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© 2011 by Chris McCann

All Rights Reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means,

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This book contains business strategies, marketing methods and other business

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Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the

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As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and

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By reading this book, you assume all risks associated with using the advice

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Table of Contents

A Short Note About the Author...........................................4


Some Background Info on Harvey Mackay….…………………..6

How I Came Into Contact with Harvey ……………………...……8

5 Entrepreneur Essentials I Learned from Mr. Mackay…….9

Some Background Info on Billionaire Stanley Hubbard….21

My 1st Time Shaking Hands with a Billionaire…..…...………23

5 Entrepreneur Essentials I Learned from Mr. Hubbard...24

“Some people want it to happen,

Some wish it would happen,

Others make it happen. ” Has

�Michael Jordan�

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A Short Note About the Author...

Chris is a 19-year-old internet marketer

who makes thousands a month

online.. **HOLD UP** ..writing in third

person is just too weird for me lol. :P

Anyways, yes my name is Chris McCann

and besides being a regular 19 year old

who loves chillin’ with my friends &

laughing at ridiculous YouTube videos...

I’m a young entrepreneur who is

incredibly passionate about reaching true

wealth (an abundance of money, physical

health, mental health & positive


I love helping people.

So in my quest for “true wealth”, my intention is to inspire, help &

liberate as many people as I can.

As I have begun climbing “the ladder of

success” (sounds so dramatic lol) I have

started to do weekly blog posts about

my journey over at my personal site

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My intention for is to provide a step-by-

step account of my young entrepreneurial journey to the top. Other

than the entertainment factor of witnessing my successes & failures, I

hope to provide you with immense value by sharing what I

learn as I climb the ladder.

I firmly believe know that every single person has the ability to

take charge of their situation & create the life of their dreams… so I

hope this site provides you with the entertainment, knowledge &

inspiration to get you to the top as well!


Introduction I am incredibly grateful that I’ve been fortunate enough to be

able to learn face to face and have one-on-one time with both

Stanley Hubbard & Harvey Mackay. I have benefited immensely

from each of the interactions so I would like to pass on The 10

Entrepreneur Essentials that I learned

from them to you.

To life-long personal growth & our success,


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Some Background Info on Harvey Mackay

Harvey Mackay is the author of the New

York Times #1 bestsellers Swim With

The Sharks Without Being Eaten

Alive and Beware the Naked Man

Who Offers You His Shirt. Both books

are among the top 15 inspirational

business books of all time, according to

the New York Times. In total, Harvey’s

books have sold 10 million copies

worldwide, been translated into 37

languages and sold in 80 countries.

Harvey is a nationally syndicated columnist for United Feature

Syndicate, whose weekly articles appear in 52 newspapers around the

country, including the Chicago Sun Times, Rocky Mountain News,

Orange County Register, Minneapolis Star Tribune and Arizona


He also is one of America’s most popular and entertaining business

speakers. Toastmasters International named him one of the top

five speakers in the world.

At age 26, he purchased a small, failing Envelope Company in 1959,

which has grown to a $100 million business employing over 600

people. Mackay Mitchell Envelope Company is one of the nation’s

major envelope manufacturers, producing 25 million envelopes a day.

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As chairman, Harvey’s philosophy is engrained in the company,

beginning with its motto: Do what you love, love what you do

and deliver more than you promise.

Harvey is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and the Stanford

University Graduate School of Business Executive Program. He is an

avid runner and marathoner, and former #1 ranked tennis player in


He currently sits on the board of

the Minnesota Orchestra and is

a former director on Robert

Redford’s Sundance Institute

and the University of Minnesota

Carlson School of Management.

He has been a guest lecturer at

various universities and business

schools, including Harvard,

Stanford, Michigan, Cornell,

Wharton and Penn State.

All of which is why Fortune magazine refers to him as “Mr. Make

Things Happen.”

