Download - Muslim Evangelism Card JC - Clover about Muslims, but rather fight the temptation to prejudge your Muslim friend and

Page 1: Muslim Evangelism Card JC - Clover about Muslims, but rather fight the temptation to prejudge your Muslim friend and

muslim evangelismMuslim evangelism must be carried out thoughtfully and

respectfully.  Laying aside our tendency to debate by embracing a relational approach can open

doors for witnessing.   Below are some do’s & don’ts for how to approach

your ministry to Muslim friends and neighbors. 

Do’s Here are five things to practice in your ministry to Muslims.

Talk with Muslims about Religion Given the development of democracy and the freedom of religion in the West, Westerns oftentimes avoid discussions of religion (and politics) with their friends or in public. When the topic of religion is approached, some will clam up and others will be incensed. Muslims are the opposite. In fact, the Qur’an encourages Muslims to engage in religious dialogue (Surah 16:125). Because of this, Christians have an amazing opportunity. Talk to your friend about their religion—it is a subject they would love to discuss. !Ask Questions and Listen We should be more careful to listen than we are to speak (Jas1:19). When we ask questions and listen, people feel honored because it is obvious that we care about their opinions. When you witness to your Muslim friends, humbly listen to what they have to say about their own religion. If you are patient and kind, eventually they will ask you questions about your faith and be willing to listen. A strong argument cloaked in meekness is more effective than reckless zeal. !Show Hospitality Inviting Muslims into your home is one of the most important ways to engage Muslims with the Gospel. Hospitality is highly valued among Muslims and around the world they are known for hospitably and their care of guests. When you open your home to Muslim friends, you show genuine love for them as people. Personal friendships and authentic care are instrumental in the conversion of Muslims. !Be a Respectable Person An individual's reputation and its reflection on the community is extremely important to Muslims. A person’s behavior can either shame or honor their family, ethnic group, country, or community. From a Muslim perspective, an honorable person does honorable deeds and should be treated with honor. Be an honorable person. Work to understand the values of their honor-based society and respect their culture, even those aspects with which you disagree. This can be as simple as learning greeting etiquette or more difficult challenges like respecting their strict gender distinctions. Your effort to be respectable will show your Muslim friend that you are relatable and a person with whom they would want to build a relationship. !Build Long Term Friendships Genuine relationships are essential to all people, especially Muslims. Too often, however, Christians attempt the “one-off” method of evangelism by leaving tracts under napkins or by giving random bus passengers a gospel token. This method may be helpful in certain circumstances, but it generally isn’t the most effective. Witnessing to Muslims is about fostering new relationships and building lasting connections. Only after a Muslim really feels like you care for them will he or she open themselves up to the truth of the Gospel.

Page 2: Muslim Evangelism Card JC - Clover about Muslims, but rather fight the temptation to prejudge your Muslim friend and

Don’ts Here are five things to avoid in your ministry to Muslims.

Don’t ignore the mistakes of the past While it is natural for a person to try to defend himself or the country from which he comes, the history of relations between Christians and Muslims has been characterized by conflict and disagreement. Admitting past mistakes can build credibility in the eyes of the one to whom you’re witnessing, and it can open a door for them to do the same. Whether they get all the facts correct or not, try to understand their perspective so that you can meet them where they are. Remember that you should care more about the reputation of Christ’s Kingdom than the reputation of our Western forbearers. !Don't insult Muhammad's memory or the Qur’an The quickest way to end a conversation with a Muslim is by impugning the memory of Muhammad or attempting to discredit the Qur’an. An aggressive apologetic aimed at confronting the morality of Muhammad or showcasing the contradictions within the Qur’an will yield very little evangelistic fruit. Humble and respectful disagreement is necessary, but do not simply try to win a debate. Conversations about these subjects are important and should be done with sensitivity and love if our goal is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. !Don’t stereotype Assumptions kill friendships. Too many times, we allow the assumptions of our culture to shape our attitude toward people. This is especially true with Muslims. Stereotyping forces people into categories that disable genuine friendships. It is a rejection of the truth that every person is created in the image of God. Don’t rely on what you think you might know about Muslims, but rather fight the temptation to prejudge your Muslim friend and allow him to express his own social, political, and religious individuality. !Don't forget cultural differences Righteous works are essential to a Muslim's hope for the future. Their honor-and-shame worldview is generally more culturally conservative than a western worldview. As you share the gospel with your Muslim friends, seek to understand their worldview so that your behaviors do not become an obstacle to the Gospel message. This may mean respecting or adapting to elements of Muslim culture with which you do not agree such as their dietary regulations or gender segregation. Your attempts to understand and accommodate their cultural values will prove the genuineness of your concern and give aid to your witness. !Don't lie about who you are Honesty is very important to Muslims. Sometimes Christians attempt to keep their “Christian” identity a secret until just the right time. Unfortunately, most Muslims already assume that every American is a Christian and their understanding of Christianity is rooted in our pop culture. After a Muslim discovers they have been deceived by a Christian, it can often cement their prior assumptions about Christians. Be open about who you are. Let them know up front that you are a Christian so that you can shape how Christianity is defined and understood by your Muslim friend.