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Dear All,

nother milestone form Mussafah Toastmasters Club, one among the youngest members of Division H Toastmaster family. No doubt, this is a creation of absolute teamwork, after all the determination of a good leadership. It was quiet inspiring for us when the lead article from our sponsor DTM Santosh Shetty flew in as early bird. While fellow toastmasters came up with their creative contents, we can see the elements of expert thoughts and advises form competitive communicator and leaders.

It gives immense pleasure for me to act as the face of this winning team, which grows in fast pace. I lookforward to your constructive feedback just so that we can give you a newsletter that is par excellence than its predecessor. Our pride - the new international president, jubilant 75th meeting, 90th year of toastmstering.., there is a lot more to enrich your reading page after pages.

Zoom in and experience the glimpses of our first quarter of this academic year.

Last but not the least, we all live in a smart world with most of the contents are well in the digital form and information available in the finger tips around the clock. Taking advantage of this , we strove to minimize the printout during pre-production work and decided to avoid the hard copies of this document.

Let it be the small contribution to our environment and endangered greeneries.

Happy Reading,

TM Arun Kumar BalakrishnanVice President Public RelationsMussafah Toastmasters Club, Abu Dhabi.



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My first day of toast mastering, it was

never an accident but I never thought it would become a new beginning of life. True it was bitter and vague at the beginning but soon I picked the tempo and now it’s been almost three years of Toast Mastering!! Friends, toady I take the position of president ship of our Club not only as a challenge to take the club to new heights but I believe it is an equal opportunity in my life and in my carrier. The biggest challenge of a human being is to be honest to himself – it was true in my case - the biggest second challenge of my life was always “the fear of Dying while public speaking” but I never wanted to acknowledge it.

Who doesn’t want to conquer the Mount Everest? But I wasn’t ready to place the first step. Now the situation is changed – I have learned the early steps – it is a long expedition for every individual in their life to achieve such goals. Dear Toast masters, I have a dream, we all have to have the dream – it’s nothing but to Crown the prestigious DTM award, the ultimate for every toastmasters – together we can do it. As you grow in your areas improving yourself in communication and leadership skills, our club also will be benefitted by exceeding its boundaries in its achievements. Friends let us always aim for the moon, even if we miss, we’ll land among the stars!

Mussafah Toast Master’s club;- we are still in our childhood days but there is a sound history behind – last year we achieved 9 out of 10 DCP points and previous year it was 8. Our benchmark is not just 10 out of 10 but maximum LGT and LGM awards and colorful ribbons to our banner. I still remember the words of Robin Sharma in one of his books – Success is created by the consistent practice of simple fundamentals.– Together Everyone Achieve More.

Our Plan and DCP points; - we have already completed some of the points (5) and it is our determination to do maximum by end of December 2014. The best part of this academic year, there will be few claims for one of the best award in toastmaster’s career i.e. Triple Crown Award from Mussafah Club. Let us keep our fingers crossed, same time we will witness more CCs, CLs, ACBs, ALBs, ACBs, ALS etc. also from US – it is our promise.

Improvements; - what is the strength of our club? Without any doubt I would say it is the geographical location -but we never utilized or exploited it in the right sense and we often consider it as our weakness. We do have an ideal meeting place – with all its inconveniences we do enjoy lots of advantages as well from there. Ample parking, our stationary storage, flexible staff and to certain extend the Rent as well.

Things gets scheduled gets completed-the power of our club is our members especially the previous leaders, our Sponsors and Mentors etc. – and what we do is following their paths. Few things to count – our unique agenda format, buddy calling system, education level completion sheet, timely and regular meetings, regular Excom etc.

Toast track; - it is another challenge or I would rather call it as one of our promise to our Division that we will produce minimum 4 numbers of club magazine this year and we will claim the Award for the best magazine this year.Ladies and gentleman, we don’t stop our kids while they fall – if not they will never walk. The winner is not the one who never fails, but who Never Quits. All the very best to all the members –wish you all a happy Toast Mastering.

