Download - National Institute of Urban Affairs - Heritage City … Institute of Urban Affairs Pre-Submission Queries for Selection


National Institute of Urban Affairs

Pre-Submission Queries for Selection of Agencies as HRIDAY City Anchors for 12 Cities Under Scheme “HRIDAY” of

Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India

The following queries shall be read along with the EOI document and Corrigendum-01.

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

1. IPE Global Private Limited

1.1 Section 2.1 Page 12 Scope of Work

Kindly elaborate on the skill set requirements (i.e. education qualification and work experience) for the person(s) to be deployed by city anchors for continuous support & delivery? This will enable us to streamline our approach for the proposal preparation.

The following shall be the skill set required from one person deployed by the HRIDAY City Anchor at the City for continuous support & delivery: Educational Qualification: Minimum Bachelors in Engineering or Architecture Work Experience: Minimum 5 years of experience

1.2 Section 2.4, Engagement Fee, (iii) Page 14 Fees for Evaluation of Detailed Project Reports

Kindly share the city-wise allocated budget under the “Project Implementation head”?

The city wise allocation budget under the Project Implementation head is as follow: Ajmer 35 Crores Amaravati 20 Crores Amritsar 60 Crores Badami 20 Crores Dwarka 20 Crores Gaya 35 Crores Kanchipuram 20 Crores Mathura 35 Crores Puri 20 Crores Varanasi 80 Crores Velankanni 20 Crores Warangal 35 Crores

1.3 Section 2.4 Payment Schedule, Point 3 Page 15 Payment for Preparation of City HRIDAY Plan

"…5 Civic infrastructure development plan (CIDP)...”for areas around tangible heritage assets. How many CIDPs will be developed for one heritage asset? Will at least 5 heritage zones be identified for each city? Kindly provide the city wise list of heritage areas for which CIDPs will be developed.

Only one CIDP shall be prepared for each heritage asset. In cases where more than one structures/assets are listed as one heritage asset, they will be included in the same CIDP.

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

Kindly refer to Annexure 1, Point 1 in the EOI document for further clarification regarding Heritage Area. In the

The Anchors shall be provided with the list of heritage assets in each City for which the CIDPs need to be developed.

In the event that a City does not have a total of 5 identified heritage assets, the City Anchor shall prepare Civic Infrastructure Development Plans for those many identified heritage assets.

Nonetheless, the City Anchor will be paid the entire fees for the preparation of the City HRIDAY Plan as specified under Section 2.4 of the EOI document.

1.4 Section 2.4, Page 15-16 Payment Schedule

The approval from these multiple stake-holders committee for each payment is very tough and it might virtually lead to a stage of non-payment to the agency working as city anchor. Kindly re-consider this and facilitate linking payments to acceptance by City Mission Director.

The National Mission Directorate will make all efforts to expedite the process of approval and payments.

In this regard, the terms of the EOI will remain unchanged.

1.5 Section 3.2, Page 18 Pre-Qualification Criteria

Kindly clarify if a consulting firm registered under Companies Act is eligible under this criterion?

Consulting firms registered under the Companies Act fulfilling the Pre-Qualification Criteria-2 as mentioned in the Corrigendum-01 are eligible to apply.

Only those agencies fulfilling either the Pre-Qualification Criteria-1 or Pre-Qualification Criteria-2 as mentioned in Corrigendum-01 are eligible to participate in the EOI as a standalone agency or as a JV or consortium. (Please refer to Corrigendum-01 for further clarifications)

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

1.6 Section 3.2, Page 18 Pre-Qualification Criteria

Kindly clarify what is meant by “Specialized agency” as mentioned under this clause?

The term ‘Specialized Agency’ refers to “autonomous organizations working with the United Nations and each other through the coordinating machinery of the United Nations Economic and Social Council at the intergovernmental level, and through the Chief Executives Board for coordination (CEB) at the inter-secretariat level.”

1.7 Section 2.1 Page 12 Scope of Work

There is no mention of team composition for carrying out the tasks under HRIDAY. Kindly state if this is it not required at this stage?

