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Page 1: My Birth Place Dikeli
Page 2: My Birth Place Dikeli



I w*e born the saeond som of Stretts ltnldle, wlthout dostgn.rirt i+

I preeune r Ju*t by Ktemet. That ls how uy paternel grandmother

attrLbutod. her aemf e $emlage to tho Itbeautl.fuJ- 0,urarli.att. ihat

ehe wae beeuttfuL l never fu13"f realluod until, at the ag;o of 18.

I oaue to Nslr York whsre I wae lntroduceil to strangers by l{ndano

fferopl ae sthe son of boautLful CuranLatf . t{y chlldhood recoll.eo*

tlons of ny mother w6trs of, * a3.lght, tall. wosen, who, helng the

mother of f,our aoilsr n6ver ueed mke*up or other adortrnents,

Leter on, from her photogrnphe, I dtsEoverud Bono slntlarlttsr to

so&e of the portrnlte of, the Napoloomlc perlod by Jaek L, Dnvl,ct

and" Ingres. Hy father, who hnd had constderable otperlencs * &s

the Lewntlne l.adlee of $myrna conf,ldod ln me at ths ago of 2S *

got as lntoxloated ss the coolheoded Artstotla who at the *.go of,

38 abendoned. hls ce:,Lbacy and. marrted Fyth!"n, daughter of the Ktng

of Atarnsufir* thts Atarneus le stllL produolng ravlng beautl"er.

and lf &rlstotJ.s frlL headtr"ourgl for her * Fythle - why not ny


FIy naternal granitruothar, Srosoule., *l flrst rll{ not e.Fprw6r

but hsr s6nr Srn Constentlne, lrho returrrod. from FarLa wlth s

d.netorrs degroc ln gynauaology, oonvl,nsed. her ttra.t Lt rss not

eash * bsdt b*rgpln.

Page 3: My Birth Place Dikeli

\* t*

Ig;norlng the sesrsd. dosryr nS fathsr epeed,e6. up hl.e norrl,ago

an$ I to deacrl,bs to you ell of lts epLendore , as told to nne by our

old*r nalghborer would flll a gro*t pert of, thle boo&. I{y uncLe

belng the prostatle {protootor} of the fannLly elnoe hte f,ather had

peeeod" etrey, lnstated. upon a fleetn, ln epl,te of ny fathorre protostr.

After allr hs was the onLy eon of the tough northsrn Greek Ch!.eftaln,

Keraohrtstos. and wna brought up on feudaL rtrtrnJ"e, whtLe uy father,

born tnto & &eroo.ntlle famlly of sea anptslner $as nor6 or lsep of

a Frotestant. At l-east, that t"s hm ho wag alwaya brand,ed, by htr

nother-Xn*lew rho, Llku uc, l letened wl,th dtrguet to the almogt

dally argumente of her son dofondlng the Oreek OrthocXor Church on0

my fether ftrghtlng for msro and more eahool-a" $ho ovon uent so far

one d"*y ae to call, htn a rrfrcq n&gonrt when wo ren sway from our

fstherts sfftoe to hor houge for proteotlon. IIer house w&a B6p&*

rated by e full norere gsrd.efl*rrehs would not lot hlm tn and

lockEd her lrttohonl our auylum fron beatlng.

In 195t1 l vl"slted Af,arneus, whloh th6 turke ca1l" Dlke}l, and

elgo thls manelon whlch ts l"tke * rulned fortress nolNr, wtfh lts

3*foot walls sttll, *tand.tng. Jll"thor.lslr I hsd, and stlll" have* a

Srsst nrdnl-ratlon for py Unele Consta.utlne who was al,so my g;odfather

nrr{ F'rench teaoher"* neverthel-ees * el"tlrer by temperanent or by

the oloser bloofl reJ"attonehtp, I ag;reed" uy father ln favqr

of mpre scl:oole ant fqpwor churchos and rayal er-penseE for blahopa

s,nd" erehblsliope..r Looklng Mck ts sy ohlldhso$ I roaLlse thnt L

!ra,s v$ry fprtunste to heve becn erpoocd" ln my fornstlve yee,ra to

suoh qloJ.ent argumsnto. It halped. us to dsvsLop e fe,lrrrees and

Page 4: My Birth Place Dikeli


sbJootlvtty whlsh I a gr*at ssset"

Sut ln my adoLeesenosr I burnod w!.tlr tha rsformerfn sea}. to

abullsh thc Lunrrious Sold, srd" sll"k wnrdrobee of the Flshcpa amil

,s,rclrbl.ehops and the arny of, coolrs "

valets and butlers of the leaderr

of the Chrtetl,en ehurehee and to dlvert theas huse EunB of money

ts ths sehoslc. .Is,ter o'n I doveJ.oped suffl*lently to reallse how

lupcrtant thls nageantry 1o* Ntrw I flrm"ly belleve that the FTg*

tagonlmts of tho Chrlsttan rltual" shoul-,t tre dreseed gorgeouel;r

and earry thernseJ-vse ponttflnnlLy for ths


lf tth thelr rnoealss, nurnLs and. portable lcone and Byaanttno

chantf,ns they tend. to upJ.tft the sou! and lt le s nlLLl,on ttnps

tretter tc upLlft ths 6ou1 then to lnstruct peopl.e mshenlcally"

&ver alnoe I dedtoatod nyself to the ftne ert6, P$YCIIAC0OEIA

{tfre upllf,ttn$ of, the soul) - hne boen ny notto f,or ?5 ys&?,s.

By upltftlng the EouL the nln* ls stlmed by the ssnseus and when

thet mlnd. Le huhbllng, then knowl-odgo ts abaorberl. end, dlgested

esgl,Ly" Wtthor,rt lt, ths student aocumulates *pLC ,lleconnncted.

f,aets thet c&nnot ho reereated tnto nou forms.

