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Personal Project Session OneFriday, September 5

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TodayA Letter from the Past

Visualizing the Personal Project

Where to Start

First Steps


Global Contexts

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A Letter From the PastWhat We Know About Success

To succeed, we must have confidence in our ability

The key is not to eliminate setbacks, but to build up the ability to bounce back from setbacks

One way to build this feeling is hearing from people with experience

Getting Inoculated Against Failure

Expose you to what might go wrong.

Think about what you need to make things go right.

Believe that you can do what needs to be done.

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Read Your LetterAt your table

Talk about what your correspondent is telling youMoments in the process that they found difficult

High points that gave them confidence they could succeed

What kinds of help did they get to put them on the right track?

What reassurance do they give that you can succeed?

Any advice that they offer for you.

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Investigating Planning

Taking Action


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InvestigatingDefine a goal basedon personal interest

Identify priorlearning and subject specific knowledge

Demonstrate research skills


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PlanningDevelop a proposal

for action (with criteria for success)

Plan and record the development


Demonstrate Self-Management Skills


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Taking ActionCreate a Product or


Thinking Skills (ATL)

Demonstrate Communication and

Social Skills (ATL)

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ReflectingEvaluate the Quality

of the Product or Outcome

Reflect on Knowledge and Understanding

Demonstrate Development of ATL

Skills and as an IB Learner

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Where to Start

Strengths and Weaknesses

School subject

What you want to make

Problem to be addressed

Your Interests

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Outlining a GoalState a Basic and Appropriate Goal

Outline a Clear and Challenging Goal

Outline a Clear and Highly Challenging Goal

To design my own electric violin

To research violin design and violin making and then design my own violin

To research violin design and violin making and then design and produce my own 4 or 5 string violin

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Outlining a GoalState a Basic and Appropriate Goal

Outline a Clear and Challenging Goal

Outline a Clear and Highly Challenging Goal

To design my own summer clothing collection

To research current fashion trends and then design my own summer clothing collection

To research current clothing trends and how to design patterns. Then design and create a summer clothing collection. Learn how to create a template website and market my designs.

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Outlining a GoalState a Basic and Appropriate Goal

Outline a Clear and Challenging Goal

Outline a Clear and Highly Challenging Goal

To raise 50 000 yen to support the education of a child in Southeast Asia

To sponsor a Southeast Asian child’s university education by raising 200 000 yen

To volunteer at UNICEF Japan over the December break and then raise 200 000 yen to sponsor a Southeast Asian child’s university education.

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Outlining a GoalState a Basic and Appropriate Goal

Outline a Clear and Challenging Goal

Outline a Clear and Highly Challenging Goal

To raise 50 000 yen to support the education of a child in Southeast Asia

To sponsor a Southeast Asian child’s university education by raising 200 000 yen

To volunteer at UNICEF Japan over the December break and then raise 200 000 yen to sponsor a Southeast Asian child’s university education.

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What’s the Difference?What distinguishes a basic appropriate goal from one that is challenging?

What distinguishes a challenging goal from one that is highly challenging?

Basic goalStating what you’re going to do or what you’re going to make.

Challenging goalOutlining what you’re going to do and explaining what the purpose of your project is.

Highly challenging goalOutlining a goal that has multiple parts and leads to greater learning

Check the number of verbs in your goalMore verbs require greater intensity, complexity, and learning.

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Global Contexts

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Global Contexts and the Personal Project

Step One:Choose one global context to focus on through your personal projectYou can frame this connection this way

An inquiry into Personal and Cultural Expression

Step Two:Identify which part of the global context you will explore

I will focus on the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity

Step ThreeExplain why you chose this particular global contextUse the explanation included with each context

I chose Personal and Cultural Expression because …

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Identities and Relationships

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Identities and Relationships

Who am I? Who are we?

An inquiry into identity and relationships explores the following areas:


Beliefs and values

Personal health

Physical health

Mental health

Social health

Spiritual health

Human relationships, including families, friends, communities and cultures

What it means to be human

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Personal and Cultural Expression

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Personal and Cultural ExpressionWhat is the nature and purpose of creative expression?

An inquiry into personal and cultural expression explores the following areas:

The ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values

The ways in which we reflect on, extend and

enjoy our creativity

Our appreciation of the aesthetic (beauty)

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Orientation in Space and Time

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Orientation in Space and TimeWhat is the meaning of ‘when’ and ‘where’?

An inquiry into orientation in space & time explores the following areas:

Personal histories

Homes and journeys

Turning points in humankind

Explorations and migrations of humankind


The relationships between, and the interconnectedness of, individuals and civilizations, from personal, local and global perspectives.

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Technology and Innovation

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Technology and InnovationHow do we understand the worlds in which we live?

An inquiry into scientific and technical innovation explores the following areas:The natural world and its lawsThe interaction between people and the natural worldHow humans use their understanding of scientific principlesThe impact of scientific and technological advances of communities and environmentsThe impact of environments on human activityHow humans adapt environments to their needs

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Fairness and Development

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Fairness and DevelopmentWhat are the consequences of our common humanity?

An inquiry into fairness and development explores the following areas:

Rights and responsibilities

The relationships between communities

Sharing finite resources with other people and with other living things

Access to equal opportunities

Peace and conflict resolution

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Globalization and Sustainability

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Globalization and SustainabilityHow is everything connected?

An inquiry into globalization and sustainability explores the following areas:

The interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities

The relationship between local and global processes

How local experiences mediate the global

Reflect on the opportunities and tensions provided by world-interconnectedness

The impact of decision-making on humankind and the environment