Download - Myron M Weinstein (1971) A Hebrew Quran Manuscript

  • Myron M. Weinstein, (L971)."A Hebrew Qur'5n Manuscript,"Studies in Bibliography and Booklore 10, Winter: !9-52.(Out of Print)

    L*potat Lrnt,n^q^,^t-\ Ju-'-b Yc^^ Do.,-ts (t-o^rl^U.1(,oton bo ah&t.5iol'f Sr-rzno ^-J .


  • $IM F 1:S0

    S Hnhrmt&r Qurnfrr: h{fimffisf,ript

    T3l .glr: $m*ir' rv&r*i CI$ $Eceraber, t8lr, Jose$ trVol$' rmchcd the F*rsi*n eiry eifI ltlcshhnd. Alrnosr s ye*r had pass*d rince hir depa*ure from Melm frrr Ccntrsl Ari*,I and to this p*inr in Kharayan few flurtlpenns had pr*cedcd him in ffirdern *mes.f iui.*nionery ze*l *nd quixoric prrpose hs cCImbin*t in * sinpl* rnterprise: he w*uld

    bring the Chrlstian rurh tn hix benighted jewi*h brcthren and s**k nur the lqst tribesnf lcranl.'

    ln M*shhd* who*e Jet*i*h popul*ion hs *cdrnst*d tt rnsas*i he nncounterd I grouppf jcwish Su$s in *ymhiori* wirh rhsir Muslim *cnf;eres. lt is hsrdly pumible t* form acle*r coneepcion cf rhis frnrernity fr*rn l&'olff's hos*le and ssrnewhst confusd descrip"dans. WE cxrr*sr, hewcvcr, rhe fallowixrgl dstails: the Jewish $ufis * f*wer th*n ten *rennwxl


    hnd b*en inidat*d by * *{uslim d*signar*ti **S{ullah'Moh*mrn*d Ali Y*hk*pam 1.{*hkeputi" {rppurcnrly, *fxhqSbIdi} nnd this per$on smved ns th*ir rnurshid- Wolff*scribes t* him rh* {htl*rring principlc*r r i "trh*rr: is ** tvil in the werld. r} A msn whos*rnird ie *br*rlrcd in So*1, no ri*c rinn hann. l) ?hc rrorld smnds fram etemity' a) Thervorld *nd $od arc $ne *nd tlre $flmc" l1rc J*ws w*re secrctly $ufis tthis is stress(dlnnic*lrrly in rhc msc of * d*1,*n of the Me$hh{d kthilah}, end th*y h*ld antinornianh*lieli".$,'* Tte Jcn'ish nnd il{uxlim $uli* $xet tog*ther in *ach *hcrs' hsrn*s. 'I hey tmoked* **rr*rtie. Thnl' recognia*d r:rl.r$*s prophets in sddidon t* Mo*es* jenrr nnd Mub*mmad,h*r did nor fhl c$nnr*in*d by them. They tlnirned an *fiinity with th* prophet CIbudiah,* $ufi nnd *n *utwerdly-c*ncertd fd*nrim,s They sckn*wledgrd tht prirn*cy *f Mire$*be *t-Qe*irn $hiflai, l*R*r'n ns Suk&t ar S*kirn i. e.- *'$ilettcc" cr 'n$ilent.'u{

    Wnltr rarrled in M*shhcd s*rne fl** mcnrh$ * Srs*rhing, dixpuring, inquiring, and$l*ying {o$ffi to uAbbEs l!{irs}, Frincc Rcgenr a*tl Heir Apparent of Fersir, whs wandcs*nd, hcwever" nssr ro escend rhe thr*ne. Witlr thc evid


    if n*cridc*l * intsrest'in manuscriprs thar he displ*yed on his tr*vtls,r WsIff recnr+Js the manuscripts in thsh*ntl* nf the Me*hhd jevrs: He reports thar the Jen"i*h $uS* Ireltl cnpies *f the Fsrnianrranslntion of the Fcnt*t*tch and Ftslxn* pr*pared by onder rf NXdir $h{h;f the porrllYB**f *n* tul*ikht in * ycrsion di{Tering frtlm th s compored by n Muslim (i. e., prcbeblyrhe rvnrl* af $hihin rarhcr thsn that of J*mi;;* and the diw*n cf HISA in 'Jtwish-Fer*ianshlracters" ti. e., rhe Psrsian ductus of the Hebrew scrlpt).'o

    Snc of the $ufis, the Naai' or Kedkhod$ sf the Ju** sf ll{erhhed,** wa$ in posre*siannf a d*fmss of the Qur'fln crrnposed by x fom*r Jerr, Mulll Beniemin *f Yaed, lnterH*ii Srn;nn who had *en*l*rc* the Sible int* judm-F*rsian with anuotsden$ fbr p0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1esrricprrrporf$.* Dcscribing his *xperiencex in Me*hhed, lVolff Soe$ on to relttt the fullowing;"tr rner here in the hou*e nf M*llxh Meshi*l*h s'ith an Hehrerv smsl*tinn of the Koran*

    -f ;.$ 137o I



  • SIM F


    with thtl fcllowing tltl*: *.Ihc*tr*bic intp Fren*h, hy Duri*r*P:ffiffiv knrncr*usl inc*b ls{d*rt* h*vs

    1:90 pm'

    i 4\ 1s%[

    Stdir fir Si$ rrqp*y srd 8*o*Jarr, lfirrrrr, ry7tf7sta*, of thc lshrn*efitesn calld Kor*1, r*n*l**d frsm therrd fiurn the French into tr*tch, by Slcsenrn*ehsr, *td [",now ffa$slatsd it into the haly l*rynl*ge, writtcn hcre st a|fixr

    Kogwn by $*vid, th* $sn *f l*as* tchen *f Ser[ino*"**Thcalshthcboo**m'cnrion*dbylffotsafsnorn.$ufi,"''rther*i*n*rei$ontodoubtthr

    er*nti*l $ff$nr*p of drese rporrsr despi* tlre frct thrt lVolffs eooounts ef his rr*vels*rc by ilo merms fuc of *ffor or aontradiction.'s Cupirs cf the Fsffiian m*ntl*tions cf thrP63mmu*h *nd Fmkns pr*pmd *r thn bcll*cr of Nldir $hlh survive.'$ A rclrrsd fs*ateuchnnnwcripr w*s ecryipad by Wolff hinncslf upon rmching $okh*r* in rffgr. Thi* hilirqurlrunu*crip, wrhr*n in Hehrsur {in Arnbic chnrscters} nnd F*r*is*n is ownd by dr*Ubmrl'uf rhe Sritish *nd Forei** Sibl* Sociery in Lsdon.'r The Y&nuf *nd [ul*ikhfr of $h*hin'sSslnarir fiao* ir pndrafe what i* raernt in th* *c*ond i*m*nc*, bw ctherJtd*o-Fersian co*rr-po*rtinns xnploying dre Y. nrd 3, r*atlf mty *utviv*.rr The diwEn of $[Sf is rcpresemdby r*rcr*lmanuecriprx in H*br*rv *cript.**Thc,ugrh th* literary effons of ll{ulti Se$amin /ISii En*tr scem so fu unre*pd*d in tibrsry c-*ralognu th*y cre well within thc limits oftlre pms.ibla,'o

    Whnr, howevern of rhe Hebrerry Qnr'fu rmnuscripr cboxr which lff*l$trnn*mits **vernlsomrsg d*r*ils? Th* quemion brirqs us to the subiect of o*r inquiry *nd an inve*tigadonaf the relnnmt liters*Ire.

    Thn frrst Hebrw trlnsladon af rhs Qlrr'*n to be pubtished w*s Herffenn Re*ke*dorf'sAtqofwt'a H*niqr{ {teipar* rSS:}- Of pr*-Rwk*rdod H*brerv ff*nuledo$s, *rnc

    mnrmecripta ars knosm ts {r$ no zurrlve. Thsse are {l } $cdleim Ms. iUichsel t r 3 {SI. gc},dc*tribdinthsNeub*u*rffm*Icgur*r'I**qrl'?ss{*No'ttofrr}ns*setentesnbffiffiurf nnnn*cripr in ltnlisn r*bbinie ch*naeter rnade f'rorn the Larino (E) $ritirh Mus*umIbl*. Sr.66f4 dEe*ribcd ix the lkl*rgnlimth fxmiagre, r. l, FP.5Sr-Sr {*No' 1156}** * t*ru*ladon in sq$flr character of tfu* It*linn version plbli*lred in Vcnice, t g{?,*ppare*ly wrimm in lrdi* in the sevcnt*emh rsltur)', and {l} a nsnn*cript preaerrcdiu d!* Slebr*i* Section of the Libr*ry of Coxgre*s whosc acquisidon is rssrded in ths/g'gpgtilt Riryrrrs;ffer !.ifu*riatta/ffrngrcss, rgsrn pp. rtg*t6, whcrc it is s$$d {by lsm*lScl1apiss) to be in cr:r*iv* script *nd Siblitrl styls, witha*t dste cr naine of ranslator,bm written lorg bcfore Reckendorf."

    Thn idcndq sf the mn*slrdon* pres*rved in the Sodleian *nd Sri**h Musn*m m*nu*o*ipt* lns hesr c*uriotr*Iy *uggectd in rhe Snepc&apwdra l*dmc* enicle dsversd to rheQlr*Aa"o* Tlds *uggesrion is dmlb*lce* c*rraff. It is ttot the cescn hctryevcr, th*t thefiqdlicrt u,*nuseripr tra*sle**n ha* bffii tak*n * wirh*ut excepdcn * to hsc* bft*tm*ds frsm the l,edn" lr h*s b*en d*seribed anffi plesiuusly a; heving beur prepnrtd frsmsn Inlien ryer*ion. Thi* ir sig$ifimff &r it absistos the nd tc aacrCI*lxtt for the obviourlyimpm*ibl* arhiw*rneru of an idmdcal trsnsl*dm f:srn rrro dirlisrfitt la*gu*g*s. As th*cnx of dre meuer in the pre*iauo dirmsaian is the mxning of th* trnn 'ltrltr prb {u*"snpplid in rh* eocond lr*nilJ- the l*ngu*ge from ryhich tre manrlrtinrr is s*id nn l. ra of

  • $lhd 1:90

    -t :$ 13% [

    ?a{"r'{ ffrfu*q* ftr"-#r* ;td**u*riprSodtcien M*. Michr*l r r 3 ta h*rre becn pr*prnd,*3 $tre *h*ll cxnmin* how thi* terrn h*sb**m nnd*r*tmd"

    *esf In l*4r, H*imr*n Joseph Mich*eln lvho th*n swnrd rhe mrnuscripq xnno*n*cd itc NEXTprseilcc in his collesi*n ilr rhe Litrr**trbl*tt drs #***s {n*. }s, *ol, do#-8}. He ws$writinr rc clrim prierity, *s it weren for irs reve$renth cenmry tranulator, Rabbi J*mbbm Isme! H*levi, ovetr a ninemcnth rerxury rabblo L. {Jllm*nn, who hed tran*latd r}reQur'6n into Gcrnr*n. "X'h* dirnr nf the p*riodicnl, Julius Fiirst, in * concili*ting quiddicy,rmsign* his conrsxrporery rhe plnr for nen*leting fiorn Ar*bi* *nd frnds orher cnnsolationsfcr Mi*k**l** rmnuscript" Wh*t isr*restr us is thlt in his fmtnatq Siirst ss$utnr$


    rhough he hnd obviou*ly ner s{r;t th* menun*rip * that 'rxu pub d*nign*ta h*r* th*l,*in lo*gu*gn- Sev*n ye*r$ htern in S*mr C&ffiru tHanrhurg, 1848), rhe catnlog of theMichd eolloction, $teinschncider * wirh a nripc et Ftirst {p. llS}


    reinfnrces thi*inrerprer*don.** How*ver, S'iirtt weff on ro d**crihe thix maruscripc in hi* SilJlcr*recl$d*isn,3 volx" {teipaig, r84,g-{3}n r;ro*rr*guite surpriringtry, sin*c it l* *xplicitly,*tnrod that his bibliogruphy exclud*$ nncnu$crip* {cf. r, p. vi} * but thsre we lind thsrlrs h*s *h*ngd hir n*i*d *nd hc ncw identi$es':xx llub *s Imlierr.

    In rhe prss*rlt in*ance one m$ff pr*f*r Fiirst t* $rsinschn*ider" L*dn i*, *f csurser-txlt ilplt p*r *xe*lleRr*.*$ Ir c*nnor be g*in**ido rhough, tlrat thi* detigne$on is acc*-riom*lly rpplied by lrulian

    "lew* tc ltalisn. $t*inschneid*r rrecill*t*d in his wderst*ndirqcf the $rettrr srd **erns never fin*lly trl hsvc besr cnnvined"*{ unfurnrn*rely, f*r s$mcrcrssn nm wh*lly npp*mntr Nmb*uer mJ*pces in his frrralogar m $r*ins*hneidrr"s posidon.It ir un*le*r whsh*r hc wes flware of $iirm's ehansc of heert.ot

    S*q wlntever *re opinims nf th*o* timns cf H*brew bibliography, so*nding* in rheamnuscrips lc*d sne fs conclud* that dny arc two excrnpl*rs of thc $arnf Flcbr*n* t*xt,rhar neith*r i* thn V*rlnge cf rhE other, th*t neither is the *urcgraph of the rranslaror,'l*n* thnt th*y ruprese$t * rendering rnndc frcm frc Arrivtben* {*Moeenigo) Imlirnvcrsiwr of Vcnic*, 1543 {itrelf pn urreckncwldecd uansladcn of the Siblimder l-^sdnrersionn harkirg bsck rc the L*ti* *anslatiom pf Rahert of Kemnn].u*

    "fhis $*a$lntion ie *rcribod am the tidc page of the Bodleirn m*nuscripr rc a *cr*ainR'abbi J*cob ben l*rs*[ [lalevi, whom Michael,ru Fiirst,,' *nd $teinschneider,et and fol-lorring rhtrn the writerx of the eacarcl*pedia *rticles,tt identify rpith the slrrilarly-nanredruthor cf response publlrhed iu Vmicc in 1614 and l6trr*34. Thaug*r there rppmrs robc no cvidwrce linking thir rnbbi with the rsl*lator other thnn the similariry of name*nw* see no ff$strr ro do*bt tlw **rikltio6 sndn ir* f**r, thc rsbbi's biryrrphy mfly S c*idto spmk in it* f*vcr.rr

    A stffi$n of drce rn*nuscrips will nm bs venturs|- Insrcad, we call *u*ndon t*;tr,erd det*il* releting tn thn lxndon me*uccripn that bear upon th* dlseusnim, prrticul*rlyia th* s*6srid half pf thi* anlelE.

    Thc menumrip w** prcx*nt*d ta the Sritish Muscum in lgog by the Agi*tic Soci*ryelf Bengnl nnd i* prcsurned to hevc been rsritmn in Indi*" **ted to the $svenrssnth wrmry

  • SIM F 1:90 pm t ]$ 137o I

    S}rrrt'irs im fffdrfi**fi'r'gJ+;y irrrrf "fu**Jryr" $i.oi;.rtrr, rpf ru,rF ;'r .'l+. *.

    in *r* Melgolioudr Smc&gre {and to tht: six*Enrh *entury in th* S*eyefrp-rrdi* fi*dort*reniclc previmsly mendond), we *h,sll hevc r*tsoil.totonelude rh*t it i* to be assigned *rvsFRH/ . .;*--*- rrrnrr to the eighte*rxh ceonrry" ln this rtrnneffian, thc *uthorities *f the $ritish,{Vluscum Nbx$heve, ir* * privat* cfftunlffirieadnn, b*cn kind *nmgh trr idcr*ifu the w*rerrrrark *f Or. $65s** * Se$r-de-lir dwign *urmaunted by a rr*wn, be*ring th* LVG ini$el* of th* Durchpapcrm.*ker Lshe*us Ysn (ierrsvi*k. "l'hougfr Imp*r sc *f,rkd u/ts mnnufamured nlsoi* Trancn **d Hngland, rhc pp,ilr cf th* *unuscript is, they $tsr*, likcly m lle of Srxchorigrn. Acc*rding rn H$dricli \:som. rhe LV$ iniri*le appffi"r fir*t in th* ye*r 1694.:sOr. 6f36 ic in brown ink, or ink th*t stlw eppeflrs brovrn'

    Concl$diry s$r rrear{nent of thrss v*lunreli w* r*nrark th*r th* Qur'Sn rsrdidan *'hichrh*ir ****lnticn lg$rc$fn{s pr*cludes the p**ibility th*t eith*r i* rh* rn*nus*ripr *een bytffcl$ in Meshhed in rS3 r .

