Download - My Influences at Purdue


Influences from Purdue

The Bus

When I got tired of walking to class, I decided to take an adventuer on one of the busses at Purdue. It was unfamiliar ter-ritory before I began to to ride the bus every-day to class. Now it has become part of my everyday routine of getting to class. Without this bus, I cannot get to class on time.

Music has always been a huge influence on my life. When I came to Purdue I had to bring it with me. Where ever I go I always have my Marshall amp and my guitar. Going to class all of the time makes it hard to find time to play and practice. Purdue has changed me to have tim for both work and practice. Playing guitar is my life, and Purdue has changed me so that I can continue playing thorughout my career here.

I love to eat. Living in away from home meant I had to take care of myself and pro-vide food on my own. This became hard with became hard with a tight budget. Ramen became my friend be-cause it was so cheap and it tasted so good. It became a mid-night snack and a study snack to help me through tests and long nights of study-ing.

A College Diet

The Dormitory

I always dreamed of going to space and riding in a spaceship as a little child. As I grew older I slowly re-alized how my dream was less likely to come true. However, when I came to Purdue, my dreams turned Purdue, my dreams turned over and I finally realized how I could finally go to space and fulfill my child-hood dream.

My New Life