Download - Narromine High School Newsletter...WHAT’S COMING UP? JULY 28 Info evening - Yr 10 into Yr 11 5.30 – 7.00pm 29 CHS Western Athletics AUGUST 1- 3 Student Leadership Camp 2 Country

Page 1: Narromine High School Newsletter...WHAT’S COMING UP? JULY 28 Info evening - Yr 10 into Yr 11 5.30 – 7.00pm 29 CHS Western Athletics AUGUST 1- 3 Student Leadership Camp 2 Country


JULY 28 Info evening - Yr 10 into Yr 11 5.30 – 7.00pm 29 CHS Western Athletics

AUGUST 1- 3 Student Leadership Camp 2 Country to Coast U16’s rugby Parent Teacher interviews–4.30-6.30 pm 3 Samba Experience 4 Education week 5 AECG meeting 8 Well Being presentation 11 U15 Basketball – Dubbo 15-19 Trial HSC exams 18 Yr 11 Taronga Zoo 24 Science Fair 30 Future Directions Workshop 31 – September 2 Yr 12 Crossroads

SEPTEMBER 2 AECG meeting 5-9

Yr 11 Final Examinations

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Welcome to new and returning families who have joined us this term. We hope you will enjoy your time at our school. As we begin the term we have much to celebrate, including student achievement and sixty years of formal secondary education in Narromine. Thank you to Mrs Reynolds who has written a detailed article on the beginnings of local secondary education, included in this newsletter. NAIDOC Day Held at the end of term two, the day was jointly conducted by our school and Narromine Public School. It was a celebration of Aboriginal culture. The keynote address was presented by Kyle Flaklelar, a medical student at the University of New South Wales, who spoke highly of the opportunities offered by our school and the support he received from staff. A smoking ceremony to launch our Yarning Circle project and an activity session involving students from both schools were other features of the most successful day. Well done to our Aboriginal dancers! Thank you to our musicians for their entertainment. Ex-student Honoured for Achievement Once again, we have an example of an ex-student achieving outstanding academic outcomes. 2014 school captain, Jonathan Simmons, has received the Dean’s Excellence Award for a distinction average at the University of Canberra, where he is studying for a degree in Software Engineering. Jonathan is also completing a cadetship with the Department of Immigration and Border Control. We are very proud of his success.

Narromine High School Newsletter

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Term 3 Week 2 Issue 5 Wednesday 27 July 2016

Page 2: Narromine High School Newsletter...WHAT’S COMING UP? JULY 28 Info evening - Yr 10 into Yr 11 5.30 – 7.00pm 29 CHS Western Athletics AUGUST 1- 3 Student Leadership Camp 2 Country

Distinguished Ex-student Our warmest congratulations are extended to 1982 NHS school captain, Mr Mike Mrdak (pictured), who has enjoyed a distinguished career in the public service and received an Order of Australia in the recent Queens Birthday Honours. His success is an inspiration to current students. Mr Mrdak is Secretary, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, a position he has held since June 2009. In November 2013, he received the Federal Government Leader of the Year Award recognising his outstanding leadership and work on major infrastructure projects, including the duplication of the Pacific and Hume Highways. On 1 January 2014 Mike was appointed Commissioner of the National Transport Commission. He is also the Australian Government’s representative on the Board of the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR).

Off to the 2017 New York Marathon Well done to Year 10 student, Joe Williams (pictured), who has been selected to participate in the New York marathon, as part of the Australian indigenous team. Joe impressed onlookers and officials by winning the recent 5.5 km run around Uluru. He was also part of the winning relay team. We look forward to hearing of Joe’s progress as he prepares for the grueling marathon. Talent at National Level

Samantha Tighe (pictured), a Year 10 student, is to be highly commended on the awards achieved at the National Paint Horse championships, held recently over ten days in Tamworth. Paint horses are coloured quarter horses, with an excess of white. Sam competed in the 14 - 18 years division and in the open sections against people who had travelled from all corners of Australia and New Zealand. In many sections, including the senior youth trail, hack, dressage, reigning and hunter under saddle divisions, Sam excelled in horsemanship and western equitation. She was named reserve champion in numerous divisions against highly competitive fields. In the open section, where Sam competed against some of the nation’s best painted horse riders, she was placed third. She won the award for the highest point earner in the senior youth division of the show. Sam’s photo, riding her horse Blue Gum Mystical Dancer features on the cover of the June/July/August edition of the Painthorse Journal, the official publication of the Paint Horse Association of Australia. Selected for Dubbo Base Hospital

Well done to ex-student and 2009 dux of Year 12 Angus Webb (pictured) who has been selected to complete his internship and residency at Dubbo Base Hospital. Angus is looking forward to a career as a rural doctor. We are very proud of his success, a culmination of hard work and tenacity. An Ex-student off to Rio We will be keenly watching the progress of ex-student Pat McCutcheon (2000 - 2001) and his Rugby 7’s team mates at the Olympics. Pat’s photo is hanging on our Wall of Fame in the foyer.

