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  • 7/30/2019 My First Day of College



    I got up at 6 in the morning to the sound of my alarm clock. Almost

    immediately I began the routine that I had trained myself for during theweek before college began. I sat up, turned off the alarm, drank some of

    the water I keep by my nightstand for my parched mouth, and proceeded

    to the necessarium. What I did in there is my own business, suffice to say

    when I came out 10 or so minutes later, I was a bit lighter, and had a

    clean shave.

    I went downstairs to take a shower. Less than 15 minutes later I came out,

    got dressed, and ate my breakfast- Kellogg's Raisin Granola Crunch, and

    pop tarts. I then brushed my teeth, combed my hair into a ponytail

    secured by a big black hair band, put on my shoe's, made sure everything

    else was in order, and headed out the door to the car.

    And so it was that I arrived at the Dial A Ride parking lot with plenty of

    time to spare. Here that I met my buss mates. I was pleasantly surprised

    to find them all rather nice people, people who were friendly towards me.

    We introduced ourselves, and then got on our bus. The bus took us to the

    college, after a rather lengthy ride. When I got out of the bus, I headed

    inside, to the bookstore.

    As I headed out of the bookstore, I bumped into Shery. Shery is the girl

    next door so to speak, she lives a block away. We go back aways her and

    I... lets just say she gave allot of false signals that she liked me (hugging

    me on her birthday, saying she would see me soon). It awkward seeing

    her again; she was looking around for a friend... she said hi, I said hi, and

    we left it at that. We are not on the greatest of terms you see, she does

    not know it, but I dislike her considerably on account of the false signals.

    So I have to deal with seeing her on campus every time I go; we

    practically have the same schedule it would appear.

  • 7/30/2019 My First Day of College


    Once we parted ways, I saw a Magic card game in progress. I introduced

    myself to the guys, and asked if they would teach me. One of them

    agreed, and proceeded to do so. However the guy who owned all the

    cards had to go, and so our game abruptly ended. We then played someother game that involved kicking in doors; it reminded me of Kalafornia

    with Brad Pit when he said "Hello door". Well I lost interest pretty soon,

    and went to the nearby pool table.

    It was here that I met Chris. Chris plays pool, and is attending his third

    year at the college; he seems no older than me however (22 years). We

    played a game of pool, at first I could barely hit the ball. Watching how he

    held the stick, I did the same, and I noticed a considerable improvement

    in my performance. After a few rounds with him, I became competent at

    the sport. I had so much fun playing pool that I forgot about the time.

    Before I knew it, it was time for my first class.

    On the way to class I met Missy. Missy and I graduated together in High

    School, and were sort of in-high school friends. We never got together

    outside of school, but I believe she sincerely liked me, and I liked her as

    well. We used to talk about stuff... and she was always polite. Well she

    does not seem to have changed much. We spoke awhile, and she told me

    she is doing her third year here; majoring in Accounting. I think she likes

    me still, and at that moment decided to try and find some way for us to

    get together on-campus and reconnect. I realized I was late, and had to

    go, so I told her we would talk later; and proceeded without further delay

    to my first class.

    When I got there everyone was seated. I quickly found a seat, and our

    professor began roll call. She was good enough not to mention my being

    three minutes late to class. She then proceeded to give us an introduction

    to the course. About an hour and a half later, her introduction was over,

    and we used the remaining half hour to play around... no one actually did

    any work as I recollect.

  • 7/30/2019 My First Day of College


    Then my second class began, same professor. I kept my seat and whipped

    out my used book- Alice in Action. I made a short program that day, all it

    did was have two characters, Alice and the White Rabbit greet us.However I learned some of the basics, and began to walk the prophesized

    path to my destiny.

    When the class was over, I ate my snack of cashews from a Ziploc bag. I

    then proceeded to my English class. I was expecting a rather boring

    lecture from an overpaid professor who only knew how to read what was

    written in his instruction manual, and give lectures. Instead I was

    pleasantly surprised to find my professor highly energetic and motivated

    towards engaging his students (Myself included) with direct questions that

    require considerable thought. This professor was nothing like the woman

    my mother described as being her English Comp 1 teacher. She was to

    put it simply: A bitch. All she did was flunk one student after another

    because their grammar was not up to par on the first day. She claimed

    they should have learned this stuff in high school, and if they could not

    write flawlessly she would not teach them. In contrast my professor did

    not care if our grammar was abominable, so long as we were willing to

    improve, and did our work. When I left his class I felt enthusiastic about

    English class for the first time in years... perhaps for the first time in my

    life. I actually looked forwards to going back, something I could never say

    during High School.

    And so I left class, visited the necessarium, and returned to the student

    center. There I played pool once again, and then Guitar Hero. I was having

    so much fun that the time passed too quickly. When I finally realized what

    time it was, I had none to spare.

    I was practically running to the tech center, through the doors and the

    great hall, (through the other doors,) and to the parking lot. There was no

    bus, only one guy who was also waiting. I said I was not going to be

  • 7/30/2019 My First Day of College


    marooned, and stormed into the office where I asked the secretary where

    was the bus? She informed me that it leaves at 4:30, not 4:35 as I had

    believed. I managed to secure transport by other means. I was not the

    only one waiting for a ride home, the guy I saw in the parking lot wasthere too. I introduced myself; he said his name was Luke.

    Finally my designated driver was ready to leave, and drove me home. His

    last name was Palsrock... I do not know his first. We had a rather lengthy

    conversation, and I learned he was the man responsible for my Major

    being created at the college. We talked about course related topics, and

    the time passed quite quickly. I offered to pay for the gas, he would hear

    none of it; and dropped me off home.

    When I walked in, I was treated to a nice selection of pastries. I then

    thought about my day, and realized it was not so bad after all. I had made

    no enemies, managed to make some new friendly acquaintances (I can't

    use the word friend, as none of them have asked to get together outside

    of the campus), and enjoyed my day more than I do most others. I looked

    forwards to returning, and as of the writing of this essay, I still do."