    Tlw Ubn*ry of Congrcs* l'lcbr**' Qur'fin -- flr] id*ntifying notarion hax yet bacn*s*igpsd ir*is a v*iunrc r*.y x r;,S {m. in siee, conminirq r5g l*aves {th* lesr f,nur nfwhich *re unn$nrhsrcxl). wirh *r lincr pcr WSs rhr*ug:hour rh* My of rhc Qu;"ilni* lcxt"Wlmever prrccded lmf frl {le*f [rJ hcks a nurner*l: it i* *ithsr * blird fo]ia or tbtnrxr:ber fs* hetr wtrrn nwaylu lnduding the fra*t cst'srl thc dtlc p*S*, *nd rny pr*liminan'unnurnbemd sr dilfirrenrly rrurufural lesvm* is now l**t,r* nnd leavcs [*] t* $ *r* no longcrh*ld rri*in rhe voltrn* by rhn stit*hirry" T'rr r*pr**t, in irs pffiscnt st*t* ttrrs rR*nu*eripr ixwithaur * title FSe" Thsr,s ic ns indi{adon th*t its *opyitt cq$ipp{d it *ith a *oloph*n.Wifh a lc*ther binding prrtly rninsing snd punly in dixrrplir, set*r*l lr$s* quirett, Ie;ver'xrined *rd foxedo remnded rfim*rs, sc*{t*red int*li*e*r gl*s*ex *nd rvriting mt tht strr*viving end peper, rhe vc{ume gives rhc impres$on of h*ving *een ctnsidcrablc use .

    Thi* xr*nuscripn iu rhe subiect *f cn rxchangc of |etters betwecn rhc l.,ihrari*n *f thr:Jerpixtr Thealcgical Scrnin*ry *nd the {hief *f th* Slvi*irm of $ernidt Lirmirnrrt of theUbmry of {kryr**s d*ting to ilecernber rg} r, The rorre$pondence is prrscn'ed in rhescin*titutimr*" Though the trertcrs are of inherent interc*t thel' cnnrnin nnrhirrg rc &rruherth* presmt investigadon"ts

    The m**u*cripr i* mr the qork of n pro&ssian*l rcribe. Ccrelessly writr*:n in bro*'ntsr *aw brorryn) inh, it ernploys twc *tyl*s of Hebrew script * r $q$att *nd s cursivc'Tbe rqnare letrers which the wrher us*s for $$rsh *n* $i$rnh ccgiam* sr* *hrncrsrizedby


    crnofq: crhcr stsnmt,s * $trffig horizontct $ff*$s, sonsiderabtre ov*rlrp in the hori*fisffi*l *rd v*rd**l strokcs *f cert*in lcttcm * nor*bly dd*t * and *lssccndcrs rhet terxlrou'srd lefnrard inclin*dein * pr*cul*rly in rh* qaf. T'hough this l*tt*ring is *rrk*'ard,it i*


    at its bent * xar tnt*lty displersing. lhc writer*s rxubemm *nd unpainly Axh-k*ner,ic cursive h*nd in rhe body of thc text * overly l*rge in rcl*ion to his $quare ch*r*actffi *nd wri**n without *Segu*te nr*rginr * *long with ett*nd*$t $n*r$lness in thcsirc gd *lopr cf th* l*fter*n give the firxr :55 leavex


    fbr whi*h he is r*spn*iblc t* thtexclusio*r sf rrh*t fiillclurx cm rhe lasr 4 le*ve* * s s*meiphrr wild *nd *r th* same rim*cnbbrd look-

  • srM ?

    .u{ ffr$ {Jgrr'*$*l,t f*'r*r{Jsrripf

    ln rhe pn$enr uns*tirfrrtor)" srate of H*brerv prl*ogr*plr1', thc cur*it'c h*nel th* nlirn$*scripr exhihim fiiur;r bs dctinexl by reftr*nec rs [r*th prrhlish*l and unpnrblir*hed *.xar*ples.

    'nnsf Of ilrc Ashl*en*zircursive$ nv*il*hlc in r*prtxlurtinn ir* th* plrrc* of$r:L:mr:n A. ltirnt,*,or,'* NsxT"fha l{dwr.t $rriplr {["ondon, r*f+*$? ]. this mnnu*cripf'* cur*iEe lrr$rit n*nrly appr*xintatcs* spmimen *nnr 1753, nn- 3sr. T'his is nrlr is x*y th*t ir is a p*:rfect r*plicsr, 'l hr hxnclof *ur copyi*r r$ns fs S*rgennmn pr$pCIfficus in rht f*rr**ticn *f c*ffiain l{stcrr ** d"$p*-cially h*t * rnd prallels to rhi* p*ndiarity nrry fu* *e*x" fcrr *x*mpk:, in lls. ScrlinOr, S* ro67* an unplblishsd r**nu*cript d*ting t* r?-tf. 14''e need ficlt hurden rhs d*scriprion with an *n*ly*is *f our *opyist's eursir.c hend. A w*|tr*nigh c*mpk:tr: nntl fairlyrprsse$ndl'e *lphnbet nray b* csnilructd frsnr th* nppendcd plctc {fig" r i" A rnitl-*ighree*th ceffury d*tc is indicnt*d.

    Like th* *xford and Lomlon m*nu*cripts, the m*nsleti*n which thc lrl *thingtnn rna$u*nrripr *nn*nrir* is fnr r*rscv*d fmm th* *\rnbic rrxt" l,ilic th$n* ir is ths prorlucr of apolcnric pnrpos* if nst of a ho*dle spiriti it dilfers frmn thern, hnx'*vrr. in rh* lin* nfrrnnsmi**ion. lt is * para$rr*se-rrmrladon not of ArrivnbeilsSiblimeler*R*berr *f Kctt*n,bur rnrher of rh* more rnodem but still pre-finlighrcr$n*nt versi*n of Slnsem*k*r-lls Rycr."fh*t thi* Hebrew rmn*l*dnn is rlrediared tlrrnugh a f)*r*h ln*rsi*n is nlreud;* *uggesteJr,t * possitrility by rhe Fre$em* *f llurch glo*xc* incarporated inm ths H*brew text. Its$mru$ an s **n*l*tfun *f Gla*em*ker"$ Ilutth versinn is *stablistred through eoll*tio* uith$u Ryer.n grench rexr end ir* fugli*h {Sass}- Untch t(}}*scm*ker) *nd {iermen {LenS*}cff*pring. Thorqgh thc Qur'Sn tm$cl*tar Scorge kl*,.rt amsnf;t sthers, \*'*s to find seripusf*rlt lvith the wnrli sf hic pr*decesror Andr{ Du fi,ycr {* Srench csnsul in rh* }fearIierr rvith a lcnouuldgr of Arnbic nnd J"urkich), the venlicr tlf the reeding public wasdiffermt *rd in the cenrury**nd*nquarter following irs first appe*nner in rS47 *n Ryer'rFrc*eh versisn r*n thr*ugh ffi*ny ditians {in *t lcxst mte, ircmicxlly, with $ale's "Prr*liminrry Discrxr$s" i*cludd) end w*$ *irnslated xuccersiretry i*to Sxgtrish, irrts Dutchomd ffronr llutch) iffo Geffiran.r*

    Jnn Hcrdrik Gl*sern*l*eru th* ]utch n*nslrrsr *f Horncr* M*rco Palo, Ssscansr, errd$pinozr, ** n"cll ss of llu Ry*r, es*urndly brought na independeffi knowledge of rherubicct mstter to his unden*kin$.ru He did, however, *dtN **retlnl mi*ar sxfrf,cts to hinQur'In tranxl*tion.{* His effons* ton, proved to be quite pCIpul*r. ln iu*t sver thrce*qilNmer$*CIf-a-*cntury, fr*m 165* tr: r?I** $*vsn edidons pf Sl*s*msksr'r Qur'fin issuedfrorn rht prs$6s of rhc Nerherl*nd*-**

    ' Th* h'rief rnd scornful foreu'cnl ts the text which Ghsemsker irnp*rtcd fr*m Su Ryerdotr nffi apprcr in sur m*nuxcript. The fir*t leef tf th* rnannscriyx which has nr:rvivcd,whieh we bclicrc rc har'* h*en thc frr*r lerf follnwing *rs title FnS** conmins the beginfiingof tht summery of trsl*nric bslief end pr*cticr {*lso borraurd from Du Ryer) whlchfollows Sl**cm*ker'r fhre,wond. ftx f,$ns, in connssto i* infurnr*dve rerher rhan abu*ivr.Thin unsadsfectory descripticn af Iclflm cmcludd, tke Hrbrew rnnnuccript continu** ontn ir*nslat* pnrr af the rn*tsri*l that is appendc* hy Sl**emaker in the slidCInr ws h*v*


    -f }li 13 tro rl

    l. 4t.*


  • SIM F


    rmnd*ed.rl T*km oyer i*o rhe r**rnr*mi$ it *n *pkarn* of e biogrnphy *f Mub*m.rnsdri6[*, by Jiriie *-l$*lein by rr*y of Srpeniu*, md tn acc#urtt of dr* Night ]ourney d*riving, $EX-rfr'LV eilcgedtn frarn rh* Sook of '*Aesr,"r* It is intre$ti*rg rc note thet the tr{ebrew tn$nu- :":*""

    *crip o*nim ponioms *f Gl*scrnaker's *ppedix th*t inclds m**in lVlidr*shic tal*s endth* **eue*ions of *Abd*lllh ibrl frlim'* in whi*h rhe di*logu* kw*m foluhrmnrad nndhi* Jerrieh inrcrla*wor rc*ultt in the l*fferns mnvsrsiut.

    The dirio;ts af Gl*renr*ker $tet hev* hesr conrpard ciluttt r 13 S$rehs by neglmingts nnmbg tlre fldbah t$u Ryer omiss th* numbcring endretry in the cdid*ns w* h*vct1pgr). The manur*ipr, on *e ather hind, *Sretr wkh thc Ar*bic aCIunt of I 14 $trahs.Morc eirrfri*ing is rhc intmdxceian intn the m*nuscrip of c s*nnrtrly rsdilry sycle, t$reS$nnh divi*io*, which dses nff c*nforrn st *ll ts thc esrrcct nffangmxffi *nd cveir enr-trscc* dw no*.Qlx'*ni* rnareri*l at t*m beginnirrg of rhe manus*rip*" The $iper* divisionk *b*mt, of cs*rsc, frorn Slaotrnok*r, rfid is of uncenain purpos* h*rs' Em if rhis is,xurpri*ing, what is mrirely unexpectc* is the *p*r*dic sffiurrnse of clusrer* *f aoctnm *thc acsnt* ofthe p:imd Hnbrew Sibl* * ir i*olrtd vcrses ofthc nna*umript. No pcnernhr* been thcrgs rhe wn[1 which slsn acettrx *lon& lx obryiously inwrled t*$hotr disirnc*ion"

    The n*jorify of th* rnargiml sofifs of Gl*s*m*kcr * [h! Ryer h*v* be*n rdered bythe *e*elemr *nd *r* in*crpomtcd dirnetty int* th* tcxt, *lnmt *lw*yr sm *ffby a scrihldevice, Ako irrcorpnmrd direcdy into th* test nftht manu*cript, in hur differ*ct pqt$${Sc$i*nc pairn of l*tin end ktch glo**e* to dre Hebreqn' t*rrxr$ immdistcly prcaeding. Ttshsr*r* trE af ns Srear impormmg hr*t ** Fusch woril* trnployd are *i*er l*rica} orSrgmm*ricsl v*riam* of rho*e wd by Sl*tcnr*ker.*r In o*s o*ler F$sogls * pl*cc name iselss wrium gt* in Lerin letmm"

    Thc lmgungr of the lffashiwtan m*nuscripr ic h*rdly an exunpl*r of Hebr$r' pro$s ortranslating tmhnigua *nd wr knrs de$cribd ia sborr* as e par*p*m*ceqrentlntiun. Thermnclrtsr adds or sutcru$s an xuits his f*ncy" Hi* wr{*ry is frsqumdy ur*mnrdcalsr worec. He c*sayc e biblicat sryle, bur i* wr*ble to rrffy it cFr tffinr fiuur p**t*i$Ii**lH*sr;, literxturc *bomd, *long widr inconsi**m s$$f,x. In rq*rd ro thr manurcrip'*fiidrf--------------rllnss f,$ * **n*lndon" onc ought memticn, perhrpr. * r$f,llrrf$t *nd cmbqrrassing*rrori the S*tch worrl for'*see'n in the margind norcs af Sl*serntker hes somehmr beslmiruder$tood nrd r*rns np gr*esqucly in th* rnanuseriBt a* * *imple trnnslittretion.**

    trffe muxg come nsw is natic* &at dre rna*u*crip ur* bsv* bmn d*emibing bc*rs a prinr*fufu rrs*err$*nce rc dr*r *ean by Wolff in Mn*trh*it, i. *,, it ic * transl*tisn of the Gl*se-melcm* thr *"y* version- l#olffr ry*dant spelllngs of thc*e n*mrs the writes o*Glosen*mcher" **d '*Surier-') cithcr **n*literomd fu si*u fionn th* title psse or renderd l*t*rfra,*rr *rc Hc&rw titl* he fi*d capi*d *re clearly nf no momtnt.

    Tht wnpcrisom mry be rr,kerr firnher" It i* rmdily derrnnstrcbl* that the Warhingronrunnmripe Fssupposfs a l{cbnrur Vorleg*. Corrupcionr in ** tmn*rni*sion of propcrmmcf rrc nmil*bh rs pncve thi* {quitc {prrr frsm thc mtel ehecn*e rf th* trscefi of *anrr-

    1:91 prn

    $rllcfirs irr Si$furryJr}'s#d Sm*furuu

    -t :$ 13% [

    $*risfsr* {,$ffr'fJ

  • $IM F


    1:S1 pmjstot"org

    -/ ?lt 1g% tt

    h$UHTd, $fr$*-rr'*s ffif&i r*{*tuur*-'npl


    '' : , i.,i

    ' '

    ' ':]l!:


    '.,,.,.. ,..'1ii.

    ." '.



    ..' '.

    r{r,: ', . " ,, ,,:i

  • $IM F



    'f :,$ 1g% tt

    rf* -.$rs*frs irl Sifdl+grrr$ll* surf Sffi*$olvn $.*tn$*r* ;gpr.Jp* hlffiFtr

    **fihf$ts flrr-fir,*. lt" * 34h,,,.r .5 $*,

  • $tM e 1:91 pmjstor,org

    -f :$ 137o I

    ruffiKTp*ffi*f .d JJ*$'l'rn* #rr'frl,l, *-+f r**s .rtJtf * .rt4;c


    .[,tnt:,\i] l$$r ' ,i'.,.i$i+fu-I .ii$-itr - :'

    ..::.,r.::.i.. :i:::rtSB ::. :Ti$Sfst,',-dtr'$ffr :

    Frs, ^$, -TJuh*crnirp- Lilirxryo frmr[rri*$

  • $IM F llg2 pmjstot.ol'g

    'l :$ 137u I

    $lrr*efrr* rrr $lfdlr$rrrpfry' *fft*f f$*w,{&rr* tfl$r-*f*ro rgpr,,"p;

    o lL'f,$. #t}-,t. t,l'tu fid*,. ppl.l.,-.***

  • SIM F 1:32 pmjstot,org

    -t :$ 13% [

    *4 .I{tr$r,r'r,*'*#r'.ff}s ${*plr*xcry x$

    poridcm and it* e*emdent *r*nurm), Arnong such inswnc*$r which m*y bem be understood*$ rcrihl effsr* to which cspyl$t$ cf menugcrips * not trafisl*tcrs of tcxt$ * are pronc,


    _*- _q*ffir rhc fsllswing *r* p*cri*ularty signisc*m: What is "r" in Gla*ernnker rney npl)ffir as t in Nnx?rh* m*nu**ri$ {e. g"* o*N*rtran*r} v$. }u'nlh whtt i$ "ur" iltsy turn *p as } (e" S",*'Wehgb" v*. gnrh what is **k" nrsy b* wrktm ** * te. gl., "K*srods" v$. 'ur)i whttie n*s" fffry h3 Fansformed into n {e. g.o *'Rabiu$*' vs" nt':r}. These c*n hxrdly bc in-*rilacs of rnndom crror in rranslit*mting th* *ames from &ornen iffio Hebr$ilr script forth*y rcpradu*c $rfailingfy the very coffupions ro which *re graphi* dnub,lets of drts$arc H*brcxr sfd;w ere *usceprible::}.r* l}l,3F$, n>s.'We *reo thrts* *lmostccr*iaty in * pmition to say thnq likc thc rooltrme examined by Wolff, *he Washingrcnrmn*scripa is nor the **mgraptr *f it* *snslator since at least CIne Hcbrew m*nuscriptmu$ interpo*e bmreul it *rd thc S*tch print*d edition.*t

    Sur the evide*ce of the rn**uscripr perrnirs u$ to $f,y rnosar I'her* is a high d*grec ofpmb*bility ther thi* rmrrumripr hes ben i* Persis fur it cnntni** Persian gloss*s o'n word*in ths text, Qur'iln vsrse$ in Ambi* Persia& nnd Hebrew, *s well ** a Pcrsien ps*ttt"tffe rhall discusc dris evidesree *t mrn*rphat grsrer lergth"

    l,e*ves [r] tn g, go and 17 dirylay r scnnering rf inrerlinmr Fer*i*n glos*e* rvrin*n in arrnlnute hand widr * fine-nibbed pen. The writing, of r l*re style calld Shekrst*h, is cer-t*inly by * prxon to whorn thir ia a n*ive scri$" trr is rh*ught t* bc $ome ?$*rso ?h* *'tlrrds glo*sed ere cf small *ansequ*nc* ard the g}*sx*tar h** nm xlw*y* gffrc$dt* scnse of the Hebr**'"** W*rking pver thc imroductory m*reri*l of the fin*t flnr lmv*sof drc memur*ripr h* apparenrly beceme fffigrtled, rthveupon fie ukippd ro rh* ncconnt ofrhc Nighr Jcumey on l, g, ard then droppnd dris ro r$$rns ar the hcginning of rhc Qur'$npro,psf on l. r?. H* nb*rdoned the w*rk endrdy *frer gl*s*ing rhat lccf" Ir is apparendydris Per*i*n writer who h*s providcd a $ffny Hebrwr vowel (*g*in, not alw*ya rhe righrm*) h*r* end *Er* on ths $*me lsve* to add m the rrunu*eript*s interrnittwr vocelir*tionn{mckly of proper nerne,r} of the Hebrew rexr.