Page 3: Narromine High School Newsletter...WHAT’S COMING UP? JULY 28 Info evening - Yr 10 into Yr 11 5.30 – 7.00pm 29 CHS Western Athletics AUGUST 1- 3 Student Leadership Camp 2 Country

Artistic Talent We are most appreciative of the artistic talent and generosity of Year 10 student, Cameron Simmons (pictured), who has created an excellent mosaic sign for the school. Made in school colours and featuring the letters NHS, it has been located at the entrance to our meeting room, in the administration building. I suggest you take a few minutes to view it when you are next in the school. A Year in USA

Year 9 student Frances Sinclair (pictured with her sister Rebecca) has been selected to be a Rotary exchange student in New York state for all of 2017. Those who know Frances will agree that she will be an outstanding ambassador for her school and local community. Frances is an active member of the Australian air force cadets. She spent all of the last school holidays at a course, which she successfully completed, leading to her appointment as a corporal. We wish her well in the promotional position. Tom Kemp Shield Congratulations to our under 16 Rugby League team who won the grand final of the Tom Kemp Shield. The shield is a welcome addition to our trophy cabinet. The boys represented our school well, displaying good

sportsmanship and tenacity. Thank you to all staff and parents involved in supporting the team. Buchan Cup Supporters of our boys who played in the minor semi-finals for the Buchan Cup were no doubt very proud of the effort and courage displayed by team members who played against Farrer Agricultural High School. The final score of 35 - 12 was not an accurate summary of the way our boys represented their school on a very wet and cold day. Thank you to all who assisted with coaching and support on the day. Family Referral Service Based at Narromine High School A representative of the Family Referral Service will be working at our school every Thursday, commencing Thursday 28 July. We will be joining six other local schools that are part of the program, aimed at supporting families to access services and support. Please contact me, should you wish to know more about this initiative. Professional Learning Staff spent the first day of term engaged in workshops on best practice in assessment and programming and the principles that underpin PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning). The day was a follow up to a three hour workshop attended by staff after school late in term two. Since the start of term, staff have been involved in further professional learning centred on coaching for professional growth and best practice in managing critical incidents. Subject Selection The subject selection process for 2017 is underway. Parents of students in Year 10 have been notified of a parent information evening to be held on Thursday of this week. Our web site and Facebook will be regularly updated with information about processes for subject choices for 2017. Parent Teacher Evening and Education Week I look forward to seeing you at our parent teacher evening (Tuesday August 2) and celebrations for education week. Details about these events are included in this newsletter. Keeping You Up to Date Our next newsletter will be published on Wednesday 7 September (Week 8). We will keep Facebook, the web site and phone app up to date to ensure communication is as effective as possible.

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Please don’t hesitate to contact us for information relating to any aspect of our school. Our policy is to return phone calls within 24 hours. Angela O’Callaghan Principal


Shared Stories Better Learning Stronger Communities CONNECT – SUCCEED – THRIVE

Monday 1st August Wednesday 3rd August

+ Launch at assembly + Samba sensations Music workshop

+ Inaugural Student of the week Thursday 4th August

+ Student leadership camp + NHS Showcase assembly 12.30 pm in the

Tuesday 2nd August Multipurpose Hall

+ Student leadership camp + Coffee/ Tea & refreshments

+ Parent Teacher Evening 4.30 – 6. 30pm + p5 Interest Activity sessions - all students EDUCATION WEEK AT THE HIGH SCHOOL GOES BACK TO THE BEGINNNGS This week sees the celebration of Education Week across the state and the local High School is celebrating the beginnings of formal Secondary Education in Narromine 60 years ago, as the Narromine District Rural School. ‘Shared Stories, Better Learning, Stronger Communities’ is the theme of the week and the school would like to welcome back any past students to an assembly on Thursday 4 August at 12.30 pm in the Multipurpose Centre. Refreshments will be available after the assembly.

Pictured left - 1969 - the first 5th and 6th Form (Years 11 and 12) at Narromine High School.

While the formal building of a High School for Narromine did not begin until April 1968, moves were afoot for several years prior, as the need for local secondary education was advocated by the local community and successive Principals. At this stage the enrolment was 292 students with a projection to 340 at the opening of the new High School. Thus began a new era in Narromine of two separate schools. From 1963- 65, Narromine District Rural School operated three distinct departments: Infants, Primary and Secondary. At this stage the school had a total enrolment of around 800 students. But it was in 1966 that a separate Secondary Department was established and 1968 when the decision was taken to create an independent High School. This was the time of the expansion of irrigation in the Narromine area, particularly with the construction of Burrendong Dam, and it was felt there was a strong need for an ‘agricultural college’ to provide a well-educated workforce for the growing industry. Mr George Serov, principal at the time, spoke of the changes to come in 1967, as reported in the

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Narromine News, there would be “ ..additional subjects and a reorganisation of the teaching structure so there would be ‘parallelism’ in several subjects. Two senior classes would be taught internally within the school, which greatly assist those students who had to use the correspondence system. Two new Science laboratories, an art/ music room, library, clinic, staff areas, storerooms, shower/change rooms, toilets and shelter were in the original development of the secondary school”. This is the current B Block. In 1966 only two students sat for the Higher School Certificate and nineteen for the School Certificate. Mr Serov was confident the high school would develop its own traditions which would become ‘strong and permanent’.