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How I First Met Harvey Mackay

The business “school” within my university, The University of

Minnesota – Twin Cities, periodically has authorities come in to give

speeches. It just so happened that one day Harvey Mackay was

scheduled to speak at one of the large

lecture auditoriums. Even though I had

to sit on the stairs in the aisle (all the

seats were filled!), I still attended

Harvey’s speaking gig and loved every

minute of it. After he had finished, I

rushed down to the stage.

To my chagrin I was able to hold

his attention and actually begin a

conversation with him. Other than also

getting a free book from him J, I

learned 5 Entrepreneur Essentials

that I will be sharing with you right


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1. Investing in Another Person

Yields the Highest ROI

“Grow grain = 1 year of happiness

Grow trees = 10 years of happiness

Grow people = 100 years of happiness”

~Harvey Mackay

Harvey explained that the best investment in the world that can be

made is in growing another person. When time, education and

resources is invested into a person with a focused manner, a

number of great things happen regarding your ROI.

Their productivity is not only increased in the present (aka more

money made for you) but also the ripple effect comes into play

because they inevitably pass on their increased growth to

those around them. Of course the positive ramifications of this is a no


The 5 Entrepreneur Essentials

That I Learned From

Harvey Mackay

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One additional aspect also comes into the mix. When a manager

is committed to the personal growth of an employee, intense loyalty is

created. I mean think about it, if you knew your boss/coach/mentor is

truly committed to you growing as an individual, wouldn’t you step

up to the plate to help them out if they every needed it?

Yes you would.

Other than the positive production of the employee, the

manager of course will end up feeling very positive because they are

truly changing that person’s life.

The Take Away from this: When building your business, always

invest a considerable amount of time in growing your team. Of course

you will be teaching them the technical skills, but also grow them

on a personal level.

This Entrepreneur Essential certainly reminds me of my senior year

of football during high school.

I was one of 3

captains and I spent

a great deal of time

growing certain

teammates and

developing them

into leaders.

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Even back then I realized that our key to success was having a group

of leaders outside of the 3 captains.

I didn’t play defense that year so I singled out 2 defensive players that

had the potential to lead but were still rough around the


From the very beginning I focused the majority of my energy on

molding them into the leaders that I couldn’t be, because I was

always on offense.

By moving the pieces in the correct places for this grand “chess game”

we were able to be extremely successful as a team and went

undefeated and played for the State Championship.

This experience showed me the true power of what can be

achieved when a leader/manager invests time & resources into

growing other people. Make sure that growing those around you is

your primary focus and you will have an abundance of



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2. An Entrepreneur’s Power

Comes from His Vision Harvey explained that the gift of an entrepreneur, their defining trait,

is their ability to conceive a vision of possibility. People who are

not able to envision a goal, a dream or possibility in their minds are

the ones who end up working for someone else in a monotonous job

for the rest of their life.

Mr. Mackay mentioned a fantastic quote in his speech from an

extraordinary soul:

“Losing eyesight isn’t the worst thing in the world,

Losing your vision is.”

~Helen Keller

Without a vision of the future,

without a dream of what can be

achieved, a person truly is nothing.

The fundamental principle of

all life is growth.

From a human being all the way

down to the smallest organism, the

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inherent characteristic is to grow and continue life. A person

without a vision and without a yearning for personal growth

essentially ceases to truly be alive.

The Take Away from this: As Donald Trump said, “Think big.

All the time.” An entrepreneur’s greatest tool is their ability to think

creatively and to see in their mind a vision of what the future can


Harvey Mackay’s Entrepreneur Essential emphasized how special and

unique an entrepreneur’s ability is to create from nothing, to see in

their mind what is still unseen in the world.

Using your mind to think creatively and to think outside the box.

This practice and ability is what separates us entrepreneurs from

the average person.

Sure there are people twice as intelligent as the richest of the world,

but why don’t they possess the same wealth?

Because they lack vision.

Successful entrepreneurs are creators.

Pure and simple.

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Use your mind to create something from nothing.

