Download - mySystem User Guide - Academic Computing Service · mySystem User Guide P a g e | 9 Steps 8: Submitted ^CentOS, SuSE _ or ^Ubuntu server, go to step 9. Submitted ^Microsoft Windows


mySystem User Guide

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mySystem User Guide

mySystem User Guide

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Revision History Version Date Prepared By Summary of Changes

1.0 Jul 1, 2018 Raymond Tsang Initial release

mySystem User Guide

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Table of Contents 1. What is mySystem? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5

2. How to apply mySystem? ……………………………………………………………………………………….………………5

3. How to logon mySystem? ……………………………………………………………………………………….………………10

4. How to delete my own mySystem?…………………………………………………………………………………………11

5. How to change my own user password in mySystem?………………………………………………………………15

6. How to change my own root password in mySystem?………………………………………………………………16

mySystem User Guide

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This guideline provides information on how to operate mySystem service and how to change the user

and root password within mySystem

This guideline is prepared by Information Technology Services (ITS) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic

University (PolyU)

1.0 “What is mySystem?” 2.0 “How to apply mySystem?” 3.0 “How to logon mySystem?” 4.0 “How to delete my own mySystem?” 5.0 “How to change my own user password in mySystem?” 6.0 “How to change my own root password in mySystem?”

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1.0 What is mySystem?

mySystem service is for users in Academic Computing Services(ACS) to run, test or develop their

applications on virtual machine environment for teaching, learning and research purpose. It can provide

64 bit Linux and Windows operating system for the virtual machine with pre-defined resources. User

can own one mySystem's virtual machine with administrative privileges but with some limitation.

The followings are the core limitation.

The resource for mySystem virtual machine is limited.

No access is allowed from internet to mySystem virtual machine.

No access from mySystem virtual machine to server farm network.

User is allowed to apply and own one mySystem virtual machine at a time.

Update on fundamental system and network configuration is not allowed.

2.0 How to apply mySystem? Steps 1: Login to “Academic Computing Services” web page. Login with your NetID and

NetPassword (URL:

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Steps 2: Click “mySystem”

Steps 3: To create a new mySystem, click “Management of mySystem”

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Steps 4: Read the disclaimer

Steps 5: Check the box “I have read, understood and accepted the “Accepted User Policy for IT

Facilities and Services “ listed above” if accept the disclaimer. Click “Continue with management of


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Steps 6: Choose the option “Create a new mySystem” and click “Submit”

Steps 7: There have six choices for the operating system for mySystem, click “Submit” to continue.

i) CentOS 6.9 Server ii) CentOS 7.4 Server iii) Suse Enterprise Linux 12 SP2 Server iv) Ubuntu 16.04.4 Server v) Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Standard Server (2GB Ram) vi) Microsoft Windows 2016 Standard Server (2GB Ram)

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Steps 8:

Submitted “CentOS”, “SuSE” or “Ubuntu” server, go to step 9.

Submitted “Microsoft Windows” server, go to step 10.

Steps 9: Enter password twice for your mySystem. Click “Confirm to create” to continue.

Steps 10: Message box appear to “Confirm to create your mySystem”. Click “OK” to continue.

Steps 11: The request will send to ITS. An email with your mySystem information will send to you


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3.0 How to Logon mySystem? When your mySystem applied successful, an email will be sent to you with your mySystem information.

Linux (CentOS, SuSE or Ubuntu) Platform

You can use any SSH client (supported SSH protocol 2) to connect to that IP address for login the


Your login account name is your <NetID> with the prefix “pu”.

For example:

NetID is 12345678d, then your login account name is pu12345678d

Your login password is your pre-defined password during the application of mySystem.

Windows Platform

You can use Remote Desktop Connection (mstsc) to connect to that IP address for login the mySystem.

Your login account name is your <NetID> with the prefix “pu”.

For example:

NetID is 12345678d, then your login account name is pu12345678d

Your login password will be automatic generated and sent to you after confirmation and the mySystem

is ready.

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4.0 How to delete my own mySystem? Steps 1: Login to “Academic Computing Services” web page. Login with your NetID and

NetPassword (URL:

Steps 2: Click “mySystem”

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Steps 3: To delete mySystem, click “Management of mySystem”

Steps 4: Read the disclaimer

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Steps 5: Check the box “I have read, understood and accepted the “Accepted User Policy for IT

Facilities and Services “ listed above” if accept the disclaimer. Click “Continue with management of


Steps 6: Choose the option “Delete mySystem” and click “Submit”

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Steps 7: Click “Confirm to delete” to delete mySystem

Steps 8: Message box appear to confirm the deletion of mySystem

Steps 9: The request will send to ITS. An email with mySystem deletion will send to you later.

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5.0 How to change my own user password in mySystem? Linux (CentOS, SuSE or Ubuntu) platform

Steps 1 – Connect to the mySystem

Steps 2 – Type in “passwd <Your mySystem account name>” and press “enter” key

Steps 3 – Type in old password and press “enter” key

Steps 4 – Type in new password twice

Windows platform

Steps 1 – Press CTRL+ALT+END, and then click Change a password.

Steps 2 – Type in the Old password and new password twice.

When the password is changed, the session will not disconnect and you need to type the

new password the next time you connect to the server.

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6.0 How to change my own “root” (Linux) or “Administrator” (Windows) password in mySystem? Linux (CentOS, SuSE or Ubuntu) platform

Steps 1 – Connect to the mySystem

Steps 2 – su to root with command “su –“ with same password as “<Your pre-defined password>”

Steps 3 – Type in “passwd root” and press “enter” key

Steps 4 – Type in new password twice

Windows platform

Steps 1 – Click on “Server Manager”, “Tools”, “Computer Management”

Steps 2 – Double-click on “Local Users and Groups”

Steps 3 – Click on “Users”

Steps 4 – Right-click “Administrator”, then click “Set Password”

Steps 5 – Click “Proceed”

Steps 5 – Enter the new password twice > click “OK” to save the changes.