Pio Antony ACB ALBClub President






GREAT”- Zig Ziegler


Pio Antony ACB, ALB

President, MussafahToastmasters Club


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Dear Leaders,

A fresh toastmasters’ year has just begun. New leaders have taken over the reins at the Club, Area, Division and District levels bringing with them fresh commitment, enthusiasm and the desire to serve. It is the strong motivation of our members that has kept Division H among the front runners, year after year, under the gifted leadership of a succession of brilliant Division Governors. We are indeed blessed to have them driving Division H to excellence.

While stepping into another wonderful year of excitement, Division H has set a vision to Bring Smiles, Enhance Quality and to Empower Leaders. We plan to bring smiles by ensuring that all members enjoy their experience at toastmasters, as they take up various roles and responsibilities. We will enhance quality by promoting the value and significance of every role, even the seemingly minor and often overlooked ones in the toastmasters educational program. And we aim to empower our committed leaders by promoting service leadership as a vehicle to spread the values of toastmasters. Simply put, our vision is to bring smiles by enhancing qualitythrough empowerment!

With sustainable growth for all clubs in mind, Division H has formed a team to work closely with all the clubs. An effective organization chart has been prepared with this view in mind. We have created more opportunities for servant leaders to re-invest in the development of Division H as a whole, by serving as Division Ambassadors. By sharpening our communication and leadership skills, every toastmaster will then be able to make a positive impact and leave their unique legacy for the world. Let no excuse stop us from achieving what we have set out to do!!!

In order to achieve our goals for the year, we have made a clear plan for each quarter. To start with, during the first quarter (the TRAINING Season), we have laid out plans to ensure that all club officers are well trained to perform their leadership roles and are equipped with all the tools required to make their journey enjoyable and rewarding. Subsequent months are filled with events that are aligned with our vision for this year. Second quarter will be ACTIVITIES season with special programs, followed by CONTEST Season and finally the CELEBRATION Season to celebrate the achievement and the smooth handover to the next year’s team.

With the kick start on 10th July of the HPL Team, under the chairmanship of TM Salim Sayyid, Division H has already embarked on its journey to empower leaders. This program, an initiative by Division H, is part of our Quality Enhancement objective for applying the Toastmasters’ Education program. We already have fifteen odd members committed to take up challenging projects, which will add value to the toastmasters’ movement and pave the way for long term growth of Division H.

Serving Division H is a matter of great honor. I feel humbled and honored for the confidence you have shown in electing me as your Division Governor for 2014-15 term. It is a great privilege to serve this wonderful organization to the very best of my abilities. With the guidance of past Division Governors and support of the Division team, club leaders and members, I am sure we can turn our vision into our reality.

Wishing you all another successful year of toastmasters,

Sunil Kottarathil, DTMDivision Governor Division H








DTM Sunil D Kottarathil

Division Governor

Division H, District 20


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Musaffah Chapter is an example where Leaders provide ladder to all members and guests to climb high with even steps. Learning is an art and Musaffah Toastmasters Club does it in unique style and each meeting is an eye catcher for the audience wherein role-players lead the show and non-role players exhibits unique character with volunteer (unplanned roles) services which stands.

Leaders of Musaffah takes the lead in communicating to their members, area, and division on a daily basis which show their commitment for the betterment of their club and also a foot-path which future officers and members can follow. The chapter provides room for all members to grow and in turn they turn to have DCP each year from the day of inception.

Members of Musaffah show the sign they are ready to lead the club and provide all support to their current leaders and take up roles and volunteer for any assignment which show it is not a club but an home with all members are from the same family.

Quality of their meetings is astonishing and the attendance is stable with ninety percent attendance which shows members are attracted to attend and use the platform to learn and grow. Roles are evenly distributed among members and Projects are presented with quality inputs of lesson and information to the audience. Table topics are vivid with fun and punch where laughter is common like a smile. Evaluation are taken seriously as they reflect the strength and weaknesses of speakers thereby makes every member to take note for their betterments. Parliamentary procedures are followed evenly and all clauses of TMI adapted well which makes them grow leaps and bound within short span of their inception.

