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Page 1: Music magazine Overview plan

Music MagazinePresentation

Amelia-Rose De La Motte

Page 2: Music magazine Overview plan

What will your magazine be called?Rogue

What will the title signify?The definition of ‘rogue’ is: an unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person; a scoundrel or rascal, one who is playfully mischievous.To me this fits in with my grunge feel as it seems rebellious and dangerous which may make my readers want to buy it as it seems like they are going against someone.

Magazine name

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What genre of magazine will you cover, or will it be several genres?My magazine will be a music magazine with a soft grunge/ rock feel. It fits in with the new pastel grunge fashion which has come out and is a softer alternative to the original 90’s grunge. I have chosen this as grunge is something I am interested in and I feel there is a gap in the market for this genre of magazine as there is only really Kerrang! out there at the moment for people who like rock. I will be targeting a very niche market genre.


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Who are your target audience?Age-Teenagers to early adults. 14-25 year olds roughlyGender-FemaleInterests-They will like rock music, in particular soft grunge and the pastel grunge fashion. They will want to know about the artists I am showing on my magazine and want to keep up to date with all of the information in their favourite music genre.What will they get from the magazine?They will be informed about the artist I am showing on my double page spread. Hopefully they will enjoy looking at my magazine.


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What conventions did you like in other magazines?I liked the convention of having the same artist on the front page and double page spread as well as having a large title for the magazine and using bright colours for the text on the front cover.Will you conform to magazine conventions or go against them?I will stick to most of the codes and conventions of music magazines; however, I will break one of them. I dislike it when magazines have a very crowded front page with a lot of secondary leads on it as I feel it distracts the reader too much form the main stories you want them to see, so I will make my front page simplier.


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Colours-There are some different selection of colour themes I am thinking of. ● Purple, pink and gold● Grey, pink and black● Grey, purple and pink● Silver, black and gold● Silver, black and pink

Silver, black and pink were the top choice in my questionnaire.

Fonts - I will use a bold font for the magazine title on my front page, the title on my contents page and the title on my double page spread. This font is called ‘old book’. I will use a thinner font called ‘from the woods’ for the secondary leads on the front page, the pages on the contents page and the by line on the double page spread

Colours and fonts

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What type of images will you use?I will use one picture on the front cover and at least two on the contents page and four or five on the double page spread. Who have you picked to take photos of and where will you take them?I have pick Faye to be my main model as I like her look and I thought she was easy to work with (which she was.) I have taken my pictures in at De La Motte studio as there are proper lights and a good white background that I can uses as well as a more powerful camera. The other person I was thinking to use was Sophie but she was unable to do it so I compromised and used Charlotte instead. I haven’t chosen any boys to use as models as I can’t find any to fit my theme and would be willing to do it. What will the models wear?I took some of my more rocky clothes for Faye to wear as she didn’t have anything to fit in with my style. I chose grunge style clothing which consisted of some dark raggedy looking numbers.I used dark clothing for Charlotte to fit in the theme and something baggy so she could do the shot I was after. I will use some textures and different effects on my images.


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What type of article will you do?I am doing an article on my artists ‘The Day Of The Floral’ new album. It will talk about release dates, inspiration for the album and the feel of the album as these are the things commonly talked about in a music magazine. I wanted to create an album cover to make my magazine look more like a music magazine than a fashion magazine so that is where the theme can from for the article. The article will adhere to the theme well and almost pull my magazine more into the music genre as I have very fashion like images. The article will also give an insight into The Day Of The Floral’s love life as it adds a bit of gossip to the article which will draw in the readers wanting to know all the gossip.


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What type of stories will you use on your contents page?I will use stories about upcoming events like concerts that customer can attend or win tickets to. I will include information about other interviews of other artists and bands as well as this months chart toppers which fits in with the music magazine.

Will you include an editor’s letter to give an overall feel/view of the magazine?I haven’t designed my contents page but I will create an editor’s letter as long as it fits in and there is room on the page.

Contents page

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What will be the overall feel of your magazine be like?The overall feel with be soft rock. It will be floral but still with grunge fashion and the interview will reflect the rock style of music.

What will you base your magazine on, or will it be fairly unique?As I am going for a gap in the market my magazine will be fairly unique to fit the needs of my niche market.

What opinions of other genres of music will it take?Rogue will respect other genres of music as there is basis for all music which connects it together. As I like a lot of different genres of music my magazine will respect all other music genres.

Overall feel

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Will it be a risky and edgy publication or a safe one?My publication is going to be edgy and different but not risky as not to offend anyone. It has a rocky feel which suggest edgy.

Is it small or big budget?It will be big budget so it will look professional with no mistakes. I want the magazine to look quite high end but still have a reasonable price.

How will it show men/women/other events and issues?The picture I have chosen for my front page shows Faye slightly sexualised but overall my magazine will show respect and equality in gender, ethnicity, sexuality etc to give the magazine a large audience as it won’t offend anybody.

Overall feel