Download - MY COMMITMENT: “With God’s help, I will read … COMMITMENT: “With God’s help, I will read God’s Word three times a

Page 1: MY COMMITMENT: “With God’s help, I will read … COMMITMENT: “With God’s help, I will read God’s Word three times a

MYCOMMITMENT:“With God’s help, I will read God’s Wordthreetimesadayduringthenext40days!Iwill pray & seek to hear His voice, in HisWord, so that I can receivewithmeeknessHisengraftedWord,inYeshua’sname!”SignHere:X__________________________________


“Avinu Malkenu, our Father and King, as IbegintoreadyourWord,helpme‘toreceivewith meekness your engrafted word!’ Feedme,nourishme,challengeme,convictmeandleadmetoarepentancethatchangesmylifebythepowerofYourWordinme!’ThisprayerIaskIntheNameofYeshua,myMessiah!”

As you read, underline or highlight anyverse where God is dealing with you oranother person (see the 3 R’s brochure).Inas fewwordsasbriefly,writedownonyourbookmarks(orjournal):


Also, write down a few names on eachbookmarkthatyouhaveaburdentoprayforandpraybrieflyforeachperson,everytimeyouopentothatbookmark.

Eachevening(seeShuvahcalendar)aswecountthe40daysofMessiah’swildernessjourney. Take the cup and thematzah asan individual, or as a family, andpray theblessingoverthebreadandthewineasHetaughtus,whenHesaid:



Messiah began His earthly ministry by being immersed in the Jordan River by John, on Tisha B’Av (9th of Av), 30ad.

Walk with Yeshua in these incredible 40 days, as we fast and pray with Him! Seek the Lord with us for changed lives, to pray for America, to prayer for Israel, and, to prepare our hearts for Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur & Sukkot!







Page 2: MY COMMITMENT: “With God’s help, I will read … COMMITMENT: “With God’s help, I will read God’s Word three times a


“InthefirstyearofDariusthesonofAhasuerus, of Median descent, whowasmadekingovertherealmoftheChaldeans, 2 in the first year of hisreign—I,Daniel,understoodfromthebooks thataccording to thewordofAdonai to Jeremiah theprophet, thenumberof theyears for thefulfillingofthedesolationofJerusalemwouldbe70years.3SoIsetmyfacetotheLordGod to seekHimbyprayer andsupplications,with fasting, sackclothandashes.”Daniel 9:1-3

God’sWordLeadstoPrayer4 “And I prayed to the Lord my God, and made confession, and said, “O Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep His commandments” Daniel 9:4

God’sWordBringsRepentance5 we have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments.” Daniel 9:4&5


•GIVEHIM,the1stpartofyourmorning!•GIVEHIM,the1stpartofyourafternoon!• GIVEHIM,the1stpartofyourevening!








The Prophet Daniel Changed history inmany ways. He is one of the greatinfluencers of all time. His life changedthe Kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar, theMedia -Pers ian Empire , and therestoration of Israel, so that God’seternal plan for the second TemplewouldbereadyforthecomingMessiah!

WhowasDanielandwhatmadehislifesuchapowerfulinfluence?Howcanweget our lives in order to influence theworldwelive?

Danielprayedthreetimesaday!“Now when Daniel learned that awrittendecreehadbeenissued,hewentintohishouse,wherethewindowsinhisupperroomopenedtoJerusalem.Threetimesaday,hekneltdown,prayedandgave thanks before his God, just as hedidbefore.”Daniel6:11