Download - MY CITY, MY EUROPE, OUR FUTURE Project Comenius 2012-2014 Bochum Bordeaux Gijón Lisbonne Prague ACTIVITY: THIS IS WHO WE ARE.


MY CITY, MY EUROPE, OUR FUTUREProject Comenius 2012-2014



A C T I V I T Y: T H I S I S W H O W E A R E

Ensemble Scolaire Saint-Genès

2 locations: Bordeaux and Talence.2788 students

(from primary school to college education)

My teachers

196 teachers work together to convey and illustrate all the different cultures to enrich our perception of the world.

Comenius Team

Présentation to all students. Sabine PUJOL (English; Mathieu DURAND (Arts); Beatrice PIN (School Coaching); Ricardo TANG ANDÚJAR (Spanish).

Sabine PUJOL (English); Mathieu DURAND (Arts); Beatrice PIN (School Coaching); Ricardo TANG ANDÚJAR (Spanish).

The French Comenius Team

Classmates at workAn English lesson with

12- year-old kids

We believe in the importance of the TICs and all our classrooms are equipped so as get the pupils accustomed to new educational technologies.

A week in the Life of a High School Student

They have almost 36 hours per week!

International Exchanges

Valladolid, Gijón, Barcelona, Swindon, St. Helens, Cork.

New York, Bristol, Tacna (Peru), Altensteig,

GIJON 2012 In our school projet, we ensure that each student is able to participate in at least one exchange during their curriculum.

My values and involvements

Itinirant school for gipsy children

Photovoltaic panels for Burkina Faso

Not only are we interested in transmitting knowledge but above all, we also want our pupils to get involved in actions to help the needy. We consider these values as paramount.

Examples of actions to help children in need

Leukodystrophies are rare genetic diseases

Running for ELA association

Collecting food for the poor (Banque Alimentaire)

Pastorale care

As a catholic institution, Saint-Genès School is a member of the Church of Gironde, founded by the Brothers of Christian Schools. Under the rule of the French network of Saint Jean Baptiste de Lasalle, Saint Genès is willing to work in fraternity « with and for the young people».

Literature and Arts

The second literature festival organized by a team of teachers. Eight writers have been invited and have spent one day discussing and sharing with pupils.

« Writing : What for? For whom? Reading : What? How? »

Our educational project places the importance on reading, writing and cultural activities.

And they will read spontaneously!

Kids reading at school library during the morning break .

Creativity and Fun

Primary school kids at wine harvest.

Young archeologists

Musical show

Our educational project takes care to put forward our pupils’ creativity and to let them choose their own activities. We follow them until they have completed their production. We also insist on autonomy and spirit of initiative.