Download - NATIONAL CANADA Biological Sciences · MIcrobIlogst-Molecular Biologist. Ph.D. 1971. Soon to complete 2-year postdoctoral position in Europe. Seekng position in research or teaching

Page 1: NATIONAL CANADA Biological Sciences · MIcrobIlogst-Molecular Biologist. Ph.D. 1971. Soon to complete 2-year postdoctoral position in Europe. Seekng position in research or teaching

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AAAS Department1515 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20005

3 AUGUST 1973 473


Ottawarequires a


The Division of Biological Sciences at Ottawa re-

quires a Research Scientist, preferably with 4 to 10

years of postdoctoral research experience in Genetics

and Biochemistry, to cooperate with others in an on-

Page 2: NATIONAL CANADA Biological Sciences · MIcrobIlogst-Molecular Biologist. Ph.D. 1971. Soon to complete 2-year postdoctoral position in Europe. Seekng position in research or teaching




Anil Phydologst/Electron Microscopist, Ph.D.,major interest in mammalian reproductive biology.Postdoctoral involving electron microscopy andin vitro ova culture techniques to study oocytematuration and fertilization. Desires academicteaching and research or industrial research posi-tion. Box 388, SCIENCE. XAquatic Entomolgst Sc.D., interested in waterpollution, ecology and taxonomy, more than 25publications, research and teaching experience.Seeks challenging position. Box 389, SCIENCE.

8/10Blochemst, Ph.D. Permanent resident. Ten yearsof U.S. postdoctoral research on biochemistry ofchemically induced aplastic anemia. Seeks teaching/research position to pursue own research onchemical carcinogenesis and molecular biolog.Box 390, SCIENCE. DC

Biochemist, female, Ph.D., National Registry ofClinical Chemists, 18 years' experience, toxicol-ogy/drug screening, radio-immunoassay/synthesiz-ing antigens, desires academic research or in-dustrial position. Box 391, SCIlNCE. X

Position wanted as Electron Mkcroscopist and/or Pathology Assistant. Candidate has M.S. de-gree in anatomic pathology, 7 years' experiencein research and diagnostic electron microscopyand 5 years' experience in performing autopsies.Box 392, SCIENCE. X

Mathematicia, 33, M.A.+ Seven years of collegeteaching experience. Seeks position teaching math-ematics and/or physical science. Available im-mediately. Box 393, SCIENCE. X

Mathematician, Ph.D., strong interests in environ-mental problems, ecology, biology, energy crises,etc. Have taught introductory environment course,energy course. Very broad background. Someexperience in administration. Interested in thechallenges of liberal education. Box 394SCIENCE. AMIcrobIlogst-Molecular Biologist. Ph.D. 1971.Soon to complete 2-year postdoctoral position inEurope. Seekng position in research or teaching/research in university or industry. lnterests: DNArepair in bacterial and mammalian systems;chromatin transcription in normal and cancerouscells; application of biostatistics and computerprogramming to data evaluation. Publications.Box 395, SCIENCE. X

Russian-Englsh Trlator/Abstacter. Full-timeprofessional seeks free-lance assignments. Rateson request. Charles Parsons, 5914 Pulaski AvenuePhiladelphia, Pennsylvania 19144.


BIOCHEMIST-RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (1) towork on amino acid metabolism in peanuts.Should be familiar with amino acid analyzer,fractionation of plant proteins. Also interested inRhizobium. Ph.D. and agricultural backgrounddesirable. Able to teach bacteriology. Salary$13,000 per year.GRADtUAAE RESEARCH ASSISTANT (1) toassist in same area. Must show initiative. Stipendto $5,000.Please apply by 15 August to Dr. Jolius LHelis, Bsox 271, Flordda A&M University, Tala-hassee, Florida 32307.

Equal Opportunity EmployerASSOCIATE DEAN-COLLEGE OF NATURALSCIENCES, COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITYThe professional qualifications for the positionare a Ph.D. degree in a natural sciences fieldor psychology; competence in the teaching-learn-ing process as demonstrated by several years ofsuccessful teaching at both the undergraduate andgraduate level and successful supervision of can-didates for advanced degrees; a high level ofscholarly productivity as demonstrated by re-search which has been published in reputable ref-ereed journals, presented as talks before pro-fessional organizations and cited by peers in otherpublished works; and several years of successfuladministration of a reasonably large organizationwhich involved personnel management, budgetarysupervision and program development. Applica-tions (none accepted after 15 September 1973)with curriculum vitae and the names of threereferences should be sent to Dr. F. A. Graybill,Department of Sta,tis, Colorado State Univer-sity, Fort Co , Colodo 80521. Equal oppor-tunity for employment is provided through anAfirmative Action Program.


