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Page 1: Music survey results

Market Research Results Laura Slater

The purpose of this Primary Research is to find out about my target audience for my music

magazine. As well as this I can find out what style and genre of my magazine. I did this by emailing

questionnaires out to a range of different people so that I had a range of different results.

Question One

Are you male or female?

Question Two

Which category below includes your age?

Question Three

What is your occupation?

Are you male or female?



This shows that out of the ten people I sent the

questionnaire to 7/10 were female and 3/10 were

male. From this I can take that my target audience

is mainly girls. Even though in my magazine I will

have to target both genders it will be more

targeted towards girls as they are the main target

audience for my magazine.

This shows that out of the ten people I sent the

questionnaire to 8/10 were 17 or younger and

2/10 people are 40-49. From this I can see that I

am aiming my magazine at mainly at people ages

17+. This helps me establish my target audience.

What is your Occupation?

College Student

Company Director


This shows that 8/10 people are college

students. From this I can establish my target

audience as most people are college students

and are under the age of 20. This will make it

easier for me to design my magazine, so I know

how to target the audience in the best way.

Which category below includes your age?

17 or younger


Page 2: Music survey results

Market Research Results Laura Slater

Question Four

What type of music do you mainly listen to?

Question Five

Where do you get your music from?

Question Six

How often do you get new music?

What type of music do you mainly listen to?

RockRapDanceHouseR'n'B PopIndieJazzCountry

How often do you get new music?

Once a day

Once a week

Once a month

This shows that there is a mixed of different types of music

that people listen to. From this I can see that the least most

popular type of music to listen to is country music with only 1

voting for this. The second least popular would be rap with

only 2 people voting for this. Then dance music and house

music have the same amount of votes with 3 people voting for

them. The second most popular would then be R’n’B, Rock and

Pop music. Each of these had four votes each. Without a doubt

the most popular style of music is Indie music that has had 8

votes. I will take into consideration each of these votes when

designing my music magazine so that is is appropriate for the

target audience.

Where do you get your music from?



Download Sites


This shows that each of the options on the questionnaire

are widely used as a range of people have selected

different things. The least most popular option of getting

hold of music from the questionnaire would be ITunes as

it only got 5 votes. The second least popular would be

Cd’s with 6 votes. Then second would be download sites

with 7 votes. Therefore the most popular option would

be online, with 8 votes. This shows me which way is the

most popular for people to get hold of their music and

this can help me with making the music more accessible.

This graph quite clearly shows that the majority of

people download music once a week. From this I can see

that people are very interested in the music industry still

but maybe don’t have enough time to download music

every day because of their busy lifestyle. On the other

hand it does show me that a lot of people do only get

new music once a month. This may be down to the lack

of time they have to devote to downloading their music.

Page 3: Music survey results

Market Research Results Laura Slater

How often do you see music performed live?

Once a week

Once a month

Once every three monthsOnce every six months

Question Seven

How often do you see music performed live?

Question Eight

Where do you find out about gigs?

Question Nine

Where do you most often listen to music?

Where do you find out about gigs?





Where do you most often listen to music?




Music Tv

From this I can see that no one goes to see music

performed live once a week. From this

questionnaire I can see that it is most popular for

music to be seen performed live once every three

months. This shows me that in my magazine I will

have to keep it updated with regular tour dates so

that the customers of my magazine will know about

all the up and coming events and they can then all

be in one place so it is easy for them to find.

From this I can see that the places that have the least

information about live music performance dates are

newspapers and Facebook. The most popular way

of finding out is through twitter, and then through

magazines. This shows me that I will have to make

sure I keep all dates of live performances up to date

and include as many as I can in my magazine. Then

there will be one place to find them all instead of

having to go to twitter to find them.

From this I can see that the most popular place to

listen to music is on an iPod. And the least popular

is on the radio. This shows me that this is where

most people find it easiest to listen to the types of

music they like. From this I could suggest places to

find music that targets my audience so that they

can download it and then put it on their iPod to

listen to, in my magazine.

Page 4: Music survey results

Market Research Results Laura Slater

Question Ten

How often do you read Music magazines?

How often do you read music magazines?

Once a week

Once a month

Once every two months Once every Six months Once a year


From this I can see that the most popular option

from my questionnaire is reading a music

magazine once a month. Even this is the most

popular option the second most popular option

is ‘never’. This shows me that in order for the

majority of people to buy music magazines

advertisement will be key for getting people to

know about it. Also as The most popular option

is once a month a monthly addition of this

magazine would be most appropriate.