    The eopy*x of the body of thc mf,nu$eripr h*d left fuur Issv*s unnccd and unnurnbecedat thn end of his l*bors. The fir*t *f these, l. [*gS], wae empls:rfid by ln*er holdcru ran'*rc out Qur'In ?er*s*r *tl in H*brew rcript, but in the "&rabic and in the Persi*n lan-snssp$r a* wetl cs in ihe Hehrcw verslnn af the firor :55 lcsves cf rhs manu*cripr. Snxide * af l. [196] there ie pmrncd $*rnh 4, r ]s,*' lir$ in th* Arnbi* origi*al ard rh*-n in *Psrsian rerdi*a'rr- This is fullowcd by $srnh :, *? {or r. rar, which ic identicatr}, againlim in Arebic, then in Fersian. "I-tre Ar*bicis barlly trens*dbed, nmhing unusual for wrirersd Fcrcian origln. In writing CIut the se*or:d *rsbic vcrse rhe }ast wond ha* bwr alpred.lllhere the original rmds {ia Pickthall's rrersinn}; o*O ehildrerr of trsrnel! Remember lblyfevsur whererrkh I frvour*d you and hs{p I pr*ferr*d ysu rCI {sll} crearuf*$," thr co*"*ercr*i*list reoponsible fsr the rnerse herc would h*v* it re*d: *'. . - *rd how I prefrndyou ts the il*uslims"' The Per*ian renderings of the Arabic *r* uncx{eptisn*ble. Sn t---------------hrrnh*r *ide of l. Ias6l *re fiurnd rix Q*r'Sn vsrsr$ whi*h kav* br*n crlpie*l t:tn frorn v*rimrs

  • SIM 3 1:gg

    i :$ 12ola E


    p*$$ess$ *f thc$rs te*dentioux

    f.R.ffiv rvirh s{urlir*s*c*nclusicns,

    $irr*frr;r ixr #**ciq# utffd S*m&f,orr. Hrr*ru,r* rsf Ir f J

    Hebrcw rcxr in the body sf the mnnumnp:" lt is flIllmrens rh*t ths ver$&s*nd rhat rhel'nr* intcnded ttr bt used as proof tcxt$t $rllns in *rgummtstiansorilc in arg*rncntndon with Jews. We xh*ll return f$ CIn* of the*e in our


    Inrcrihed on rhc l*sr pg* $f the book, I. ltggb] i* a Fcrs**n ghax*l * *$ yet uri-itlendfid*wrirnffii nur in H*hr*rr" cherfl{dcrs. Of nppnr*mly $uli inspir*dsn" it txginri:"A tho**and rqr*ts *nd * hurxlrst dimppcintnre*rs rhtt at lart I h*r'* ;xamtrl *rvay frurlrhe urorld , * *'otr T-ht poem in reeopierl rri*r slight rnrixd*n rxr thc f*eing end pepcr rthichedhcres ts the bqcl* cov*r,

    TheHebrsrilr fu*ndwritings ofll. {e96}, {rfgJ arrdthc*rxl p*per irv*distirquish r*'ohandsjrre l*m Per*i*n *sr*ivr. The.y co$fonn in geneml with thc Nrards of nnc documcnts frrnif{cshkd urirh rrhich they h*r* lmen compored: JNUL l{cb. So }or 4a*, x kctub*h dadngro r834 {thc sigxr*tures *f the wimes*es}, td *cn ?ti trn*titutc a48 {rvritins CIn the insidsof the bck *6rcr) d*ring {s r{l39.rr The Persi*n h*nd* nf the Qpr'fin h*t* *n obviousaffiniry with *everal of rhe hnndwriring* in the dneumented spc'cinrcns.

    trn completing this d*mrigrdmr of the l-ibr*ry of Ccngre*ll tnirr$$ripr t *ignilicnntcoincidcnce nre3" be nmiced" "I"haugfr nrsch tf ths psper m which the l.C f,$rr'In is wrinensxhibit* thc YIll, {\u*n der Ley} ffirlnogffirnn the quires in tlr* l**er pan of the v*lurnenre nll wa(crrn*rked ryirh a fleurde*lis druign sunnmurr*d try' * *r*tnn *ccompnied byrhc LVG iniriafu of the Hgmond pcperm*her. Luberttr$ van fi*rrstink" Fnp*r sirnilerlym*rkod is med, *,{ $rr h*ve *lre*dy nstd, in tlre Srjdsh l\iluc*urn }-febr*rv d}ur"*n m&1$*sc*ipt. Thir *imileriry in r$*tcnnmks * *rd one &rrth*r inrunne* in * rslsv*m manurcriptmcy tn *nticipred hcre" i. e., in Mx, t)a,r, r{l *t the ffniv*r*iry l,itrrxrrf in *tmbridge"lingl*d * ie *nggestiv* CIf *irnil*r origin.s'*

    lffe h*v* elicird th* faers rh*r the l,ibwy of Cr:ngrrss Qrrr'*n is a trnnsl*tisn QfGl**cm*ker, ir*elf r tr*n*lari** *f Su ftl'er, thst it is nnrirren in *n "&shk*ne*ic hand.thet *t lcn*r one 61her Hebrmr m*nuserlpt hes inten'med berrvei:n it nnd filaserrr*lcer,rh*r th* m***s*ripr h** b*En in a P*rsim milieu, *nd that ir conteins *ddsrda whichsssg$r I cffmffiri*n wi*r rhe circlc de*crihd by Wclf, $ur * to sttte the msscr inlssic*l r*nn$ * rher* fhcts provide rhe nffie$$nr). though nnt the sufficirmt condideins afproof To dennansrrers * link hcr.rye*n thc msnuscripr s*cn in Meshhcd snd thet nsw inlfferhingon* {rns fgil$r gs sn to invextigarc the *ther dar* *upplied by W*lS' vie'r theplace n*rs*. and th* nfrmr$ of the *npyist *nd rrsn*l*tsr. trVe $all rtrrn ro the pl*rename. "Kqi$t."

    Wh*re is t*Kogn$l"1would sgrry& ns pttqlo$e r$ *n*$lerete fuere the pr(}pncd idend$sti*ns rhet ws h*ve

    considercd end ab*ndonerl. lVe sh*ll *r$$e simply th*r "Koge#" i* eo*hin. the *iry cnrh* $nn*ln*'e$r csr$r nf l*din * forrnerly *all*d l\"|*lehar * ils1s in*luded in ths old*newsmre sf Kersl*. Th* ciry*s rise in fir*r:ne ber*n i* ttle middle of thc fturt*errrh *tsturyrarhen henrv flr:oding ge*r*d cr imprcr'*d irs n*turfll herheir-s* Ar rcseflls its Jcwi*$

  • $rM ? 1:SS pmjstor:org

    -f l$ 12Ya tr

    & I{t&rrla Qrd$r}.&f*mrrrrryr }rpopuleticq *ll thet $'c *r *ure of is thf,t it *nted*tes thc arrivrl of the Fanugsw* er ths

    pnffir r*ry end of the l5th century. Whether thc Gmiesh dccurnmm rclarirqg ta lndi* rrill $lrcd *s*fligl*r on rh* *r*lenmnt o,f jcrr* in ikl*l*hnr is a quexim ta be lcft in abeycn*c pmding*cir comptprc prblie*ti*n,$r

    If, rt firsr bl*rh, dre phoneric dilficultiet c*mild in thc *uggc*tad identilirstisri rpp,ffirformldcblr, rn*lysir of th* orhogrEphy demorr*rares th* cppasit*. Fsr sur pr{sdrir F$rposewe n*d llm i*guirn ints ttrc undcrlying Indic lingui*tic re*lity, nor n*d we in fxcq dcreilthc fsrms *f *rir *ity m*nr* in th* wrjws furopc*n txr4ruager. Whnr fa*ed \ffotf on thepnge in Meshhd w{s a pl*m n*ms writtcsr in Hebr*w chnrncrcrc; k wns thar whidr hctrocdsd t$ t il$crib* imo lsdn leffcrs. Horv, th*n, is "Coehin" spellcd in Hehrew]In en cmeir$ve examinatiom of th* oocru'fsncen of dri* $a** nnms in Jewixh Niremalrgmste drsn * dotctr dilfcrenr npcllingn kr',s bsen fnaoilmersd";d ftes* ar* lnry*ly rhc warkof wrirer* wirh no fir$t*hf,nd knowlodgr of thc city * ignor*m in csnc cxrs*$ sf ir* loce-tion


    $r ere flusntp$ *t *pproxim*tirry * Enrapen ccipr o*hogr*phy * Rwrnn, Go*ic,cr Cyrillic * $r ir* Sncied ordroryy. It i* po**ibXe, hovrevrr, in dri* rnuld$icity r$ &r(rrtrs rl?es of cpdlirry* enrplaycd by the f,o*inJerrr" Thqs{ *re {l} *pdlingc with medisl u{ths inidd lener bcirg clth* r or pi th* 1 being wri**n or cnrinsd)*st *rd {r} epelling$*ith mdirl l-alnrs*r ahx*y* l'ilp*with ito gfunel norrnrlly carrying * supr*lin*ardi*cridc rn*rk {sre$tt gcr*lmyim, cr n*I?dr}- $'hich f*llr *wny endrcly in cemdn $r,*nu*r*ig hrnd* *nd primed tryorks-tt It is ell bw *eroin rlnt uhnt rllc *r& dmling with in thel*tmr ense is * I"dinc *p,nlling ***ve*don in which grrnel with di*critic nend*s the*f,ric*e of "il&rcho."r*

    Thi* fomn rvith the ginrcl c{rnrc in tinrs to dirylcm rno$ af ira compedmrx. So es-trmelrd dld the *pellirw ynp b*mrre, in fnm, that tlr* rmrrels J**uh $*drir, who *rriv*din f.ccfrin In r$fu, cautd *t** fiatly rh*t Senirunin u {*tr*racl Jo*uph &ni*rrrim} had norpreccdad hirn drcrr nnd dduce l* p6rr proof rnd *mrcequence Xcmi*rnin'* igrrornnce ofwkr &*it efsumea is tht ttrrset Hsbrsrilr spctling sf drc city n*me"{o

    To raurn, horpw*tr, to ?folffin Khsr*ran tsr hnck in &{*lt* whrr* h* *rn*criboi! hicnstcs *nd di*ty &r publicrdm)r Tnr a pcr$on facd wirh thi* unkn*r** Sl*c* ru$a* oE-cunirry in r Hebrerr. rnenu*mipq s mamr rpelld ynp {wirh or x'i*our * modifi*d gfu:nnl},5'*'Kogell" urould bc *n entirrly plnuriblc Ladn rrrn*cripion. ln f**n ilr vierr of l{olfcGcmtf,rl hc\grotmd ir nny be saanerrhar {nors lik*ly rh* he wsuld hnve rgtdc|rd tilre

    ' ilfine *'Kogen" dnn "Kogirrrn'due to th* fsnuitour dre*rx*tarxr rh*t m*ny **rmnn pl*celulfiKt md in *n*f;|'*r"" whgrges t*-dn," if it occuru *t all, ir extrerncly r*re.

    3ut if *tKo$Fxt" ic e pl*n*ible resex of, "f.cchi!i," cafi nn* serisnsly e*teneir* rh* idc*of idsnifyim a copyist drcrs of flcbr*r*'rffin$$crip{s wirh so rwn-de**rip a Jnwish nffirel* "Devid &hcn " * rnpyi*t, tnormvrtr, who rnry be rc*ponribte f

  • $IM F 1:Sg pmjstor"org

    t 4\ 1a% rt

    .lh***i'r's trl ,il$i$-li*gr$$&? *rld Sm&Jrr*, l*/im#r"* rgFJ/ fr'Iwq yar$ hc epem in rnisrdveffurs$ ogt the Cororn*rrdel Cncm befsr* mc*hing iHsl*bsrbv ship *t fi*ehi. Hsre he sffirck soudr t* vicit the $r" Th*mns fi*micriffis in Cachin,An$/ whgre he erriv*d n* the lrst day of ehe y*ar l?$?. Then tll* fclloning unf*lds: He in* NEXT

    'r r /! !ll! {4-I ILrr**rignrcs rhe surrounqling counry*ideo *nd r*ntrns to Ca*hi*. Wc Snd hirn put up intodgirg* mnde eveilable h1' the J*wish merch*m Xtrie S"ahabi, to*t of the leadirry Dutch[n*r lndin Cnmpany ageffi] [eehi*l Rnhabi. Lmrnrng *f the exirt*nce of the copper*plar**herrcr sf the ftehin Jews inseribe* in *neisu T*ttdl, he gru* pcnnissin*r frefift rh* hffld*f rhelewish cnnununiry ro rehe it r* his r#tlm ts *opy. This nccamplishd, he pys r vlcitm Fa*lricl Rnhabi ardo s* the reconuneidation of the lancrns *on and a lscal D*tch fiaettrsir Co*rpany offici*l, bCIrrown from fiu*kl*l * rmrebcok i* whith thc f"amil text hasbeen ran*eribed inm Hehrcrr lmers, Absve csch trsfi$criM T*mil word the Hehr*rrrnnrla*on had atss bcen inmnei!" ksplte s$nt* kn*rrldge of dre Heh,rcut Bibls- he isobviog*ly bnfld by th* wridng in Seelciel ft*h*bi'* *'Retu*il S.*bhinique" * 11ss tc spe*kof ttre r:n&mili*r Hebrew in which th* nen*lation is *errch*d, 'nH$brsrr de R*bbin." H*rssr$ t* * rrxernber of the Jcwish rrrrxmmity lbr h*lpr '*U* i*une Juif n*mrn D*vidC*cn, me ls copia en ba*ux c*r*cr*re* H6br*iqu*s evtn {e$ ddtslls do*r it vierls d* parler,& i dr$i moi*rnfurc sl deur nuir* l* *ryi* de dsux f-s$ss *n cam**re* K*Siniques,gue renfermoit tre m&ne Kecueil."{r

    C,sgil dlir n'iexnre Joif'bn **copylm of the Ubrary uf Congrcss Qud$ul Th*existstcsof thfu Hehrew doeummt frorn thc hn*d of * D*vid C*hm *f Crxhin wculd *ppcsr toprnrvidc * muchsrone cgainsr whieh cur hypothe*is could be t*$ed" lVhere it this documsu?