The following shall be the skill set required from

one person deployed by the HRIDAY City Anchor at

the City for continuous support & delivery:

Educational Qualification: Minimum Bachelors in

Engineering or Architecture

Work Experience: Minimum 5 years of experience

The remaining team size and composition shall be

determined by the HRIDAY City Anchor, based on

the Anchor’s understanding of the scope of work

and the timeline for completion of deliverables.

1.8 Section 2.3, Page 13 Engagement Duration

Kindly state the exact duration of the Project The Project shall end either on 31st March, 2017 or on the date of the completion of execution of Projects identified for the particular City, whichever is earlier.

Nonetheless, the retainership fee for the Anchors shall be paid for the entire period ending 31st March, 2017 even in instances of early completion.

2. Dronah and IHCN

2.1 Section 3.2, Page 18 Pre-Qualification Criteria

Please clarify whether the Non-Government Organizations involved in the National Advisory Committee are eligible to apply.

An agency that is formally associated with a member of the National Advisory Committee shall not be eligible to apply.

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

2.2 EOI: HRIDAY-01-2015 Is it possible to replace the terms ‘EOI’ and ‘Bid’ with Empanelment or Selection as this then Invites larger spectrum and recognized NGO’s to participate.

The word ‘Pre-Bid Query’ can be read as ‘Pre-Submission Query’

The word ‘Bid Document’ can be read as ‘Proposal Document’

The word ‘Bid Opening’ can be read as ‘Proposal Opening’

The word ‘Bidding for’ can be read as ‘Participating in’

2.3 EOI: HRIDAY-01-2015 Can the City Anchor be also empanelled with NIUA later for preparation of City level DPR? And will they be eligible to bid for DPR’s in other cities where they are not city anchors.

The HRIDAY City Anchors shall not be eligible for empanelment for preparation of DPRs in the City where they are Anchors.

However, for other Cities, the HRIDAY City Anchor is eligible to apply for empanelment for preparation of DPRs.

2.4 Section 2.3, Page 12-13 Key Milestones

Under section 2.2 on milestones; there is a contradiction between 1 B and 1 D – is the Final City HRIDAY Plan for 5 priority areas or for all heritage areas?

The Final City HRIDAY Plan shall include City Infrastructure Development Plans (CIDPs) for all heritage assets that are identified by the State Departments, ASI, ULBs etc.

Milestone 1B shall be completed upon preparation of CIDPs for 5 heritage assets, while Milestone 1D shall be completed upon preparation of CIDPs for all identified heritage assets.

2.5 Section 3.2, Page 18 Pre-Qualification Criteria

Clarify the term ‘specialized agency’ under section 3.2 on pre-qualification criteria. Does it cover consultancy firm or ‘for profit’ organization.

The term ‘Specialized Agency’ refers to “autonomous organizations working with the United Nations and each other through the coordinating machinery of the United Nations Economic and Social Council at the intergovernmental level, and through the Chief Executives Board for coordination (CEB) at the inter-secretariat level.”

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

2.6 Section 4, Page 21 Evaluation Process

Under Section 4 on Evaluation Process – the eligibility criteria in point 1 mention requirement of 3 master plan/tourism plan/heritage plan level works in the same city which does not seem feasible. Project Planning for State Level Heritage works should also be considered for point 1. In fact all requirements under eligibility criteria 1-5 should include city/state rather than be restricted to the specific city in order to allow a wider range of applicants.

More weightage has been given on specific City related projects to ensure that City level knowledge and experience is captured. In this regard, the terms of the EOI will remain unchanged.

2.7 Section 4, Page 21 Evaluation Process

Under Section 4 on all points is it possible to extend the term of qualifying projects to 7/10 years instead of recent 5 years? Would there be any points for projects older than 5 years or do we completely remove these from the application? In case the applicant has more projects for last 5 years (than the number asked for; can these be added in the list or does one limit to the number asked for only. Any extra points for these?

The terms of the EOI will remain unchanged for the requirement of 5 years for qualifying projects.

Projects older than 5 years can be included in the application, however only those projects meeting the requirements shall be considered.

The number of projects should be limited to only the number asked for. There are no additional marks for more projects.