TherCIf oro, I repeat thet I arn gr*t,oful" for the argumCIrds to

whtctr I ha,d. been sffilret,ontly expoeod" durtnffi lny * chlJ.dhoodr

Seth sl.dem hed th*tr fol.l"olssrli eeans the leadl.lng menberx of thc

Greek *rthodox pa.slsl: ilfk*3.t*Atarneue. 'd6 enJoyed" 1-lst*nlng tc

tl:e *xponente of, the eahsoJ"e end nls* t"o thoee sf, tlw churchpe*

fhelr arguments on t}:ls f,lnmlng questlsns ns1r6r andted durtng tho

lasrg sywoel,nss" Foftunstely. thou6fr* hefcre dlsberdlns, they

Page 5: My Birth Place Dikeli


usuelJ.y fo'rmot thalr fsetlofiel dtff,eroneso atd. al"tr unl?ed khlsd

ths drlve for the snle of lottery tlclqete for the bonnf,lt sf the

&roqk $evy or for ssnts other fieJ-Lenlc patrlotlc enilen.votr* the

atrclng wlner $urCI en$" eosns.e stlnrrlntod them to slng ln unleOn

sogrst antL*turkleh $otlgr The shlldren Jotned 1n, too' end ny

grandmothor wau}d *dnonf,sh ue to Lovrer our volces. Hy favorlte

sone lrles the fol-Lo+rtngr

trltlavrS. t nal I nyhta etavouna '(pftnn blnak sovers the uotmtelns)

tt0 iil,l"[n xsspet'hontr xespotho$Ir t'{rne I{el]ono un$he&thss lrln swor*,'-;;

;;ileatrree irts eword) *

Th*n, after Another $lne Or cosneef everybody would d.otrnrt,

fesgng happy thet hs had oontrl.buted so$ethlng toward,e the hopod*

for-dey of the l-lberatton of a.neLent Aeoll"a and lonla from the

horrtble turkteh,,,Voho. i,i€ ?n€ra not at all a,f,ra.ld of'the Turkt

e,s wsre othor Crsoks who resld,od ln the lnterlor of Asl"a $ilnor.

In my natlve tswn of Atsrneus*ill,kel,f r the furks reXlrssented baruly

Lq,[ of the popu]atl.on, and they spoke Srrnek fluontJ.yr J"lke ree dl.dt

even nswf JJ yeare after the 'brutal

uproottn6 of the Chrtstlan

popuS"atloml the Tunks stlLl, upoak $reek' Bubp ln n*arby lerppuon;

the Arnenlsnen Jewe a*ql Greeks hed bo retlrs to theLr houes bsf,ore

sunsetr llke phlckone to tholr osops. wherees w& couLd stay out ae

len$ &s ws deglr*d, bsOnUse the *surs w&vss Of tho &egegn Sea

ep3q'ehed a6nl,nab sur nhsee srd, tho 6lant lisok was hal"lowed

1,lke * rotton rsnlnut* Yho ]"9tyr Centur? *rsek poet, VALA.ORtrTIS'

so beautl,fulLy expr*nsed lt, At bon. I r*al?sd tl:le poeul orn the

posaulon of th* oelebrsttrm of the Annlvsrs&ry of girs t'Proolsnstlon

Page 6: My Birth Place Dikeli


ef, the furkish Cryrrsti.tutlar:* sn & platforu of Dtksllts Publla

$ Tlrat we,s &y ftret publtc *ppearenso snd T vtvldly

reuember the lest stanss thet propheslsed. the ntotory of the "ttrny

w&.?s t$reeoel ov*r th* hu6h Eookr' {Turkay}. I st11.1 l"ove tf,e

powerf,ul synbo}Ismt

rrthe rook le l"ost ln the *bYestll,nnete unoe tt tn avyeswr)

ttlt ts ground, oraood. and' mel,tod*f'{fnilvetalr rvYat*1, LYonel}

ItAs t f Lt wore mnde of snow(San nataX a,po hlont)

tt&r the epot tohore the ghoet.$ras standlnst($ton toPo Pouten to etlht'ol

trl{othtn& renn!.ns, nothln$, but the Ts&vB(Tlpot6 den aponunel, kanete pera. to kyma)

ItThet d.aneeo uo Joyf,ully ovor lte granoyard. n(Pou patael. getCnblsfko opano epo to unlmo)

IruoklLy ny honc tcmnr Ln eptt* of lts atser llr&s not a vlllage

but an tnternatl"o'nal port thet open*d up wlde horlcms to al.L of

ltsr fhe munfcLpat plor, whoss lnoome aupportod our sohooLs -

W&,g Our*fof m&ny of Us Oongfegatod Often tO dl.ffsuon

vatrloue subJeote - T{rs trtc{ out our $'renoh wlth ths off,locra and.

snllore from Htsrsal}].os. 0noe Ln a whLlo sre wouJ.d try to plro[rsunoe

a dtfflault wurd" ln Inn$lteh, too, butr wtth fthakeepe&.rorg tonguo

w6 onootriltared. gruater d!.f,ft"sultlee than rlth the Fronohr Ths

greet 1nomoRt wae alw**yn ln the J.ete aftelrroon rrhen tho 6oastwt86

etsanbsats would dock try tho etde of, the Fl*r.*.then sem6 ths

d.teemberkst!.on of the polygLat pn,sssrlgsre nnd' the qul,Ek *eparture

of gSS sf then f,or Fergamon and other hlnterLand toems of the

Kalkos Va].lsy.

Page 7: My Birth Place Dikeli


tlre fat r*venuss frou the pler from so$e reel sstet*

belotrgtng to the Groek Orthod.ox conmuntty qneblod the Parente t

Comtttoe to get the bset teeohere sval.l"sbl.e* We were forturrate

to hevo twc prlnclpale who had been eduoated in S,rltserl.and.

Gormnny and" Franoeo who rlere masttre of drawLns and very Sood

pl,ano nnd vlolln playors - th6y ettmrlated us Xn the f,i,ne arta

nnd, nuclon the fLrst 6ons we were taught wae fi l to Vaellef*..

*Hurrsh* humah, O, Klngf our ffiroat Kln6*tt * ths nuelc wau Hny{nl,S,,

I{apnburg Hnrphr so the Turks, neturnl.I"y, thonght l"t res A,uatf.'!&n

but aetually tt wa,s e hynn to the Sreelr* At parttee ln l$ow

York Clty, when I em hlmh* I lllte to oi,ng; thst ssnffi of, llnydntn wLth

Vtenneee, Sermsn, Sutchon and sven so&e 3'rench f,rlender

A.s to d.rowlns * wo wstro taught nostly the oartoon ncthod. of

reproduotlon fron oolored. prtnte of the Renalesanee mngtore. To

the new rlsltorr our town looked ilore l lke a btg olty -- tho plera.

