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Page 1: My Hinduism Notes

Hinduism1. The Caste System

The Indian society is divided into levels. This is called the _________system.

The levels are called:____________

• ______________ (priests)

• ______________ (warriors),

• ______________ (farmers, artisans, and merchants), and

• ______________ (workers and servants).

• Later, society continued to divide _____ _____ into castes based on ________, wealth, and______________.

• A person is _______ into their _______ will stay in that caste for their _______ _______.

• They do not __________ with those outside of their caste.

• They may not marry__________ outside of their caste.

• Their job is based on what their _________ does for a living.

• If you broke a caste rule you could be ____________ from your _______ and ___________ thus making you an “_________________”.

• Untouchables were “out-casts”

• Members of other castes have _____ contact with untouchables as they view them as _________________.

• Untouchables had the worst jobs such as ___________ cleaners and disposers of ________ animals.

Page 2: My Hinduism Notes

2. Brahmanism

• Brahmanism was the religion of the_____________.

• Brahmanism was based on the ___________.

• Brahmanism was a ________________ religion.

• Hinduism ______ from the blending of ________________ and other ______________ from the area.

• Hindus believe that there is a ______________ spirit called ___________ who created the universe.

• Brahman is made up of many _______ and ________________.

• Three of the major Hindu gods are:

___________ (creator)

__________ (destroyer)

___________ (protector)

• Every person has a ________ or _______.

• The goal of a person is to __________ with Brahman; however, people go through many lives before reaching this goal.

• When a person dies they come back as another living being. This is called ______________________

• ___________________ was the only way to escape one caste and go into another.

• Hindu also believe in ___________. Karma decides if a person goes to a higher or lower caste in reincarnation. ________ deeds bring ______ karma, and ________ deeds bring _______ karma.

• Society was very __________.

Page 3: My Hinduism Notes

• There were always the __________ number of people for each job.

• Since _______________ about one’s position in society built _____ _______, people did not try to __________ their position and at least made the ____________________ of being happy.

• In traditional Hindu society __________ were viewed as less or __________ to men, and therefore had __________ rights.

• ___________ was founded by _______________ .

• Jains live by _____ principals:

________ no life

Tell the ________

Do not ______

_____ no property

• Jains and many Hindus are __________________ since they believe souls can come back as ______________.

• The ______ is the most holy or __________ animal.

So remember…..