Download - Mystery Customer Information Kit

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Mystery CustomerInformation Kit“What your customer thinks, is no mystery”

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What is Mystery Shopping?

“Mystery Shopping is the practice of using trained shoppers to anonymously evaluate customer service, operations, employee integrity, merchandising, and product quality”.

Source: Mystery Shopping Providers Association

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Why use a Mystery Customer Program?

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What happens when your marketing mix has been exhausted and your product, price, place and promotions are no longer differentiating your business from that of your competitors?

Service is often the key to success or failure.

It costs 10 times more to acquire a new customer than to keep an existing one.

In general, one unhappy customer will tell 5 other people of their bad experience with service encountered.

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

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Why do Customers Leave?69% Poor customer service13% Poor product quality9% Competitive reasons5% Other3% Move away1% Die

Source: Mystery Shopping Providers Association 2000

88% of Australians ceased doing business following a poor customer experienceFrom the 12 countries surveyed, Australians are the most unlikely to write a letter or email to the company after a poor customer service experience.

Source: American Express Global Customer Service Barometer, 2010

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

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How a Mystery Customer Program

can help your business?

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Attract and retain customers by increasing service standards

Monitor employees’ compliance with procedures

Monitor training effectiveness

Introduce incentives to reward valuable employees

Motivate staff (via incentives and accurate performance assessments)

Allows for competitive analysis by benchmarking results to the industry

Identify new business opportunities

Improve Customer Service standards

Ensure the quality of your products/services

Target Customer Service Training

Allows for a fresh perspective on your business by highlighting everyday issues that may be overlooked

Allows you to identify service issues early so you can act on them and improve your bottom line!

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

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Who Uses Mystery Customer?

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Businesses in an industry or sector where service is important.Managers and owners who want objective analysis of service or sales performance.Suppliers who want to check up on how their distributors are selling their products.Franchisors who want to ensure compliance with franchise standards.Business owners who want to keep an eye out on their business when they are gone.

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

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How the Mystery Customer Program


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1. We design your survey

We have the capacity to customise your mystery customer survey

We work with you to develop a survey that reflects your organisational service or sales challenges

2. We evaluate your staff

Our shoppers will visit your premises anonymously

They provide an independent service assessment

Our shoppers are trained and chosen to match your customer demographic

3. We compile your report

We check every report for quality

We use world-leading software to make most reports available online within two business days

Advanced reporting capabilities analyses trends and performance

Benchmark against competitors and industry standards

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

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Why Choose Mystery Customer?

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Mystery Customer is an Australian mystery shopping company based in North Sydney providing quality services and reports to businesses throughout Australia.

Mystery Customer has been in business since 2001 with an objective to provide their clients with a high standard of reports and great service.

Mystery Customer is a member of the Mystery Shopping Providers Association – Asia Pacific and abide by their code of ethics.

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

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World Leading Mystery Shopping Software

Years of industry experience

Niche market leader

Trained and experienced shoppers

High reporting standards with quality control systems

Surveys tailored to your business goals

FAST, secure electronic reporting

A mutual commitment to success


The Mystery Customer Advantage

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

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Reporting Capabilities

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Mystery Customer Reports

Mystery Customer values its high reporting standards with strict quality control systems set in place.Simple access to all your reports in multiple formats (HTML, PDF, XLS and TIFF).Most reports are available online and ready to view within 2 business days of our shoppers’ visit.Mystery Customer believes that thorough and detailed comments made by shoppers help clients understand what is REALLY happening rather than Yes/No answers.You will also be emailed a PDF document of the summary of your report.

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

Page 17: Mystery Customer Information Kit

Client Dashboard

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

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Trend by Question

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

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Rank by Locations

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

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Viewing Shopper Comments

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

Page 21: Mystery Customer Information Kit

Our mystery shoppers, your

‘mystery customers’

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Our shoppers go through multiple tests and training activities before they can complete your visits.The best shoppers are individually handpicked to complete your visit to ensure reporting is of the highest standard.If requested, Mystery Customer can provide you with shoppers to fit in with your required demographic criteria.We have shoppers in all major urban areas and if we don’t have a shopper in your area, we will advertise for them.Mystery Customer have a database of 5000+ shoppers around Australia and this number is growing daily!

Quality Shoppers

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

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Satisfied Customers

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“This is our first time using the concept of a ‘mystery shopper’ and have found it to be very useful in gathering feedback about our services.

Our business is a little out of the ordinary. However we still need to ensure that our visitors are getting the best experience that we can offer!

We use the reports to fine-tune our experiences and as ‘random health checks’ for the presentation of the grounds, our staff and to point our attention to the small things that make a difference.

It is a fantastic resource and we have found it to be extremely beneficial.”

Trent Russell, General ManagerNational Zoo & Aquarium


Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

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Clients Include:Mystery Customer are the leading mystery shopping company in Clubs NSW with over 100 clubs having used our services.

Other industries we have worked with include:Restaurants/CafesRetail AccommodationAutomotiveTourist ParksTransport ServicesLeisure Centres

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!

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Contact Mystery Customer

Phone | 1300 60 1234

Fax | (02) 9475 4450

Email |

[email protected]

Web |

PO Box 757, North Sydney, NSW,


“What your customer thinks, is no


ABN 37 103 482 211

Mystery Customer Pty Ltd

P. 1300 60 1234F. (02) 9475 4450E. [email protected].

What your customer thinks, is no mystery!