Download - My production appeals to my target audience because its eye catching for the reason that the colours i used for the title and names of the actors are bright and easily visible

Page 1: My production appeals to my target audience because its eye catching for the reason that the colours i used for the title and names of the actors are bright and easily visible

My production appeals to my target audience because its eye catching for the reason that the colours I used for the title and names of the actors are bright and easily visible, for example the colour red used for the names and the yellow outline on some of the words. The text I used furthermore appeals to the audience because its bubble writing which the ages 12 plus enjoy using when drawing or find interesting to look at. The age publicized on the poster is also appropriate for my target audience, the movie is appropriate for that age as the scenes that would be on that type of movie would be age restricted.

I would place my poster on the sides of busses because people at that age usually take the bus to get to places such as school and back home. I would also put it on youtube because people who are 12 are always online and looking up the latest music videos and music in addition to trailers to see what the must see trends are. I would also put it on facebook ads because at the age of twelve people already start to get facebook and are constantly on facebook. I would also put it on underground stations because the target audience for my movie are independent and start to use the train to get to close by towns to shop and there for would be on the tube often. I would also advertise my film poster in magazines that my target audience would read so when they flick through they would be able to spot the film advert. I would also advertise my film on television such as kids channels or e4 or teenage channels because people 12 and up watch television as part of their past time activities. Furthermore I would advertise my poster in Times Square and busy places like that because thousands of people walk through Times Square daily which means word about the movie would be passed on instantly.

Additionally I would put my movie advert in cinemas before the movies started to play, the reason for this is because most people get to cinemas early to make sure they don’t miss the start of the film. I would also do competitions so that people would be able to go to the film premiers and see the movie the day it’s released, and other competitions to see the cast and this would make people talk about the movie more and that way word of the movie will be spread. I would also show the trailer of the movie on television so the people at the age of 12 and up would be able to see the trailer as they watch their favourite TV shows.