tho wtdo wsterfrontr the Lnrgo busl.ness sectlon thrae banke ,

Large tavenra and hu6e cafes wlth quartets pLaytng et nlght **

lt ronsmble$ a town of abogt 5CI,000 people rather than a vll,lage

of, 5r0OO. Bslng a port. lt hnd a }arge trane!.t popul.atLon snd. q't

the helght of tho sunnsr soeson when tlre blg oos&n*gotng aargo

boste would, enchor egfely ln the oB@n etroam, thls llttl.e vlllagp

lncrsaaad. lts populs.tlon to 20'C0CI* tongmho:r6&sn. bargemn.

erportors nlth thel,r OLerks, hundreds of **mol drlvore' bnstdes

thousEnds of plaln cltlsenp f,rom Fer#amon who* to Dlk6l.1 to

cosl" thepeelvos tn the bl,ue w&ters of the Aegoan $e&r

Wtlh suoh a mrLety of paopl,e r lncludlrg thauesnde of tqurtetn

for the Antl,qul.ttes of S*rganon end tlre Aerspo}ln of &'tarnsusr

Page 8: My Birth Place Dikeli


our torwn eoguirail e fcat!.vo whlth oulntns,ted tn o snnLl-

essLe SlyEpl,o GsW ersn& on the annl.vorsary of the petronsss sf

Ataxtreus, $*nts. Iraraskevl" Wreotltng bouts, boat racefi. horse

seo€s En* bhe tndlsponee.ble $lnrathm,r fraoe, ewlmrmlng co'ntcatsr

tsrsh paradesn &t*., &ts.r * draw add.ltlortal thougend.a of nport

fane that paakes all tho houeoei hotols end, lnnst end thoee who

souLd not afford or coull,d not obtaln shelter *lopt ln the Churohes.

l3vCIn the Turks who l-tned. at the top of tho htll abandonad thcfu:

sol"ttuds and Jotned the foetl.val.

Ths wreetlers wsre eeoarsd wlth othe otL and etrtppert to thg

wal.stl thay wore sho*t lnrooLength loather pante. the soeb&tent

who oould lt,ft, h!.s opponent wonr Strt the o11 rrhtoh ponctrnted.

tho pores of the wrestlors made thenn v6ry nllppery. Osoasl"onslly

some frmks wouLfl parttolpntm ln thLe wrottllng Saue andr lf by

ohnnoe r they trrapponed to loee, e vlolont f tEht would onsuo * tht

reforee wes usltnlLy ltnalLy, the l{reetllng Comntttoo

degl"de{ ts exal"ude the Turks, but tho flghte oontlnued'

pns of, the beet thrllls of the wrestllns gpns wes tho ovsr*

ture tlrnt the orshoetra played. to ths e,osompe,nlpant of a lnrgu

drumt frn J"a J.s, trn, lalpn I& Xe ls,l"a l"a Ie lnLa l"a La. end' at

ths end, of, thc Tre }s IeS, eeoh Sroup or row of tho eo'nbetan s *

1gtth open hends, would strtke his opponentfa palms. elmulatl.ns ths

oymbsls, l{e wauld a}L Jotn tn tho robust rhytluo5.naL eorng snd ths

cS.epptng ef hands, and.n s.s all q}f usr frlend"s and aoqual"ntanoes

ntlt tsut[fy, I stL]"l trsln peopl+ et p€.rtles ts 61sp thstr lm.nd.s

wtrtle elrylng trn la 3a!

the nert ms3:rLns * 1{!.9}r }&es lss s6J"sbr*.t*d f,or $t. $taph*nos

amd., ttrts tlgo tha omptarygrn*{th* slx"'trtn6ad *rgaln} - $sf,s

Page 9: My Birth Place Dikeli


*ef*ls{ up }itgh hy *ono strong }engatrore@r}i then ths h.rmers of

the varLsus Gullds wsuL& foll.ow. Tlrey gtrrded the entlre toryyn and,

etopped Ln framt af the munlolpal pler agaln and were greeted bp

ths Se*f,Entng n*lse of the whX"stlers of the l"nternatJ"annl. flag*

bedcoke* cerso f,Leat. Aftcr the Slulrop or ArchbLshop had nprayud

the wntCIrs wtth HoLy tfnter, the Armds of, sa1L1ng veeeels wcnrld

start thetr great r&os. At thm.t momant ths festtva.l lrau trensformed.

Lnto an lnternntt.onfl.t Olyaapl-c Gsues* An 1i;nglt.nh or e.n ltellan

orew woul{ frocguenttr"y boat our skt}led" racersn Helnff Chrl.uttans,

thg wtnners lrere crowned, wlth }aureL branohes cvoasedr &rrd they

hnrt the nholao of a gold" med^al" or & smn,Li" barrel- of oognnc

uy f,nthef of,f,sred from trt"e tywn prlvate dletlLtof,f * usuollyr the

cosnac nns pref,ofred.

No bar6gos moqed thot d.ay * alL the wlnoheE of the 6ar$o

boate w6r€ sllent* The nuerohant uarfne nffloors e,nd. srew wou]"d

mln$J.s wtth ths nstlvql Cirereke End applaud the danaorp or the folk

sl"ngers+ Onoe [n a urhlle a Oerrna.n sroup wou1d. slns tr"[ed.qr anfl thc

Frenoh wsuld smtle anrt Jsln tn wlth us when t{e sen& ths $ersol.l}4,!,ss.

Ths f,ey after sl. St*phanoo, the 28th of Ju]"yr the great

horea r&oo t*ok &nil", tn thE late af,ternoonr the I'larathon

rass whloh I used. to folLm halfwe.y on lay ltttl-e ponyt thsnr orl

tlre f,o}lswing da,y, cam tho fieeathlon whloh r'las rcstrlo?s0 t'o

,&oollang and. Ionla,ns"

dfr*nthtl festlveL wns svsr.r &$ f*,nlly wcvttld. stov6 flve kll,o*

mntsre tnLqnd ts uy dsthssts eetats* *y then the ee*&f,ass gsepss

lxr& beffrn t,o rlpan alrd fhtn tlr* proccea sf dryi.ns tt?e sul.t*nn

Page 10: My Birth Place Dikeli

. i 9 ?