2.8 Section 4, Page 21 Evaluation Process

Under Section 4, point 4 Detailed Project Report for ‘Urban Infrastructure Projects’ should be replaced by ‘Heritage Infrastructure’ or ‘Urban Infrastructure Projects in Heritage areas’ as per HRIDAY guidelines. It is to be noted that organization working on infrastructure in Heritage areas should only qualify considering the nature of intervention in heritage areas.

In this regard, the terms of the EOI will remain unchanged.

2.9 Section 3.1, Page 17 General Instructions

In a JV/Consortia are there any mandatory requirements for the lead agency in terms of Projects/ Team leader or any other?

There are no other mandatory requirements for the lead agency, besides the Pre-Qualification Criteria enlisted in Corrigendum-01 for the EOI document.

3. Sincere Architects Engineers Private Limited

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

3.1 Section 3.2, Page 18 Pre-Qualification Criteria

Does an Architectural Firm qualify for applying under Specialized Agency?

The term ‘Specialized Agency’ refers to “autonomous organizations working with the United Nations and each other through the coordinating machinery of the United Nations Economic and Social Council at the intergovernmental level, and through the Chief Executives Board for coordination (CEB) at the inter-secretariat level.”

3.2 EOI: HRIDAY-01-2015 If the agency is selected as the City Anchor for a particular city, can it undertake design contracts in the city or not?

The meaning of ‘design contracts’ in the query is

understood as preparation of DPRs.

The HRIDAY City Anchors shall not be eligible for

empanelment for preparation of DPRs in the City

where they are Anchors.

However, for other Cities, the HRIDAY City Anchor

is eligible to apply for empanelment for

preparation of DPRs.

4. School of Planning & Architecture, Vijaywada


Section 2.1, Page 11 Scope of work

“Prepare a sustainable Civic Infrastructure Development…. as per locally applicable standards”. Please clarify as per locally applicable standards, is it as per Master Plan or ASI regulations

Any proposed infrastructure development in the Heritage Area shall be as per ALL locally applicable standards including the Master Plan, Building Byelaws, guidelines issued by Agencies such as CPHEEO etc.

4.2 Section 2.1, Page 11 Scope of work

What role City Anchor will play in DPR preparation process

The HRIDAY City Anchor is not expected to play a role in the preparation of DPRs. However, they may be expected to provide inputs on heritage components to be considered by the DPR preparing Agency.

4.3 Section 2.1, Page 11-12 Scope of work

What would be the roles and responsibility of appointed City specific professional by City Anchor, throughout the engagement period?

The scope of work and roles and responsibility of the HRIDAY City Anchor apply to all individuals representing the HRIDAY City Anchor.

4.4 Section 2.1, Page 11-12 Scope of work

Team composition is not mentioned anywhere in the document. Please clarify.

The following shall be the skill set required from one person deployed by the HRIDAY City Anchor at the City for continuous support & delivery: Educational Qualification: Minimum Bachelors in

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

Engineering or Architecture Work Experience: Minimum 5 years of experience The remaining team size and composition shall be

determined by the HRIDAY City Anchor, based on the Anchor’s understanding of the scope of work and the timeline for completion of deliverables.

5. Darashaw & Company Private Limited

5.1 Section 3.2, Page 18 Pre-Qualification Criteria

It is requested that registered companies/ consultancy firms with similar experience in the sector, should be allowed to participate in the tender

Consulting firms registered under the Companies

Act fulfilling the Pre-Qualification Criteria-2 as

mentioned in the Corrigendum-01 are eligible to


Only those agencies fulfilling either the Pre-

Qualification Criteria-1 or Pre-Qualification Criteria-

2 as mentioned in Corrigendum-01 are eligible to

participate in the EOI as a standalone agency or as a

JV or consortium. (Please refer to Corrigendum-01

for further clarifications)

5.2 Section 2.1, Page 11-12 Scope of Work

Please clarify the experience and qualification of the person to be deployed at the city.

The following shall be the skill set required from

one person deployed by the HRIDAY City Anchor at

the City for continuous support & delivery:

Educational Qualification: Minimum Bachelors in

Engineering or Architecture

Work Experience: Minimum 5 years of experience

The remaining team size and composition shall be

determined by the HRIDAY City Anchor, based on

the Anchor’s understanding of the scope of work

and the timeline for completion of deliverables.

