Download - Muskrat Falls Labrador Moose Management Area 53 Nthe Muskrat Falls Moose Management Area 53. National Topographic Series Map 250,000 Reference List: 013-F 013F Summit of the peak at

Page 1: Muskrat Falls Labrador Moose Management Area 53 Nthe Muskrat Falls Moose Management Area 53. National Topographic Series Map 250,000 Reference List: 013-F 013F Summit of the peak at

Note: This m a p ha s b een p rep a red a s a c onvenient referenc e only. It is not a lega l docum ent. The Wildlife Act a nd Regula tions a nd the Annua l Hunting Orders p ub lished therein should b e c onsulted for a ll p urp oses of interp reting a nd a p p lying the la w. Conta c t the Newfoundla nd & La b ra dor Wildlife Division.



hill Ri



Sa ndy Point

North West River Bridge

North West Point

The Bight

Tra ns La b r

a dor Highwa y,

Route 500


Geyts Point

Goose River

Ca p e La w

Ca p e Ca rib ou

Goose Ba y Mud Lake









Muskrat Falls Labrador Moose Management Area 53




Goose River

North West River

Shesha tsheits

Muskrat Falls

Muskrat FallsMMA 53

Tra ns La b ra dor Highwa y,

Route 510

National Topographic Series Reference Index 1:250000

The following m a p s a re c rossed b y the outline of the M uskra t Fa lls M oose M a na gem ent Area 53. Na tiona l Top ogra p hic Series M a p 250,000 Referenc e List:013-F


Sum m it of the p ea k a t Ca p e La w

Sum m it of the p ea k a t Ca p e Ca rib ou

Confluenc e of the Churc hill River a nd the Pinus RIver

M OOSE M ANAGEM ENT AREA 53M U SKRAT FALLSAll tha t a rea of La b ra dor b ounded b y a lineb eginning a t the intersection of the southern b a nkof the Goose River a nd 61° 30’ 00.00” Westlongitude; then following a stra ight line in anorthea sterly direc tion to the sum m it of the p ea ka t Ca p e La w; then following a stra ight line in asouthea sterly direc tion to the sum m it of the p ea ka t Ca p e Ca rib ou; then following a stra ight line ina southea sterly direc tion to its intersec tion withthe Ha p p y-V a lley Goose Ba y to North West RiverRoa d, Route 520, a t 53° 31’ 33” North la titudea nd 60° 12’ 03” West longitude; then following theNorth West River Roa d in a northea sterlydirec tion to the southern a b utm ent of the NorthWest River Bridge; then following the southerna nd western shorelines of The Bight, a nd La keM elville, a lso known a s Ha m ilton Inlet in asouthea sterly direc tion to Sa ndy Point; thenfollowing a stra ight line in a southwesterlydirec tion to the outflow of the Churc hill River, a lsoknown a s the Gra nd River or Ha m ilton River, intoGoose Ba y a t Geyts Point; then following thenorthern b a nk of the Churc hill River in asouthwesterly direc tion to its c onfluenc e with thePinus River; then following the southwesternb a nk of the Pinus River in a westerly direc tion toits intersec tion with 61° 30’ 00.0” West longitude;then following 61° 30’ 00.0” West longitude duenorth to the p oint of c om m enc em ent.

Outflow of the Churc hill River into Goose Ba y a t Geyts Point


NAD1983 Zone 20N0 105

Kilom etersPACK IT IN - PACK IT OU T

Ga rb a ge a nd litter on our la ndsc a p e isb ec om ing a serious p rob lem . The b esta nd only a lterna tive for ga rb a ge is a Pa c kIt In, Pa c k It Out p olic y. You c a rried in a llthose c onta iners, b oxes, a nd p a c ka geswhen they were full - it’s a lot ea sier toc a rry them out when they a re em p ty.Plea se ta ke your ga rb a ge hom e with youa nd disp ose of it in the p rop er m a nner.

Intersection of the southern b a nk of the Goose River a nd 61° 30’ 00.00” West longitude

The Ha p p y-V a lley Goose Ba y toNorth West River Roa d, Route 520, a t 53° 31’ 33” North la titude 60° 12’ 03” West longitude

Crea ted b y: Wildlife DivisionDep a rtm ent of Fisheries, Forestry & Agric ultureDa te: Novem b er 2020

Pinus River

Intersection of the Pinus River a nd 61° 30’ 00.0” West longitude

WILDLIFE DIV ISION HEADQU ARTERSP.O. Box 2007, 192 Wheelers Roa dCorner Brook, NL A2H 7S1(709) 637-2025Regiona l Wildlife Offic esGoose Ba y, 896-7930St. John’s, 729-2630Fish a nd Wildlife Enforc em entRep ort Poa c hing Toll Free 1-877-820-0999Western Regiona l Offic e – 637-2971La b ra dor Regiona l Offic e – 896-7973Ea stern Regiona l Offic e – 729-2192

REGIONAL FORESTRY OFFICESLa b ra dor, Goudie Building, P.O. Box 3014,Sta tion B, Ha p p y V a lley, A0P 1E0,

896-2732Western, Forestry Building, M a ssey Dr., P.O.

Box 2006, Corner Brook, A2H 6J8,637-2370

Ea stern, Ga nder Pub lic Building, Airp ort Blvd,P.O. Box 2222, Ga nder, A1V 2N9,
