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Predictive Nakshatra Astrology Webinar Course Batch 1

Chart Collation: Utpal Pathak, India

Copy Editor: Ekaterina Dimitrova, Bulgaria

Software Courtesy: Jagannatha HoraVer 7.6

Rohini Nakshatra :

Deity: Prajapati or Brahma also called Vidhi or Viranchi.

Shakti: Rohana Shakti (Power to make things grow or create)

Dicta: Rohini natives have strong association with dancing, singing, music, art, drama

and acting. Rohini nakshatra natives show excessive erotic self-interest in oneself and

one’s appearance. Rohini demonstrates love, passion, romanticism, sensuality, and

ecstasy just like the Moon who wanted to stay with his favourite consort Rohini of the

27 wives (27 nakshatras). Rohini natives are usually charming, charismatic, and

physically attractive.

Planets & Padas involved are Mars-Aries- 1st Pada, Venus-Taurus- 2nd Pada, Merucry-

Gemini- 3rd Pada and Moon-Cancer-4th Pada.

Let us illustrate the above dicta by taking a few charts those were posted on the Facebook

Research page of Saptarishis Predictive Nakshatra Astrology Webinar Course Batch 1.

Chart 1: Mr. Sunil Dutta (Contributed by Utpal Pathak, India)

DOB: 06-June-1931; TOB: 11:30:46 Hrs (+5:30 east); POB: 88E09, 22N15, Khurd, India.

a. Native is an Indian Movie Actor, Producer, Director and Politician

b. Native had ascendant lord Sun in Rohini Nakshatra, 4th Pada (Cancer). Ruler of Sun

in 10H (Career) is Venus who is also 3L (Arts of all kinds). Venus is also conjunct

Mercury another planet for success in artistic skills

c. Moon is 9th from Sun's placement in 10H. This indicates opening of his Bhagya of 10H

(Digbali Sun ) by dashas of pada lord Moon

d. His acting skills were remarkable

Chart 2: Asha Parekh (Contributed by Utpal Pathak)

DOB: 02-October-1942; TOB: 12:00:53 Hrs (+5:30 east); POB: 72E50, 18N58, Mumbai, India.

a. She is a Bollywood actress, trained in classical dancing, director, and producer. She

was one of the top stars in Hindi films from 1959 to 1973. In 1992, she was honored with

the Padma Shri by the Government of India. Parekh is regarded as one of the most

successful and influential Hindi movie actresses of all time

b. Her chart is having 3L & 4L Saturn retro in Rohini Nakshatra, Pada 3 (Gemini).

Saturn gave her talents as 3L in 7H (10th from 10H) aspecting 1H. As Saturn is old

planet she found love later in her life and as retrograde malefic in 7H, she remained


c. There were rumours that she was romantically involved with her married director

Nasir Hussain. In her later years, Parekh said that she had a longtime boyfriend but

declined to elaborate on the relationship, only stating that it was nice while it lasted

Chart 3: Jules Frederik Massenet (Contributed by Utpal Pathak, India)

DOB: 12-May-1842; TOB:-01:00:00 Hrs (+0:18 east); POB: 4E25, 45N25, Montaud ,France

a. Jules Émile Frédéric Massenet was a French composer best known for his operas, of

which he wrote more than thirty. The two most frequently staged are Manon (1884)

and Werther (1892). He also composed oratorios, ballets, orchestral works, incidental

music, piano pieces, songs and other music

b. His chart has Venus in 2nd Taurus Pada (as 5L & 10L), Moon in Gemini Pada (as 7 L)

& Mars in 1st Aries Pada (as 4 & 11L) indicating great concentration of Rohini's

creative and growing energy in 5H of self expression

c. This helped native to excel in his chosen field

Chart 4: Kishore Kumar (Contributed by Utpal Pathak, India)

DOB: 04-August-1929; TOB: 16:00:01 Hrs (+5:30 east); POB: 76E20, 21N50, Khandwa, India.

a. Kishore Kumar was an Indian film playback singer, actor, lyricist, composer, producer,

director, screenplay writer and scriptwriter. He is considered as one of the most

successful playback singers of the Hindi film industry

b. Jupiter disposits 2L Saturn (vocal cords) and Saturn is placed in Lagna

c. He had a mesmerizing /amazing voice

d. In his chart Jupiter Lagna lord (self) and 4L (Happiness) is in the Rohini Nakshatra 3rd

Pada (in Gemini). Mercury's connection by Pada as 10L & 7L with lagna lord and

Venus dispositing Jupiter gave him multiple talents

e. 7H (Spouse) is occupied by Venus (11L Spouse). All three related house lords i.e.

Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon (Lord of Rohini) are placed in 6, 7 and 8H

f. He had four marriages

Chart 5: A Female Native (Contributed by Utpal Pathak, India)

DOB: 13-March-1984; TOB: 10:47:00 Hrs (+5:30 east); POB: 72E50, 18N58, Mumbai, India.

a. Vargottama Rahu is in Ascendant in Rohini Nakshatra, Pada 3 (Gemini). Effects are

on her personality

b. She is very beautiful & has well decorated house. Native has always been a lover of

music, dance and very friendly. Passionate and sensual about lot of things

Chart 6: A Male Native (Contributed by Aniket Patel, India)

DOB: 28-August-1988; TOB: 19:25:00 Hrs (+5:30 east); POB: 73E12, 22N18, Vadodara, India.

a. 11L Jupiter of friends is in 4th house in Rohini, Pada 1. Pada Lord is Mars and sign lord

is Venus

Most of his friends are girls, he has more than one (3 to 4) affairs at a time. He is also

very emotional and a lusty guy

b. He is very sensitive about feelings and mentally stable, that's why he can handle all

friends at one time

c. His home (4th house) is very decorative with flowers and plants

Chart 7: A Female Native (Contributed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Bulgaria)

DOB: 05-June-1942; TOB: 13:13:00 Hrs (+2.00 east); POB: 27E28, 42N30

a. Female chart, Sun and Saturn in Rohini

b. The woman had business selling flower seeds from Holland and many other

agricultural seeds. She is fond of gardening (all kind of plants). She also has an orchard

garden. By profession she is a nurse. Hospitality is one of her main traits.

c. She is very musical, loves to dance and sing, she learned to play the piano at the age of

70. She is really creative and good narator – she has written and published two books

with life stories about the village she lives in.

d. She is a beautiful woman and is always dressed in smart, elegant clothes, shoes.

e. Sun as 12th lord and Saturn as 5th lord “She has had only one strong relationship - with

her husband, no extramarital affairs, she is still together with her husband.”

Readers are advised to rigorously test this technique with an open mind before accepting it

and post their comments to us at [email protected].