Srepes on ths hsrd *lay flsld wsuld begin" thla $*ls en lntonse

g5x'66*soek porto* f,er n# f,ether. H* enJoy*d, the mobJ"llaetlo*t of

$o&e 8SO or JOS nen and wonen whs cut snd, oagled the grapes to

l]-d ̂ fhs *rrsnes lrers then dlnn*d" lnto notsstr*f ILIedthe dryLng ft"eLd. fhe Srepes ]rsrs then dlpp*d" lnto pc

barrels throe tlnes end eproad fLst on tho ground* They !rsr6 then

rtneed other Llqutds ' (whose oonslstsncles I aarxrot tell

you) { Ln throe days thoee seetl,Lees ralslns bosane golden und,er ths

bro!.Ltng sunr aLthough, oessslsnelly a. curssd raln would, opolL

thelr transpareneyl

FIy rnother rras ltept bu*y guoetn ln our country

vllle ntth J.ts lron shutt$rs. the rest of the ttrne sho rouLd,rep6ttd

watchlng us mount the rXd!.ng horees of our 6ueste. $he thought

We w@re su*pended betwson the eky and the horsels splne whsn W6

gaLloped. How ehe wouJ"d. soream and prey at the $ane tlme for

our safe retunnt


'Ihe frult and vogetsbLes were so obunde,nt that tho worksrB

wou].d not eat any pert of the waterneLon cxoept lte hoert (tfre

centeir part). Cannlng end other mo'f,orn and nnclsnt nothodc auch

as dehydratlon were not appLted* $o nush of the prectous frult

and vegetablee was wnsted by t,he very peopl"e who, on thelr ffin

lp}and.s Juet l.S or ?t ntles 8,cro6e the Aegean' haci" to bcnd, to

plclc e. &reprs or a flgl

After the erep#s were transfoflsed. lnto rm.tsl.ns and. paoked for

sfulpment to Serl"!n, I,ondonr Fotrosrad snd. other pert$ cf the *ror1dt

a grand banquet was served. on thtr top of the hug* nwtmlng pool

Page 11: My Birth Place Dikeli

- lS*

whl,nh wss &Iso ussd e,s & f@servotrr far the watsrlrrg of & tsn*

$erd6n suJrrounding our vll.l"a &nd the worklng Bdn end womsnls

sholter, flren ne returned. to towr to emh.rk eltlrer for $myrna or

Hytl}ene &nd", elrery three years, for /rthens, where our fathor, aF

an amatour atrchaealogtot, wouLd faplXlarlss ue wlth trls beloyed

eculpture snd v*seg.


A d, f,nc!.d"ent toolr plaae a ruonth before the loung Turkr

(who rn,squeraded as nl,tbcralps) set thelr cl.eadJ.tno f,or the m'$s

uprootf,ng and deportatlcn of thelr mlnorlt les by foroe. A8 thc

enttro worL{ knowE the story of the furklsh brutalltyn lt 1e nsod*

Less fpr me to eLabor&ts upon lt now. The atnosphene wne tonee,

to soy tho loast, Sven the very youns ohlLilren had to oarry Suns

snd hrl.vee for agalnst the Ea.rrage Turk.

One $aturday mornlnfi, whl3.e worklng on f,. sohool aeetgnnent a

(whloh wes to onlarge a snaLL prlnt of Uecell.ots Trtrptyoh) * I

was d"Leturbed by the shouts of 6n oqueetrlan lnesssn#or fron ny

Unole Fhoelon* At f,lrst I thou$ht enother urfient deS"lvory w*s

due ln eorne mountatn vfllage" And I told the Cavallero that ny

Unole was busy wLth enother dcllvery Juet then tn hls prtrvate

c.llnle* f'he horse wgs foamlng6 and kleklng lte hoofe om the oobbLa*

etmres of the huffe lrorr gata of our gardon (tfre Uaoello }lsreo that

I was drewln$q Looked y*ry wood^sn ln comparLson to thle vlbratLng

anlml wtrose antmte& *rpr€sslon J.ooked more l lke Serlcaultrs)*

In the m*antlma, u&ny kide he{ eg.thered around ths horeeurnn, who

looksd ?ery pelo r &E lf somthlng nor€ oulnous than t,h* usunl-

Page 12: My Birth Place Dikeli

* f .L *

d.*lLy eta.hblng a.nd shoott"ng ln tha countrysl&o hed ocsurr€d. 1

took the le*ter to the Rurso* who at that monent wae holdlng a

torryol for my UnaLs wlth whloh to dry ?rls wst harnd^s, Ee command,ed

ne to open the letter s.nd, raad lt to h[m, but ln the maantlme he

&nn$unced to the ne::vorrs f&ther whose ohl}d he h*d Juet dsltvered.

t i * t he had e eon l (Y1os , y loe) ,


Pttanl*Akra, fsad'*rll * L*"nbano*d"eftera

Eadter Hondayr ? A.!1. Aprll 13'19r.4

$y very deer Brothcr*ln*Irrr, Drr, SpLt.rope, of $stropoLLta.n Hphesoo,Atarneus-Dtksl"l. r

Greetlnga to you and your oolleagueol

A group of armod. ?urhe and Al"bani.ans of tho Conltnt of, theIouns I'iuEulmans departed thl.E nornLng wlth SunB, rtflss anddynanlte to anhush the Boverend lletropolltls of Epheros andBxnroh of all .tLsla* fhay nay mobtl,lze others of tholr falthanong the hanlets and vl1Lages, so I r*oonnond, urgontly thattho itrohbtrhoprs Party ehould proeeed for our town throughths Poet Rsq.d nnd. by no m@&ns throug;h tha Gap of I{t* Karndagr

.&t the last kllonsterr &rr equootrl,en weloonlng emnlttee ofone h" horges snd:'ilrenty*flve nules of our townls0rthodox wtll, eooosp&ny you untll the Churah of $t. 6oor6e.DedfsatLon seremonleg wllL be8ln at orI6B. yours,

Fhoeton F. Kald.l"s

ttGo. Ariebodlsos, and tell the Innksepsr to harnese thvee

palrs of hor*es So thre* l-a*dauE tnmedlately. Go onrtt he a$ded,

t r rushlt .

Page 13: My Birth Place Dikeli


As 3 !{as stertlnG qut, the daosdent looklng Arehblehop, who

ws.s lig.vlng braakfs,$t upgtrilrs I pf,otruded hle whf.te board nnd.

ealled p* h,ok.

nf,)o not Soc ysuns lafiLtft...ltrhy the lsndaus?n hs sshed.