DEPARTMENT CHARMANApplications or nominations are sought for

of the DEPART-MIENT OF ZOOLOGY, University of Florida.The department Includes 32 faculty membersand offers a broad underraduate program.Graduate programs emphasize environmentalbiology, developmental biology, phyiolg,evolutionary and systematic biology, and meneticsThe department has stron tis wthte Nat-ural Sciences Division of the Florida StateMuseum and with marine stations on both coasts.The available teaching and research space wiUlbe greatly enlarged with the compklton of anew building in the fall of 1974.The position is open for the fall of 1974.

Applicants please send curriculum vitae andnames of at least four references to: ZSearch Committee, De of olg Universlty of Flordl GaIneille 32601. The niver-sity of Florida Is an Equal Opportunlty Employer.

DEAN, SCHOOL OF MEDICINEThe University of Arkansas announces a vacancyin the position of Dean of the School of Medi-cine and invites interested, qualied persons tosubmit rEsumEs. The U ofA Medical Center isan equal opportunity employer. Inquiries shouldbe addressed to the Vke IreMeat for HealthScienes, Uhverslb of Arkasa Medical Center,Mrkh at Hooper Drive, Little Rock,Arksas 72201.

OPPORTUNITY: MEDICAL EDUCATION-COMPUTER-ASISTED INSTRUCTION. Ph.D.or M.D. to direct and/or participate in transferof unique program in medical education to Uni-versity of Illinois PLATO system. Must be crea-tive, have strong interest in educational proces,and broad backsround In biological sciences.Applicants should enclos curriculum vitae andlist three referees to Dean, Medical School,1205 West California, Urban, Dinos 6131.

senior cellphysiologist

Your specialized skills and knowledge find full supportat Baxter, a world-leader in the health care field. Atthis time we are seeking the qualified cell physiologistto take charge of our blood physiology lab. You'll beparticularly involved with cell-washing protocols...developing procedures in the lab and coordinating ac-tivities of outside consultants. In addition, you'll carryout individual project development in the FenwalLaboratory line.

This is a career opportunity to progress in your field,to evolve and follow through on important programs.

A Masters degree in cell physiology or biophysics...with 2-4 years experience in physiology or hematology/chemical chemistry is required; a PhD degree without

experience is also acceptable.

With Baxter, you'll find a stimulating environment,advanced facilities...talented and highly expert staff.We're also offering an excellent salary, full benefitsand growth potential. If interested, please send yourresume, in confidence, to:

Mr. Norris EwaltDept. NE 47-M

BAXTER LABORATORIES. INC.Morton Grove, 111. 60053

An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F


CHEMIST/BIOCHEMISTSenior Research Chemist or Biochemist to develop clinically useful de-terminations for blood lipids. Will also conduct research projects in newareas of human lipid biochemistry. Must be familiar with analytical tech-niques such as GLC, TLC, IR as well as purification of lipids and use ofradioisotopes.

Expand your career with one of the nation's leaders in the rapidly growinghealth care industry. Excellent compensation and fringe benefits. Pleasesend r6sume in strict confidence to D. F. Barber.

DADEDiv. American Hospital Supply Corp.

P. 0. Box 672Miami, Florida 33152

An equal opportunity employer



Page 3: NATIONAL CANADA Biological Sciences · MIcrobIlogst-Molecular Biologist. Ph.D. 1971. Soon to complete 2-year postdoctoral position in Europe. Seekng position in research or teaching

*II|f J nn|||||POSITIONS OPEN IIIIIIIIR|II| POSrrIONS OPENMacrobrachium Hatchery Biologist

-MazatlanSyntex Aquaculture Sciences in Palo Alto, Cali-fornia, seeks a trained biologist to work in anew well-equipped hatchery for Macrobrachiaprawns in Mazatlan, Mexico. The hatcherybiologist must be fully experienced in all phasesof hatching and rearing Macrobrachia prawnsfor pond aquaculture. The biologist will besupported by a trained Macrobrachia aquacul-turist in Mazatlan and a large multidisciplinary(including intensive aquaculture) research centerin Palo Alto with whom the biologist will havedirect participation.Applicant inquiries should be sent to the follow-ing address, including details of previous experi-ence: Mr. Karl McCalla, Syntex Corporation,3401 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, Calif. 94304, orcall collect (415) 855-5401. We are an equalopportunity employer.

