Download - Narrative 1

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Media Studies


Page 2: Narrative 1

NarrativeThis relates to the analysis

section of the Music Video coursework Blog

It is also relevant to Question 1(a) of the G325 Critical Perspectives in Media examination

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NarrativeWhat is ‘narrative’?StoryPlotNarrative is the way

the story is organised

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NarrativeElements of Narrative:TimeClosureEnigma

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NarrativeClassical Hollywood

Narratives:LinearFew, if any, sub-plotsTendency towards


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NarrativeTheories of Narrative1) TodorovEquilibriumDisruptionResolutionNew Equilibrium

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Narrative2) ProppAnalysed folk stories8 Key Character Roles:

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Narrative 1. The Hero 2. The Villain 3. The Donor (Provider) 4. The Helper 5. The Father 6. The Dispatcher 7. The Princess 8. The False Hero