Mussaffah Chapter contributes a lot to Area, Division and District by doing all tasks in time starting from Officers updates, Officers training, etc., and DCP points are reached with ease which shows their established plan and eventually they reflect “PPPP –Preparation, Planning, Presentation for Prospects”.

Last but not the least, Mussaffah Chapter is a diamond in the crown in our Area/Division and has prospective members who will lead the club to great heights today, tomorrow and forever.

Quality of their meetings is astonishing and the attendance is stable with 90% which shows members are attracted to attend and use the platform to learn and grow.

Swaminathan Subramanian


Governor, Area 9Division H, District 20



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Courtesy : Gulfnews,

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When I questioned my parents why I they asked me to be serious always all they had to say was U NEED TOBE SERIOUS INORDER TO BE SUCCESSFUL .Back then I believed them because they were far more senior far more experienced than me.

Today after having more than 14+ years of work experience...after entering the late 30’s, Dear Toastmasters I have realized that in order to be successful in life both in my professional life and personal life I need not be serious all I need to be and which I think is very vital is to be SINCERE …Sincere at work with my job/employees /stake holders and sincere with my relationships my family/friends etc.

My parents the most experienced the most matured people back then were right but not completely right. I need to be serious to be successful agree but in today’s world in order to be happy is being successful enough the answer according to me is NO. I will be happy only if I have a balanced successful life.

Now why did I use the word balance before successful its simple balance to me means ensuring that health relationship mental peace are all in good order. There is no point getting a promotion on the day you had a big fight with your spouse. There is no fun driving a Ferrari if your back hurts. Dining at the Burj Khalifa is not enjoyable if you eat only salads because doctor advised no more meat.

Imagine Life as a game in which you are juggling FIVE different balls in the air. Let’s name them - WORK, FAMILY, HEALTH, FRIENDS and SPIRIT and you're keeping all of these in the air, juggling. Consider the rubber ball as your WORK. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other Four balls - Family, Health, Friends and Spirit - ARE MADE OF GLASS they are the delicate ones. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, Marked, Nicked, and Damaged or even SHATTERED.

You can still juggle with the remaining balls but will you not miss the presence of the glass ball the one that you just lost. Same is with life where health relationships are the delicate balls. Mistakes are an important part of life which makes you what you are in life.

The biggest mistake I did last year was took life too seriously. Your striving to success to happiness is only worth it if there is harmony in your life .Yes you may achieve success, but this spark, this feeling of being excited and alive will start to die.

One of my favourite authors once said in his book that –One needs the nurture the spark-don’t take life seriously. Life is not meant to be taken seriously as we are all temporary here. We are like a pre-paid card with limited validity. So make the best use of it before your validity expires.They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for “BALANCE IN YOUR LIFE“

Work-Life Balance does not mean an equal balance. Trying to schedule an equal number of hours for each of your various work and personal activities is usually unrewarding and unrealistic. Life is and should be more fluid than that.

Your best individual work-life balance will vary over time, often on a daily basis. There is no perfect, one-size fits all, balance you should be striving for. The best work-life balance is different for each of us because we all have different priorities and different lives. However, at the core of an effective work-life balance definition are two key everyday concepts that are relevant to each of us Toastmasters guest Stop looking outside it’s up to us as individual to take control and responsibility for the types of life we want to lead if we don’t design our life someone else will design it for you and you may not like their idea of balance.

Today I am present here not to give you any lectures on how work life balance should be …I am here to express to pled to each one of you present here not to waste your precious life/time behind unwanted success unwanted needs and specially not at the cost of your health /family… instead I want you to realize how Small things matter

Go back home look at your family and ask yourself have you given them and yourself the best of your time, if yes than sleep peacefully if no than its time to wake up and start fresh it’s never too late to start a new beginning.