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

5.3 Section 2.3, Page 12-13 Key Milestones

Please clarify that in case the City Authorities do not have any “Existing DPR” then what will be the course of action.

In the case that City Authorities do not have an existing DPR, the HRIDAY City Anchor shall identify one heritage linked urban infrastructure project identified in consultation with the City Mission Directorate and prepare a DPR Proposal, within 15 days of being appointed, for which a Detailed Project Report can be prepared. There shall be no difference in the compensation to the HRIDAY City Anchor.

5.4 Section 2.3, Page 12-13 Key Milestones

Please clarify on what basis the appointed City Anchor will claim payments from client, for the task- HRIDAY linked evaluation of project execution, when his engagement contract lapses as per clause 2.3 i.e. on March 31, 2017. It is not necessary that project execution/construction will get completed within consultant’s engagement duration. In such a case, is there a provision wherein NIUA may extend the consultants contract formally as per same conditions after March 31, 2017.

It shall be ensured that only those projects will be undertaken that can be completed within the Scheme duration ending 31st March, 2017.

If due to unforeseen circumstances, the Project execution continues beyond the Scheme duration, the contract of HRIDAY City Anchor shall be extended only for the monitoring and evaluation component of heritage linked execution of that Project.

However, the retainership fees shall not be extended for the period extending beyond 31st March, 2017.

5.5 Section 2.4, Page 13-14 Engagement fee

Kindly clarify whether the budget under the “Project Implementation” head of each HRIDAY City has already been finalized or will be finalized as part of the City HRIDAY Plan. In case it is already final, we will request you to share the same.

The city wise allocation budget under the Project Implementation head is as follow: Ajmer 35 Crores Amaravati 20 Crores Amritsar 60 Crores Badami 20 Crores Dwarka 20 Crores Gaya 35 Crores Kanchipuram 20 Crores Mathura 35 Crores Puri 20 Crores Varanasi 80 Crores Velankanni 20 Crores

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

Warangal 35 Crores

5.6 Section 2.4, page 13-15 Engagement fee and payment schedule

The clause mentions submission and approval of 5 Civic Infrastructure Development Plans. • Scope of Work (Point I) mentions that the Civic Infrastructure Development Plans have to be made for areas around tangible heritage assets identified/ approved by the client, upon suitable assessment of the existing infrastructure availability and the requirements. • The tangible heritage assets for each of the HRIDAY Cities have also been listed in the document. • However, our concern is largely based on the proximity of these tangible heritage assets, and that whether one will be able to identify 5 distinct Civic Infrastructure projects around these Tangible Heritage Assets. • Since the scope for any civic infrastructure provisions cannot be limited to one specific point in the city, hence this might not be specifically possible. • In such case, where it is not possible to identify and develop 5 distinct City Infrastructure Development Plans, how would the performance of the City Anchor be assessed • In case number of such projects is less than 05 then how would be payments for first milestone be made, please clarify.

Only one CIDP shall be prepared for each heritage

asset. In cases where more than one

structures/assets are listed as one heritage asset,

they will be included in the same CIDP.

Kindly refer to Annexure 1, Point 1 in the EOI

document for further clarification regarding Heritage


The Anchors shall be provided with the list of

heritage assets in each City for which the CIDPs need

to be developed

In the event that a City does not have a total of 5

identified heritage assets, the City Anchor shall

prepare Civic Infrastructure Development Plans for

those many identified heritage assets.

Nonetheless, the City Anchor will be paid the entire

fees for the preparation of the City HRIDAY Plan as

specified under Section 2.4 of the EOI document.

5.7 Section 3.1, Page 17 General instructions

This criterion will limit the expert and experienced consultants from working for the HRIDAY Cities.

In this regard, the terms of the EOI will remain unchanged.

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

Hence, in the best of the envisioned development in the HRIDAY Cities, we kindly request to remove this clause.

5.8 Section 3.1, Page 17 General instructions ; Point (iv)

Appointment of a single agency for too many cities may lead to compromise on the quality of work and deliverables. It is thus suggested that an upper limit for the number of cities that can be awarded to an agency be restricted to 2 or 3 cities. Further, submission of separate proposals for each city is not necessary as it is QCBS and no financial quote is invited. Moreover the format F-5 specifies the willingness of the agency to participate for each of the HRIDAY City, and their relative preference for each of the cities. It is suggested that the Single Proposal Clause may be utilized, however, city wise separate approach and methodology and schedule can be requested from the interested agencies. This would reduce costs and the overall documentation volume, thereby facilitating faster evaluation of the proposals submitted.