Mr Serov also praised the efforts of the P&C of the time, for their ‘understanding, support and friendship’ but made the clear distinction between ‘growth’ and ‘maturity’. After nearly 60 years of dedicated service to the Narromine community and its families, with many stories of success, this maturity is clearly evident. The school is interested in collecting stories, photos and any other information from past students from this era, as we develop a High School archive as part of our Library renovations.

Stage 1 of the new building program

SCIENCE NEWS This term is set to be a busy one for the Narromine High School Science Faculty and students. We have Year 7 science classes going to the zoo for a classification study trip. This visit is optional but a fantastic opportunity for

students to experience animal encounters, a classroom session with a Wildlife Keeper and a play in the playground. Year 11 Biology will also be heading to the zoo this term for a workshop to support their learning of the topic of 'The Evolution of Australian Biota'. The zoo has partnered with the Australian Museum and the botanical gardens to bring resources from across these facilities to this wonderful workshop. Schools from across the region will participate in the day. It is a very worthwhile workshop. Hence, all students are encouraged to participate. Saving the best till last, the science faculty is busily preparing for the Narromine High School

Science Spectacular which will be held on Wednesday 24 August. A copy of the poster for this event is featured in this newsletter. This is our biggest event in Science for the year and only occurs biannually. It showcases student ‘Science Board’ projects which are presently being worked on during science lessons. We ask that parents also encourage students to work on their project at home. Please refer to the table below for information about what is required of your child as they are completing their project. Students are welcome to see their teacher if extra help is needed. The top two student projects from each year will be entered in the regional science fair which will be held in Wollongong. This is an exciting excursion opportunity. Funds raised from the Science Spectacular night will go towards subsidising the cost of this excursion. From all the Science staff, we hope to see all students and their families at the Science Spectacular!! DATE PROGRESS

Term 3 Week 1 – 18 - 22 July Results put in graphs

Week 2 – 25 – 29 July Discussion and conclusion written

Week 3 – 1 – 5 August Editing and finalising before printing

Week 4 – 8 – 12 August Putting project onto a board

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NSW STATE RUGBY SEVENS –THE KINGS SCHOOL PARRAMATTA Monday 27 June saw 24 students from Narromine High travel to Sydney to compete in the NSW all schools Rugby Sevens. The two teams, both under 16’s, competed well and represented the school admirably. Accommodation at Baker House was superb, with individual rooms, table tennis facilities, king size pool table, outdoor BBQ facilities , a huge TV entertainment room and a modern kitchen. All the students behaved well, which made the trip all the more enjoyable. Staff in attendance included Mr McCabe, Mrs Davison, Mr Smyth and Miss Payne. Both teams played five games on the Tuesday against some quality opposition. The boys and girls both had the pleasure of playing Westmead Sports High and some other large rugby orientated schools. The boys side played Narrara Valley High from the Central Coast in the final for the Shield, winning five tries to three. Thanks to all those that helped with fund raising prior to the event and to McCutcheon Transport who helped by sponsoring the rugby shorts. Mr McCabe PDHPE


THE TELL THEM FROM ME STUDENT FEEDBACK SURVEY This term, our school, like many other public schools in the state, will participate in a Department of Education initiative: the Tell Them From Me student feedback survey. The survey aims to help improve student learning outcomes and measures factors that are known to affect academic achievement and other student outcomes. The focus of the NSW-wide survey is on student wellbeing, engagement and effective teaching practices. You may remember that our students also participated in a Tell Them From Me student survey in Term 1 this year. Asking students to complete the survey twice in one year allows us to

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identify trends in student responses as well as track engagement and motivation across the school year. More information about the survey is available at: The survey is a great opportunity for our students to provide us with valuable and quick feedback on what they think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. Schools in Australia and around the world have used the Tell Them From Me survey to help improve how they do things at school. I want to assure you that the survey is confidential. The survey is conducted online and will typically take less than 30 minutes to complete. It will be administered during school hours between 22 August and 21 October. Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary. A consent form and FAQs for parents/carers about the survey is being sent home with students. If you do not want your child or children to participate, please return the form to school by Wednesday 17 August. Copies of the form are included in the newsletter. The Partners in Learning parent feedback survey This Term, our school will be participating in the Partners in Learning parent survey, another part of the Tell Them From Me suite of surveys (student, teacher and parent surveys) on student engagement. The survey asks parents and carers questions about different factors that are known to impact on student wellbeing and engagement. Running this survey will help our school understand parents’ and carers’ perspectives on their child’s experience at school. These include: communication between parents/carers and staff, activities and practices at home and parent/carer views on the school's support of learning and behaviour. This valuable feedback will help our school make practical improvements. The survey is conducted entirely online at home or on public computers. The survey will typically take 15

minutes or less to complete and is completely confidential. The parent survey will be conducted

between 22 August and 21 October. Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary, however, your

responses are very much appreciated.

More information about the survey is available at: Ms Peggy Jones Learning Assistance Teacher

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