DTM Santosh J. Shetty


Mussafah Toastmasters ClubDivision H, Abu Dhabi

Balance In Your

LifeWhen I reached college, I was again told by

them to be serious why so that I get good grades and get a good job in return. When I started working, parents plus my boss told me to be serious again why so that I can get a promotion. School was done college was done promotion was also done but advises on being SERIOUS was not done.

Yet again when I got settled with work was told to be serious (and this time it was by most of my loved ones) serious in my relationship why so that I can win over a partner for life. I felt like the word SERIOUS was my pet name it was never taken off me.



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Feeling healthy and good about

ourselves is not a luxury - it's an absolute necessity and essential for everyone life. A lot of people ignore their health for the sake of their work and other activities. If one is not maintaining the health continuously for few years, a time comes when they have to be on bed rest, in order to regain their health level. They may have to take a long break from the work and some time, they may not come back to work even as normal person.

Very few people realize that the health is very important in order to give the best to live and for everything in life. When we talk about health, it is not just a healthy body but also a sound mental health. Good health can be described as the condition where both our body as well as our mind is functioning properly. The main causes behind poor health conditions are diseases, improper diet and eating habits, mental stress, lack of hygiene and unhealthy lifestyle. Over the past years, our lifestyle has changed and we often tend to ignore the importance of healthy living in one way or the other.

There are several benefits of a healthy life. Our body becomes free from various forms of disorders and thus, we get a longer life. We can live a life without suffering from any aches, pain or discomfort. Because of good health, in every sphere of our life, we will be able to perform to the best of our ability. Doing excellent work helps us to be a valuable member of a healthy society. Besides, when we are physically fit, it gets reflected on our face. So, we look attractive and start feeling good about ourselves! If we have a fit body, then we can lead a physically active life even after growing old. This is because; the body can heal the regular wear and tear associated with aging.

In short, health and wellness brings about a drastic improvement in the overall quality of your life.

If we maintain our health well, we can reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, improve joint stability and movements, reduce stress and the symptoms of anxiety and depression, enhance self-esteem and maintain the body weight and become active.

• Be Positive • Drink minimum of

three liter of water per day

• Eating a healthy diet

• Walk at least 30 minutes a day

TM Anbu Selvan CC CL

Health with

Good Life

As William Londen said, to insure good health, eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.




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Questions are attention getters

Have you ever listened to radio? If you carefully observe, many advertisers start with a question. Questions like "Do you want to buy a new home? Are you suffering from bad credit? Do you want to re-finance?" All such questions do a good job in captivating the attention of listeners.

You can use this technique in your speeches too. You can start your speech by asking thoughtful, controversial or challenging questions. By asking a question, you'll get the audience to move to the edge of their seats. They'll eagerly look forward to what you have to say.

Ask Questions & Close DealsQuestioning skills can help in negotiations too. Skillful questioning is the easiest and quickest way to uncover valuable information during negotiations. With practice, you will find yourself asking better questions and gaining increasingly valuable information.

Try it out yourselfIf you still don't believe the power of asking questions, you can try it out yourself. Imagine it is a Friday evening. You return back from work and you want to go out for dinner. You are so obsessed about going to a Chinese restaurant. You tell your spouse, "I want to go out for dinner today. Let us go to a Chinese restaurant". Note that - you are making the decision, here. There is a high probability that your spouse might ask "Why Chinese? Why not Mexican?“

Instead, you can ask - "Honey! I love to go to out for dinner with you today. Would you be interested in going to a Chinese Restaurant?" By asking a question, you are letting your spouse to make the decision. There is a great chance that your spouse will tell YES.The world responds to those who ask. Bible says, “Ask and you shall receive".A simple "Will you forgive me?" question has saved several relationships. Ask that question to your loved one, the next time you break a promise.

A simple "How can I help you?" question can result in million dollar business deals!! Ask that question, the next time you talk to your potential customer.

A simple "How can I improve?" question can lead you to a world of opportunities. The next time you meet your friend, ask that question.

