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Page 1: My Current Employment

Life at Michael’s Shoe Repair

Michael Gustafson

CIS 1020-058

November 29, 2010

My Current Employment

Page 2: My Current Employment

Michael’s Shoe Repair

The Setting

The Front

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The CharactersShoe Repair Employees

Characters Me My dad

Position Boss Boss

Experience 14 yrs 32 yrs

Work Hours 10-6 Whenever-Whenever

Jobs All Shoe Repair Shoe Repair/Orthotics



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What we do is fix shoesMake custom orthoticsSecret Special Services

Like fix purses

The Plot

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To become a full shoe repair man:Master basic techniques


Master harder stuffEverything else

The Journey to Shoe Repair Manhood

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Number one goal is to make moneyBecause this is a businessFinished Products:

The End Result