    That the docum$t \rys$ in Ar4uuil's poruessian m kast undl t??t r.vs infer fram thefollowing ds*ilr in prbli*hing his drawingr cf the origi$sl T*r*il cspptr plat* chert* inkfrddtu$il, rr, rr l' pl. r to g, hc nric* promi*d r* ge $n to prrbtirh the Hebreir tren*la-dam if *ircur*r$lrg1ec wsuld pcrmig.$r He never did" Sut *t &ct th*t h* pruni*ed to do eoindi*srrs rh*r he can*iderd rhe fiebrew rtxr *f ssillc irnponuc*. He*:cs, lrro cen hadtyb*tleve thsr he would harc diamrdcd it. Anguctil died in r8og, Imving a cmriderebltlibrmy- His book$ $rcrc sold soon aft*r, bur the m*nuscripts he had collectcd snd hi*pcrsa*r*t p*per* wcrs d*ptited in the Siblio$hque N*don*1e.66 Th* pnpets have bemsrrmgpd md ercclss*d in rhe Sibliorhfuire Nrtionsls as Nsuvellee Acqnicitisns Srenqeisec,nm. 3tg7*"gg$r. $wcrsl of;h* **fond$'n nfhis pnr*on*} papers havs beelr &ororrghty sr**.\*tdg our dipE5riou, but ro rrs tvail. The Hnbrew *,*ncladon sf tlrc Temll inrcription tepisd

    . *oln Escki* Rsh*hi-c nsebook by }*vid Cohen is nawher* t* be found.Wkr eat*d h*v* htppened ts rhe do*nme*rt? In **sdng nbnut for e clue it w** dixno'vcred

    ttut Anqnetil'* Iit*rary cx$rlr{or, the r*narryned$*sc Silvc*rs de &cy, had slsswritren axr dlclmrc of Cochin whera he mmdffis itr "Les privllegcs [sicJ dec ]u*fs de Co-chin mt *t$ *opi& rur I'origiml rn*mr, p*r M. -{nguccil drr }errm, qui s *hit gr*ver Ie copiequ'il 6gr *vcit dde, er I'a pblim dan* le toffie t du fimd*Ane*tl . o . M, Anqu*dl *vairgm*i r*p* d'un Jr*f, le lmmre dtl teme tnrnoul, exprirnd* sn lettro h*breique*' *t t!$#trEilucdom de ce t:$riurnent prdcieux m hdhr*u rabbinique. II *ry*it prxni* d* publier lt


  • SIM F 1:Sg prnjstor"org

    t r$ 12%[

    d Tfc$rrrr.' ft*r'&* $,{cn*rrr,ipr

    tor$l *e qr'il n'* pninr *xdeut*. J'ai rouvi l* *opi* en **r*er&r*s hdbreux *r I* maductionhdbreQuc pnmri l*s mffiuscrim qu'il rn'n laissdsn mnir ssns suc$n* interprimdm ltdne

    nK$r tlu frang*ise,n'{? Thc dacunrent p*ss*d, rhec}o to $ihrestrc de $acy" What did hc d* with it} SlgxrAt his deeth in r83S* d* $*cy tefr a vcry l*rge anrl irnpon** library *f ariemnl mudies"

    'f,hi* wa* brokerr tlp at nuction ssrns yfflr$ l*rer" The mirsing document i* not* hcwever,inr'ffiteried emoryl the m*nuscripts of thn au*ion catatrogl. Reading through the portionof rhc *uction mmlq li*drry prir*d rqrorks reludng to Jud*ismr ons srumble* upcn it:"fhe docurne* in que*don h{d b$c$ insend ln de $*cy'x ctpy cf r fn*ugrrese bosk abourthc J*wr of Sochin* xia"u ihlors*h P*reyr* d* Prdra's lkf"u*s d*r Jud*rs ds fsr&i#i, Amster*drm, rd$7. There, in the au*tion sdoso Si&Iial&igx* rfr ,#. f,e Ssrarl $ilrrys*rc dr &ey3 vclx. {F*ds, r$4l*4f }, y. r, p. 3Sn itern lto. rf r* fallowing rhe }fullsi*r *ntry on* rerd**i* rddition: "Tr*du*tian hdbraique dc$ $lle* ftalipot palm leave* usd ** urridng mamriahmcnning hers 'dscnaxmt*n] en cuivre sonrenrnt les privilry*s tl*s Jui& d* Cochin, tireedu rmueil *ebbiniquc d*fia*chieln courtier drs Hell*nduir i Cochi*. tJnc feuille m*. inpl**o [* *iugle broed;id* lo{, be*u srnct. h*bratque."&*

    Th*.lVairisr vol&rne rm* sold *t aucticm in April r84I" T'hc rnnrkrd crr*lag *f the s*lein pas**ssim cf the Sibliathkus N*d*n*le rccords rhc p*rchascr ** *'lin&ne*" {*pprentlyt bookneller *o ntnred r*her than a nadorul innrirurinn *r rhe qrlunrry *f, residq$ce *f rhrprrchget). S**pite $$*nusu$ e{fcnr ts find *re book, irs pr*senr loc*tion h*r not becntmcod" It may noc, sf *our*e, rurvivei if it strould survive rhedncun:lenr mty be lorr.6r

    Our in*biliry t* l*e*m the dscurnsnt in que*rion wo*ld have closrd rhis apprn*ch rr*'erdideeiriti**tion of the Librnry of C*ngresx Qur'3n rrere ir nar f*r rhe fru rhar in dre cour$*sf seeffihing thrtugh th* ^&nquedl pap*rs in Paris * Hebrew *be**d*ry w*s dlsccverd,r*m *beced*ry which *,nquetil himxelf $fiKr$ rv*s writrm fnr hinr by S*vid Cahen. Thisdiemv*ry eeerrred *r firm *ight more mislrep thnn fanune fer thc *ursive hand ir fispl*ysdi&rs r*di**lly fronr rh*t *f rhe rext of thn Qur'fo!

    Lct un fitr$ ro the *b*eed*ry {Fig. r}. It iq found sn n l*af nsw bsund as fol" rg ofMs' Nouv. Srcq. Fr. *s3* tlf the n*pn*ment des fuI**useritr, Sibliothique Nadonale.Sn h Aqtretil h*s writren: "alph[a@ rebbiniqlu*J donns . . . IHr stvid Cohen qui rn'*copi6 m c*r[acr]rd Hebrf*Iq$en] le treduc[rinnJ de folle de Ferum*l fnire par Eeeehidct *crit* em c*r{ac"*r*sJ R*bbinisle$"" Above ir ra the righr is rhe script to t+hich rhiurcfcrs, i. e., Ilarid Cohen'* cursive Hebrew alphabrt in c ducru* ro be presendy de*cribed.Tothc lefr sf the first al$rabct S*hsn h*s rewri*en the l**ers ro illustrare rhcir us* *u rhe' Hebrsrr nurwriee.i *ystdntr ptacing thc u-{rebic {i. *., Eurnpe*n} nulueral equiv*}enr *bveee$ lertff" F'iltring oat ths fucr line *f Arryxetil'e drscription anreedy quomdn where weh*ve pleced cn ellipri*, Cohen ha* eddesl thc civil y*arr r?$8, in r rhor**ghly rnixednomtion. On the top linc sbove nnd to the righr cf C*hsn's firsr alphetrer, we frd *gnini* Arry*til'* trrsrdr -nlqttfretJ Rf*hbiniqu*s] imprinrdes.*' Ttrris lrgnnd reftrs tc niuc*Icbmw lctrer* t* its le* whlch *re copid from * s*rni*squ*rs sr msshdr &nt of rypr'nbriou*ly for purpo*e* of *omp*ris*n. Th*se nine lemer$ src differegr rnough fr*m


  • $IM F 1:94

    -f $ 1e%[

    '5ftrrt'*c;t r u $$**{iJr*gnr}pJ,rv *l}rf #r**Sf* r's. t I'ilrfrr- {Sf c*,.,p J


    $q{FE $$.r\{

    rher** fu{;\+\N\ Lrs*'*{}

    \b 1L

    \t' *ft$,F




    *s "t




















    + {r**##:'t{:H



    * rHi# il\.{*it'r Cf,!.





    kr&*\fir tt F\ * *ttfta Glr*- nE#l dfnnn*.ftq tY; $"*-*t{ttn- #** $1rrE'4 ilH.rts. *ther* t F\*31*aJ

  • SIM F 1:94 pmjstor"org

    -t :$ 12% [

    .'* Sf,r$rfi$ ft*t*#t rlfm**rsrtff

    Cohcd* *nrsiv* q*iv*lemn iu*r bel*w rhsn to werf,*rtt beins tingld out by fl pffrffrpggv inttt.eutsd in ca*paring rhrm. We iudge thet rhcy re'srs copled ftom a prinmd hf,ol* b S[xr

    Anqrsil hirnrelf er * d*rc l*r*r th*n th*t of dw *dginal writl*q" Thc*s is nothing on theFsS* in Cofren's sqffire frcrd. This i* nat wdy beeeuee Ar*qu*til *lrmdy knerr the sg**relcrem, bur *l** hncsuse rhe *beeed*ry $t*s iottnd dswn by Cohen to cquip Anguedl todeciplrr *re cursive wridrry in Xzekiel's nffebsCIk, or specifically- sn his nneps. l$e *hatrlrm be $ryulg rs cnar*lude* co*t$cqufnrly, *r*t ttris ffi*ndie cumive h*ndwridng of DavidColren fm!$ be*r somc likcne*s te drnt of Xrekisl R*habi"rn

    AJ fsr *s cursivs h*nd cf the ebmd*:y, it h** is* *lcassr caqsftrcr$ in nr*nus{ripx ofCgr$is prwcnience * fio{n horrwern dhots wrkren in th* $edtcrdie curxiv*s of th*sewnr*mrh cc*lrnry arnileble in f*ccirnilt in $olwnon A" Slrnbaum's I}r H*bftt$ $dpfr'm, rS3, end Drvid $, $*wo'lra's O**I l)ffirrd, v" r, pl" qT. It in clo*cr to the Hrb,rew hrndsf th* bilins!ffil docunrsrr Il#n tkhln of r8o3 which hns hml repmducnd m thc duet|**ket d Wnlt*r j. Finchcl'e ff*yafrxdirr Shttfdtr, end in the Seil[vi Insdmte't $lrdi*rld fiepo*s r {:pf }}, p. a of thc Hebrew secflwt, Sm we n}sy Ss fumher: *nrong drcnnnnrcrip* *quirnd by thc Severcnd Clardius Fucllsnnn sn * vitit to fuhin in t8a$or*mnm*cripw whidr w*re l*ter Brceound to the Univer*iqr Llbmry at &mbridgr, Slrgland,we find rhffi in rryhich we derecr whm lre helicve to be * bcyord * re*ron*ble doubr *rhc very h*rdwridrq sf rhc nhd*ry' i. s.n the S*$r*dic cursive hand cf S*vid C".chen,I* i* ls thecs ** rryc nsnr dircs our attmti#t,tr

    lVe rhdl rm lingrr orrer Oo"r.I?, e Hebrew rr*n*l*ti*n of portimr* of Arncl*nder'tYlddilh b*rr n'.ntg, Itr hard shorrx *ligk rbcrr*tio,ns frsrr thet of the rbd*ry whichrvc will nm discu*r hse. It includes norhing in *q**r* lm*ers *nd is widrmn rhe mrne oftht copyi*r. Iffc p*fs or& nnhm, rn O*.r,3r *nd Sn-*,r6, nro inrcrrdated t{cbmw N*rrTc*uncnr nr*n*r*ripts, ThB Hehr*w of the*e transl*tisr* is, b}' snd X*.rXp, *pp*llin$l, butthi* i* nst our pmssnt {ffiir{{n, kl So.r,}} * * co*nplme HT cnye fnr Rcv*l*tion



    dietirryui;h thc fr*n&rriti*lss of no fcwcr ih** three copyi*t*. S*stirunisfiring the hands nfthir rn*n**nripf * tn* of whi*h ar* nimil*r but s' no mexms idmdc*l * i* ssrnplic*tdby it* *lcvsrline*s, *nd **vcml apinim* Ixvc bttt wpre**ed.rr Ir i* n$r necet*ary th*twe so dcryly inm thrdet*ils here. $uffice it t* *ey thet we bclieve th*t ons of ** copyictsi* ttre wrircr of dre rbwedary {in t{ii* rnnnuucripcr tffir hi* h*ld shcws minsr devi*tion*fm*r it)" Therc f,re no sstare ch*rocts* in th* pordon we *scribe m him, viz., *ll thefl$rtnrr wridng on ll. rlrf, to r6ob with dre cxeryti*n cf the lbllonsdng: the captionc anl. r16h *e **piwr *nd first trwo yer$* on L rpp and *ll the gloeseo of thes* leencsS. 9o* ffid b ffiy dis$*y {r} mrlis *tar* of hi* hend}. Here* again, na runt*$ of c*pyi*t.t*re prouid*d.

    k ir in mnnuacript 0o"r.16, howevcr, that there awair* ue * *rmning surprice. Thisr*nnu*uipt, Iike thc London ad W*rhirryon Qm*fui*n i* rrrimm ofi g*ps h**rfry x* *wsmrmerk ttr* LVG inidels sf r $utch paperrnakcr wid* fl*urdeli* dmigu surln$lntcdby a croanr. Ir- like thc Lonilsn and Wsahingron Qtrtfins, in in brov.,n {or norr brov,ryr}


  • $IM F 1:S4

    -f :$ 120/o ff

    *# Srl*dicr fn #l*fi*,$r*gJry *rr,*d &p*f,sffn t$'infrr* *ppr/p*

    ink. A$ain e m*nilrcrip widrnut d*u *s m copyist*it in*lrdes Actr ts S$*sienr inbrgc sguere lextsrs an hsve* * througfi *g" {C*Bs#t* :}r* in monurnenml *ryr*rc lerrcr*

    ?tlt,LY . . . t. tA icn*pl$yrlrg ehadiry-) Sn *l* fivn conciuding l**ves co*tdning text, Rwelltim has bcen N[xr*opfiGd in a nnnll Se$udic cur*ivr. Whil* the ln$ fire lssve$ of this Cambridge $t*:Rr-scn$ rtrc uilKc ruors Se hendwriting of the F*ris *b*ced*ry*Pevi$ Cdrst'r*th*fir*r ninmy*rin& lre Se hnrdwri$ng of ** s$nr* c*pion* in thc I#ashingson Qnr'Iil!(Fig" 3),x tlfe xhell nor nter upofi * furrnxl anelysis of the hands. Thsy am reproducdin *re ncsmpnyixg figurs$. Th* reedtr will iudge.t*

    Thir cinl*iisn io perplcxingr. Is th*re *nyrhing rs sonttst the h*nd of dre firrt niney-nin*lmves with th*c of die last frve? In checking rhroug*r the v*riouc clemefits of scrib{l pr*rtimin *c nro parts of the manuscrip, ws hit apsn onc elcrnmt which w* havc mrne ts bcli*veie d*nisiv*; ligature of numemls" The yerss$ *re nsmberd in both paxc of Oo,r,t6 {*s*lso in Oo-r,3r), Thsse Arabic Rumemls * whase fprrnatisn is complct*ly consistentin thc n#o Frrs cf So.r.rd *tsrd to b* lig*tured in both p*$s when * **nrin spc*d inrririrqg is r*sclrsd, Ths $*$$ nurnb*r* in both F*$s terrd m k ligatud. The cxcclltion*f rh* ligntur** is dikc in both S*r$" ?he numeral '*t" it suseepdble of tig*tur* to thck& *rd *o rh* rigtrr. Ligrttrrcd'na!" in borh pa$$ di*plry* th* r*me fiuer*y sf linc tcf.dl* tnmm$*s ef dric nr:mbcr *ccurring in rh* sffo p{ns of Fig. }}" Thi* spor*di* ligrruring*lsc occurs in dr*r p*rtiam of Oo.r"gr w* *smibe m Cohen (l[. rSra*rsob]" \ffe belienrerfw thin puctie i* disdnctiv* mcugh *nd cingular cnough to w:rrrrnt rhe nenclusion**t we *re dealing wirh tlw writing cf on* m*n. l$e muy *dd, hswws, nnothw p*-culi*rity cana*cted rryith numm*lc: trn ncidrm pm af Oo" ha* the firw r*rw of *llyehnW bcen numkrd by th* mpyict {** Srff vsr$* in th* whcl* volunr* is en *ppercnt**pion)" In *ontm** *ll pcnicne sf *o.r.3l xhich w* d* n* ac*igu te f*hen cox*in* mnrhm **tnt Ytffis-?l

    nut, lf thc wrisr of rlr* curxive of Nsr Test*mmrt Ms" *o.r-16 is the writer of it*rgnrc hnrd, *e writer of th* sqmm hrrd of the Tlf**hirrytm Qpr'in in dr* rrrirsr af iucur$iv. Th*rn i* nm r *crap of *vidm*c to indieag **llebomtion bcturem copyistx infodminf thc Q*r'in" omc *e indiw of th* caprionr, drc oths of the text. $cript*dally,drc Qur'In ie * *'*rk of tmiary ca*npc*ition*dierqnding &* lst*r glssscs, of, *onrse"Wc mn drrufiI, &rr*, m *e ineluctrbls csnclu$sn rhet ths writcr in question * fite SevidCdrfn of Cnchin*tr.rotr two diff*rmr Hebrgrrn c*r*iv* hErdr!

    k thie *ff *n wrmly ebsuril cs*cluci*nl W* *ink lt i* not" Not onty in our oum d*y,in lcreel, h*s the nmdry *riscn for sorn* to lmrn n snmrrd cursivc h*od, ln qhe F*r thirnd lrrr cb*rly xisd ff rrffily poimn of *anmcr of the dic*por*s, fur purpos*s of ctrt!-rnunic*tim, for sccution of decd& for prm*cwiom of endiet. In {k, *incc dre *rpulliz***sr of dirdnffi {nffiiw rypcs th* seed cs}il nrssr have bccn nb'ffirt. Ths difmrccs ofdmur hvc qrsr rc.rulmd in h*lxlchi* pblmr*, *d th* limmrmr sr tfte subicct hr* besnocdf parti*lly cxplmed.rr Ir is, of, oora$*' the a*ss th*t *e knowldgn by *n individu*lof * cnmivc tr*rd odwr *r*n rh* in whieh hc wra* lvil$ $nffiirnoil, Tlfs m*y cite *s in-

