.

"I've heard of such things, but they say it is very painful, 11 !'!aid the alligator .

"If you still my friend. 11 said the boy, "you will let me have it. 11

''My hide is in poor shape from lack of food. I'm afraid it won't bring much money, but yes, I will always be you1· friend. You can take my hide. 11

And so the boy did.

And the 'gator was happy, but not r ... ally.

When the boy returned to the .alligator holP., his friend was gone.

The hole had dried up aad a ll t he birds we re gone.

The snakes, frogs, garfish, the cute little m osquitoes, the dragonflies, turtleB, .raccoons, and deer •

.All were gone and the boy left. alon(~ and unhappy.


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A child's world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excite­ment. It ls our misfortune that for most of us that clear-eyed vision, that true instinct for what is beautiful and awe-inspiring, is dimmed and even lost before we reach adulthood. If I had influence with th~ good fairy •:1ho is supposed to preside over christening of all children I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestruc­tible that it would last throughout life, a.s an unfailing antidote against the boredom and disenchantments of later years. the sterile preoccupation with things that are artificial, the alienation from sources of our strength.

If' a child is to keep alive his inborn sense 0£ wonder without a.ny such gift from the fairies, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the J.2I., excitement. and mystery of the world we life in, Parente o!ten have a sense of inadequacy when con­fronted on the one hand with the eager, sensitive mind of a chilj and on the other hand wi~h a '• '.J '!.'ld of complex physical nature, inha;,ited by a li!e so various and ·\lnfamiliar that it seems hopeless to reduce it to order and knowledge. In a mood of seli defeat, they exclaim, "How can I possibly teach my child about nature- .. why, I don't even know one bird f :om another I"

1 sincerely believe that for the child, and for the parent seeking to guide him, it is not half so important to know as to feel. If facts are the seeds that later produce -knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow. '!'he years of early childhood are the time to preF·~ r" the soil. • Once the emotions have been aroused--a sense of the beautiful, the excitement \ ~ of the new and the unknown, a feE-ling ~ / of sympathy, pity, admiration or A.."-~

love- -then we wlsh for knowledge / . ~ ' about the object of our emotional response. One~ found, it has / · 4' lasting meaning. It is more important to pave the way £or the child to k.'1ow than to put him on a diet of facts he is not ready to as slmilate .

- -Rachel on .A Sense of Wonder


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* Carr, Archie Fairly. 1973. Ih! Everglad~~--~ American Wilderness. Time•Life Books; New York.

Cart~r, INther J. 1975. !h! Florida Experience. John Hopkins University Pree1; Baltimore.

* Dickson, Lura D. 1970. Everglades National ~. Wonderland 12! Boye !!!S. Girls. Dickaon 1 1 Incorporated; Se)'lllour, Indiana.

* Douglas, Marjorie Stoneman. 1975. :th! Everslades: A River of Graas. - -Mockingbird Books; Atlanta.

*Everglades Natural History Association. 1977. Everglades National~ (slide and tape presentation). Holiday Film Corporation; Whittier, California.

* George, Jean Craighesd. ; ~/2. ~crslades Wild&'=!ide. · U.S. Goverrment Printing Office; Washington, D. C.

Mccluney, Willian Ross. 1971. ~ Envirormentat Destruction .2£ South .1lorida. Uni,.cuit:y of Miami Pren; Coral Gables, Florida .

* Robertson, William Beckwith. 1959. Everglades••.Ih! ~ Stor¥· University of Miami Press; Coral Gables, Florida.

Simon, Sidney. 1972. Values Clarification. Hart'Publishing Company; New York.

* Tebeau 1 Charlton W. 1968. !1!.!l~ ,Sh! Everglade.a. Univeroity of Miami Preas; Coral Gehlea, Florida.

V•n Matre, Stevern. 1974. Acclim ..... i·~ation. A;ccUmatizing. American Camping Association; Martinsville, Indiana.

* Available from the Everglades Natural History Association; Everglades National Park; Box 279; Homestead, Florida 33030.


Adventure in Environment National E~ironmental Education

Davelopment Materials (1<·8) Silver Burdett Company Box PM•S Morri1town, New Jersey 07960

Brevard Count? Environmental Curriculum Mate~ials (K-8)

·Center for Environmental Learning 705 Avocado Avenue Cocoa, Florida 32922

Environmental Studies (all ages) Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Menlo Park, California

Martin County Environmental Curriculum Materials (K-8)

Enviroanental Studies Center 2900 NE Indian Drive Jensen Beach, Florida 33457

Outdoor Biology Instructional ~trategiea (ORIS) (4-8)

Lawrence Hall of Science U·tiveraity of California Berkeley, California 94720

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