Agencies are required to submit their priority of order for the Cities applied for, which shall facilitate the selection process for each City.

Regarding submission of the Proposal, the terms of the EOI will stand unchanged. Please refer to Section 3.4 of the EOI document for further instructions regarding submission of the Proposal.

5.9 Section 3.1, Page 17 General instructions ; Point (viii)

Please clarify whether NIUA will also go for RFP based detailed proposal invitation tender stage for selection of consultants/ agencies or based on this expression of interest (EoI) only the selection of agencies/ consultants as City Anchors, will be finalised.

Final selection of HRIDAY City Anchors shall be made based on the proposals received for the EOI for selection of HRIDAY City Anchors.

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

5.10 Section 3.2, Page 18 Pre-Qualification Criteria

The criteria can be more specific and elaborate to facilitate consultants to assess their eligibility. For example eligibility details like: annual turnover, number of related projects done & their total costs, experience in PMU/ anchor type services etc. can be kept in prequalification criteria so that more competent and experienced firms can be encouraged to bid for the project

In this regard, the terms of the EOI will remain unchanged.

5.11 Section 3.4 Page 19 Submission, Receipt and Opening of Proposals

Hard Copy refers to Printed Proposals or Hard Bound Proposals. Please clarify.

Hard Copy refers to Printed Proposals. Please refer to Section 3.4 in the EOI document for further instructions regarding submission of the Proposal.

5.12 Section 4, Page 21 Evaluation Process , Point 1

It is requested that special emphasis may not be laid on awarded extra points for local experience. This will limit the involvement of established and more experience consultants who have worked on similar lines in other parts of the country. Special emphasis to local consultants and agencies those who have specially worked on the HRIDAY Cities may please be omitted/ relaxed.

In this regard, the terms of the EOI will remain unchanged.

5.13 Section 5, Page – 25 Proposal formats, F-2: Agency’s organization & prequalification criteria

The column heading “Focus area of engagement “should be modified as “Title of project/ engagement” to facilitate clarity in pre-qualification.

The word “Focus area of engagement” can be read as “Title of Engagement and Focus Area”.

5.14 Section 5, Page – 27 Proposal formats, F-3 Proposed approach and methodology

By the terminology ‘high level recommendations’ is it meant that these are ‘major or vital recommendations’ Please clarify

In this section, the HRIDAY City Anchor is required to showcase its understanding of the City heritage and broad nature of projects that it envisions to be taken up under HRIDAY. Such broad recommendations on innovate ideas and suggestions shall be vital in ensuring the heritage linked urban rejuvenation of the Heritage Areas.

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response


6.1 Section 2.1, Page 11-12 Scope of work

In terms of reference should not the City Anchor also first develop an overall heritage vision for the city using heritage as the engine for urban development so as to be able to fully augment its full potential?

The HRIDAY City Anchor shall be required to develop the overall heritage vision as part of the City HRIDAY Plan.

6.2 Section 2.1, Page 11-12 Scope of work

The scope does not include any works related to heritage conservation or restoration of even city level landmarks or historic street scapes which are intrinsic to the identity of the city as also spelt out in indicative components of HRIDAY guidelines.

Only heritage linked urban infrastructure development projects shall be considered in scope of this engagement.

6.3 Section 2.1, Page 11-12 Scope of work

Could the city anchors suggest other projects like creating cultural attractions, cultural centers, craft centers, heritage walks etc, besides cultural museum or park as these projects should ideally determined from the vision and may also be left to city anchors based on real requirement of the specific city, other projects .

Such suggestions can be explicitly stated in the Proposal under the Approach and Methodology Section.

6.4 Section 2.4, Page 13-16 Engagement Fee and Payment schedule

If the city anchors wish to propose multiple concept plans will the fee be multiplies accordingly @ Rs. 1 lac per concept plan.

The HRIDAY City Anchors are required to prepare one Concept Plan per City, the fee for which is fixed at Rs. 1 Lakh.