Ladies & gentlemen, ask questions ... ask zillions of them ..

Prajwal Damodar CC CL

VP Education, Mussafah

Toastmasters Club


Kids ask smarter and tougher questions. How many of you agree with that?We were also kids at some point in time. We asked all those smart and tough questions. What happened to us, now? Why are we not asking such smart and tough questions, now? Well, our society trained us nicely to accept things, the way they are.When we were kids, we had lots of interest to know... lots of curiosity to learn. We asked way too many questions to understand the things around us. However, when we grew up, we STOPPED asking questions and STARTED to make assumptions.Now... How many of you like to go back to your child hood days? Well, I cannot take you to your child hood days. But I can help you to revive the most important and powerful skill that you had in your child hood - YOUR QUESTIONING SKILL.. There is unlimited

potential and power of asking questions.


Learn from the sales experts

Sales people tell you "I've got the best product that would solve all your problems. You are going to be the most happiest person in this world after you buy this product". They make these promises, without fully understanding your needs and problems. Expert sales people would first try to understand the customer's needs by asking questions.Have you ever been to the jewelers shop to buy a diamond ring? An ordinary sales person would force you to "Buy this or Buy that!" without fully understanding your needs. An expert sales person would ask questions like- Whom are you buying this ring for?- What is the price range you are

looking at- Do you have preference for any

color?He would then show you the collections that will interest you. Having understood your needs, he will be in a better position to make a sale.



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When we were small, we were told "Study hard up to your 10th

grade. Once you get into your college, you can start relaxing. We completed our 12th grade. But then, folks said "Study well for another 3 or 4 years. Once you complete your college and go to work, you can relax". Here we are. We completed our studies and even got into a job. But, we can't relax yet. We are constantly expected to learn/gain new skills in various product/technology areas. No matter which industry we are in, the need to continuously update our knowledge doesn't end. This is true even at Toastmasters.

No matter how much proficient we are, we have something to learn in Toastmasters.

Toastmasters provides us an excellent platform to sharpen our communication and leadership skills. Toastmasters provides us myriad opportunities to "sharpen the saw" during club meetings, training events, and during contests.

By actively participating in Toastmasters, we are not JUST LEARNING

or picking up new skills, but we are INVESTING in ourselves.

What happens to a wood cutter who continues to chop trees without sharpening the saw? Either the saw will break or the wood cutter will get tired soon. The wood cutter will soon reach a point where he cannot cut any more trees. Constantly learning new skills at toastmasters, helps us to stay ahead of the curve. We couldn't find a better place to sharpen our communication/leadership skills than at Toastmasters.

It is time for us to sharpen the saw …

TM Harsha Somayaji CC

VP MembershipMussafah Toastmasters Club

Did YouSharpen

The Saw?



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I have tasted this delicious food when I went to Guruvayoor to visit Sri Krishna Temple in my early childhood. Ever since, I am so much fascinated in Masala Dosa. Wherever I go my first preferred food is Masala Dosa.


As a dish it can be taken anytime during the day. It is rich in carbohydrates, and contains no sugar or saturated fats. As its constituent ingredients are rice and Urad Dal (Vigna Mungo), it is gluten-free and good source of protein. The fermentation process increases the vitamin B and Vitamin C content. Served with vegetarian side dish Sambar and Coconut chutney is perfect combination of one time meal.

Toast Mastering with Masala Dosa.

When I attended the first meeting of Mussafah Toast Masters Club two months back as a guest, the most attracted and motivated thing was the Masala Dosa served after the meeting. Since then I was eagerly waiting to finish each meeting to get motivated with Masala Dosa. The fermentation process gives prodigious amount vitamin B (Bravery) and Vitamin C (Confidence). Here my ambitions get directions with platforms.

Yes. I would say it’s all from Toast Mastering. Toast mastering with Masala Dosa! Let’s continue Toast Mastering. Let’s continue having Masala Dosa.