SIy Unc1e Conetentlne erplalned. the sad^ newe Just reeolved

from Unsl.e Fhoolon.

rI suspoctsd. al,L that from your worrled. faee' but I au not

gotng by tfre Post fi.oad. tht.s n^ ho eef,d". nlt takes so long

to 6o thet wt$rit he ndd.ed, no"nd l nrn d.etermlnod. ?o offlstnte !n

* Veepor $e:nrtuc th!.s Late afternoon &t Psrserumtf s Cathedr&f.rtr

Turntn-q to hte vaLet* Par.rngl.otlr ho ordered htm to brLum hls

oulottee, hls two revolverg ertd e coupS.e of, etloks of d.ynamito.

fhle senlle oJ"d. nsn, thts artstosfetlc Fanarlotl, Mr. JoaOhlu

Jlfendou].i.*, w*s trs.ngforncd. frou a neek etooped tffirlr burdoned wLth

the welght of ftve or slx enbroldered. robou. orosces and onornoug

sLeoves, lnto an frarmed. Iobnterrt ** ho Looked, "ather

Llke e

Guerr!.LLa ftelhter wlth eagle eye$ and tlghtened Jawt

t'Xt ls barel.f 9 $-.P1. nowi by Ll" I ehaLl" be thero. and. a't 2 F.l4*

I ehaLL be on wey $Ay to Fargamn'n..*$&d.d.1e tho lroreo, p}oaeet

Fenaglott. tt

The uord paeeod qutokly thrartrgh Dl.ke1l, and. soon narohautst

benk oLerks, gent1euen of leleuro, together wttkt the Pharmolst *

twl.thout hle gultar) * s$il all of the Tovsnfs strffig nfit ?tars ffi

horeebaek wllh thetr rlflos and r*volvere ta proteet thelr roJ"t-

6Lou* 'an* poLltloel leader uaf,el"y to Te*nd.erLL and as far aa

Fsrgemorn, Surlng; thls great *ormotJ"on I grespe$ the opportun!"ty

Page 14: My Birth Place Dikeli


to *oocrysny thLs 6*eet c*vs3-ry l$er*h to fssnrtarll on sy pclrry,

figwevnrr xnf fathsr trad, beon al*rted by sy ruother e.nd he sent a

couple of horeemen to br!.n$ no bo*k. Fu? uy swtft pontr r*e qul.te

htgh up sn the l{ara{a.g }tountsln chantng the turke snd tho Albenlan*t

wlth my fLnger on the tnlgger of ny revolver" fwenty-ffv'e brave

msn wors eeoutf,ng tho psth frou the hllltopsn but no furk or

Albenfsn was vlstbLe* The shonts of the horoemon vlbrsted cnd,

eohosd bmok as tf therc wers thousrinde of voloesr We got to

Saandsrll, snd thr f!.ret thlnm ry Unc] Phos!.on dl,d was ts dlsalru

ms mnd. hoLd $e to hta rl$ht slda, so* here wau I* on thst d.ay an

eddlttorna.L protector sf the Ysry us.n I tmd" bsen ralred to hete aa

a reactlonory. I adulred Arehblshop Joaehluts couregsn and eiIX.

uy ltfs J. fi&vm adnlred physlsal. eourase for norsL prlnotplcs" Sow*

svsr, I harro alweys d,esploed hoollga,nlam, and. slnce the agc of

el,ght rshen I was the leader of a n0hlLd.renfe Follcsmen Brlg*deil,

I havs alLl.orl rngeeJ"f wlth thoEe who a.tte.oked. Fhoodluu a

on the weak snd d,efenceless.

the donnud. hls whl,te Sown whlch, after the Dsdl,ca*

tlonr, $n&s torn to thln rtbbons by the somronlr huntsrso andr though

hts volae lras stlLl" sen!.Ie to my s&rs, h€ ohante0 tn a reoltatlvo,

whtl"e ea.rryln*; two lgrse csnd*labrae*

tiKrv!.e, KyrLo tjivlogleaon tln tsf,ttn ln ephytafsp I d.fixta flo$r(eor*, Lord, Bleee thls vlneyard thn.t ystrr rlmht hand

pLcntodr )

Iitu exprssslsn rms thf,.t of a dsdloated artlst go hts s&uso{"nAtt*

to thtnk he hsd. ts ire la barbelrsns fmrkey thet rospected only

hlghor forcel A mqnth later hle Archdo&sorx ?r&s *rnsifls$ at ths

Page 15: My Birth Place Dikeli


rallroad ststlon of At inlt the fronsled Turktsh mob ueed la*fiere

to out ellaoe off hts legs and thtghc * &rd soms prlvlleged furke

sl"tcsd out hte heart * &rtd three pleees of Lt to the plgg tn the

dtrty townl i{te oardlnal" orlme was to stand by the wornen and

ohtldyen who were forothly svaouated by the Turke. Tho nost

beauttful malden$ !{er{! ktdnappod by the harsnf s sunuohs for thetr

Beys and Pashes.