  • SIM F 1:$4

    'f ;$ 12% [

    d tf}$rc-{,r' #H$r'nd'ffi $frryrr*rrr.fptr I?

    disrive thc reFort of a Srirish cons$l in Jerus*lemr in rnid-nin*eenth exmury r*'ho norcsrvi* somc exnsper*don th*t hi* dr*gornen, * $eph*di rabbi, ir "*nable to re*d or wrim

    PREV ^ - t rt-^+i I I NEXT

    even rhe cuperscripinn of e lctmr in the Ashkcn*u eharacter.-'r* Thtlr$h $$common, thc *rb'tiabiliry ro r*nd mors than cne ryp* of *ur*ive hand c*n h*rdly havc been ex*sssively rare*t cem*irt riraes *nd pl*cer, for H*brew mnnuscripts, wrirt*n in cne ductus and usd lrrhersrh*t d*ctu$ w** not cilrrenr, arr$r r* if.8o Sut evm rhe rbility t* wrice msr* than *ne cursivesrne hardly nnknown" Here we mf,y ndduce the csse af Don Is*ac Abr*v*n*I, * ry*ry*ld rnen in Venice, siuing down rtr wrire e long ffply tn r philosophical qurry * for hlsccribe had desnmed hinr for rhe Holy Land * who, out of c$une$y m his {$rr*spondenr,penc his *nswrr in an Ashkenaeic hend to whlch he i* not *ccustomed.nn

    We hnyc, horyey*r, ffs!& rpecilrc grounds fCIr bclieting thnt Ssvid Cohen csuld urrittrw* crruire h*nd*. *y c *troke of pure f*rrun*, this finan's will hes survivtd t$ be fcundrvithin the last few yems.*, lt ir n curious docurnent, bnt n* esrrsideradans of Sood t*$tesh*uld prevrnr * fr*nk apprais*l of its c$nrsrr$. It i* the t*$ar$:nr tlf * *rxr-nadve bornmerchant, whp, tying ill in fuhin in 1769, hnt * n"ill drnwn up by an offieial CIf shs Dutchfiaxt lndie Comp**y rn*n*mirdng his sl*vE cancubinr:, lcknowledging parernity *f hernrs $nns* nnd providing g;rn*r*urly for the unkcxp s,f thi* f*rnily. l{* deeig:ut*s *n hi*sole heir, h*wevcr, * $y$sgssue in n*ighb*ring J\{xtr*ncherry * xxrely the Paradc*iSynagqgrue *f the 'nWhir* Jews,*' thmryh thst is not spetrled rlu{ * ard ss *ne of hi,rsxscurgrf the third son of fa*ki*l R*h*bi. This dss$mem illus$ete.q in erriking f,*shien *h*sic pcttem *f $quth Indi*n Jewish life from thc rirne ure first h**r *nyrhing s$b*tsnti*il*b*ut ir et the @inning of the *ixternrh r*nnlry: rh* nrrivsl of rnrrch*nts and r*Iugce*fronr rb*md* their unicn* with locnl wcrneno *nd dl* resnlring irnp*rfbct intcgrndCIn ofthe o{*pring into the

    .}ervi*h conrnrunity of Mal*b*r.t*Sut tFr*t ie not whsr *sncem* u* hcre. lc is rhe d*scriprr*n nf the te$rntor givwt in the

    will itself which is irnportent for u*. Th* mcn i* dmribed as the 'foodse vriiburger SavidCohen bii *'Corrp.'c bncken be*erd vo*r Jen Frdrtle ftheff*r v*n Sertriin" {dle J*wishfr*ernan DavidCohw, known en rlref**Foy'*bcok* nsJan Fredrik $chcffcr, of *crlin)"r*lVhere,ver the re$$on for the nlicn, the will rwe*ls rhe re$aror'a phee of origin: it prore*m be Scrlin. lffhat cculd bn firsre *atural than rhat C*hsr arrived in l$alab*r knorningthc Ashkcnnsic ffirsive of his yauth and proeerded to learn the vcry differenr $epkrdiccursive of Cuetrin upon senling therel** In thc f.arnbridg* illenus{riprs rracm af sever*$st*sn* CIf thir le*rning praccs$ are disccrniblc"

    Thc tesutor's end*r-snTl&nt of the will sdds $ome *dditicn*l rreight to whnt wr believ*is th* $rs*g pnlcsgr*Sric evidcncc *Ssrd for identifying the writer of thc Libr*ry of*mgress manuecript ar Dadd Cohcn of Co*hin. He rigms hi* n*rn* in * clear L*dn h*nd{xhiclr i* n*t e*f*ebled *$ sn* might expect of *omcon* in hi* eircum*anae} **SCoh*nr"ligaturing the initialsn flnd underseoring the name wirh a ftonrirh, There is no Hcbrewsignatr*e"rf .&ll that rnly be clairned is ch*t tlre wridng of rhc Svr lxtin script glorscsurhich rrc in*nrpor*texl direcrNy into the rext *f th* flur'iln is cangr*ons rnirh the *ignenrre.

  • SIM F 1:$4

    $rsdirs in Sisdfmgmpllp *rrrrd &r*fsrro $frinrrr* r$Frlr*

    .f :$ 127o I


    Thsre me too fuir lettss rs sey rnors *nd e eign*ture i*, by defi*ition, totr *pmicl. Apropas

    PRt"tl ,, ;,$r*puc oryxrffnt$- The*e enioy'ed * c*rtain yCIgxre in conternpor*ry German bock*. As niHXT*m-y be ceem fronr Fig*. r and 3n Cchen'x p*nrn*n*hip is rnore scribblc th*n dgn**e. Hi*deeth, k rnu* he n*d, ucc*rred no e*rlier fh*n r77a"rt

    Ws h*ve (rme full cir*ls back toJo*eph Wnlf *nd th* QSrr'Sn rnanuscript h* *xaminedin Meshhcd. The m*nuscrlpt wr*, lffolff mlls uc, pa:nd in '*Kcgeu-" lfffr believe thatwe hrrre *orreerly lsc*ted "Ksgrn." Ir we* eoprtd, he *eys, by '*David, the scn nf IseecSohen, of Serlin" {*r, inJ, rf,rr, n*David Isaac Cch*n of 3*rlin"}. Though his father'snar$e ic nor *v*il*bl* in tlic soufccs we hrve used, wc bcliere thnt wn hase correctlyidenrifind r.he Dnvid &fic$ of Sedin in ryresdon" 14i* h*ve dsnc this by id*ndfying theM*slrhod rucnuscript *c rhe snc nsw in lffashingron, Perheps it is possiblc to pre$$ on *nd*m*blixh rhc idendty of dre tr*nslaror" frn *nything be discovercd *bcst e F*r$snag:cnnmd *'l:Rrnmrucl J**ob Md*rro" qlr *'Ir'nm*nu*l jacob ilufedsrt" ns hi* nf,rnc is givenin fi rfgr? Hapily, yes!

    To rsdl the dgrouernefirr wc rsfsr *$ain r* Anquctil-Sup*rr*n's *xpericnsss in Coehinin r75S *s relard in rhc iirsr volurne of his Srn$-{uesrur (pp. cli-clii). $trnng euriosiryld him ro coffi*rsc wirlr *n o&ial *f the truteh Ea* lndi* f.*rnp*ny, *ntho*y tnnYdrts1 on the hi*tory, cu$om*' *nd *ndquides *f rhe Hindus *nd ehristiens an theM**bsr Coe*t. This official had hims*lf rsade inr.estigadons of * $ort ovrr a p*riod ofynL without much surc*ss* how*rrsr, n'M" lfen Vmhtcn m* conreille aussi dr nnsdres**ri M, V*n h*s, Juif dn Suchd de Juliers, csnveffi nn flhristi*ni#ns, & qui 6tcir clnrskofessalr de Theologie i frlsmbo." Recrynidon corneu in s rnomem of, percrytion:thi* mln i* our Qurnin trn**lnt*r * [L*pold] Irnm*nucl J*cob v*n Sortl

    Xrrore tftct ah$cure the co*nection rr*nt bc disposed of, Sn dre CIne hand, the #rnd*r{wr*cpafiffe*p which hss bee$ qu*ted conr*ins * mi;print: rhe name *hmld rsd o'van Dotto'nwithqrt l final s. On the sther hand l#alff, in *rnscribing *e n*me frorn rhe Qut'5ncide {pgc), har cn'nunittd an understandeble misrake. Whst fsced hirn, **surdly, was an*mc reading: srrs rpp' bxnx*y, {**Lropcld" cafiu of eo*rs** hc no pan *f *e man'sJenrish n*nnc), Nonplussd by nt.luo h* rend*rd it n*fukdort." $c ir stmds in TleJofirnst " . . t*. . . r$;r. In ftrrrsrrftrs srd ;t{ission*ry Laknrrr* where it i* eopid frarn hisnor*fi * *maqd tirnc, it hes suffered fuffher corrupinn"

    W* *h*ll nor und*rmk* m r*couar here the p*rtin$cr* rre h*vc ccllectsd in *e *uricuscrsa of L*opold ImrnEnuel Jacob n** Son.** Th* mrterinl is not by *ny mffin$ *deqrr**for * cahermt biogrilphy, nn* $ome of ir is tpecul*tivc" {Refcmale to *rchival so$rceswould bs illssr gr*rcfirlly rercivd") A relevsnt dttail rnay be sirnply smt*do nev*rtheless.It ic lcno*vn *nr the man u*d varigu* fnrrnx of n*me: *nr*fi Dorfot' "Tsn b*rgrrr *O*{de Dornrr *14i-Sort" is bur mo*er vminnr. l{c intendnd* obviou*ly, ra den*t*, thereby,**t hs hailsd *io*n rh* *iry of Ds*rlrechr {known colloquially e$ *'l)ort") in thc }lerherlrnds.

    Let u* sumffifir rhe tryument r*r rhi* polm in a less corrvslutcd fn*hion: $e*Xdng to

  • srM e 1:S4

    -t 4l 12Vo I

    ,4 ff,,rfirrru ftnr'Srt,ll{ur?rl'r$,rrfpr IA

    idardfy r Hebmv Qur'*n rnmuseripr wnnting ritle pge *nd colophon, in an Ashle*nazich*rd but with Per*i*n glasses, we senrchd the literature of *rn subi*ct. A rsfereme to epRfrv .n r r . F{nKT*'\b!m*nuscript,KeninFerrieinthefirgthglfcfthenineteenthc*rrmrynttr*ctedoura$ention'Finding thet neirher of rh* other knowm rxnuscripts * in csntr*st tCI o$r sr$n * wffi sfrhe right desceffi to *n$wcr the de*criFtism in *re refrrwtce, we {$sumd as * workinghypmhmin whar wf,$ rs be provd; the idendty *f th* pr*s*nt rnenuseriBt with th*t de-rcrihed in rhc ninereefirh renrury sighting. 1#* full*rved where thi* hypr*heri* I*d, *wayfi:wr Central Auia * fln irnprab*hls locatinn fsr n tranrlxion from l}"rrch * ts *il outps$rof ** Dutch f,ast kdla Company in Sourh Asia *arne thrcequ*ners of a cenrury earlier.Thenr* in * ciry rrhos* mlme * rvhen properly inrerprcted * sadsfied rhc indieiurn, wfsund e likely capyisr. An a*errr$ ts lscam r giv*n *p*cirnen af th* c*pyistns hend-wridng to tcst agxinst sur rnsnu$cript praved a failure" Unexpecredly, anarhrr documcndexample of his hardvrriting was di*coversd. This rppe*red at first to negnre any pos*iblccsxn*tion benrem that wrimr and our man$reript. A smr*"*y of mermscripts of Cnchinproveffince turn*d up *ev*ral in his hsrd* h*wevtr, Ons uf rhese * thr key rnrnuscripr *w*e panly in rh* **nsr*d cursive handwridng in *rc dncum*ntcd ex*mplc and panly inthc handwridng sf anothcr slyle of script in the Qur'Sn" Int*nr*l *videnc* wer *vailablcta prov* thet rhis key manu*cript w*c dw wridng *f n *ngle p*r$onr whenc* it fsllow*drhat thc &r'Sn, too, \{ra$ wholly cxe*rrted by this m*n, ir beins xcripori*lly * holryrnph

    -lxrrirrg its l*ter glosaer" s' will w*s adduced whieh explni*ed why rhe rvrit*r qrould haveknmrn t!#s typrs of Hcbmut cursirre uridng * fine occurring in rhe Qnr'X*, one in *lekey rn*nuscrip, n Nsw Testsment. I**ving idend$ed the copyisr of rh* LC Q3rr'in roo*r sEti*facdo*n w* \#ere able to $nd in th* s*urce ttrat led $$ ts th* *opyist, * likclysrdidrte for the ****lntor'g t*ek" Reinterpreting the dat*, thia indirridual w*s s**n uo b*arprccicely dls d$sid*rstd narrE" The nrcn has prCIved upon inqesdgndan to be no sm*llfry$ery. He iE r*rpondbl*, w* b*lieve, frr a fictisnal chronicle. Hc may be responsibl*for a strrngo apmlyp'se, as well"

    sc*ptre rhe *ymrr*etry *nd exh*nstivenesn of this denronsundon it may b* fra*klyndniittd that it dscs nm prCIve bcyond * doubt thrt the m nuscripr now in rhe tlbr*ry *ff.rxryrcss is thc CIne ex*mi*cd by lffnlff in lt{*nhh*d irr rsg r

    " Sor, * pf,rson who ecpir* n

    mrnuscrip on(t mty c$Fy it twieen or n tirnes. Collaternl rssnu*criprs may heve simihf, *thouglr nat wholly *imilar * csreer$. l#'c see ns reass{r! ncverrheles$r rr} rnul*ply en:id*shcyord necercity, ro pastuletc the existenee *f *n wnxm**ted rnanus*ripr whrn ths oflrrre hrve bebre u$ asrfe$ urith *ach of th* indicia" ll!f* xhal| proceed r* sur c*nclusionn,thw, withsur rcncidcring s*riou*ly the po**ibility th*t we rnay hav* happend upon rh*u'roilg one pf a $rt of ideruic*l nplns.

    ThE Libr*ry of Co*gr*sr m**urcript wau wrinen in *r* ry5o'* nr 6o"s. An rhe *ff?xfirrir.r {ilr we t*k* t?$fS, the yerr of the arrival of vcn }sn in th* kdies" {1#* ds nffi knowhonl much befcrc *yg7 Savid Cohsr re*ched Mal*b*r). Th* rrrurinur *d {n{rrn is theyem of fthen's dearh-perhsp r??r*1" The m*nuscript may, pfi$$ibly- d*ts r*r r?$?,

  • $IM F 1lS$

    t 1\ 12%tI

    $fuSi*l iru #l*llff:riryfr3 $r#d Sss*fs, - ldrfnrrr* s$Frr'f;

    for vrn San w*s in Co*hin th*t ye*r*if no other*srrivins, epprr$rtly, sorncdrne*fter Jurrc ard leving sometime bcfore rhc Neir Ye*r. $ince Coehin urec only a short seaffirv pns$rgc from Cot""rl", Ceylur*where v*n Dsn w*s teeching*this is unlikely to NEXTtnre bmr hi* mXy visit. To support a drte in *is p*riod rry* have *lso th* wimess nfthe pcp'tr

    Tlrougfi there is no inrern*l evidenc* {and rho*gh the rxonshly rending cycle rnight berhoqighr ro poinr m * differsrr uee) ir $ffirn$ lik*ly dr*t th* Qgr'*n mnnsledon wes intmdedro rcrvc * polxnic p$rFosr" lfe **surne rhar the rrmsl*ting * CIr * leasr rhe *opyirry *rlms dam by *ornnriasiosl of Seekir* R*habi or with his unppon, rnd th*t rhe LC Qt!r'*nrn*nu*cdpr i* on* of dr* produ*ts af,* rnnsledm proiem *imed *t rdering into Hebrc*thc rcligiour litenture pf the ncigftbor$ of *e Mel*kr Jetus" r proic*t which Rahabi$ppsrs to h*ve *ncoamgd nnd emgngsd in. There is arnple widsnm cf a polemic purposrin the m*rgin*li* ef Ncw Tect*mcnt M*. Oo.r.3a cf dre dlniv*rsiry Librery *t &nnbridgc.Sn *smh*r occ*sion rre shall idmtifo e Hebsr mansladsn in m*nuseripc af * work on}$dn bclicf *rd pr*cti*e rrhieh isnrd frcm rlr* $*me eircle. Decpit* Xaekiel Kah*bi'slms$m *c$merlic*l proeliviriesr*s$re must no{ frprct ts ftd drgt he shffrd dre nwivatisn*of * univer*iry depannrmt cf,conpcrrdtn religlon.r*

    Ndinf i* knon'rn of ttle hi*ory *f the qut'En during drc period bmreen the r75a'sor 6d* end th* r83o't, whsn it tr*veld frsm Sochin m Mmhhed. A whclly averl*n*lrours, fu frcarr beirry impl*u*ible, i* r*ost likcly. J*ri*h trsvsl*rs * though ome c*n h*rdlyrmnict tnmsport of silch rllerns ro thern cnly * must have rnade thcir way ncroe* A*i*in rhie pcrisd de*pkc ths hsrduhipc of itr* iounmyn iu$ *r they did in the rniddle pf thrni*enendr cat$ry when ws *r& better inf,arnrd, A cn*e ln poinr i* * repcrt nboxt * certxinlsmc bffi lllsffdwi, of ll*bmn, prhapr a sheli*$, perhap * merch*m, who tr*veled frcrnK*but to $urar, wer enco$nmred in $erampors in r$s6, e$d plurnd to rffu(n hom* h'yship.r" There iE no reflssr! why avcrlard iourneyc i* the oppo*it* Sirecdon shauld not elsCIhnre been unden*krn, and *rs liketitrood *f *uefu iourn*yt is ixereasd if rherc existed ajo*'i*h conrrnunity in Keshrrrlr *t the time, a$ sefllili possible.*t Sut a see pas$egs to Suxhehrotr svcn gasrr is *lco cncxeivable rridr e somerrhat rnore cireninmn ocerlsnd npproachtc iblcxlrlrcd.