TM Vivek AnandMussafah Toastmasters Club

Masala Dosa

Masala Dosa is one among world’s 50

most delicious food

Masala Dosa is made by stuffing

a dosa with light cooked filling of potatoes, fired onions and spices. The dosa is wrapped around an onion and potato curry and masala.



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Do you want to be part of a festival of colours, creativity, passion, entertainment, mouthwatering food stuffs and finally to have bundle of knowledge to take home? If your answer is yes, undoubtedly I recommend you to attend the DTAC, the District Toastmasters Annual Conference. A forum in which more than 800 toastmasters actively participate and share their experiences. This is a full day event which extends for 4 days. Starting at morning 8 and prolongs until 8 PM may even extend to 10 PM. Generally conducted in the month of June every year within the jurisdiction of district -20. Usually planned on weekends so that two days of leave can full fill the requirement. I was very fortunate to attend this stunning event in 2013 at Dubai along with my son. The time and money which you spend on this event is worthwhile.

The basic agenda for this event is to show case talents of the best toastmasters in the district among the members. This also select the district champions in all formats of toastmaster’s speaking skills. Between the events there will be key note speeches by renowned speakers. The event begins with a colorful banner march in which more than 100 clubs, many areas and Divisions take part with abundant enthusiasm and passion. I was fortunate to carry Mussafah Toastmaster Club banner in this event. There are many education sessions on life skills arranged by experts at different halls in the premise for the members benefit.

All the performance awards for the clubs, area and division including the best Toastmaster of the district are announced on dais and felicitated by the district governor. Also the venue for the next to the preceding year’s DTAC will declared.

The 4th day afternoon, parliamentary procedures for electing new district and div. leaders shall take place. This was the most exciting event, which made me to feel like that I am sitting in a real parliament house. The food stuffs provided from breakfast to dinner includes continental, Chinese, South Indian, North Indian and off course the continuous snacks made available were of high quality.

The mouthwatering sweets, ice creams and salads were incomparable. The last day of the conference was with a bang dinner cum dance party. Multycultural events, bands and orchestra changed ambiance of the event to a festival ground.

This was one of the most enthralling event which I attended. I strongly recommend every toastmaster to attend DTAC at least once in life time and experience the thrill.

TM Ashok Kumar CC ALB

Past VPE (2013-14) Mussafah Toast Masters Club






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THE SMART MASTERSQ. What is the inspiration behind this smart app?

Ans : Most of the toastmasters clubs generally use Websites , Facebook Groups, Gmail ID’S, And even WhatsApp Groups for communications. If you look at it in a different perspective, why do you need many different ways of communication instead of implementing these into one? That’s where the functionality of the MussafahToastmasters Mobile Application comes in.

Q. How it will be useful for the members of MussafahToastmasters Club ?

Ans: This idea came to by mind for the same reason as mentioned above, of combining many functionalities into one thing. I’m not saying that you should forget the webite, your mail or any others, but make it more mobile and easy to access at a single time.

General information of the club and functions Meeting schedules and updates Messages Section, where the members can send messages

with photos, which can be seen by all members who have installed.

Members Section, which provides details about every member including phone number, email etc.

Photo Gallery, where members can upload photos. TM Videos, where the members can see useful videos to

make their toastmaster experience better.

By combining the functionality of WhatsApp, Facebook, and the Website into this mobile version, the MTM Mobile App can save a lot of your useful time. All the members can download the application for free.

Gav. Aditya Krishna He is the designer and developer of Mussafah

Toast Masters Smart Mobile Application.



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The 8th of June 2014 was a memorable day on which we

celebrated platinum meeting of our lovely club in the grand

hall of Malayalee Samajam. The presence of our sponsor

DTM Santosh shety, Area Governor Dr. TM Merezban Piloo

Katrak and the newly elected Div. Governor DTM Sunil

Kotarathil added colors to the event. The meeting was

purely informal and rich with events like melodies by TM

Davis Malappan and a brave personal story by MTM

Yugaranee. The jokes delivered by the dignitaries sprinkled

fun on the ambience. The speech toast given by TM Vipin

Karingumal was very special and apt for the occasion. Then

came the hilarious table topic session by TM Abhilash P

Korath who ensured all the

dignitaries become part of

the session. Further, a

presentation of club

achievements by VPE,

TM Ashok Kumar boosted

the morale of the club

members. The spectacular

performance of the TME,

TM Pio Antony was

incomparable. In his capacity,

he made sure that every

enthusiastic club member

reach to the dais and perform

something on that splendid day.

