Download - Natasja Paulssen S A P M D M And E S O A At Philips

Page 1: Natasja  Paulssen    S A P  M D M And E S O A At  Philips

MDM an enabler for eSOA

Philips International BV, Philips IT

Applications, Mr. John AG Wenmakers 2008 1

Founding Sponsors

This Presentation Courtesy of the

International SOA Symposium

October 7-8, 2008 Amsterdam Arena

[email protected]

Gold Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Data is an Asset! Systems are temporary, but ...

data lasts forever

Philips IT ApplicationsCenter of Expertise MDM

Mr. John AG WenmakersOctober 2008

Freeing the flow of information!MDM an enabler for eSOA

Freeing the flow of information!MDM a prerequisite for eSOA

Page 2: Natasja  Paulssen    S A P  M D M And E S O A At  Philips

MDM an enabler for eSOA

Philips International BV, Philips IT

Applications, Mr. John AG Wenmakers 2008 2

Philips International BV, John Wenmakers, October 2008 3

Who is talking to you?

• John Wenmakers• Representing Philips IT Applications

– Philips Corporate IT Shared Service Center focusing on Business Applications, mainly SAP

– ± 1500 SAP consultants (all flavors)

• 21 years in Philips IT in various roles of which 11 years in SAP, amongst others team leader of SAP Basis, S&A and Development for 5,5 years

• Project Manager of a MDM project in the Content Management arena (MDM Product Content Broker)

• Global team leader of the Center of Expertise MDM, since end of 2006 involved in SAP MDM

• Since very recent: Program Manager Business Line Consumer Lifestyle

Philips International BV, John Wenmakers, October 2008 4

• MDM SPOT Solution Design

• MDM SPOT Key-figures

• eSOA and the Product Control Room

• WHY MDM is needed in eSOA

• Lessons learned on MDM

• Q&A

MDM a prerequisite for eSOA

Page 3: Natasja  Paulssen    S A P  M D M And E S O A At  Philips

MDM an enabler for eSOA

Philips International BV, Philips IT

Applications, Mr. John AG Wenmakers 2008 3

Philips International BV, John Wenmakers, October 2008 5

SPOT Solution Design (logical components)


SPOT Content Broker


Rich Assets

XML Pipe-line Processing Engine

XML File









XML File

XML File

SAP XI Routing

EDI / XML Transformation

EngineXML File XML File


COCOON: Catalog driven XML pipe line

processing tool (incl. (rich

content and translations)

EAI Application Integration

MDM refers to published XML

Files of COCOON

MDM refers to Assets in DAM


XML import file mapping/validation XML Export file



Philips International BV, John Wenmakers, October 2008 6

Solution Design


CMC2.0 Processing

CMC2.0 Repository






Non-XML assets - CCR







… … Processing

COCOON: batch XML pipeline processing

• No direct access to COCOON from outside

• File (XML (XSLT 2.0))

• Used for HTTP retrieval of mainly pictures

SAP XI for Application integration: interaction via

• SOAP = web services

• File (XML (XSLT 1.0))


• Oracle RDBMS of MDM: MDM SPOT Products

• File system: Published XML assets of COCOON

• Oracle RDBMS of CCR (DAM): non-XML assets

Physical routing/transport

• SAP XI File Adapter

Page 4: Natasja  Paulssen    S A P  M D M And E S O A At  Philips

MDM an enabler for eSOA

Philips International BV, Philips IT

Applications, Mr. John AG Wenmakers 2008 4

Philips International BV, John Wenmakers, October 2008 7

MDM SPOT Key figures• MDM runs in a TWIN Center architecture, on a HACMP IBM AIX – ORACLE platform

• MDM runs in 2 LPAR’s with each 2-4 CPU’s, 16GB internal memory and 200GB Disc storage

• MDM has a 4 layer system landscape (SBX, DEV, QA and PRD)

• # of products in MDM SPOT is about 150.000, of which:

– 8000 Pending, reason no Master data available yet

– 7500 Marked as Deleted

– 48.000 of DAP, 73.000 of CE, 122 of Lighting, rest unknown

• # of links to Assets in MDM SPOT

– Asset types : 5000

– Asset links : 3.000.000

– Milestone links : 500.000

– Catalog links : 350.000

• Products repository size is approx 3.2 GB

• # of syndicated records per syndication run

– Weekly 4000 Commercial Type Numbers

– Daily 500.000 Assets to COCOON

– Weekly full load of Assets to COCOON: 3.500.000

• Biggest import XML file is 50Mb (catalogs), bigger files are chunked into 2Mb

• Biggest syndication XML file is 850Mb

• Throughput time of this biggest syndication file (850Mb) is 30 minutes

• CCR occupies 6TB disc storage and carries ±10.000.000 of pictures

• # of inbound interfaces: 16

• # of outbound interfaces: 10

Philips International BV, John Wenmakers, October 2008 8

eSOA and PCR

Page 5: Natasja  Paulssen    S A P  M D M And E S O A At  Philips

MDM an enabler for eSOA

Philips International BV, Philips IT

Applications, Mr. John AG Wenmakers 2008 5

Philips International BV, John Wenmakers, October 2008 9

Imagine all product related information to be easily accessible via a common

user interface: “a single sign-on entry to everything you need in your work –

whether related to business, functions or communications on your company,

your organization and country.”

Imagine the Product Control Room

► It leverages the One Philips Portal framework

► It is role-based

► It can be personalized

► It contains trusted consistent data and it turns product data into valuable information by providing context

► It has a consistent look-and-feel

► It is Enterprise wide accessible

► It is functionally easily scalable through adding modules

► It is powered by CMC2.0

eSOA and the Product Control Room

Philips International BV, John Wenmakers, October 2008 10

eSOA and PCR

Page 6: Natasja  Paulssen    S A P  M D M And E S O A At  Philips

MDM an enabler for eSOA

Philips International BV, Philips IT

Applications, Mr. John AG Wenmakers 2008 6

Philips International BV, John Wenmakers, October 2008 1111

Data iViewProduct Control Room

Aggregation level/user group




Philips International BV, John Wenmakers, October 2008 12

Product Control Room

Page 7: Natasja  Paulssen    S A P  M D M And E S O A At  Philips

MDM an enabler for eSOA

Philips International BV, Philips IT

Applications, Mr. John AG Wenmakers 2008 7

Philips International BV, John Wenmakers, October 2008 13

Solution Design (logical components)


SPOT Content Broker


Rich Assets

APACHE COCOON XML Pipe-line Processing


XML File









XML File


EDI / XML Transformation

EngineXML File XML File


Philips Enterprise Portal

Product Control Room ..Content entry

User interaction

WS GatewayESR


Philips International BV, John Wenmakers, October 2008 14

WHY MDM is needed in eSOA

• To have a single trusted information source within

your enterprise

• To prevent eSOA projects to crash, eSOA can make

it even worse...

• other words for proper eSOA you need to have trusted „Information

as a service“ available based on a information virtualization layer across

the enterprise

Page 8: Natasja  Paulssen    S A P  M D M And E S O A At  Philips

MDM an enabler for eSOA

Philips International BV, Philips IT

Applications, Mr. John AG Wenmakers 2008 8

Philips International BV, John Wenmakers, October 2008 15

Lessons learned on MDM

• MDM is immature and a niche market space► Robustness expected in 2011► MDM resources are scarce► Bleeding edge technology

• Need for complementary Tools / Services

• Think BIG, start small....may be start with vendors (spent analysis)

• 20% IT, 80% Business aspects► Data governance model► Data ownership/stewardship

• THE issue is Data Quality improvement

• Business processes are vital for MDM

• Define your ambition level (DC / DH / CDM)

• Launch MDM projects via the business, not IT!

• Define Business cases, also for MDM projects

• Company cultural change involved

Philips International BV, John Wenmakers, October 2008 16

Questions & Answers