Thts lnold.ent contrlbuted. a great d.ea1 to ny furthsr davalop*

ment &s &n obJeotlve thl.nkerr Fanstlotr"sn bllnde peopl*e and thelr

Judgnont le alwaya oolored*


fhe moet lntcroetlng ovent thet I ronsnber clearly wae tha

oalebratlon of the Proclsmtlonn for the Hstabl"l,ehnent of tho

Turklah Llbersl Ccynstltutton, ln L908. CCIntrary to tha warul.nga

of the Chrtetlan preleteer the naJorlty of ths Greek populatlom

acoopted the ttolvl"l equaLltytr of tho nlnorltlee a.$ a progroeolva

stopr..But ny nothor, lealrl,ng; to$snle her brothorf e pollt lea1

vl"ews, to1d. ';B & parabler trAllaxe o kourel.loe kLr eval.e ts rouha

tou aLltogrt * tttre rnnn ln rass changed hte clothee by putttng on

hle sutt tnstd.e out). $he shook her fread ond seld. sarcsstLosllyr

frThe lurk as o, Ll,beral? Wal-t ard eeetn Slx years l"aterr to orr

sorrow, the predlstlsns of tho Churah leadars w*re real"tsed. $X

fath*r d*pnri*6 oeoretly an a emll bost end arrLvod tn llytt1en6f

*o*ou* from S!.kelt", bo.refobt e,nd. wltlr torn alotheer &B Arletotte

of $f,ag*tra hsct done ?jCS yesr6 c*rller* in asoaplng from the


Page 16: My Birth Place Dikeli


The stl.berten Hge3.lto, Fraternlten thnt the nes Turke hed

proclelmd 'rr&s nsv€r aaquLre$ by the threo nlnarttles who were

hoplng to dlscard the old stls;na of ttrsys,tt 1ln Arabl"o "a f1oskft,

neonlng the' subJtrgntton of non*!{oeJ.eros. ?he l$rmerrlt Filll"et i

(Armenlens)" the Ynhourll l1l}Iet {Jewteh} and. the -ium $ll (croek},

fa.lled to obteln the promloed tflnlty of the new Corstltutlon,

exoept for the tteqtmllty$ of belng drafted. lnto the bsekwn:dr Frs-

hlstorlc e,nd. trarbarlo Turklsh Aruy. ?hc sonts of tireee oultured

mlnorlttos wsre dr*fted. ae soLrtlera, and. they suffered the lnc!.1,9-

nXt!-es of & prehl.stortc nlLltary reglme thet permltted. offlqei:s

to uee th* wtT!p on thelr baeks and other huntLlatlng oorpora.L

purlshments, the young Greeks, Jews an0 Armenlnns were mlxed

wlth l. l I l terato Turkleh eoldlors who nevetr seemed to learn how to

turn rl.ght or lcft, trn d.oeperatlon, the offlcors had to hang

L1ttLe onlons on the rlght e&rs of the soLd"lers and. garlto c'n tho

left o!n€6. $o, the connencl for nrlghtf or trleftrf wa,s usun,l).y

tt$oyan tsrafandatr {tfre onlsn elde), nsarmosak taraf,endat' (the

garlle sXde). In the neantlme, the Itprlvi}ogegtt that the nlnorl*

tlcs hsd enJoyed slnse tho capturo of Constant!.nop3"e ln 1453 ee

ItRayasn woro olowly *llmlnsted.. No Long*r dld. ths Greek and.

Arnenlan olergy sn& the Jewlsh Ohlef Aebbt. havs abeolute rellg!.ous

and po3.ltteel" eont'roL ovetr thelr subJects* The minorlty sahools.

t'rhl,oh had, been strletl"y eegreg*ted" for thelr ad.ventagie, !{ere

gensured^. Sef,ore thei.r serm.nolp*,tl.ono fron the role of th* suh*

Jugat'ed, Fatrlarchs and. ChrLettan .&rehbtshops were conosrnsd wl,th

tnbu!,ng ua wlth the Hellenlc splrlt and" aonselence, Th*y tought

Page 17: My Birth Place Dikeli


us Gtr66k Hythology f,lrst amd then the F!"ble, Tha Clesstoa td€rs

our textboolcs. Lnter oni un&er the Itl,Lberal Constltutlontt thry

orced us to study Turklsh too, and f an glad that most of, tht

teaehlng was $enstan and Arablc poetryr &s weJ.l eii some colorful


The f,anatlo i{abLcnaJ"iet turks couLd not tolorate sny mlnorl*

tlee and, wlth the encouragenent of the Serrens, began s3.owly, but

stee*lly, to erbermtns,te aLl nlnorltles. The Armenlana and $reoks

$ere thel:n f lrst vlctfuus and, tt d.Id. not t*ko the Turks Long to

perueoute a,nd. erterul"nate the Jews, too. Ilght to ten ntLllon

people, who, wtth thelr anclent Lngenulty had besn ahl"e to creats

wee,lth out of tho rloh tu:nkleh sotl. wore kllLed or deportecl and,

the resuLt wa.s extrese poverty for the peopl,e. fhe

msao,oros of the Armenlsns and the Greeks are knovm to elI the

worl.d and eepeclaLLy to the Anertcan poopl-e, who etretched out

thetr helpful hand.* Gresoe war:nly reselved not only l.te chlldFong

the Gro*kn, but mnny Armenlans, tpo. fho Near Sast iieLlef clM a

oolossal Job ln alJ.evlatlng thelr pX.lght*

The onl-y modernlaa,tl"orr thst the Turk rmdertookn was the

regl"etratlon of streets ln the Tax tsooks and plaolng so&s pS,aoardc

st thelr aorner$* f! llttls Turk Se$sn Eff,endlm who spok$ Sroek

f,lu*ntLy * {he was a Cyprlot} * stopped, and, qsked me about ther

smsl,l strsst ttut l.e"y betweon our houso snd the },l*l,n $treet of

Blkel.l. f toLd. htn thp.t *v*rlytrod.y oaL].s tt the SlrtseJ.erte Strectr

lie laughed" anrt askeld ths Loca.]. Folloemn who a,ooonpanled hlm lf

Itwhat, ths boy sa.ys ls tru*il. B*fore the Pc].!.G€rmltr h*d, a ahance

to enewcr, the eocentrlo lrharmotstr twho wsre hte ltnltan turn*

Page 18: My Birth Place Dikeli

*1? { r

$ss,t sf#R durlng ths hot sumcr nonthg) - vsrl,ft.e{ nil statseent

a'nd.s he filrther stetedr tlr*t nl"ttrough hl.s pharmaey faced ths

seoond, pgraLlaL, he aonaldols hlmsolf a ehleelerr too. he had

nsvsr pe!.d for thp f*noy barometcrs and the drugs hs had. bought

ln $IlLan where hs wes suppoued ts bo studftng ahomlstry" Further*

eor6r fnsteatl of e pha.rmolstf s oertlflaate' he proudly dXspl"ayod

a heanlLy adorneld. for gultar playlng, Iioth the

youn6 and, old enJoyerd. hte senslttve playlng, although unfortun*taly"

ho perf,ormod rarely. Ite spent ilors tl,no tunlng hlr gultar than

playl,ng tt.

Howaver, thE pollte Cyprlot Turk sal.d to the Sharnaolst I

$I osnnot put Ln the record a tChtselerrs $t'reetr, IJtgnor, tt ls

offenslve.r|IoS.emnhoel the GeneraL $tore Keeper s.Gross the

Chtseli}nrJ*. Street who overtroerd the oonversatlon, smlled^ Utttorly

a&d. sddosl ht"s nonnent. toor trbff*ndlur d"o not ontertsLn eny

d.outfigr**thoy are ohlscJ.orr too,r' thett, boeatln6}f r he add.edt

nsmnrt a.g hs Lc, he oannot fool ne thla tlne wtth hle nelr trloku*s

erydl. he went or{ to L]-luetrot,c hls po!.nt of, vLew to the TurkLgh

Of,flctnl whon lry thts ttmer n&s enclrcled by ten or flfteen h&co*

nmrLilers * {Ioafern} *

ttHelL, effenrd"l,m, exsuss ms fon botherlng you butr wlten you

booom aaqunlnted rtth aLL these eharaotere of our totun, yon wlll

autou*tloa.lly undere*an* why cr great part of thes arec chld;elors.