“Good business leaders create a vision,

Articulate the vision,

Passionately own the vision,

And relentlessly drive it to completion. ”

~Jack Welch


3. Even with All the Practice in the World,

A Person Will Fail Every Time,

If This Essential isn’t Followed.. Harvey explained that success is a habit. People are successful

because they have trained themselves to think and act in a

particular manner. Therefore if we want to be successful, we must

find people to emulate and then train ourselves to think and act like


Quite a simple concept really.

Of course changing our current habits to the “successful habits”

is the difficult part so we must practice.

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“Practice doesn’t make perfect,

Perfect practice makes perfect”

~Harvey Mackay

This quote from Harvey is crucial to succeeding at any goal.

If we don’t deliberately practice at a high level each and every time,

we are actually forming sub par habits and will get sub par

results in our life.

Each time we “practice”, no matter at what it is, we must deliberately

focus on doing it at a incredibly high level…. “Game-Speed” as it’s

called in the sporting world..

The Take Away from this: This is a simple, yet very powerful

concept from Harvey. If we are not diligent in the methods of our

practice, then we are forming incorrect habits that will not take us to

our goals.

This is a simple concept but it has had a huge impact

on me.

So take a second here…..seriously take a second and

be present here with me….think about all the ways

you “practice” for your success in your life.

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It could be speaking,

It could be your work habits,

It could be the way you keep motivated,

It could even be the way you approach personal development for


From now on, sincerely go ahead and do each of these tasks, no

matter how small..

With your all your heart,

All your passion,

And all your focus to practice perfectly.

The application of this concept has changed my life and it will

change yours too if you let it.

“It’s not necessarily the amount of time you

Spend at practice that counts;

It’s what you put into the practice that counts.”

~Eric Lindros

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4. The Most Powerful Word in

The English Language

Harvey Mackay revealed to us that there is a “secret” word in

the English language.

It has the power to instantly command the attention of any and

every person in the world.

This word also makes any conversation immediately more personal.

This same word will actually work in many different languages too.

What is this mystical and all-powerful word you may ask?

The answer is as simple as it is brilliant.

“The sweetest sound in the human

Language is your own name.”

~Harvey Mackay

The Take Away from this: I absolutely love this quote. It certainly

doesn’t take long to realize the power behind this piece of


People love hearing their own name.

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It immediately captures their attention and makes whatever is being

said instantly more personal.

Since reading Dale Carnegie’s immortal

classic How to Win Friends &

Influence People, I have been

conscious of this technique.

Of course you can’t go overboard, but

increasing the amount of times you use

someone’s name in a conversation will pull their attention towards

you and make whatever is being said feel more personal.

This little communication tool is fantastic because it is something that

you can implement into your communication patterns



5. Follow This Strategy and You Will

Have a Massive Network It didn’t take very long for me to realize that Harvey Mackay is

completely a people person. In fact he is intensely personal with the

people he meets.

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As you can imagine, his network is gargantuan in size. So how then is

he able to be personable with each and every person?

Harvey shared a neat little tactic that he utilizes which allows him to

remember all the minor details of his various relationships.

Harvey keeps a compilation of

incredibly detailed notes for his clients

and the people he has networked with.

These notes allow him to “remember”

personal little details about his clients

and contacts.

This allows him to maintain deeply personal relationships with the

people he comes into contact with. In his words he is “Humanizing

the conventional selling strategy.”

He also added that his biggest business asset is his massive

network of people that he can call upon to help him.

His secret to achieving this network is by constantly helping people in

his network without expecting anything in return.

Here is a quick story that Harvey told that illustrates this concept.

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A few years ago Harvey had heard that the son of one of his clients

had taken a terrible fall during a snowboarding accident and ended

up in the hospital with many broken bones.

Upon hearing this news he proceeded to consult his notes of his

clientele and found that the client’s son was an avid Minnesota

Wild hockey fan.

