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Conor Ward

January 22, 2015

Dr. Dietel-Mclaughlin

First Assignment Reflection

In the beginning , this assignment was extremely difficult for me. I did not have any clue

what I was going to write about, because originally I thought that the assignment was just to

write a narrative. As my narrative says, I took me a longtime to come to the idea about writing

about the assignment itself. However, once I figured out a topic the essay almost wrote itself. I

was able to breeze through the actual typing of the essay, because I was basically just typing

about events that had occurred only a few hours before. Thus, because I had a lot of material to

work with I was able to quickly fill up an essay that would meet the time requirements. If any-

thing, I was scared that the narrative would be too long.

Even though I was able to type up the essay at a very fast pace, it was still very rough

grammatically. I took a lot of reviewing and editing to finally get the essay to a place where I

was happy with how it sounded grammatically. This part of the essay was the most time consum-

ing, mostly because it took multiple drafts and read throughs to achieve this goal. Once I was

able to Finnish this part I was able to take it to the writing center where I put some fine touches

on it. I added some more description and elaborated more on how I would use screens to pro-


Usually when I write an essay I will make some type of outline or I will at least bullet

point my ideas. However, with this essay I just typed all the thoughts that were going through my

head. I knew that if I didn't get everything down on the paper, I would forget what I wanted to

write. I think not writing an outline for this assignment had some advantages, because I was able

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to just write down all my thoughts. It gave the narrative a more flowing and natural sounding

rhythm. Through this process my transitions were less forced and I was naturally move from idea

to idea.

For me the most difficult part of this assignment was recording it, because I would con-

stantly mess up and have to restart. I ended up recording it piece by piece so if I messed up I

wouldn't have to completely restart. Otherwise, I don't think I would have been able to Finnish

recording it. I would accidentally skip a word or misread something and this would make me

have to start over. Once I finished though, I was very happy with the finished product.

In the end, I was very happy with my final product. I was able to put all the thoughts and

experiences I had into a coherent narrative that conveyed my struggle of finding a way to over

come procrastination and distractions.