Download - National Operating System for Bangladesh

  1. 1. Md. Shamsur Rahim, Ehtesham Choudhury Student, MScCS American International University- Bangladesh Submitted to: ( )
  2. 2. Introduction: World has become Global Village due to the Technological advancement. But this advancement comes with some trade offs. At present, Countries dont get involved in Physical Warfare rather they get involved in Cyber Warfare. Recent Statistics shows that, Hacktivism has increased by 35% in 2015 than previous years. Vulnerability in Operating System is one of the reasons for being attacked.
  3. 3. Problems with Existing Systems Digital Bangladesh is not anymore the political manifesto of a single party as it has become the dream of 16 million people of Bangladesh. The usage of Computers in every sector is the key to digitalization. No Computer can perform any task without Operating System. It is a software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs. Although with the advantage of technology, now-a-days lots of Software are being developed by the talented programmers of our country, but still we havent worked to develop our own operating Systems. Countries like China, Iran, Russia have started to build their own Operating Systems.
  4. 4. Problems with Existing Systems Cont. In case of Operating System, we have only three choices: 1. Windows Operating Systems 2. Open Source Operating Systems 3. Mac OS We can categorize Windows & Mac OS as Proprietary OS. Windows operating systems are the most widely used OS in our country. In the following Slide, we have described the pros and cons of Proprietary OS and Open Source OS.
  5. 5. Pros and Cons of Windows OS: Pros: Easy to use Service, support & maintenance provided by vendor. For any kind of program bugs, vendors take the liability. Cons: Costly Vulnerable to Security threats like Viruses, Malware etc. Modification cannot do by the user. Redistribute is not allowed. Lock-in to a single vendor Not fully supported Bangla Language.
  6. 6. Pros and Cons of Open Source OS: Pros: Free of Cost. Modification is possible. Redistribution is possible. More secured. Cons: Very poor User Interface, Difficult for users to use. For Service and Support, have to rely on online community users and developers to deliver support via forums and blogs No one is liable for any kind of Loss. Not fully supported Bangla Language.
  7. 7. How Bangladesh Can be benefited by having her own Operating System: As we see, both the Proprietary and Open Source OS has some major disadvantages. Having/Starting to develop a own OS, Bangladesh will be: Worlds 4th Country to take this initiative, which will indicate our progress towards digitalization. Able to reduce cost by millions of dollars by stopping importing Proprietary Software. Able to modify and customize according to Peoples needs. Stimulated the local software industry.
  8. 8. Why Its the right time to have our own OS? To secure our National Data Center. Approval of strong law against Software Piracy [1] As most of the uses of our country uses pirated software. TIFCA Enforcement of Copyright Law With the rate of digitalization, the risk of being hacked is also increasing day by day. As 40% of our total population illiterate about English so an Operating System in Bangla will boost to speed of Digital Bangladesh.
  9. 9. Our Proposal: Our proposal is develop our own Operating System. In our proposed system, we will use Linux kernel. Security will be ensured. The kernel will be modified and tested to support our peoples requirements. The User Interface will be such friendly so that everyone can use easily.
  10. 10. ... Initial Prototype
  11. 11. Initial Prototype
  12. 12. References: [1]. ftware-pirates-snub-copyrights-laws