Download - My town , Marina, Miriam,Ángela 5th B


My little town of Sonoma

My little town of San Jos de la Rinconada

This is Train Station

Welcome to the sports Country!

There are many sports centre to the country.

Speaking of food

There are many amazing restaurants

Here are my three favorites: Bar Alegria(solomillo al wisky), Los faroles (baguet pizza), Sancho(pizza margarita).

I love Barbacoa Pizza!

There are many cafs

My favorite cafes Cafetera musical and La maruchi.

There are many cafs in the San Jos de la Rinconada.

There is only one library

You can check out a book here

Or just read in peace and quiet

There is one main parks

There are many parks of Miguel de Manara, the new ride (Bulebar), Deheseabollal

There are amazing parks.

There are some museums.

There is one museums

There is one Theatre(Teatro de la Villa)

In the theater we see acuacciones ...

Is the big and there are lots of people.

There are small kiosks

Appetizer sweets sweets everyday.

There is only one San Jos de la Rinconada

This is our school

There is only one.