With this information in mind, he called up the team’s owner

(another one of his contact’s) and was able to get a hockey stick

signed by the entire team sent to the injured kid.

You can pretty much guess what happened next.

The client was absolutely overcome with gratitude by the

unexpected gift.

Treating your network like this will increase both the size and quality

of it.

Do not forget to “Humanize your networking strategy.”

The Take Away from this: Thanks to the self-development books

such as Think & Grow Rich, The Science of Getting Rich &

The Secret, the general business community has begun realizing

that you must give before you receive. I know even for the Internet

Marketing community, there has been a huge shift even in the last

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year towards giving more and more value to people before selling

them something.

Giving to receive is a core principle of business, as well as life.

The amount that you receive from the world is in direct proportion

to how much you give.

Keep detailed records of your relationships that you come in contact

with. This may seem like a daunting task but it really is easier to do

than you might think.

All you have to do is take a few minutes at the end of each day

and put the new names you met into a word document with a few

bullets underneath with details of that person.

In the future you will have a master document that you can refer to

whenever you need it.

This is very powerful because it essentially increases your memory

and allows you remember personal details about people that will

continue to strengthen your relationship with them.


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A Little History About Stanley Hubbard.. Mr. Hubbard is a 76-year-old man worth 1.9

Billion dollars according to He

is the 236th richest person in the Unites

States & is the 651st richest person in the



His roots have always been in the

broadcasting industry. His father, Stanley E. Hubbard, founded

Hubbard Broadcasting. Stanley took over his father’s business and

enjoyed many years of growth before he sold it to DirecTV for 1.3


A few years ago Mr. Hubbard sold his large stake in DirecTV

and now focuses his effort on Hubbard Broadcasting’s ReelzChannel,

which airs in over 50 million homes.

His newest venture is

Hubbard Aviation

Technologies. This company

manufactures technology for

the prestigious Gulfstream

650 aircraft models (Yes the

ones in the song “Like A G6”).

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My 1st Time Shaking Hands with a Billionaire I first had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Hubbard when he

came to speak to the entrepreneurship club at the University of

Minnesota – Twin Cities.

There were only about 1o of us

members in the small

classroom at the time. It really

was quite the honor because I

got to shake his hand, talk

one-on-one with him for a

period of time and then listen

to his speech.

I learned a tremendous amount from not only what the words he said,

but also his body language as well. He is a very genuine man and I am

excited to pass on to you The 5 Entrepreneur Essentials I learned

from him.


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1. The #1 Reason Why Partnerships Fail Stanley explained that nearly every young entrepreneur

naturally tends to seek out other people who have the

“entrepreneurial mindset” like themself. What typically happens is

that two friends go into “business” together on some great idea that

they have.

As I have personally found out from my own experiences, going into

business with friends or family usually ends up being a messy

situation. There are a number of dynamics that come into play and

few partners are able to “turn off” their business relationship when it

it’s family/friend time and then “turn back on” their business

relationship when it is entrepreneur time again.

These boundaries of the different relationship roles can

easily become blurred.

Stanley advice on this common occurrence was to recognize the

power of the well-written contract.

The 5 Entrepreneur Essentials

That I Learned From

Harvey Mackay

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When people fail to write up a comprehensive contract in the

beginning, huge fires usually erupt down the line because there is

not a third party to moderate a large disagreement between the two


A well-written contract acts as a steadfast moderator and gives a

partnership the stability and the structure it needs to thrive

and grow.

My Take Away from this Essential: Always, always have a

structured-out contract in place before action is initiated between

two parties, whether it is business-to-client or partner-to-partner.

When writing the contract between two partners, imagine that the

worst-case scenario has occurred…

(i.e. You and your partner have grown to resent each other


This will allow you have guidelines in place in case anything turns

sour in the relationship.

This of course isn’t the most enjoyable task to do. However, nobody

ever thinks their partnership will fail, so protect yourself by

completing this sound business practice.