For lnetan*e, thle 3-ongehoretsn uho llveo hlgh up on the hLl}

nagxts ps ta gtve hf,n e ps,tr of brand new sllpilers for hl* wlfe,

Page 19: My Birth Place Dikeli

* f .8*

#S{ SeSFm* Snt the 6r**af,uL slippers d.o not show nntr atl"}lngn*ru

to go elray fron the she1f, I evsn botlrered. to ask then, and thrtr*

of, esur#s r f,allsd to replyr tl

$.t *hls pol.nt the S.ongehorenan pr*tended ts ,ts very angry Ln to dlearm tire oxtrsmoJ,y sautlcue storekeepsrr Ii* had alrMy

devlst*d, a p3*nm whereby' ho wouJ.d snstah thc.Xlelr of sllppers from

the stubbsrarl.y reslstaqt lir. fe:-em,hos. He realleeil that unlesE

he fisf, the strlver m.ldg*t {80 cents) to pny ti:e r'r:,:ru+sterJ prlce f,or

tho oLlppers, h!"s wlfe eou}fl not go to Clru:'c': t,;,* nsxt, nl.ght, $o,

he applled. hte eurmlng $ohens, whLch workod out suooessfuL}y.

Turnln6, to I'Ire Telemahoo and etarl.n& harcl nt hfun he sald * oal.mLyl

*l{hy d,o you entnrrrags Ee trr.rfore aLl t,heee poople, lnc}udlng

thls strang:or who looke no bewLLdered, from your rlrJustlflod lnsult*

ln6 reunrks agalnst your dr{n fsLlorr*Chr!.st!,$ne. i Jus? r^rLeh to

b't:y nry wlfe a patr of sli"ppsrs bnnause I oannot affotd to buy h*r

e palr of shoes, a,rr& 1*.m wllLtng to pay fsr theq Ln onah*

Butr dtnco you clo not trust ms. dG not glve xo{r a palr ln slee 10

or IL, which I thtnk rqll,l, fi.t her large fsetl for your protectlon

pLoaro keup the nltppt:ro for the rtght foot en* JunS 6tve n* else

30 and, lL for thtl l&f,&, f,oot r so thst I osn seo whl,eh slse f lts hofr

Fir. TeS,emhos. who wao j-tchLng for a snlo, gaeed" at the Turkr

*rhl"Ie sors,tahlng hlo herad I et the narne tlrne he d.f,d. not wlsh to hs

outsmrteC by thX.s tupld looklng S.ongahoroffirtr iie g;ot up frou

hls oh*el.r, pacecl th* whoLe l*ngth sf hle stor:e for rr mlnute o:r two*

srrrtr th*n Se*J-dert to taks the rlsl{. H@ So? *own the two }eft

eltppers, 41"u6 )"Cl n* tt, a.nd ggv* th*s to the huslsy Lamgshorese*

Page 20: My Birth Place Dikeli


**ryorrl,shtxg hi*n to brlng the sllser soJ"n from hts hemar *otl:sm!,rar'

ho oryllaslsed, oysn Oeflnst $st the rl.S'lt elzo no u*tter hw faAfy

psq xney nsod thea fnr ysur wl"f,e.s

*S*XqaqL*,&tffi&, thst ls my po)-tuy, sffen<ltutril he satd to

th* turk nho ras stpnlng *, srffse stkerlt, cttolt sfkerli' vsry meaott

!.n*rod. rf, resorf,sd to thls pol!.oy*a h6 sd{tsdr prg{antXy' trbosaust

I fiovo boan oheateld' mo oftsrr by tllasa i.ngeut,oun people who alwaya

Bt#& to lnvont nsw trloltg JUat to Ohe*t me* SUt X am oLluyu *r

ths w*tdh*.*I tgkt no olmntss,n

"&,n& tho pollta Turk cntd', uyrpath*tl,pa].1yr f,n Grock' ttt*t ho

usa r*snd,erlns ln imcklmrTX frrrkeyr' suf,f*rtng In prllrttLve lnns,

ELryly bmseuss hts fether hnC[ trueted: svarybodf t otherrl.oe, lN.ku

hl.a othar fortrmste onmpatrlsts, hs amr1d. hsve rtmtnacl l,n bnsutL*

ful. Cyprus whore he hptl bsen bortr s;d rslsod.

Pannglsr tho t*rguhorsrorn, X.ost no ttm ln r:qaohlng hts houao"

feo11n6 v6try ltsppy bessuss* uo mttsr ?that worl.d" lnppen fronn nmr

ffr; ho helr hls $lfe wouLd, gst to alnrreh enywsy.

ePons$tEti" the sira lI Ftes me porfottlyr but how an I gotn6

to ronr the Loft else ].fi on uy rleht f oot? tt

nbr not wsff,xr* Seopoi::l*nrla, unlcsff I oan get tht rlglrt fast

rl,ne lt wtth G*&te or ths ilov! help, I her* thowht of a fmy

tsd,t yOu aoUX.{ $ser ths sffi&L} slge l.S ss you. sen Sa to C}rurch

tffiotrfffi. s

nfise Ln tlmt posslbl.c, Ssnluu?s

*It ls voyy aflusle. f,!.st*n ta your huahnrtd snd you s1[1

fl*v€r g;o w?sns* w

Page 21: My Birth Place Dikeli


i:,r sffiy rlght foot* PatnE[ot*]"11. ts not dc nu*h emllev th*n

W l6f* srr#***lookts and she trte* t* $hs{ h1n t}ret h*r rtgh*

fsot *s$Ld not Sst Into, the slse 1S e}!.ppsr.

Fnmogfe 6rn*ped, ths lsft el.Ee 1O el,Ipper froq Kyra Despolnnra

rlght foot and eald, exe!.tadlyr

Nf!ilst S*t, do*r, do not ppotL ft W wear!.nfi lt o there !.u stl"IX.

e fi}t"ght shene€ tCI Sist thr elae l.L for your rlgfit foot, but than

thomr'' plea,ss d,o nst uss thts si,gp LS l.6ft.ft

ttltoer e,n I gatrng to usa Lt?x Arfifr lthe a ehf,Id, phe begun to

offr anylns uh* worrld not be *b1a to go sos ths lsnbrl {t'rt.11[ont]

r&f,tunr@$ttfi! ou'ts!.de ths shuroh and to reJolco wlth tha rdet sf

thc town*pogla at nnldnlsht sharp, $etunilay nlghtr &t the gront

Sln*ttr }fiasc whtsh !.s the prtnstp&I rellgtoua f,cettva.l for ElL tho

Grcsk Onthod.ox.

