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By jade karakaya

Page 2: Narrative


Linear is a progressing from one stage to another in a single series of steps. It is where something is told in a specific order. An example of linear would be reading a book which is told in a specific order.

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Non linear

Non linear is something that doesn’t go in a step by step sequence. This is where something isn't told in a specific order. An example that is non linear is chats or a blog.

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A flashback is a scene from a film or a novel etc that is set in a time earlier than the main story. An example of a flashback would be a TV production.

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• Realist is a story based on real life events . An example of realist would be the episode of Big Bother in 2007.

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Anti realist

• Anti realist is where the plot isn't meant to be easy to relate to and is something that is out of the ordinary.

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Open narrative

Open narrative is a storyline that will carry on going leaving us on a cliff-hanger each time on finishes however it carries on so we question ourselves after each episode which is an example.

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Closed narrative

A closed narrative is a storyline that comes to an end and we cannot find out or know more than what is told because it has an ending which would be the film salt as an example.

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Geek love

This is a web drama that tells a story about different geeks and whether they will find love and in each episode it contains a different person that has a documentary based on them. This web drama has very restricted narrative as we don’t know what is going to happen next. During the end there is a sudden change and this web drama is a linear structure because it tells us a story based on the main character. It also has realist narrative structure as the things that happen would happen in real life.