MYCOLOGISTPh.D. Assistant Professor combined with herbar-ium curatorship in the Farlow Herbarium, Har-vard University. Position involves teaching andsupervisory work in herbarium (half time) andresearch (half time). Good opportunity for aca-demic advancement. Send r6sumd to: Prof. ReedC. Rollins, Gray Herbarium, 22 Divinity Ave.,Cambridge, Mass. 02138

NEUROPHYSIOLOGISTResearch position for recent Ph.D. Collabora-tion in electrophysiological experiments whichinvolve recording of unit and population activityin central nervous system and peripheral nerves.Knowledge of control systems theory, signalanalysis, and computer data processing will behelpful. Participation in medical school physiol-ogy teaching; possibility of faculty appointment.Send resume to

Box 396, SCIENCE

illmi nnl||aw|saw-s 1111UuVIIIlW l8-


The Peoria School of Medicine, a 3-year clinicalschool in the University of Illinois, College ofMedicine, has four staff positions for personswho can teach neurosciences, endocrinology, ge-netics, immunology or hematology in an inte-grated organ systems program in the clinicalyears. Applicants must hold the Ph.D. or M.D.with a minimum of 2 years' experience and willbe expected to develop research programs incommunity-related areas. Peoria School of Medi-cine is a new school offering challenging op-portunities in education and research. A jobdescription is available on request. Applicationswith curriculum vitae and letters of recommen-dation should be sent to the Coordinator ofBasic Science Program, Peoria School of Medi-cine, 1400 West Main Street, Peoria, Illinois61606. The University of Illinois is an equal op-portunity employer.

ONE POSTDOCTORAL POSITION AND SEV-ERAL RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIPS leadingto the M.S. and/or Ph.D degrees available inwater resources or water pollution research. Pre-ferred backgrounds are environmental engineer-ing, chemical engineering, analytical chemistry,and aquatic biology. Write Chairman, Depart-ment of Environmental Science and Engineering,Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001.An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

RESEARCH ASSOCIATE. Position 1 to 2 yearsin duration involving biomedical and behavioralrecording of radiation effects in monkeys. Posi-tion requires experience in cardiovascular physi-ology, transducer implants and bioelectronics.New Ph.D. preferred, but will consider masterslevel applicants. Send curriculum vitae includingreferences to Dr. A. Bruner, Lovelace Founda-tion, 5200 Gibson Blvd., S.E., Albuquerque, NewMexico 87108

An Equal Opportunity Employer.




ENZYME BIOCHEMISTRYSenior biologist/biochemist requiredfor a position in our pharmaceuticalsTechnology Assessment group. Thisnon-laboratory position involves theidentification and analysis of R &Doptions; range of projects extendsfrom basic research to product evalua-tions. Broad interaction with manage-ment and scientific staff as well asacademic and government researchers.

We require a Ph.D. and a minimumof 1 year of academic or industrialpost-doctoral experience. Formal train-ing in biochemistry or biochemicalpharmacology, with strong emphasison enzyme function highly desirable.Must be comfortable and effective inoral and written communication.

Francis J. BestonDirector of Scientific Employment


A Division ofSmithKline Corporation1526 Spring Garden St.Philadelphia, Pa. 19101

An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F


We have immediate openings forcreative scientific literature ana-lysts. These demanding positionswill challenge your professionalskill & imagination. Our require-ments include:* Above average ability to analyze

and evaluate biomedical re-search papers perceptively, crit-ically and in-depth.

* Proven ability to articulate youranalyses in the form of precise-ly stated summaries and indexterms.

* A graduate degree in physiology,biochemistry, or other biosci-ence. Reading ability in Germanand/or French is desirable.

Full-time only in excellent NYClocation. Salary competitive andcommensurate with qualifications.Generous fringe benefits and pen-sion plan.Please send complete curriculum,including uninterrupted profession-al history starting with under-graduate degree, samples of writ-ing and at least three professionalreferences.Send applications in strict confidence to:

Box 397, SCIENCEAn Equal Opportunity Employer



Page 4: NATIONAL CANADA Biological Sciences · MIcrobIlogst-Molecular Biologist. Ph.D. 1971. Soon to complete 2-year postdoctoral position in Europe. Seekng position in research or teaching

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