TM Vipin Karingumal and

TM Ashok Kumar were awarded

the “most Committed Toastmaster”

and “Best Toastmaster” of the year

respectively. The new club officers’

pinning ceremony was another spectacular event in that

evening. Our fascinating president TM Rajesh Pallikere

expressed his love, passion and confidence on the club

members as well as and the newly elected club office

bearers during his stepping down speech. The entire

audience in return gave a standing applause for his great

service, sincerity and leading the club to such a high status.

With a record attendance of 32 people, the event made a

mark in the MTC history. The function was adjourned with a

delicious dinner. I was ofcourse retired on that day from my

VPE’s uniform, but not tired!! I will always remember the

experience, joy and satisfaction, which I received during,

this tenure. Wish you all good luck and happy toast



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Dear Leaders We are proud of you.


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Gav. Anirudh CC, CL from Sunrise English Pvt. School received the prestigious Sharjah

award for excellence in education 2014.

This award is instituted at the UAE National Level by the Sharjah Ruler Dr. Shaikh Sultan Bin Mohammad Al Qasimi for recognizing outstanding achievers in academics and co-

curricular activities, with specific thrust on leadership and innovation.

The award was presented to him on 24 April 2014 by Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of Sharjah: HH Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed

bin Sultan Al Qasimi in a glittering ceremony held at University City hall, Sharjah.

He is the son of TM Ashok Kumar CC ALB

Gav. Anirudh, we congratulate you!

Gav. Aditya Krishna is a 7th standard student of Sunrise English Pvt. School, Abu Dhabi. He received the prestigious Hamdan award for

distinguished academic performance in 2014.

This award is instituted at the UAE National Level by Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al

Maktoum, deputy ruler of Dubai and Minister of Finance , for recognizing distinguished

students for their achievements in the academic and co-curricular activities.

The award was presented to him on 22nd April 2014 in the award ceremony at World

Trade Centre, Dubai.

He is the son of TM Arun Kumar

Gav. Aditya, we congratulate you!


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AIMING HIGHYEAR 2014-2015Effective team work and determination

We had three ex-com meeting during this academic year. Lot of brain storming sessions held in order to form our key decisions making a success plan for our club.The following important decisions were made during the course of the meetings:

• The membership campaigns will be done by distributing pamphlets in social gathering areas like Malayalee Samajam, and will target companies which the members are employed and each club officer will target at least one guest in our club meeting.

• The quality of the club meetings will be improved by increasing the number of members and strictly adhering to toast master’s guidelines on each club meetings

• It was decided to have an active presence and guidance of members of Mussafah toastmasters club in Gavel club meetings. The president will prepare an assignment schedule after talking to club members who will be able to attend gavel club meetings.

• It was decided that a primary action plan will be prepared by VPE for conducting a YLP and further course of action will be discussed in future ex-com meetings.




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Astonished achievements and well focused milestones…

These results portrays the determinationand enthusiasm of a dynamic team.

We are targeting following milestones in this academic year.

• 10 DCP Points by December 2014

• 4 CC , 2AC by December 2014

• Awards

• Club Fast Track Award

• Club 10 DCP Achiever Award

• Club Fast Track Advanced communicator Award

• Perfect 10 club Achiever Award

• 3 triple crown award


Achiever Award

Smedley Award


TM Ashok Kumar


TM Pio Antony

CCTM Prajwal Damodar

With 5 DCP points, MTC became distinguished

club in September 2014


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Page 24: Mussafah toastrack v4 Issue I sept 2014