Download - Mussarat Misbah (Smile Again)


Aims & Objectives

To educate the public about violence against women with emphasis on acid &

kerosene burn victims.

To voice concern collectively in order to try to put an end to this felony.

To provide an impetus to the government to implement and enforce legislation.

To set up a legal representation cell.

To provide medical treatment and reconstructive surgery for the survivors.

To make support available in the form of psychological and psychiatric assistance,

in order to facilitate social reintegration of the survivors.

To set up a rehabilitation centre to house the survivors and provide vocational

training to enable them to become self sufficient.

To create a volunteer workers support group to interact with the victims and help

them to be re-absorbed in the mainstream society.

To help with job placement for the survivors.

Mission Statement

To help female survivors of acid and kerosene oil burns in

Pakistan by providing them appropriate medical attention and reconstructive

surgery, psychological/psychiatric support, shelter and vocational training.

To create social awareness and sensitivity by working

towards the complete eradication of this heinous crime.

Acid & Kerosene Burning is a Gender Specific Crime.

Young girls and women between the ages of 14 to 25 are the common victims of

this crime.

Motives vary but are most frequently obsession, jealousy, suspected infidelity,

husband wanting to re-marry, sexual non-cooperation.

Acid is the most common corrosive used. Both acid and kerosene are easily


The face and genitalia are the areas most generally targeted, those guaranteeing

complete disfiguration.

Mortality rate is low. However, survival is considered by victims to be a fate

worse than death.

This crime has long term repercussions. It comprises physical disfiguration and

often immobility and psychological complications.

Physical Damage Caused By Acid/Kerosene Burns.

Permanent disfiguration of the area which comes in contact with the acid:   mouth,

nose, eyes, ears, entire face. Neck, torso, genitalia.

In some cases loss of sight, hearing, speech and mobility where acid fuses body

parts together.

Death in some extreme cases.

Psychological Damage

Social ostracism

Acute depression

Personality disintegration

Victims are stripped of self esteem, self respect

Pessimism about any good intention

Facts & Figures  

Latest Facts and Figures are yet under processing.

Distribution by sex

Sex %



Distribution of female victims by age

Age 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61 and above


Reasons for Acid Burns (Females):

ReasonFailed love affair,

suspicion and refusal to indecent proposal

Political Enmities Accidental Industrial Other


These facts and figures are based on the report of one hospital.

The accurate number of acid and kerosene burn victims are difficult to

obtain as many cases do not get reported because of various pressures.

Reconstructive Surgery

Reconstructive surgery is lengthy and time consuming. It must not be confused

with cosmetic surgery.

Qualified reconstructive surgeons have to perform a number of major operations

on each victim.

Victims and their relations have to be patient and understand that the healing

process both emotional and medical will take time.

The operations are specialized and require latest surgical tools and techniques.

The treatment is expensive. on an average 25 to 30 operations are required for

each burn case

Specialist Support

The acid and kerosene burn victims require help to deal with the devastation this crime

brings about. It destroys self-confidence, self-esteem and self respect. To this purpose, a

team of physicians, surgeons, psychiatrics, psychologists, counsellors are required

provide emotional, psychological and medical assistance. Through group therapy, the

victims are encouraged to share their tragic experiences. It helps them to relate to one

another and come to rationalize the life altering experience they have survived. This

allows them to move forward and progress in their everyday life.

Project Achievements

To date Italian surgeons have come 14 times to Lahore, Pakistan. On a regular

basis they perform reconstructive surgery.

Depilex smileagain foundation has put together a team of local surgeons to

support the Italian doctors during their visits to Pakistan. The team carries out post

operative procedures and care.

Complicated cases are sent to burn centres in different countries.

DSF has reached an agreement with Udine hospital, Italy to provide specialised

training and assistance to Pakistani surgeons and nurses on burn treatment.

DSF is providing is free reconstructive surgery with the help of Italian, French and

local surgeons in Fatimah Jinnah hospital Lahore.

 A campaign has been initiated on electronic and print media to create

awareness .seminars, lectures, and presentations have been conducted to promote

the cause of the foundation and awareness about the crime.

Construction for the ‘’International centre for Reconstructive Surgery,

Rehabilitation, Vocational Training and Shelter home’’, in Multan, Pakistan has

started. This will facilitate all our survivors under one roof.

From September 2003 to June 2008, DSF has successfully carried out 820 surgical

procedures on different patients.

10 survivors have been given vocational training in different fields, in

collaboration with the Italian Government. The training was given in La Quila

region, Italy. The survivors are now employed in different fields.

The Government of Pakistan has taken this issue in view and working towards the

implementation of a stricter law for availability of acid and punishment for the


President of DSF Pakistan, Masarrat Misbah, has received numerous awards for

her dedication to this cause.