6.5 Section 2.4, Page 13-16 Engagement Fee and Payment schedule

The principal amount over which the fee will be calculated may also be communicated.

The principal amount over which the fee will be calculated is as follows: Ajmer 35 Crores Amaravati 20 Crores Amritsar 60 Crores Badami 20 Crores Dwarka 20 Crores Gaya 35 Crores Kanchipuram 20 Crores Mathura 35 Crores Puri 20 Crores

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

Varanasi 80 Crores Velankanni 20 Crores Warangal 35 Crores

6.6 Annexure 6, Page – 30 Detailed scope of work

Five heritage areas are suggested to be identified however their scales are not specified, this number may also be difficult to achieve in smaller towns, in which case what will be the implication of the same on the fee.

The scale of each heritage area shall be determined by the HRIDAY City Anchor.

In the event that a City does not have a total of 5 identified heritage assets, the City Anchor shall prepare Civic Infrastructure Development Plans for those many identified heritage assets.

Nonetheless, the City Anchor will be paid the entire fees for the preparation of the City HRIDAY Plan as specified under Section 2.4 of the EOI document.

6.7 Section 2.4, Page 13-16 Engagement Fee and Payment schedule

What is the provision of mobilization advance as substantial work is required to be taken up before first consolidated fee is released.

The payment terms are mentioned in Section 2.4 in the EOI document and should be considered.

In this regard, the terms of the EOI remain unchanged

6.8 Section 2.4, Page 13-16 Engagement Fee and Payment schedule

Is the reimbursement for domestic travel & out of pocket expense allowed within set consolidated fee?

All expenses relating to manpower, travel, meetings and other out of pocket expenses are considered in the proposed Consultation Fee mentioned under Section 2.4 of the EOI document.

6.9 Section 3.1, Page 17 General instructions ; Point (xi)

In case of JV will the eligibility & evaluation criteria be applicable to all partners or lead agency.

Only those agencies fulfilling either the Pre-

Qualification Criteria-1 or Pre-Qualification

Criteria-2 as mentioned in Corrigendum-01 are

eligible to participate in the EOI as a standalone

agency or as a JV or consortium. (Please refer to

Corrigendum-01 for further clarifications)

The experience of the Consortium or JV shall be

considered under the Evaluation Criteria.

6.10 Section 3.2, Page 18 Pre-Qualification Criteria

What is meant by specialized agency? The term ‘Specialized Agency’ refers to “autonomous organizations working with the United Nations and each other through the coordinating machinery of the United Nations Economic and Social Council at

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

the intergovernmental level, and through the Chief Executives Board for coordination (CEB) at the inter-secretariat level.”

6.11 Section 4, Page 21 Evaluation Process

Evaluation process, and submission process seems to be based on one used for selecting a consultancy firm rather than a NGO etc the basic eligibility criteria as the assumption that all ngos are engaged in taking up consultancies and preparation of heritage dev plan etc. should the evaluation process be more conducive towards the working and functioning of a NGO rather than infrastructure consulting firms.

In this regard, the terms of the EOI will remain unchanged.

6.12 Section 4, Page 21 Evaluation Process

Also since the selection is for CITY anchors , only 60% of the overall marks are provided for city specific experience should this not be considered to be at 80% as experience in other national or international area may be desirable but not mandatory?

In this regard, the terms of the EOI will remain unchanged.

6.13 Section 4, Page 21 Evaluation Process

Moreover since there are not many projects that are required to be evaluated #4 may be considered to be relaxed.

In this regard, the terms of the EOI will remain unchanged.

6.14 Section 4, Page 21 Evaluation Process

Please also consider a 80% : 20% allocation to agency experience and approach & methodology respectively.

In this regard, the terms of the EOI will remain unchanged.

6.15 Section 6, Annexure 1, Page 30-34 Detailed scope of work

In case listing of heritage assets is not available or updated for the city can the city anchor make it afresh?

In case listing of heritage assets is not available or updated for the city, the City Mission Directorate shall ensure that the HRIDAY City Anchor shall be provided a list of minimum 5 heritage assets through joint consultation of stakeholders.