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2. Honesty is the Foundation

Of a Successful Business I found out very quickly that Stanley Hubbard is a completely

honest person in everything he does. He really emphasized the role of

honesty in his business, whether it was to the client, partner or

employee. He believes that a business built upon the foundations of

honesty is really the only one that can find long-term success.

This immediately made me think of his family’s legacy in

broadcasting, which has spanned multiple generations. I found his

emphatic emphasis on being honest very intriguing for two reasons.

1. The business world in general has pretty much always

carried the stereotype of being filled with greedy people who

cheat their way to riches; just like a dog-eat-dog, win at all

costs mentality. So I found it interesting and very useful that

such an enormous player on the business stage operates

upon the principles of honesty. This clearly

demonstrates that in order to be successful, you must never

achieve at the expense of someone else.

2. I also thought his emphasis on honesty was fascinating

because of the transitionary phase the business world is

currently in today. The old paradigm was that honesty wasn’t

required in business, but now because of the advent of social

media, companies have been forced to become a hundred

times more transparent about their practices with the world.

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Because they are being forced to show themselves openly,

they of course must make sure that they are even more

ethical and honest with the world because if they aren’t, they

will be certainly outed since they are sharing so much

information across the social media platforms.  

Regardless of what it is in your business, always operate with

honesty and integrity.

“There are many things that are out of your control;

But no matter what happens,

You are the only person in the world

That has control over your integrity.”

~Stanley Hubbard


3. Being “Smart” Has Nothing

To Do with Success Mr. Hubbard explained to us repeatedly that he was not a

“smart” man (here I’m thinking to myself….well Stanley pretty sure

you know a thing or two being a Billionaire and all!!). He explained

that he had many, many “smart” people working for him that took

care of all the “smart” tasks for him.

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When he said this, it immediately reminded of Henry Ford’s


For those of you who aren’t familiar with

Henry Ford, I’ll elaborate exactly what I

mean with a legendary short story

from Ford’s life.

At a time when Ford Motor

Company was growing at

exponential rates, a group of

intellectuals from various

prestigious schools of higher

education congregated together to create an intelligence test

that they would administer to the man who was making

ridiculous amounts of money in his revolutionary business.

Once the appointed day came, the elite of the academic world

met Henry at his office to give him their intelligence test to

finally learn how “smart” he was.

The test began by one of the scholars asking him the question.

“What is the tensile strength of the rolled steel you use in your


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Instead of promptly replying like they expected, Ford reached

for one of the various phones on his desk and preceded to call

upon his vice president.

His vice president swiftly came into the office. Henry repeated

the question in which the vice president obediently spouted out

the correct answer.

The scholars were thrown off a little bit but then proceeded to

ask the next question.

And the next.

And then the next.

Each time Henry Ford immediately picked up one of the many

phones on his desk and called upon a person of his staff who

knew the answer.

Finally, one of the intellectuals burst out,

“You see, this proves you are ignorant! You don’t know the

answers to any of the questions we ask of you.”

Henry Ford tersely replied,

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“I don't know the answers because I do not need to clutter my

head with the answers you seek. I hire smart young people

from your schools who have memorized information that you

think is intelligence. My job is to keep my head clear of such

clutter and trivial facts so that I can think."

After saying this, Ford asked the “smart” people to leave his


My Take Away from this: The correlation between Stanley

Hubbard’s mindset and Henry Ford’s didn’t seem to be just a

coincidence to me.

The evidence certainly shows that the highly successful entrepreneurs

of the world surround themselves with people who are

“smarter” than them.

This frees up their mind for creative thought.

This is a very important aspect that many people gloss over….many

people say to themselves “Oh yeah ok that make senses” yet they

don’t structure their business so that they are surrounded by “smart”

people doing the tasks, leaving them to just do the managing and

creative thinking.

I will definitely keep this principle in mind in every future business

structure I create and you should too.

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4. Statistics Are Not Facts As you can imagine, Stanley Hubbard is constantly being hit

with numerous statistics about all sorts of information in his

broadcasting business.