Ht hu4;gu{ h*r and wtrp*d ths terars fron he:r eyesr 6nd wtth

hts thlcb l.tps wtp,*d ths other ta&ru tlrs.t rolle{ ds}rn ar fon es

h+r protrudtlu"q rosy shEoks snd tho sre& sround her llps,*

She ml;ax6d eneq*S$t to btl *hle to }letan to thLs Srl*st Ohf,sol.orta


n$ewpofnmrla, 4oarrn he snld"n bstrssst"ng hor thtck bl,nok helrr

rtlf.oh *t tfma lookorl vlolot r 'f If I fsl} to S*t yfir the rlght

ElFs 11 rllpptr tlmt fits you frox thet stubborn Etorekeoprf," theni

wty fl[Sl$1 vil,l fsln ffisg um thts frte6 1** *n* I w!"11 t!,o ywr foot

aad *mnoffilse to the nrlghbors that you f*S,l 6lff ths lafider w?ltls

pntntirW outr lttrtsh*nr It is eo si,lrplo**nn

Page 22: My Birth Place Dikeli

-?1 *

ttVerlrn Ehc se.tdr mmllln$ly, S* gre*ep${ the slss }{.r s}.l.ppnr

f,rnm lrar hnndsr rs^n *ffrlr tc l,tr" fslorenhoel *enetra} $torye elrdr

ontor$.n6 *fir he sald., atammortngl"yr

ilI.iyrle, liyr3.e, I'lil" Selam.hes, tho Elae 11 f,tt,E her perfcEt}yB

amdp rt*tnlng hls voloCI In gonfld.encsn tr'Ie erdded, "1 lrnve brought

tlr* olas 1$ to oxelrmgo for lts t'truebond,rf that Lookc eo lonely

utrl thero on tlre nheJ.ftrrt ir:rd. speaxl,rg aLolrly now ho broko thr

sad. newn* rrl hav* no ffioney* booeure unfortumgtel$t my wlf,e tpent

the u,md.Jtt f,nr ths r'$d liestor s6gsr but *E you hnmr L *m n hsrd* es.n and s, very h:"g$rLy pnld longehors$&hr So d,o not womy,

I shel} p&y 'enr ttre mluErable sfJ.van ooln for tho ell,pporn an

sotrt aq the suuiln€r s6&BCm be6lnsrrl

nChlEel"or* d.legraoof,ul- dog, who do you thi.nk l nmp a fool,.

a nuokar }Lkg thg reet of ny soLl"sagl*efl**slilor nor you sonnot havr

the rl.ght, sfae 13. ai.tppero no mnttor how muoh you lnn!,et. trw

d,are you try ts exolrnnge Eosethlnm tl,st Le not youra tn tho f,lrrt

plnee**rsonsthlng tha,t, Jrou have not Bp3d. for? tlfhat &. ;tctrlr@r

ef,fanfi[&* rr

frFlaasg o&L$ d.orm1 ftr* 'loleunhos, oe.ln d,onn and L wlLl

ecplal,n to you xny polnt of v,t Ew fsr your ornr $encflt and not etrns

n**It Lw rery nlmple* lf, you rroufd mn}y be patlont snd!. Llstsn to

gg f,or a ntrErent.**rt

ttl)og, dtsgra,neful" clrle*J,erril &ir. TeJ'em*hor ropeatad Ln Gxeak.

Surkioh and S'renclro *nd thsn *dd"ed. rf0*u1d you no* ftnil, *nothcr

ono t,s sheet m su*h e **I.y ;}a$* the rrerp iive of ltlsster?fr, ard

turuln#; to t]ee ii'i"*rk hss ssid *wpl"*ln],ng],fr nHo, $sffin

Page 23: My Birth Place Dikeli


Sffisffi#f.xs I dCIm$t,***s6* af al]. peoFl6* e fgll$ls

G}:rletlan. trylne to oheat hlE owr brotherrH

Shs l6ngsh{rerffi,n. trsldl,ng tho $lze t0 rlgtrt st lpper tt#$ltl.f

wlth h1s two powerf,ul hand,er ssld eoftly to i'ir. Telenahosr nI sa

not euah * b6e.Et as you try to paf,tm.y uo ts thlg ,,fitrosgotr" I

*o not wtsh ts lnfLt*t sny $$?t6oos$&ry d"*nege or d"cubl.e J,oce m

fsilr If yorr w111" ermlin"r$c thls on6 ths,t I au hold.t$Sr wl,th thst

ei.rc I1, cn* yfirr sheLf , you drre only fioLng t,o losa 0fi8 PAI8 OF

SffiPPSS,$ r lnsteed. orf, twol ft

4"fi ths prnmpnntpftf,n (Sen*lrnl Storekcopsr l"n ,Sr*sk) hotqF

rnotry pmgrmtlo, acoeptcd etotosl"l.y the d!.erLootLo arsumont of tha

uXLy lonsshor*man snfr* tuirnlng to the furk ho sal.d,n n*{Lyr HXt

lp a {etfi,.frq,W&nt$, aff*ndtrnl What ean I do?h Wtth d.oop *tl#hs

ha ox*hCI,ngedttrs loft; * J.C, wfi,th the rl.ght, rilaa 11, n"*il

ffuuffy they bpth Ehoolr hands ancl felt they hsd str$sk * FJ!' S



frant nf


Sn*t$*rp**kffiS nffih fir l.ofisntug wtmt

h[* nmt rffosr rxo !,qi#ar hg*l,tntss ts

!*ndl t*h+n pX**q ln

tn**rib* tn trq,mgr

cg'ssffien fs ssfisgg* * *+ *

Page 24: My Birth Place Dikeli

*. iPF -"

ffiIItr}lTE' fu nf rtstmx ts # bfirt-bpf.lanr *nilnlrtlt *!*ffi,ilt rmd g***sn

0il**Lt* fil Lfl#{' trtth uf Sl**rim**n f,rlcild[5 dalffit*'*,filmtl1'f

Ifinffifi *#t*Itr[s*nf$ f,w Wll boei*nL*a l#r**t* S;,,th* t*rthuht

k*fi d*vryril, freffi $tffirtf *ilil ffrtr lt nm th{rr f,r * Foffia*n

rgalipl{a tf ferg: gf,rqt trocr rbra ths rifugcc Grcel-illlprIln6

fi$*tsfim S***', , , ' effietnffiw$nffffi

*** | r