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

6.16 Section 6, Annexure 1, Page 30-34 Detailed scope of work

Besides taking up infrastructure development in identified heritage area, the link of heritage in urban development may please be clarified especially in light of the mission’s objectives & guidelines.

Any urban development which enhances the heritage component and supports heritage rejuvenation in the City shall be included in the Scope of Work for the HRIDAY City Anchors

6.17 Section 5, Page – 27 Proposal formats, F-3 Proposed approach and methodology

Are the city anchors free to identify other aspects of urban & tourist infrastructure beside enumerated under 1.1 iii? Should potential reuse of heritage structure for such activity be encouraged?

Such suggestions can be captured under High Level Recommendations in the Approach & Methodology Section.

6.18 Section 6, Annexure 1, Page 30-34 Detailed scope of work

Scale& level of stakeholder consultation may please be defined including its cost implications. Is the city anchor expected to fund such consultative meeting from their fee?

All costs associated with consultative meetings conducted by the HRIDAY City Anchor as part of the Scope of Work are considered in the fees of the HRIDAY City Anchor as specified in Section 2.4 of the EOI document.

However, if such meetings take a form of a workshop with requirements to mobilize large number of stakeholders, then costs associated with such workshops shall be considered separately in consultation with the National Mission Directorate.

6.19 Section 6, Annexure 1, Page 30-34 Detailed scope of work

Since city anchors are anyways expected to review existing policies etc should they not also suggest required institutional framework for long term benefits of the scheme in the city?

Recommendations on the institutional framework shall not be included in the scope of work of HRIDAY City Anchors. Inputs if any shall be shared with the National Mission Directorate and City Mission Directorate for consideration.

6.20 Section 6, Annexure 1, Page 30-34 Detailed scope of work

Annex 6 1.5 is not clear and not defined since in light of point 6 above , can this be reconsidered ? will additional fee be payable for this additional work ?

Only one CIDP shall be prepared for each heritage

asset. In cases where more than one

structures/assets are listed as one heritage asset,

they will be included in the same CIDP.

Kindly refer to Annexure 1, Point 1 in the EOI

document for further clarification regarding Heritage


# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

The Anchors shall be provided with the list of

heritage assets in each City for which the CIDPs need

to be developed

The fees for the aforementioned work is specified

under Section 2.4 (i) page 13 of the EOI document.

No additional fees shall be paid.

In the event that a City does not have a total of 5

identified heritage assets, the City Anchor shall

prepare Civic Infrastructure Development Plans for

those many identified heritage assets. Nonetheless,

the City Anchor will be paid the entire fees for the

preparation of the City HRIDAY Plan as specified

under Section 2.4 of the EOI document.

6.21 Section 6, Annexure 1, Page 30-34 Detailed scope of work

Should potential reuse of heritage structure for such activity be encouraged?

Such suggestions can be captured under High Level Recommendations in the Approach & Methodology Section.

6.22 Section 6, Annexure 1, Page 30-34 Detailed scope of work

Should compliance with heritage norms, conservation policy and understanding heritage impact assessment be essential part of this?

All of the components mentioned in the query shall constitute part of the review and evaluation of DPRs.

6.23 Section 6, Annexure 1, Page 30-34 Detailed scope of work, Monitoring & Evaluation

Since most of materials and design will already be determined in DPR and subsequently made part of tendered item should the scope of city anchor not limited to quality assessment, guidance and design / DPR compliance?

The primary focus of heritage linked monitoring and evaluation of project execution shall be quality assessment, guidance and design / DPR compliance. For detailed scope of work, please refer to Section 6, Annexure 1, Point 4 of the EOI document.

7. Indian Heritage Cities Network Foundation

7.1 Section 3.2, Page 18 Pre-Qualification Criteria

What is the definition of specialized agency? Whether an individual expert can be a part of a Collaboration/JV as a specialized agency?

The term ‘Specialized Agency’ refers to “autonomous organizations working with the United Nations and each other through the coordinating machinery of the United Nations Economic and Social Council at the intergovernmental level, and through the Chief

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

Executives Board for coordination (CEB) at the inter-secretariat level.”

7.2 Section 3.1, Page 17 General Instructions, point (11)

In small towns there are hardly any consultants who has handled infrastructure projects in the last 5 years. Is it permissible to use the services of an individual contractor in the collaboration?

