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Page 1: Music magazine

Music Magazine

Page 2: Music magazine

Identifying a double page spread?

The house style of this double page spread is red, white and black.

The header/title

Organised lay out into columns.

Basic images, simple edit. The main image takes up most of the space within a pager. These two images are medium shots.

More than one image per page usually on the same story or a relating story. These two images are mid shots.

Tag line

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The house style of this magazine are the two contrasting colours black and white and then there is the colour red which helps to bring out and exaggerate the effect with the red and white on a black background.

Image is represented bigger because it needs to be seen as the main focus of the page e.g the lead singer or the photo of the lead story.

Page is organised but has an original way of showing it, rather than being split into columns it is horizontal While text is important its

not as vital as the image itself so therefor the text is a lot smaller than the image.

The images aren't the only thing that fights for my attention when my eyes first latch upon this page, its also the heading with its use of bold text and big font though not always bright the heading can still grab my attention from its size and use of punctuation.

The heading also is the feature on the page that gives you a quick sense into what the story is about without actually reading it.

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Image of the main story

Main cover line


Background image


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Masthead is clear and simple not crowded or covered by the main image. Although everyone knows that what the masthead is and who the company are it doesn’t hurt to still add it on because it helps to create the magazine.

Main image is a mid shot in the centre of the page because it’s the main focus that will draw the eye.

This is a simple front cover due to there being no plugs or puffs and only featuring 1 extra cover story.

This is the featuring story, the second story which is a lot smaller than the main picture so that it doesn’t draw focus away from the main story.

The tagline acts as a short story giving the reader a taste of what to expect inside, an insight into the story.

The main cover line is a rhetorical question begs reader to take a look its captivating and interesting.

Page 7: Music magazine

Columns and split sections to divide the magazine so that the reader can choose at will what they would like to read first.

Mid shot imageOf a famous musician who could well feature a story in the magazine.

Short paragraphs possibly about the star featuring on the contents page

Headline of the page to describe

what it is