Now his stern advice was to always be mindful of the statistics, in fact,

always be mindful of anything that people take for absolute

for granted.

He said to always questions statistics,

because “Figures don’t lie, but liars


People can make statistics do pretty

much anything they want so always take

the information with a grain of salt.

The Take Away I from this: I interpreted this Essential as having

a little bit of a deeper meaning; basically not always believing a

hundred percent what the “experts” tell you.

Essentially, always keeping your mind open to other

possibilities than what the status quo says is true.

I can really see the value of training one’s mind to do this because it

constantly keeps an entrepreneur’s mind in “Creative Mode”,

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which of course is the entrepreneur’s defining characteristic that

separates them from the average person.


5. The Personality Trait that

Attracts Success The final Entrepreneur Essential that Stanley Hubbard truly preached

was quite simple, yet still inspirational.

The Billionaire explained that a person’s success is contingent upon

two core principles: their entrepreneurial vision and their

willingness to work very, very, hard.

Champions achieve success because they always work just a little

harder than the day before.

Pushing just a little bit harder than before.

“The harder you work,

The luckier you get.” ~Stanley Hubbard

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The Take Away from this: Stanley’s final Entrepreneur Essential

certainly hit home for me.

I struggled for years trying to think of an idea that would catapult me

to fame and millions …and nothing happened.

The summer after graduating high school I pretty much locked myself

up in my Dad’s office and constantly searched for ways to make

money online….nothing happened.

I went through many low times during that period due to such an

immense frustration and pain of continuous failing.

There was a huge amount of energy within in me that I could feel was

not meant for this average life, it was meant to do great things and

help millions of people…and yet there I was, sitting in a chair on the

computer desperately trying to create something for myself….and yet

still nothing came.

Well eventually my huge breakthrough did come when a marketer

finally noticed my website and invited me to an internet marketing

seminar in San Diego, California.

Once I went there, my world exploded and set off a huge snowball

effect that has kept rolling to this day and has me currently making

thousands of dollars a month online.

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So if you are currently at the sticking point, use my example to

inspire you.

Don’t quit…

Don’t quit…

Don’t YOU EVER quit.

There is a tremendous amount of abundance and opportunity in the

world; if you keep working hard your break will come.

Trust me.

Every single person in the world was put on this planet for a great


The sad thing is that 90% never connect with that purpose as long as

they live...

Ok Chris what is your purpose?

When I discovered why I was put on this planet, my whole life

changed (March of my senior year in high school).

My purpose is to inspire and expand the consciousness of people on a

global scale.

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You have a calling within you too.

If you haven’t connected with it yet that is fine.

By the fact of you being here right now.. it means that your Best Self

(you living in your passion and fulfilling your purpose) is trying to

manifest itself within your life.

That is good. That means you are on track.

So don’t give up. You are so much closer than you think.

The night is truly darkest before the dawn.

Even if everyone is telling that you can’t..

Even if you have failed over and over and over again..

Even if you feel like you can’t possibly go any farther..

Just take one more step forward.

Dig deep within yourself and muster up the strength to take just one

more step…

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Once you have crossed this threshold, you will realize that you are the

champion of your great journey and that you were meant to have a

positive impact on the world.

You will have discovered the source of power within yourself that

won’t let you be stopped.

You will be unstoppable and you will realize that the power to achieve

your dreams was inside you all along, it has always been with you

and it always will be with you.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel

insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission

to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates

others. ”

~Marianne Williamson

Page 37: My Time with Billionaire Stanley Hubbard & Harvey Mackay



Ending Notes from Chris.. Whether you are business owner or a struggling young entrepreneur

who is just beginning the journey, I genuinely hope you found value

in these 10 Entrepreneur Essentials from Harvey Mackay & Stanley


I would love to continue to strengthen our relationship, so be sure to hit me up with a message on Facebook. Let me know what you thought about the 10 Entrepreneur Essentials here :)

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