    Th* pivocd pornt in the hi*ary of rhe Jews of illesfrhd is the farced convsr*iom of thce*tir* *onrrnuniry to l*Iern drat occurrd in the eff$$e of a pcgru*n in *e )erm r$3g"**This rmh*ppy syrffi did nm ryeltr the mrd of Jcrvish }ifs ir* Meshhsd" Precdcing * farr:r ofMermniun *uch n* recsr$ in Fcrsi*n J*rrich hietory, the csrnfil$ity n*naged w *urryil'srrJrtivdy inrect o* i*x hosn* gxounds *d, rnsr**ver, ev{n scnt out tiny scttlwne*ts ecsss$A*i* whirh rererred ts ov$$ professlon of Judd*m, Wolff, whe wns in lVleshhed bothhefore {1811**} **d *fi:er (rS*+} Se rnasr*crc, i* an innport*nr wim*** ta the back-grow& Frcryided th*r his tc*timoary ic examiaed xidmlly" *n ths one hando he foundJstryi*h soci*l' in di*errny, wi* * sffmnt af the ccnuntmiry tthc $ufis) cul*ivrdrry *nsotsriE do$rine not in conforndry wirh im *xtcrnsl nffili*tian.*r Anot&*r sqmcilt (corn-


  • $tM f 1:g$

    I r$ 127o I

    .-f ft'r$ry'tl,**r"mr $fr'$ff{ff: ip

    prising nevding merchnnrr) trad gnnc srill funh*r in dissernbling, prafbsslng Isl*n* in$hiite Kharasen and r*verting ro Juddsm in T.nrlcesra$r s $unnite etrs.?6 l{fo cnust nadce

    *R811 rh*r dris enred*tes rhe cnenr ef rS$ {known *s "Allah Sn*d"}" *n the mher hend, SEXTPrrsi*n soci*y in Khoruseil wes irself in ffux, wirh n wr*k goyernmenr in Tehernn hrving* rlcrd*r hold cn the ever-r*b*llious provinc*, and *nw voicen @,inning t* hc r*

    Wh*r hns rhir ro dCI wirh the mnnu**riput Wolff cxplains m rvhnr um the Qrr'fui w*sprr by rhe brqherhod: "They read* with their Moarsheed, thc Korn& md oth*r religiousbook*, t* find a co*frnnadon nf tlre tru* *f their $y$tffns; Jbr . . . th*y in*unsiste*tlyilT ro prsre dre rrmh tlf rheir mner$ frcrn bnoks* tlt* *u*ority *f whish th*y *r* srudyingto undcrmin*" #l*f{* l*S}- lr is n*r cxplicir i**ri$eadon sf their fensr$} h*l*rwcr, whichwc fird ropid out froni th* body of ran Sonns produ*ion on to * blank leaf {1, *rfb}in drc b*ck of the vohxne, but *omething nllid, proof mxtc cale$lard to shield the inidatesfron eirher lV{u*lim atmck or

    "}ewish eenssre, The Sr*s of thess p*$$ngs$ is *f prdcularim*re$r m i* obrious imeruion i* r* lh*ilirtte soci*l i*eresurse benpesn Persien $hiites*nd Jew*,

    Tln rinral imp*riry of she unhsli*ver is s*t out irt detail by rh* Safarvid thcologi*neL-Annili in his populnr mmperdium of $hiite Inw, Jfuf**i *v{}*&Lrr $* *ringent ale theregutr*ion* h* lay* dorrn th*n they sffinof reen {sffirrmpl*t* belierers **ring wirh infide}srnd so do nsr Snd it necessary to expre$sly prohibit rhis horr*r" Bur b*rh Jewi*h andChrisdm $avelers in ninemmth c*mury Fersi* mp**t*dly r*rnark $hiir* abh*rr*n*e cf it.Ilarid n'$*th Hillel, ftlr cx*mpl*" remarks: "Thc Fersinns . , . d* not sar with anycne ofrnothsr mtion, encn touching their bre*d and liquids sr frech flsi*; thcy consider ir asde*ld and will nsvfr etr ir . .

    " *n my amiving in their countri** I we* *sm'rrishs at rhis

    cu$tom "

    . *"r* Ncw wh*t dn w* ii:rd in rhc procf trxt*i Th* Srm *f the pfis$*Srs capiedtrur fsorn vnn Dnds tr*nslrrisn is inre*dcd t$ csrltrCIsem thi* prohibidnn. It r*edr; H,illrstplxit ;n {ll Frn',* ffr!-Lt p1 }mt# il*r}il ntyrr;l Hffitr up br*xb n*b 1ltw *os$nrn.rtnIt ir quit* bcsid* th* point th* this Hebrew p,{r$slgc does nm pr*p*rly r*prerducr **rneanirg of the Qlrr-6n vcr$e ir is supposd fCI repre$sm {$Srah s, f ), and thar rhs orherileof text$ *re dmil*rly inex*ct. Thme sectarirs qusrrlr thc d*ir*d msteri*l fronr vanllo*'s lacse rerd*ing, which is thrice rs*ovad frmr th* "&rebie originnl" Th* Iine *f*pologcrics which this proof texr $$gge$m perrnits ue, hcn'*verl r* avoid lffplffs "gm*rsr,rrpri*e-' *t finding * dnyrn *f *rc Jewitll commu*ity mdng with *e Mrl*liar rnunshid{&fft, tl$}.'n

    Juri*h hieroriogmphy h*s yer ts nodce, rnuch less comc m 6rips rrirh, th* $uS broth*r*hsod of Meshhed and rr-hat it bsokms. It wilt harc ta a$ses$ whnther l*.e h*ve h*re nnnttempt by J*ws ts entf;r intCI Fcrsisn rociety rhro*gh one rlf rhe fhw dacrs rhrr wer* opcnar whe*er the group is ruly arr rJKprsssim *f converging rnysdc*l currcnr$ in Isl*m andJudairm" Wrether it is the former * and there ar& $srne inrimarions th*r it is * or th*la*cr * and there is po*ribly $snre svidcncc &r rhar


    $rr ehdl wmt ro know wh*hsrrhc brmhcdro*d itself wa$ ru)r e eessal elemens in rhe ll{eshhed *vfnrs nf .rs3g, w'h$hsr

    "l' I

  • SIM F 1:gS pmjstonorg

    -f si 11%[

    tx -$rrorfirs ir* $r*ff$r*tphy srllrf fim*f*r"r lfirrr*rr, rgfr/fs

    it did nor serrr *u a csm*y*r *rm*ir6 rh* fenndcirnn of rh* ffioh. lVc sh*ll sl$o h*v* to*sck m explenrtion &r rh* *xrrordin*ry libm*liry cf tk {t{rlslim Sufir whiqh feirnin*dPRcv thern ro eRrr irna &*nrn*l comacs rvirh Jrnre in en sthenoni*e rmuictiv* socrery"'*' NsxrJgrffirh historiryr*$ry c*n hardly isnsre tl*sc mnttsrf" Nor ecn k nftrdn i* surveyilry*w eryrel to dhr etrmn$ of rSlg, to nv*rlosls*dccpite tht moving sspffi sf M*sl,rMiJcnr'i*h rn**yndarc and foniude *the releir*nsr of thr trslrmic dcctrins nf dissimuletionrin religio*r uhen cv*luedng this and other *xpr*esions of Marmnisrn in * Muslkn Femic;r*emirry;" Thic dnctrine rnached its frdlegt expn*itia* *nd *ccepxnse rmfim$ rl*e $hl'*, thffiShfu el*o claimad srrhusia*ric prac*iricncrs smsng varioun scc{$ on tht fring* sf*

    Ac for the suhquent history of ths rnanuscripq rry& drc reducd to caniemure. If itwes srill hnld br thu bro*erhood $s$En l'ernr after trffslff enceurterd it in thc house of'rMilll*h Mwhiakh I Mehde" it obrvinrmly mc*pnd eon$*cudsn frr ths librnry of theI!{oqrrc of drc Imrnr Riet {rhe *Fprrcnt fsre of &smc Tarrh scrolls and Hcbrcw books}rt dr* dms of '*Alhh [}aad"n"o* If rhii is so, snd if it remrined in ft{Erhhed &r eornc perioddurirg dre nubsqr:ult double life uf th* Jeirich cmnmunitfn wa enrr und*rsrsnd lrorr it istkr tlw colume lrae bcrn gloseed by a u*er who writer e ffu*nt Ptruirn hud b*t is r$c totff *n oeE**ion*l Hebren' rovrcl r* wcll" T* cey mclc would b* tc grv* fi*e* rein toepocrnktian,

    ltrf* h*v* tr*ced in this articlc, horveyer imp*rfectly, the stsry *f * mode$ Hebr*wm*nn*cript, l#s hsrrc ahown th*t the rnenurcrig * whi*h hns nn lntrin*ic rnerit ** *tr*n*l*do'n fi*r *ny rlaim ta andquiry * cen y* *ngisge osr iruere* rhrouglr it* enlpnaricr*mnct*r.lffh*t we h*ve rccsn*ructed, w'e bell*r,e,, is * byway ofJerrlch hi*rcry, a hywnylinkirry Ari*n comrrurnitim naporrted by morc rh*n tw* thouernd mile* *d romc dxe*qu{rs$ *f * cemu*y.

    AfiKNO1ffi,ENGMH}$T$The authsr wirlre* ro rncord h*re hi* thenke for curdial assiemncc, in s rc*e*rrh that h*srun sn for rnore 6*n * dozsl ye*rs, to thc following pcr$oils: H- Avnti, V, $etd*, $, A.Sinrb*r:nr, J, H- Cofpmhagerq $" [" D*yr& R. Hehmnnn, W. J. Fischel, L. Fuks, I. O"I,dtr$r& j. [.evecn, R. Lwy, R" l,news, ,1h1. Lute*i, S" Mndean, L. i\{nr$'ick, R" A- May,fuf. A. P. Meitink*Roelnfsa 0" S$ni, R. P*tei, t. pcrltt*irt l- V. Pourhadi* j" Komn-$msscrr M-H kchet, F. $rfiri* M. $chmdaer, S" $tdlle W. M. Tsun*ishi, H. Vo*rn,B. Widrc, nnd H. C. Uafrn. Thn **hor h, of cstrrst, *oldy re*ponxibk fcr the r.isttrswprcrsrd.

    Gr**frrl r*kuarnldgnrern i* drs mede m *e eutlmri$w tf the follolring lihrries and*r*irc*r A&mml kiikf*rc*ri*f; Affndr Razsry Uhmry; $crF?ri In*titut*1, SiblicthecaJudeice Smsnscnien*; Sibliothw Sass*helianai $iblioah*trc [r*-I{*ira I Livr*ria D.Mmtainarl Sibliodrfuw dc tr'Allierres Isr*Sitc Ur*ivm*cllel Siblicth\uc Nltionelc;

  • $IM F 1:gS pmjstor"orE

    *C Sf,r.#rrm fur'#*l $-f**lr*srr,ipt 4$

    Sodki*il Librnry; Sriri*h Mu*enmi J*with N*ticn*l sld Univcrsiry Libraryl KInuLibrrry of *e Hebrcrr fJnion Collegei Ubrary of Congre*; Librcry of th* JewishTheolqic*l $erninery of Asnericu Libr*ry of rhe $chpol of Oriental and AfricEn $tudie*iMndres Rranrd Sffic*l Ncw York Fubtic l-ibr*ry; Public R*c*rd OfHce; $atsccn Library;&{tni fidsv*h$ ${rmeum v Fmxe; lJniver*ity Librery, C*mh'ridge"

    Nd)-rHsI * *ritic*l ** {h#r}Sh n$t wh*llp s*ti*fh*t$rg **kmth *f th* ilt*& sct il. f,$" flr*nlsp* **Th* .$m'x*g****r $f Sr. J*mg*$r ltr*{ff*'* l$*rm#f qf r$r,* ScauJS*xrral -,{sisn $hdrry I* {l**i}'r }t{l"-:}I- Th* sil*th*rrixcd biogreshy * Frt'Fr*d F*rttrl' frorn l|.*'dff.sdi*r*tcd *w&u$t+ FrtlS' from lri* prlb$i*hs* isxrrx*ls* [s ?l.rm'rjs *rrd dd,*vnrfir#s d f*# Rsrp. fe.sepfrllusff [ * &{}* r rystr*. {L'sred*ilt'r r***-'tll} ^ Adtlighd,$l r*t*lflng sf rhe l*r*r *srs*r *f thl* i**repid *rc*llrric ir W$*"idsd tiy *:imr*y i$xrleiln*sd frvlrr; t'rrw i:mg$,*rud + N :i {I"*Bnrtsfi, ;tf $S}. #u}*t&sir*r's lnrrsdlrminn tll rh* ilstry *ditlsn *f tr#olff'sA Sdisriorl to Ss***rc {L*ndon, t*Sq} i* rhe br*rgr.*ils,*tisn t* dn*r x:

    * joxe$r ltrslff- Rrff*rs*'sr *rld .*flrsircr*ry g*$grs{:r$*tilrs{s# tft# frtlxo ffo*aruw,*d*rm, trrd #r*rr $*strf*fifr{f,I {t"#nd$$* l$sf}, FF. t*r., *it,*ri,nn* h*r*rs *ntm thl** tht *rr,$nd *didun *f the bssl{.

    which in idemrirnl i'lr the r*ler,n,nf,: S*ff*sS** tn'ithth* nrrs $thsr didon* puhtixhcd. Th* $osrh h*dfir*r been x*rinlitr*d frorn t#'slff'x l*rftr* in rheLocrd*n frvi,r,rgitc i*ur**l f&s rtf*rn*rg l..{/er**otrfmss i,nsr*llmfimr$ w*rs cstrlsct*S and iusu*d s*S"arfrt*ly nn Ifrr f*-rurrr*f ,

    'i x&r , + c rfgr. This c*rli,*rrcr*,ian dlffera ssn$idr,rebly frnm rhe rhrse tdirion**f ths fi*;r*rrrfrs nnsd d#f*rian*rg tcs,*uFr, Ir wifl be*iwd [ *.ll *$gr] finrn fifi* ,,tforrlrrrg t*'sff&, *.h,ff*it her i$ $qp$ pagin*tiun. Fr*p,*r n:sffifs m,tnti*n*clhF tfr*ilff *r,e giucn her* in rronn'*llr*d sFq,llims $n*l*m cmuming b*fws,rn qu*ffifi** sn*rkr. l4rhsr*ht h** un*d rnsrinnr npeflingu, th*y *ru xm lrff hy u*lcnh"

    *J* r#grr 66; ?i{- I r $}#, wh*r*,fue sr*{r$ th*r the*iry r*nt*ind *twtrt rssros& inhabiffint,*" T T**r**r*d***h*lf **rlir,rn &:rrhnr f,orr*lly h*d $'ur rh*Sgnne *t ssm$ *mo J*wirh ,f*milisn in * fixt. FsFu*l*t}*n *f qf,$sr,$s*srrs. *f, his funrry ** r** fssrirr,*J fmdfc* t 'T*ls. {Llr*dsil* r'$I+)- r i l$4o $tll- f,fl-*sol TIrc ,ffirryrlbprdf* *J frf*nrs1 #.l$- **&{e*lh,r*-n*l#*lff-* #gprr* *srrn rsa hi6h"