Agencies can hire individual consultants as part of the Engagement Team to ensure quality of work executed.

7.3 EOI: HRIDAY-01-2015 As the EOI is predominantly for Infrastructure development, capacity building of the Urban Managers and Engineers on heritage infrastructure development ought to have been part of this EOI.

Capacity Building shall be looked at as a separate activity undertaken by the City Mission Directorate and National Mission Directorate

7.4 Section 2.4, Page 13-16 Engagement Fee and Payment schedule

Retainership fees for Overall Coordination and Advisory is required to be enhanced. Otherwise is it possible to handle the Anchor Agencies establishment cost from out of PIU funds?

In this regard, the terms of the EOI will stand unchanged.

8. IL&FS Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd.

8.1 Section 3.2, Page 18 Pre-Qualification Criteria

The tender is restricted to participation of NGOs/Not for profit companies. This does not give a chance for the Companies (as per the Company’s act) that have suitable credentials to participate in the bid process. The authority is requested to allow the participation of the Companies in the Bidding process.

Consulting firms registered under the Companies

Act fulfilling the Pre-Qualification Criteria-2 as

mentioned in the Corrigendum-01 are eligible to


Only those agencies fulfilling either the Pre-

Qualification Criteria-1 or Pre-Qualification Criteria-

2 as mentioned in Corrigendum-01 are eligible to

participate in the EOI as a standalone agency or as a

JV or consortium. (Please refer to Corrigendum-01

for further clarifications)

8.2 Section 3.2, Page 18 Pre-Qualification Criteria

The authority is also requested to consider the experience of Tourism sector development as they have been considered as evaluation criteria under clause 4 (Evaluation process)

In this regard, the terms of the EOI will stand unchanged.

8.3 Section 2.4, Page 13-16 The scope of work given for preparation of city Hriday Plan is exhaustive and includes 1) delineation of the

Please refer to Annexure 1 of the EOI document for the detailed scope of work

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

Engagement Fee and Payment schedule

Heritage Area 2) Mapping of Heritage Assets 3) Infrastructure Assessment Development of City based tool kits 3) preparation of DPRs for Infrastructure projects etc. The fee allocated for the task is substantially low and it is requested to revise the Fee for preparation of City Hriday Plan, as per the following;

City Recommended Fee for preparation of City Hriday Plan

Ajmer 40

Amravati 20

Amritsar 40

Badami 25

Dwarka 40

Gaya 30

Kanchipuram 30

Mathura 35

Puri 25

Varanasi 60

Velankanni 20

Warangal 40

The payment schedule for City Hriday Plan is back-loaded. The authority is requested to consider the change in payment schedule.

In this regard, the terms of the EOI will stand unchanged.

8.4 Section 2.4, Page 13-16 Engagement Fee and Payment schedule

The fee for evaluation of DPR and Evaluation of Execution of Works is not as per the market standards and needs to be revised to 4% to 5%. Consortium: Request the authority to allow the consortiums to participate in the bid process.

The Anchors shall only evaluate the DPR in heritage related aspects such as design, material, intent of City HRIDAY Plan etc. In this regard, the terms of the EOI shall prevail.

# Section No. Query Description NPMU Response

8.5 Section 2.4, Page 13-16 Engagement Fee and Payment schedule

How many personals are required to be deputed for Overall Coordination and Advisory? What is the experience level sought by the authority for personnel to be deputed.

A minimum of one person should be deployed by the HRIDAY City Anchor at the City throughout the engagement period for continuous support and delivery

The following shall be the skill set required from one person deployed by the HRIDAY City Anchor at the City for continuous support & delivery: Educational Qualification: Minimum Bachelors in Engineering or Architecture

Work Experience: Minimum 5 years of experience The remaining team size and composition is left to

the Anchor, based on the Anchor’s understanding of the scope of work and the timeline for completion of deliverables.

8.6 Section 2.4, Page 13-16 Engagement Fee and Payment schedule

The retainership fee prescribed by the authority is significantly low considering the inputs envisaged for the project throughout the project life cycle. The authority is requested to revise the retainership fee accordingly.

In this regard, the terms of the EOI will remain.