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{Music video research

By Rebecca Clarke

Page 2: Music video research

After looking on YouTube at similar genre music videos, I came across Taylor swifts – Sparks fly video. The video uses many different types of camera shots and movements which we would love to use in our video. This is more pop then a indie genre.

The video starts out with a fast motion of the stage being set up. This was our initial idea for the band in our chosen location.

The next shot uses a slow motion of fans queuing for the concert. This only lasts for 2 seconds. Instead of this shot we was going to use a directors cut to start the video.

A zoom in followed by a unfocused shot is used to introduce the artist. We will also use this shot to show the characters involve.

Page 3: Music video research

Looking at the same artist I found that in Safe and Sound, the location and timing of shots and movement fit perfectly with our chosen song.

All these shots fit into a folk/indie genre because of the pace and timing of the beat of the song. I will use similar shot types because they are effective in this music video. This also conforms to a indie/folk genre.

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I also had a looks at music videos created for A2 media which were created by other students. I found that this video had a really good narrative and used amazing effects in which we could use. The Fray – Absolute.

Unfocused lights

Speed up of motorwayEffects on the bench, one person/two person (flash)

Close ups on instruments

Page 5: Music video research

I then went on to searching particular genre music videos so I looked at Mumford & sons – The cave. This music video shows some conventions and has good use of camera movements with good continuity.

These shots have all the same warm sunny tone throughout. The location also isn't really related to the genre therefore subverting from conventions. The shot of the converse is the only thing that is associated with a indie genre.