Download - Nathan Johnson Johnathon Wheaton Peter Coutts Benjamin Wolfe Bruno Moraes Quintava


Nathan JohnsonJohnathon Wheaton

Peter CouttsBenjamin Wolfe

Bruno Moraes Quintava

Essential Oil Distiller

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review


P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

1. Introduction2. Background3. Current & Desired State4. Deliverables5. Customer Requirements6. Engineering Requirements7. House of Quality8. Use Scenario9. Benchmarking10.Risk Management11.Project Plan12.Next Steps

Project Background

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

Borgne, Haiti

Google Maps

Farmers of the Cooperative KGPB in Borgne, Haiti are in need of a source of income from their agricultural products

• An Essential Oil Distiller was identified as a possible mechanism to take advantage of crops

• Essential Oils can be extracted from various agricultural sources in Haiti• Vetiver• Basil• Mint• Eucalyptus• Lemongrass

Project Background

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

What is an Essential Oil Distiller?

Device that extracts oils from plant matter:

1) Water is boiled to create steam

2) Steam is passed over plant matter

3) Oils from plant matter are extracted with steam

4) Steam & oil rise up and travel to condenser

5) Mixture is exposed to cool water and condenses

6) Oil is separated from water

We want to sell the produced oils to local “Fair Trade” stores in the

Rochester area

Project Background

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

Variety of Shapes and Sizes

Small, Home Scale Large, Industrial Scale

Project Background

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review


Most ‘traditional fuels’ in Haiti are:

• Costly

• Non-renewable

• Non-sustainable

Therefore, there is a need for a renewable and sustainable fuel source to

help power our essential oil distiller

• Solar Energy – abundant sun in Haiti

• Photovoltaic

• Thermal

• Methane – from biodigesters

Current State

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

Right now, farmers in Borgne, Haiti:

• Have little to no source of income

• Plant crops purely for consumption

• Are faced with deforestation and errosion problems

• Move to larger cities in hopes of finding work

Desired State

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

We aim to:

• Create a feasable source of income from distilled oils

• Provide an environmentally friendly solution that does not deplete existing fuel sources or require reccuring fuel purchases

• Form a basis for future MSD projects to build upon, improve, and scale-up


● Working prototype

● Maximize use of sustainable energy resources

● Low maintenance and operation cost

● Produce oil with sufficient quality to be marketed

● A potential source of income for Haitian farmers

● A starting point for future MSD projects

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

Customer Requirements

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

1=must have, 2=nice to have, 3=preference only

Engineering Requirements

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

9=must have, 3=nice to have, 1=preference only

rqmt. # Importance Source Function Engr. Requirement (metric) Unit of MeasureMarginal

ValueTarget Value

S1 9 CR1,2,4,5,6,7, Make Profits Low product cost $ 689 500S2 3 CR2,5,19 Make Profits Maximize fuel efficiency MJ / lb 30 15.14S3 9 CR3,4,5,14,15,19 Make Profits Percentage of total energy produced from a sustainable source* % 50 100S4 3 CR1,6,7,19 Produce Oil Capacity of plant material cu in 160 272S5 3 CR9,10,11 Produce Oil Percent of floral water in oil (contaminated) % 5 0

S63 CR9,10,11,19 Produce Oil Recovers oil at a rate comparable to known industry values

% of industry standard

85 90

S73 CR9,10,11,19 Produce Oil Recovers oil at a yeild comparable to known industry values (0.3-2%)

% of industry standard

85 90

S8 3 CR4,5,8,9,12 System Operation Time to load, unload, & start process min 20 10S9 3 CR4,5,8,9,12 System Operation Training time required to operate min 90 30S10 9 CR8,12,15,19 System Operation Area of exposed heat >120°F sq in 10 5S11 3 CR1,4,13,16 System Maintenance Time to repair min 45 15S12 1 CR1,13,16,19 System Maintenance # of power tools required to repair Count 2 0S13 1 CR1,13,16,19 System Maintenance # of hand tools required to repair Count 4 2S14 9 CR4,8,9,14,16,19 Ease of Transportation width of largest system component inch 32 28S15 9 CR4,8,9,14,16,19 Ease of Transportation length of largest system component inch 60 36S16 9 CR4,8,9,14,16,19 Ease of Transportation height of largest system component inch 80 60S17 9 CR4,8,9,14,16,19 Ease of Transportation weight of heaviest system component lbs 50 <30S18 1 CR1,17,19 Acceptable Quality of Oil Percent of material surface that could contaminate oil % TBD 0S19 1 CR1,12 Acceptable Quality of Oil Ability to measure temperature in the range (value TBD) yes/no yes yesS20 1 CR1,12 Acceptable Quality of Oil Accuracy of temperature measure (+ or - actual value) °C 5 1S21 9 CR1,8,12,15 Acceptable Quality of Oil Ability to relieve pressure above (value TBD) yes/no yes yesS22 1 CR18 Test Oil Quality Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry N/A TBD TBDS23 1 CR18 Test Oil Quality Specific Gravity SG (unitless) TBD TBDS24 1 CR18 Test Oil Quality Optical Rotation nm TBD TBDS25 1 CR18 Test Oil Quality Refractive Index n (unitless) TBD TBD

House of Quality

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

Weight/Importance Engineering Requirement Customer Requirement

193.9 Percentage of energy input from renewable sources

CR3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 19

145.5 Size of system components CR4, 8, 9, 14, 16, 19

145.5 Weight of system components CR4, 8, 9, 14, 16, 19

27.3 Gas Chromatography/mass spectrometry Specific Gravity Optical Rotation Refractive Index

-Quality of oil is acceptable for oil buyers

6.1 Temperature Monitor Range -Low cost-Easy to operate

6.1 Temperature Monitor Accuracy -Low cost-Easy to operate

Use Case Scenarios

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review


Oil Extractor Owner

US Contact

Perfume Company

Project Benchmarking

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

Project Benchmarking

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

Distilling Systems

Benchmarked 10 distillers including home/hobbyist size, industrial size, and moonshine distillers

Key Findings● Dry steam systems provide the highest oil extraction but is usually reserved for

high volume applications due to cost of the equipment● Stainless steel is the most widely used material● Most common fuel sources: propane, electric

PhotovoltaicSolar Thermal

Project Benchmarking

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

Solar PanelsA few different possibilities:

Project Benchmarking

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

Heat SourcesBenchmarked a variety of different heat sources, with the goal in mind of producing steam throughout the entire process time of the vetiver plant while using sustainable energy sources

Key Findings:There are many ways to create heat, but due to the long process time of the vetiver plant (12 hours) it may be difficult to rely solely on sunlight as an energy source.

Project Benchmarking

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

Temperature & Pressure Sensor

● Need of a pressure/temperature controlling system

● Process pressure - Ordinary pressure

● Open system – operation around 100º C and 1 atm.

● Need of process monitoring – temperature and pressure gauges

Risk Management

● Risk minimization tasks identified:○ 15 Project Management○ 10 Technical

● Living document to be updated weekly as project progresses● Nearly all risks are tied to communication!

Highest scoring risks:1. Catasrophic product failure2. Test equipment not available3. Low oil yeild

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

Project Plan

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

● Rolling wave project updates (weekly)● Allowed for freedom within each assigned task● Included risk mitigation tasks● Baseline schedules to monitor changes and slipping tasks

Next Steps

P15484 • Solar Assisted Essential Oil Distiller • Week 3 Project Definition Review

● Identify oil quality metrics through benchmark testing

● Identify most viable and cost effective fuel source(s)

● Functional decomposition

● Concept generation and selection

● Begin developing test plan