    4:$ 11% [


    * tVherr*$ in ft,+ff.* rr? h* n'r*rs rh*r rtl.g Jernirh$nS* h*lier,s rhs ileg1*'ntl,r *f tlx* $*,tvx, bur declin*fu*li*f i,u tlr* r*tu*['*ti*us, il* n{srirrir J'c1ax"1e*rf *nd;tf*ur&tr3' fi*girrrr* $*s* rs { I *g l} r }#S he nss*rr$th,nt nhn'y on$s ss( hqfii*r,{l *nythlrrg." [n hi* Ffisrury.dP*rsl*- r vatm. {L+nd'#nn rsrrt}" lr s*r""srf- johnfl{slmlrn * ir ffiri$*h {Isrsy rr} l["*hsrsn in rh*,**f,ll' nin*t***th **nt$ry * Irrftvid*-t *R *c nunt trfS'rrfi*,rn in frpm hnx*d i,n pmrt *n F*rsian ,r$rttu$rript"s$rr*x. Thr prnfuui*n sf $ufi *rd*r** th* l$CIssnr$sin *pplping thlx, dcxignnri*r*n xnd rh* *lr*rg* *f $i**fu*li*f lw*led eg*in*r rh* $nfix *rff: ssrxlnilr rlr* Fn*(*trr# n{*fd hy fol*fc.slrn.* I* *Sgrn ****p; fi$f$,- r $$.-.*I*o F*r rh,* re+rssspr*phet u*dirisr:t* s*,* *-tfftli*$r rrf*w*$frSifi- f;n#-f r*m$. hy jn.rn*n R.sfus*n* 4 v*ls. in s {[**fi*rr*-rpt**ssl- I r r $ rq" *h*di*h ix n*r *nly *f kH*nnir's*rigin in Juwish legtndn bur is *lsn pr$rrrror ofprapfr*t* in hisir*g. $n* Leuix Sinxb*rgn ?h* tr d.rat' r&r fct*'rn lndex, sor* ***fosdl*h-"'

    e F*r s hi,urgmphy $f rrri$ $ufi *,*infi, r*rh* had di*din lffl }*4, ** h,I*'q$rn **tli Shnh- ;H*h*mmndMu*pfir,n $hirf,ri, ftr&'fq *f*ft*irqt-iq {T"cher$$,rIt**tS &,H. / t{$g$..*tgrrl {1"H.}n pF" I r}*f"x.'ITto{rgh }ris sil*nc* wsuld *pp, nr rs i**grty r reln*rl*nrhip with rh* Nnquhh*mdi eirri*r, his rer$r ur*$il ltfirnnnxnlnhi" Fl*mry $$*myn- x'h* i*tervic-*-""*d- ukfu ln $foir*a in r s r * {nf" o[.fcrn*ir cJ t,.tc &*x.n.r'fcm'r"p *t'fxrrSnr by Jchn $*rgrrrr, Xl

  • SIM F 1:SS

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    Fp- r* idem, **A $,cwlrh Additt :ts $*fitrRn'nIQfi 44 {ngf t}: }?*-t$; f*nhy* b$n $o**pr}: ibn

    r\ri*h* " P*l$utl*, cl-Fffd$'* 'iln J*r.f iqf nf-*glrfri*, crJ" by|.tt.*v &hmh*m $h*[om Y*h*d* {txide,nn r# r r} i Fii,nphr*tit$ieder* Sfrrftpn*nr fthNfp-** **I f-f*lpuf$.*n ff$*;lrftrdi: frl*srir fn/.f.**rr*rr o* /mrrfrlr $f;krrflrf {{}x*kd, rg47l.l tsrn*l H,frr*u* nsnndi*'* Gsn*r*l ffirhlcnlilT,mory *$d lt* R.elnslnn t* $ufrsl,nr"'' ,in Tb* $*rs ry*&frl* r{ufffewrs$ry l.r*&*rr*

    't' #i* Jrtr'{s$l ftrrl*rfyg*i4sr {Fhilxdclphi,*, rssf}, FF, rS$*?pi FrsmeR,smrrths}* n*A Jmd***rAr*bi* t4l*rk *ntl*r $u{ltInffutn*&,n' $ff"rCd* tg {rg**} r $$}*$n*l G*rs*n f}"f,Gk$, **Ths *qsffirinlogy *f ft. shr*hsrrr !\l*i*rlt$[ti,n- #bwcr*f'rlrgs #/ rf,rr *f*nrrlr*m drrrd-wrr3r fortr*E*rirfr lt*n*rrJr 3$ (r+drl: 35-g*i Wnlttr J.Fi*dr*t- *,}err* *r,*d $udnlnrn nr rh* {hurt *f th*i$*gft$l ffinlperor* in ft,trdi*rysl lrdi*--* Frsumrsdi.ugsfJ rftr Jtrr*rrrfrex drcdcmrp fnr fr.t;r.r$l$ Rs*stcit l *{ rp*S***} x * $s'*? } ; *r,}S F,$*rt'unig F$ir**htcld- "ASl*tlr*m;Sufic Fu*fit*" frwrmrJ dJ r*r r{aruri**n#rirnrsl Smirrp {$ {r***} ; r S$*T $; sfl. r*rr*rr{mrSrr*ttrnl *J Srrnifif {.sngfi*#rs snd f*ilrr'*ftsrrr 4*{rgr$*.Is}: }s}*d- tr m*f not b* r*'irhsut *inrr*ifr*{sil}rs thnr $imxr*.-T*t' l\{tl*m*d, tfuc nuthnr nf*{**ffr el*r#$, e Jlden*Sernian cannpftc,irimn dr*rringhc*vity ffilr th*, $tlfi t**chi$S$ *f SufuT*n trl{*u ftcrnil'lcshh+d. C,f. tV*lt*r $. Fi*cheln **Ixr**tr in lrail"in Tfu fcwr, *d. l.*y L*rli* Sinkc'lutein* $rd *d-*; tok. tNcrv T*rk, lsstl).r I ; ru ?4" frfl *In$Sachsr in ,U#{S 14 {r,*,rs}r Sr*f r* *,rd, -$picc*h*ndler in S##- s {rg$fi} ; r -}s. Si*nnn-"T**. S*ql*-'- f;si :tr # ff-r- TH.Ltr tff f t#r*rriucd in trI4tohhd. Amsr$ing ts :nrr *r,ss*rnt in$"rdn**ofirrt f {rtE$}r 6r th,r dete sf de,arh rry$s rff*rSrl" 'iffolff d*s'r nst nrr*nrisn hirn,"r f,f" J**eS* lffs|ff* &rcrr.rsrrrr sf $ .lHir*istil: {s&***r* in rSr frcrr tsgg*r$+r [ *lf$f$tr- dth dd"#-ffitds$* r **dl, sp. {, r $Sn {f r i r*frsri,r*arg J*$rmn*f*rd -+t{ f,r S r*r lt*s. /erqp* *ft#ff {Ncr*, T*rk.rSr*]o F* Sr*l fi$ff," ,fS* r$$, 4s*.I fr r$gr, 6**r f bid.l tr-ll"f{,o I tr6, r $ r f*"hers nnsh*lcrrn il,V'Iclw*I**l*** i*n dn*bt}*xu, Sd*u,lHnfr Sl#hin.)I n ln f\rjif$* 3$ f . hn adde F ird***i *nd rhe f$*th*nnvt, thougfi *l*mrh*r,e in th* ts$r* hfi*k {fs'" ff*t*nd $gS) th*ns ar* umitts,S"rr He ir r*rln$tly d*si*nsr*d hy $r*Iff; **Mnll*h{trl'**hlnl*h A}n*r*JA}*snn' {perhnpr n ffintrsction sf*Shnifin)* '*ildull*h l\{*h$*lM*hds,** sr **A$*lh'{d.tS*"'n Cf- Jo rsgro *,$i fitfn, r * g*}$. *f. *l*sffi* *f*fsrir fier*mrsf *rrd $'fmrr*I;xr ftrsf*tsr. n.$* t$

    Trt*dinr in St$ftffirqSfry srlrd #*a*frrc, $$'-ifffrr* rf;Frrrf r

    { r ff l l} t } r *- d}***$}y, ffffir r*f*,rm {'f,} hirn, *$}p&r**nrl1r, rf, J**rtl#y* r I Is$r rryirlr*ut rn*rttiuning hinrtry n*m*- Fr*rn f\r,$,f$ {r*'here h* iE c;llltxl '*f,FXullnfiMs,hS*," es*l*nit'**y) $,'s [c*rn thnt this psrssnX*ter **r*S ft$ * [$ri#sfi n#t1tnt nluring thn F.irsrAfghxn l$''sn {}r. }g-}}* s*rrlsd r*nrim*ninlx Tr^r hi*f$ithfill :s$rvi** fr*nr H*nry R*x'li$s,fft ,ftrltsrrg*rh*r* {p" | 7 f }, sR* ttror he served }tr*lfT $* *se,ntin tlre **$r$* rrf th* l*tmr's nrissiffit ttl r*sr.$*Iirddnrr rn **n*lly (pF, rg$*S{- }Ss* nnd P*s*-*irrl}. \tr*Iffg e$ain: rcr hrr'* f,$f,r*,rtrT hxpaie*d himin i[Iunhhs in r $*g4 {iTr.t'f $- r ffi*,I, h* *xurtic*lly+Ne*i*do rf" J*rcph Fisrr* Ferritr, ff*r*s'cs Jeur**ys*mrf l,Finrsr'rfrgs rre &nsic $ * s {[,xrnd,$nr rs96],p- sitffi. frf.. *N*q$ itli*,.- Ff,l. t il?, il ts* Ilt)- ilf.Tisnh*tr i$ fftJ$-'* rt {r$ffi}, $}fi*}t. He h*tf, *lft:r!rs** tlstrr f*r*ihly s$rlrssrt*d ttr il*l*rn in t*'-1,9-tr*t&***r* lt't.*|ffi*n fwr) r"ielts* *l*ng: rrtith th* *rh*rJ*l*,* *f s{c*lrhc$- I'{* n**{}rnpnnird tr*''alff $rl tlrcI,ntr*ris s*r$rn fr*rn lk*khilr* ir* r s{+ ti*inirrx hirn$ iltt**rh*d) st l**m fis fsr ns tnnisn {rVrt{S.t$s* {}$}" I}id 1$*l# nf"sndnn ptr*n* t$ ralc* himhs*l* t* Hlrylxnd $n tlt*l xdvir"* *f {,rr}" }Vi}ti*mfrcrr'**iek ttriN$i*rm {fu' f #- +S?},3 r\{tditirlu,al inf*r*rn*rion *h*ut **fb*utlrrk JLi[*]rd.*" i* r{} S4 ftEtnd inthe Prlblie Rererd #Sm ln Lnndsn. trt h*u nsrb**w *xpl*r*d- [Th* rrs*' $f *n&'tnxhin]3'n x* fr g]trrrl{t*ttl* '.,,,,,,'- R{}\ls ,*lnu * ,s,un$n:rfis * *fft{}l!s Jewr *fths Nesr Sas.t snd pnrticulerny sf lr*n h*u *n abt i*$u$ +sxptrpn*fi*n* f*r whi*h the vnrl*nt* elf tFristn*$.$ nflffiis pr*rtld* r,rridunr*. It iu *irnpily ttr**q*ivxlenr *f rhe l\{uslim p*:rsnnal n*rn* n*h{*hdi.*'*f: xtfi* l*drr***.nrla $ {rgSS} r Sr. {}*n nesd iltsts*elx ttl ctl$rlsfr ir r*rith ff $Itrggiflmic n*f$*nt'n Srm{lvsrl}rn{o *f" FJ*ninn S{ixrufti- F"sfrl*dr P*r*r {T*l$llnit.n t*$$1, F" I&{. Ths $:strls ds*g $s{ *ppefrr t#he *tt*md in rh* Ti* ffigin tltsr*rurn* h'nwrstr.fu r**:p*ris'r cxi*t *s t* its pr*p,ri*t1-? Ir hu* *il*+heet* b*r** hy K*r*ite*, cf" J,ff- ** [t. ]t$]- $tei****hncldc,r dn*s nfit *rplain *r* *r,igln of th* rr*r'nf,in J*R'n"fi* t I {rSgS}: r4$"}** ltitft* r lS; J, I'fgr* Si.'l Rofff", il eS. The p*r*tl*t p*'*rt*is in J,* r$grr $F,r**ds *$ f*llrrwn: *'I rn*t h*r* with ths Hntrr**'**rrslntinn *f rh* I{*r*m, rnad* in H*brcno hyIrurn*nuel J*c*h trI{d*,n, ,tnd wrirxrn hy l}s*""idIe*** C*hen *f S*r[in-n't* Hry*.n rhx Fsss*s,riaR nf uh* diwsn sf $l*.Sf hrthis circlc,csm *nly hrs n*id t* illusttrrt* th* r;*stn n:flnnninn Jsr*"x S:r F*rri*n psst$r unr*.itrh * mnrkdprefbrs#cs f*r dls**

    'nith SSfi **nrrictiunn*'n r{.J*n Ry.Bl*u- '*&n *utlin* *f lud*opP*r*ian Lirer**ture*n* ,in ffir*ry qf fr,rrt$'m f*f*ntrurr {f.}srdr**hr.rq*Sl,. F. ?tS



  • srM ? 1:g$ pmjstor,org

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    /* Tfr&rnp fJr*r-#rs -;l+x*tnrrsr"S$r$ ffi.,fi"* rhe *tat*rTlgnt reg*nding H*,br**'*' frsn*l**ti*m,r *f F*r*i*n tl*,nsl** ir* ??** r i $ * il ix* *tivi*

    p$rffiv :T3"til::l,*rh*

    'ur.h* $ibt* in lr*rsi*n"t*r*a$*tntis,*tr*'n &f*r.'*-''rrd ffimfryl**I ffeulms d*s {**tn}:Ir*t.or fr;tff;, i 3** ts$t ,f*xirJbgur *l rler f*r$'rxry o/ rJre*r.frir& *sd f,irrrugrx fli*$Jr $mcfr

    " {f-*ndrilrn I *rr.p},p" l*t*,f$# S {rgth$} I r x In ffis. } r, }lt ar*d $ms*inr* T}repo'pn*ariry' tlf ths thcrrr* hx* l$d* spF{rrrndy, fr+*sp*nfiri$n *f rfn* Y. *,nd ?,, m*r*ri*[ 'fr*m $h$]rin-s{lmcsfr Sro* int* * t1u*ri*ind*pcnd*nr trnrh* efl)trr*tfu** Stlesks* $frfuir*-u $ffi'tr*.i* *$rrtrr$fr*S*lefr,{T iibitserr. **SSF}* F,., [t,

    '+ SfrS S { r**ft} r .f r.'u fbr f,fi ftrrL"srirnm *xnnrptrc nf" the btrr.tlr#t&$ Sihl**,s enrplay*d hy F.srnlsn ;Htl*liffis ,firr $lnrpss*s *rfl*l*mit *fmt{$ct:i*s s*t f"}it*rr*'t",rrsi*lf Fr,ssru srtr*.f$ri*i*ri4,'$!d,ffsl$$n$s{f,d,$+rr'ru1 {{l*mbrirlgr,r$r+ln pF. *{lg*3*t" Inr*r*sring $$* i.E ,s}stl srtxd$rhsffi *f thrr- rr:st elf n'F{cr'$*nr Ha}'*lc*tr*' {Frs[:*btyfiom ttr* {hnntmmr*,r*grl* r : rS qr{tiri{rlr r:f, ilfugt,,t'{l#nr*ffi$I*} rt"hish frIil ints t*m ltxnds erf,,i* :\$ullfr arYffid {ibid.- F$r. }sx*tS}. I.err lfurrher mur*ri*l $}}rcligirru* dixl*ryH{.$ tnrw*r.R i\.fu.rlinr$ m*rd Jnws inl!{c*hh*dr $e* P$tsi in Fsft*f-crc 5p {r g4*} r r .3ry*t{ r.Cf;, *fsa l4i*ltr;r J. liis*,hsl in Tf*rr /orJrl** *$f*,ru*frnr*tisl il'"rrt*{rrsr {h**. Y*rl*n rs$}}* p. r r l., fi. 4}*rid in fidGIfI '}? {r*-t t } ; r il{o fi" x " {{:f" IgnrrtGnildaiher in ff#f a*g {rw+}i rrrl*rg f-rrr cirxrieinxfrom th* Hvtrrew ltihls in r*-crfts *f lrdian f\dtrs*linnr"l

