Download - my smartphone



T.vishnuBalan,Final IT

Smart phone definition:

“A SmartPhone is one device that can take

care of all your handheld computing and

communication needs in a single small


Smartphones allow users to make

telephone calls, and use applications

for every need from word processing

to listening to audio files to reading

and sending emails

Student Uses of smart phone:

Dictionaries are easy access in Smart phones

Access to the internet for research and referencing

The ability to snap a picture of the day’s homework assignment scribbled on a whiteboard or take a short video of a key lecture moment

Recording lectures with Voice Memo and other third-party note-taking apps

Keeping track of schedules and dates

Use of translator to break language barriers

Allow students to check their grades via on-line

For Businessman

Finding your way: Your phone's GPS can get you to appointments on time, even if you're in a strange city far from home

Access Customer Data: Many CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) allow you to connect from your smartphone and pull out useful data on prospects and customer

Schedule-Keeping: Smart phones have apps that allow you to record not only who and where, but also your notes about the impending appointment

Contacts at your fingertips: A smartphone makes your entire address book available to you at all times. So if you suddenly need to call your former co-worker from the road to provide an introduction to a new prospect, it's not a problem

Bussiness Application:

These are the applications mostly used by

Businessmen via smartphones

Currency Converter

Net Bank


Financial Calculator

Cash Control

For Medical:

Smartphone will help u in maintaining your


With the use of smartphones doctors can

have correct information about new

medicines and there specifications

Smartphones have apps which can remind

the patient to take medicines.

Diabetic patients are blessed with the app

Calorie calculator. It will not let there sugar

level down.

Medical Applications:

Some of the applications used in medical are


Up To Date



General uses of


Instant Messaging

Group Conversation

Video Recording

Voice Recording

Bar Code reader

Online Gaming

Video Chatting


On the go Document editing

Advantage of Smartphone:


Endless Application

Wireless Sharing

Storage of ImportantFiles

In business





Video calling

Social Networking

Endless Applications

The early twenty-first century brings hundreds of thousands of smartphone apps. Here is a list of top 10 apps of all time. Birds

1-Gmail 2-AngryBirds 3-Chrome browser 4-Facebook 5-Skype 6-Twitter 7-WhatsApp Messenger 8-Adobe Flash Player


Advantages of smartphones also extend to

the field of sharing because now you can

share files wirelessly without the need of

USB. Apps for wirelessly sharing data are:



Es file explorer


Storage of important Files:

Smartphone today have bigger memory

capacity with this,user can easily store files

particularlly those that are important for

business.Cloud saving is another source of

saving files.

Google drive


Microsoft one-drive

In Business:

If you need to stay productive,when out of

the office,choose a smartphone that

includes a arrange of basic business tools

many come with simple word processing

campablities spreadsheet,and

databaseProgram some apps are:

Adobe reader

Paypal here

Linked in

Disadvantage of Smartphone:



Danger of rogue apps

Security & Threats

Methods of Hacking


The biggest disadvantage of a

smartphone is its cost compared to

standard mobile phones. A smartphone

costs considerably more from a feature


Smartphones also require expensive

data plans which most standard

phones do not.

Internet access is provided at an

additional cost, raising the cost of

owning a smartphone


Threats from SMS

your personal data such as passwords,

credit card data Threats from SMS

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Security Risks

They can prove to be both rife with

malware and provided by scammers

looking to capture your personal data

such as passwords, credit card data

Danger of Rogue apps:

There are rogue apps on any platform whether it is android, iosor windows phone.

It’s no surprise that the number of threats for Android has increased over the past few years.



Security & Threats:

As the trend goes on, people are becoming addicted to there features

People are very casual with their personal data which is a danger to themselves

The features provided by the smartphonecompanies and their operating systems are not that much secure

Methods of hacking



Network Spoofing:

Wireless Hacking:

Phone Cloning:

Dodgy Apps:


Continual growth of


According to New York times total sales ofsmartphoneswill reach 1.2 billion units before the end of the 2014, a 23.1 percent increase over 2013

Android continues to dominate these sales with an estimated market share of 80.2 percent in 2014

Smartphone adoption reflects the trend toward emerging market growth in the wider technology device space

Future of smartphones

Flexible Screens:

In-Built Projector:

3D Screens & Holograms

Enhance the environment

Prevention from hacking

Be sure to change your phone's remote

access PIN

Use strong passwords that would be

difficult for anyone to guess

Turn off auto-complete so that passwords

aren't stored on your phone

Delete your browsing history frequently


Smartphones have a combined influence on people. People are becoming anti-social and because of it people get scammed easily whereas on the other hand these are very helpful in everyway and have made lots of things easier for the human race.