Download - My Commentary on the Debt Ceiling

  • 8/6/2019 My Commentary on the Debt Ceiling




    by Martin S Friedlander on Thursday, July 14, 2011 at 2:30pm

    I am ready to make my forecast for the next month based on the following facts that Iperceive and the body language of the negotiators, and boots on the ground in the

    hinterlands. Some of which will surprise you. That is why I am going down on paper.

    1. The Democrats and Republicans will never reach a deal on the debt ceiling. Both

    sides are tied too close to their base of support. Therefore the Debt Ceiling will not be

    lifted by August 2, 2011. Therefore what will happen?

    2. All of the major corporations and financial institution are loaded with cash having

    predicted this as there is no financial model for ANY economist to forecast the future as

    we have never been here before. Everyone is a "virgin" in "virgin" territory. All of the

    Unions and left wingers are loaded with cash. Obama has raised record sums to fight

    the battle of the century. Ideology. It is class warfare no matter what any historian or

    economist will tell you. We will not fight this new "Civil War" with guns but with money

    and organizational skills of the combatants. Dust off your volume of the "Art of War" as

    we will need it.

    3. Ideology makes it impossible to negotiate if one party or both parties do not act in any

    reasonable matter. Get prepared to try this case until one or both sides are exhausted.

    It will be a "civil" "Long War", incorporating Tom Hayden's characterization into my


    4. My visit to Jackson Hole Wyoming for 4 days gave me an opportunity to ask

    questions of the guys and gals in shorts with kids in tow. The heartland of a vacation

    spot for those who can afford to travel to a beautiful location in the USA. I spoke to

    women from Utah who were Mormons confessing in advance that I was a Democrat on

    the Liberal side. What they told me shook me up as it was totally unexpected. They told

    me that Orrin Hatch is up for reelection in Utah for the umpteenth time. We all agree

    that he is a conservative and supports Conservative Causes and Supreme Court

    Justices. They told me that there is a "grass roots" movement in Utah to prevent his

    reelection and they may primary him in the Republican primary with a "moderate".

    Shocked. Spoke to at least another dozen of what I perceived to be the "common folks".

    They are not ideologues and they want the T Party defeated very badly as they are

    crazy with religion and demons that are not there.

    5. Look at the Bond Market. All those who were fortunate to invest in Fed Agency Bonds

    or Tax Free Munis a few years ago and looked for "safe" income investments instead of

    a "killing" are finding that their face value of their Bond Holding are at or above par. That

  • 8/6/2019 My Commentary on the Debt Ceiling


    means your "net worth" has increased. Those who invested in high yield strong equities

    are producing income. A 5% or better income yield in today's world is great. Dividends

    are taxed at 15% and Munis are not taxed at all. Capital gains if you hold 1 year or

    longer are taxed at 15% not at ordinary interest rates. That is what the Bush Tax cuts

    have produced.

    6. Obama now pulls a Harry Truman to sell the T Party into oblivion. He can do that

    since Cantor "shorted" the stock market with Insider Information as part of his bet. That

    is illegal "insider trading" in violation of the SEC, for which there are both criminal and

    civil penalties. Cantor bet against AMERICA. Obama is so pissed off at Cantor for his

    disrespect for both the office and the man that he may turn Holder, the AG, and the FBI,

    on Cantor to serve an SDT for his trading records. Then there will be one big public

    show trial. It will be all drama Obama. The T Party threw the "monkey wrench" in

    Obama's dream for America. No red states, no blue states, but the United States.

    7. Obama held out his hand and got it "slapped". Obama has a very "thick skin" but ifyou read the new biography of his father, he may have some "mean spirited" genes, not

    his mother's genes who was duped by this "crazy father" from Kenya. Obama and his

    father never reconciled. Obama has the brains of both his parents and the quietness of

    his mother. That is what made him an enigma. He made himself into the very opposite

    of his father and advanced himself to the Presidency while his father was a dead drunk

    alcoholic who womanized 2 white women to marry him and many black women to marry

    him. He duped them all and deserted all of his children including Obama.

    8. The bottom line is that we are not going to lift the debt ceiling by 8/2/11 contrary to

    reasonableness. Obama will then pick and choose what to pay and who to pay. If hehas a long memory, (I will remind him) then he can accomplish a lot on little. He will pay

    his friends and supporters. He will hold up payments to the defense contractors and the

    environment violators and deniers. He can pull more troops out of Asia and the Middle

    East. He will work out a deal with China as both economies are symbiotic.

    9. If he plays his hand that was dealt to him by the T Party he can take back the House,

    win 60 votes in the Senate, and pass all of his legislation. He will appoint more liberal

    Supreme Court Justices who will not pervert the Constitution like Roberts and Scalia.

    10. As to Scalia, he misrepresented the original intent of the prefatory clause to the 2ndamendment. We all agree that the Revolution began in Mass and that John and Sam

    Adams were leaders and founding fathers. Virginia and Mass produced the founders. I

    will now point out Scalia's lies with respect to the 2nd Amendment. As far as I know, no

    legal scholar has made the observation that I now make.

  • 8/6/2019 My Commentary on the Debt Ceiling


    The US Constitution was initially drafted at the Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia. In

    NYC the Congress ratified the Constitution and its Amendment on March 4, 1789.

    Amendment II read: A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a

    free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Through some language "razzle dazzle" Scalia disregarded the "prefatory" clause as not

    being part of the original intent of the founders.

    In 1780 the State of Mass enacted the MASSACHUSETTS BILL OF RIGHTS OF

    1780. ARTICLE XVII stated

    The people have a right to keep and bear arms for the common defense. And as, in

    time of peace, armies are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be maintained without

    the consent of the legislature; and the military power shall always be held in an exact

    subordination to the civil authority, and be governed by it."

    Our founders did not want a "standing army" and the right to bear arms was for

    the common defense not for individual defense. Therefore it follows that the original

    intent of the people of MASS was that there was no absolute right to bear arms. Scalia

    thus sold us a BILL OF GOODS for political purposes.

    Article VI of the MASS Bill of rights showed a "disdain" for corporations. Read it.

    Roberts obviously did not when he decided the Citizens United Case.

    Paragraph 13 of the Virginia Bill of Rights enacted in 1776 prefaced the right to

    bear arms was for the common defense as "standing armies were dangerous".

    Section (4) of the 14th Amendment means what it says according to the SupremeCourt's decision in the 1930s



  • 8/6/2019 My Commentary on the Debt Ceiling



    Best regards,

    Martin S. Friedlander, Esq.

    (310) 435 1519