    ffi T*rfuded *s ir;r*[*vsnf tql this nrtirlr i]rl:; Ar,*trisr,ri*nu$*ript r*nd,cringu in Hehtrcwr *h*r**r*r* {*, f$.-ffimdl*i*n Jt'l*" H$nr. $t**il*!ri $+*l $tr, l"* r; *f" fi*rgfrn* Tinsm,*nr* S**irrrf** rsn#nrrrr*r$*nf*lr***n fBunn, rg r4f o F" xxi *nd p!, r,fftr) ,ffisnusffiprs rrith incidcnrxl Hfilrr{rtn {}r Jud*r>Srnblc cit*tlCIns {*- S., hlr. Vxri*nn l,?.f' +: *f"S*r rrf,*rl r r [r+ll]* srg]* nns Hebr*w rrr jm,Ico*Ar*foie $Ir*s k- S*,' **J!*n**se,h -btrofu*nrmed" r rf.ff,#J *S I r**p] r I * r f ,i rf- slsn $ffnfia$r I**d'rrridfTc,Xlin} fJcn*,*slsrnn f g3.*11$I, pp- r.Tg*$$). R,*$srffirs ts Qur*Sn nl**rx$rr[r*rs nfit $r]lp' ir{*nrifi*htrqrrr loc*tnhle ffi*lr slrrr ku nttr*d k*rc,; *) Ths *tltr*i*st ird*x *f 'Hlte*m lt{- A*ller*n f*r*drffr*r qf $fr$rru:uV*xr*;grfsfri {{krgbrid$e., t$r l} re*tlr*$ $n F. rgr}lr F.nb} g{r'!F" The p*Ss m whish $$e in r*f,srr*dnh*t*,sstr* fhils tn linr 'ir, snd srgsf,nl *ff+rts r$ findnrrh il filnf'tuser,lpr im rhe Llhrxry *f rhe jsnirh'li}lr.tllnpic*l :.tenritl*r1,- h;rr:n pr**.ml l;Nn*y*itin*"


    b) #l$s*nni Bern*rder ds R$ssi lns{r*io{r* * Hs-brerr translsric* *f th* ftir'fin {nr*dc, hcwcver,frnm thc Arsbic) inrcntsricd in * li*t of rne*u- Lrrwr**ripts from Am**rdam, cf, fiisit*,tria rr*riro dcglf ''Y{;/\ }ttttsti t&tci, r vch. {F*unn" r8sa}, r: r rg*r* an*li*lem. #iarsa*ri* rr***o drgJi mrrori aru*i {P;mm*,r$s?}, F, r.4*" St*inxchrcid*r pr*noun*cil rhiernnnuneriE ils t*fnnd gur:*tinn f,od" tr{ich**lOl. ro {*It}J, xith*, h*wsv*r* pr*viding tvi-d$ncc, cf" "Fols*nisch* un* ry*lngrti**he Liter*$irin *rabir*h*r Sprsrh*nn' in *{fl**ndt**g*n jr$r diefft*xds drr ,*forg*nfrwr*r 6 {r$ff}; 316" g; -trhcf*rcforr ol t$c Li*r*l? frb*ndrrJ Sy Rrv. LctsirWay" i* rf,r7 {l".ondan, r8s*P} lists on p. 56under"Hcbrew l'l/crlts": *'Ar*hic N*rnurcript Hxtr*ctsfi*nr thc Xonil*n' lt i* not *Near x.hcrh* r judeo-$r*bic rn*nu*cripe i* in qucxtian, br:t ir hat ncr, insny caser bsen locatrd. A Persirn nrrnusc:iptQur'*n *r*rihd t* * Jrdld rl-lsl$m xr flle*hed{cf. Rxph:el P*tni, ,4{csrqrr J{lrrorqyar UminhagsQ**rlr*lr "r*d frfuair if.rft}sd fJrrus*lcrn, rg{Jl,p, d) wlltr not fimccrn $s, n$r will I $p*ni*h Qur'i*iu nnnn$eript held try rhr: Hxim l.ihr*ry i*Antstcrd*nr- Finnlly* in {Iiuxcppc L$t;iltr

  • SIM B 1:g$

    t :$ 11% tt

    thr*e d*w**r lst*r in **Fclemi**h* rm.d. *po$*-geti**h* Lir*r*ffir in *n*binch*r $m*ch*,*' p" 116"

    F.ffi'ffi-V ** Ct hdorita Std:rschn*idsr* #i,s ltr&rsr,,irsIlrnUr* d*r *frnr,lslrcrr {S*rlin, il $*l}*p" 46t [cii, hfi*'srcr' Fp. XXXllI, s4S] I i$'trn*;{i{grrn*n* SrnJrtrr*m$ rfr d* jridisr$* f,ftsr*{ur* dr,srtffi*rJ*&rn'o $fd *d" {J*'r,us*[*rn* r$s*]* F* ]s"**

    -Tli* *r-idqn*c i* m*r*h,str*d in sncther *sfi$tffii'st*h'f Ludwig *l*n in d"m o,tfsds,t{ $ Smc5o r*nd Srft:rffr*sr,rirsr {$nd*pe*{n lpug}* FF- *}**i1* r * I. A f*rth*r*x*mpl* rwr nmlcd by $luu ts ts b.t found in ft'Snrr-**r#fti, $srin n* r * t'n$,f$): &p*Ss" &n fl,pp{rrnntusc of

    'l*p$ ro rncsn ltnli:*n i* sr*vid*d by rhe tirl*sf, tt** $*trr*gm uidmr *f, rf3*" f,f. $sm$*[ SnryidLu.*,u*fttlr s,tf**ry" {,r:mcfusfr Srr*r Ss#Iot* {"fd A$lv,xg$6) o S* t r 5* rts* 4*.r? Ir h*u hem *verlonkftd th*t th* title pss&. tharryhnst l- srr r{ry lik*lg rtxr*n th* tltl* nf th* wnrk **nxxpbra 1s*,

    ""-*ith * lig*tured $$tr*tnrv nt th* srlri.{Thi* ic nct entim$y ,**rn*irr :n:s *rs writing is *n}'bcl$i*hsdl" lf $$r it nl*y ponuibty b*

    'rirywrd *spri:tnn f,ncic nvidenr* *f nn lt*lisn $*ds#t"*n Th* tr:*f*slst*r** tlsrnt. i* f;$ltra$-,ffS u-y 'h'trr srtth* title F$s. *f *rs Sndt*i**r r{rnn{r8rripf. If hei* ths Furx*tt identifi**-d ir* rlsr*s $ I *nS I+ b*lntn*,th* m*nurcrip( s*n *apird uh'*rrly *ilrr his dc*th,tkugh lt ir mlil**Iy t* hxt'*, bw.n **pld fr*rn *re*tfr*sf;tr*ph.

    *r $n rhe r*tr,*tlsnrhip *f rhqr* v*r*i*nn s$.rnp*rsf*rns* Kritns$h* **R*bcrt *f KcttoR'x Tranxtatl*naft-h* Qrnr-Sr*n*n fr*ilf;t*l$ fittrr*crfy s {r$s$} ; }ffi-l * ildem* F*r*r fftr lrrr*mrsh *ud fs.{,tm {Printrtsn*tf'fu), SF. #l-{g, S?*rl$si \tJ- K*ehl*r-;n-Tiffif;a firtr sffi ,fr'ffiff;.1&m*lanx $***l**,du **r*n ** M*3*r* Ag*1" drx*$*xsfftir*riru dher"rimfc rr iirr$r*$rs tr x*'r 3 { tg*?**$} tsd"-*rl f.*.*I" $ilx**tr* tt*, $**y* '*Hsfi*e d,'unnn*$t.*crlt *rnhc de ltAlctlritrlo" Jtkrisrt r* rr"lr*f#*r mmrl*srri*r dr fs Si#Jisr$$rynr foipr,f*fr g {t8r}} rrs$*Si nnd Sf,SJier&.$*r*c d-r - - . $,ii$r$frs dr #$rli3 vnl*- {Fxr,in* .t$s,r*+.3}* t: Fa$*}*r ns* r**?$.st I-ftlr*mr$ftn gt {r. *r} r s*F*,tl.It #r$ffrr*snr f,udc**r r r asf :n. ror* f$,r $s. $$$s*sl f$, T. 3, Sp" 13 rr** $rls, t*h*rs, rhe +futth d*te l$ts bc n*rrected ts 163*; **d # * r*o S, scrl. S.r3"Tfic *nth*ra *,f th* $*t**r rtislc *hnw **,rn* $ns(F*rnlr,rtf i,n rn*lc*rry thel id**tifisnti$n.

    $rrurJiss i:ru Si&figgr,apJly *rrd #*r&rr, ${"i$frr, r$Fr/f r** ffi* $'irs h*rr,r in lIttrrr*x stldis$ in $*l*mi**, liredi* 'v."t*niw {rht placc sltn\rrr un thE rith prg* of th*Sudlsi.xn r$ftn$,g{Fipt}- was r,nbhl in X.nnre* snddie$,in r*,3s {rh* y**r sh*wn *n rhe dtts p*$e *f f\tffiHTth* Ssd}*i*:n raflft$s*rif*t1. H* wmld. thr*, in xlillikntifrcrod* h*r"s kn*rwn ltnlinn nnd b*en in *antnctt+'lth l!,Iuslirns, H* is a[** s*i$ r& h*re hld *xr*nsiry*ues$l*r kn'owl*dge. *nd ts hsr** be*n rt$pr-*t*d f*rhim }e*rning hy the flr*netixn} **th*rrltie*" $min**shnc,id*r fre*imud3' *tmibut** r+ hirn s$ *xp*rtkn*wld&* *f Sr**lc, in '${rrsrfdft*iss dsr S**r**r*ss$rd?r ff**r*{r.s#lrf**rx f**rlin}, x rrnls" {tt*rlin, t STtl-Sylr ,*; $x* fi" l, #**l[ Rrrrh *apins* witiltsnt qu*ry*itry,, thn rr*s nlir*r*f8rne$ts *f fff nbnnr Frim, cf,.FmmEer$ris *f the $*wish Hist*ric*l $mictf offfinglnnd It {rgx{*,*-*3r}: r}S"** Ilr f,rpfcr..rrr*f*rrs sru dr Fls*'m*rir $f*nrd-FJafl***f{Hnartrsm* r*#*}, F. $}S-*fi It is ,nttwf,lere xt*t*d irt thhnp,ir*'x firr $$lsn rr-po,$, t* *{nnr*sI ,ffirp*r*r t$}$ r t i g*16, thar th*rntnu,*cript in ncephal*u'*. His st*terlttfit is nrlt,,Iniw*vurn s,tt *d*qu*t* d*se,rlgrtirsrr in srl$ r*sp*qt.Ths, fn}l*wing r*nsid*r*ri*n* [ead nn*: tft tr$n,*$udsrh*t *nly $ nlngl* [e*f is I**f, thxr te*f h*ing rh*tittt $ril$e: The q*ir*s *f thc x*lurnr {with the {ix*,**Si*rt rlf the l*sri] *n*lr **ffisier eiBht lmr*n" *nly,$a:tre*r trx*v-** nfthe initi*l quirn nrs *:(r*nr, hsr*'*ril,*r,io tn* Icnrcx Ir] thr*ugh p **irh tre*f {{sr} rn*ntin6- Sfr*p ei'f trur*rur {* rcmnent *f th* frsnt **vsr} errrr*iog *r*uud, fr**n th* spine dc*x, fidlt {tpp*flr rt} grrt*rid* rosrn rn*ttgh f*r *n$thsr quir* nf *i*ht" ThuSrt utrr,tin*ing I**f i* hmdd wix:h * ss$kls*l *nd t,$rl*tnins a d*xc:rip*icn *f Islnrn *ohith r$*y s,nrt"tr xn rh*riutrtrtltr*tic.ln.

    t? Frnf*sn*r A$t*x*ndcr iHsrx writ** ts s*lt rh*tth* {rran$script hnd fur*s *ffur'*d t* hinn f*r stle*sms *inrs *r*fbr* by the dmlsr flsratl] Scrtrsm,in,nnd thnt h'* hud il,*t purtlr**d iu- He *nkt n'hmhsrit h** h,een n*Erri:rmi hy thg l*itrr*r1- *f f**n;Sr*$$x*,d r*r,:lrl,*-qtg filrther infbrr*ati*n ehaut it, if it hnxtmen- sr" Isr**l $*tr*1rir* r*pili** tlmr it hns hsenFrnrni *

  • $IM F

    d *lb#rr.{&-* fti*t'-ilrl rt{sni$fsrnpH

    s*qrdr*d in |tu$,$ls*, p*$*ibly |n Ki*v, T'"n'$ lreerslmfbrs, rhls b*'ncf*nr,i*n, ttr.c Ferlst*in finn h"ad

    ss*L - *srrilred t* *h* X.-ibr*ry lrf f;*ngrss$ th* Re*kemdsrfffimlHV Qur'rn tr*nsl*ti*n- Ifu" ^-*,r*llxl Rrf**rl qf ffu f*i'*r*ri** *,/ {irffiSrf,r$ rg}s" tr}- q5. Sf **uhtfml rstre*r*rlf;s hs** irr iln urld*tr,*f l*rter frqrn Hphr*imtlsirr*rd t* $*hx*p*irc in *'hich it is srer*d that **rh*Alc*rrrx'* wnult! hn in*fuded i* n f*rrh*orning li*t-Thir *ppar$ rr) hn** ref*r*ilts* t$ n *tlFf pl- ttrnR*ch*d*rf diri*n whiEh Sein,nrd 1*"*$ *ffering fnr:snlq.

    ** T'&c J{*r*n o . o fr*rrsJ+rfc{d * "

    . Sy #e,lrr$r *lds {phi}-*S*lplri*, r,S-rI), F$1. rvi:i*sryi,li, flf"n trr$f th* pr*,fx**of *rthtlr J" &rlntrtry! T}rr fd*r-lm Jmlrrprr.{rrfn $ t*s!s.{t^*fiSsfi,

    'IsS- 5} "${n Ii frr**. tr*duc**m fy*r fiS#i* Hl*rh&re, a ${rtr,$.{,Fr,rin, Ig4}'*4$}, } r x*xii; Vicr*r th*rlss f,harr**'itl* St*,fr*gr*p,*ir rfsr #f{+'rsss$ sr*Srs,n } s v*ln, in }{Ll$ge- t*p,r*rp r }f"r r}* rs: r e*.*,1 r -{* f,f,, S*r*tl*l ${. ffwcntt'r* **"I-tsnutrnti*rrs *fl dr*Hsmn*" ??-'* utfprJ,r,,m ${trrfd f {r*r r} r 14$ {br *m*pinic,n *'f its v,nln*-*n A slrnh *i*m $iriis ill*S{ilkFn {xfter H*$*},*l*rrg rn-irh annrh*r, wrfip*xits o*Lif* *f $tufuam*tnsdo' prt t*grxh*r frr:*l t*'*rrks *f h'*nti$* flrrinrians${,ft*rs; ari s,*{*ut}t sf rhs rni*r- } fr*rn tlrq l}*(}l* *f**Amfif**' {tf* n{*t* ++ b*tlrlr*'}, *nrtr ttre: o*i1'I*x$'il*A:bdillfih ibn SsNilsn." *n th* lsxt sf thun* ci;#*ill*srne Fr$ddri* Ilifper, ff*r S*w{' *,frr {kinrurfIrrag*n (L*iden- $Sr4)o pp,. r3*f# nnd l{rirx**h,Prrrr r&r l,-'*rrn*#lr *rrr fsf*mt* FF" SS,-SS.

    {r &t Amstnrels,m in rSgS* **S6 nnd n*g$,l *rRstrcrd*rn i* rSSSi srftd ar $"*id*n in rt*Tn r?r r*,r*S r?I4- Fii;*r, ifrt S*r# #n fk*,i*r,*d lnnrngrll,II, g **nit* th* r*** *nd, rTIn rdirifin$; Chir*r,iu-.8t&Jt#Sr,*fl*fr, so: tr$*F$* t*lg*r ths trurl r{'qfi sdi"tl*ns ta he CInsr hut ucls*nrvtrrdge$ $n *mis,-sinn in *tltlt*., *rxl Krnrnsns, flE ll*rslx , * q t *rt*ald d**nJ" [f. Krnnr*rr {Srn*srdarr**$russdn* $ S,$S} -p- xviii fitil-q t$ r*st:rr$ {h.e H,rtr,rsrq{firn lrrimdn*i.*$ far $I*r$K*sc$ nf smrnnraris*n th* Srxt ils{il lanrtditi*crs *f d,]t*s*nrnk*r $,-*f* s{:*,c:s$ibls. *I*tr* r *S*,"&mrterdxnt r$q$ *nd *?n r rldi.ti,cns h*r* *trn* h,eenfierfl. $*rrne di#effififrss,o i. c.,* tytrm1gr*,phl*ntr err*rxin th* *ttuting *f Frsp*r rifirn*sr w*rq n*rsd i* th*sq;*tlitinrrx whieh *rs nrlt t*t*l r*irnprssslrlr,ls- It ir*$s*dvntrlc, *$rls$q$antll"n that s thtlreugh **llsr,ipn*f th* fr$trrlpti*n* In th* *Slri*ns u*ith rhsm *f rhem*r*ur*ript rnight :irulicutc rn'hi*h *dit{p,n t$rc }$**forsw rrsnsl*rnr h*d hr,f,*re hlrn. 'Ihis lr r**t, hcrw**s*r, *f imtsr*sr $s: rvri sll*If s$Sg*st fi rsnrxirus$$ i*{rr# fbr **r r{r*ritr,ucrigx initnp*r,drnr trf the rsxr* *f,

    1:I 117o I


    *ny * and drring I**r rh*n *ll * sl' rhc cdidansof Ghranr&cr.*r X*ft unresolv*d ht