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Murder in the Dark: Margaret Atwood

Kristen Marumoto

1) The irony of the anecdote is that the dog, who didn’t know the difference between fantasy and reality, had to stop the poet who was attempting to kill a person for real, even though he understood the difference between fantasy and reality. This is ironic because the even though the situation was real, it took place during a game that is supposed to be a fantasy setting and the poet understood this difference and yet he chose to kill someone.

2) The analogy of the writer and the murderer in my opinion is very evident and strong in this story. The writer essentially became the murderer and describes how the murderer acts, thinks, feels, and rationalizes. The murderer always decides how the event (murder) will come about; choosing a time, place, weapon and victim the murderer is the person that decides how things will play out. The writer is similar to the murderer because they already know how a story will end; they are the ones that decide the characters, setting, plot and theme of the story. They essentially have complete control over the situation (story) just like a murderer has complete control of a murderous event.

3) Pg. 302 “there was a pool table in the cellar but none of us knew anything about pool.”

Atwood used an almost dry humour; this adds to the story because it shows the innocence of the children and gives the reader emotion to the plot of the story.

Pg. 302 “after a while we got tired of running the punch card rolls through the player piano and watching the keys go up and down by themselves, like something in a late movie just before you see the dead person.”

Atwood uses a dry humour here again, and sets the mood or atmosphere of the story, giving the reader a sense of death early on in the novel even when she is describing the children’s innocence she still “flings” the word death loosely.

Pg. 302 “I was in love with a boy called Bill, who was in love with Louise. The other boy, whose name I can’t remember, was in love with me.”

Atwood uses a humorous situation, a classic problem where a reader can picture young kids liking each other and getting stuck in a love triangle that seems like the world’s biggest problem at the time for a child or teen.

4) I think that the writer, Atwood was the narrator of the story and that she was talking directly at us. When I was reading this story there were moments where it seemed like someone recalling a memory because of the scattered thoughts that were evident throughout the story; for example, when Atwood describes the children and how everyone likes a different person, it seemed completely irrelevant to the story’s meaning or theme but a person that remembers little details in a memory much like when a person is telling a story they remember.

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-Childhood games, are they all innocent?

-How easy it is to something too far, to the point of crime

-Violence, murder

-Innocence of children

Character Development:

-The story in my opinion never had a character, or at least the characters in the story weren’t the main focus for the reader. I thought that the development in the story was the actual plot and theme as the story progressed. I thought this because in the beginning of the story Atwood describes the innocence of a child and begins to tell the reader of a game children lay for fun. But as the story progresses, that innocence slowly minimizes until you’re left of a feeling of darkness and murder instead of thinking of a child’s game. I think that if there was a main character in this story it would be the narrator itself because throughout the whole story I questioned if they were telling a personal story or a rumour that they heard from someone else.


-The Poet: I think that the poet in the story represented what every “murder” in the game tried to act like, a true murderer. I think that the poet was also a symbol of darkness that helped set the mood and atmosphere of the story.

-The Writer: I think that the writer was also a representation of a murderer because of the control that they have of a story, the same amount of control that a murderer has over a situation or their victim for example.


-I think that Atwood used excellent imagery in this story that added atmosphere to the plot and theme. In particular the quote, “I played it in a cellar; the cellar of a large house belonging to the parents of a girl… there was a pool table in the cellar…” This quote sets the setting for the reader to picture in their head. The idea of a cellar creates an old, dusty and dark place for innocent children to play such a dark game. I think that Atwood used the imagery in the story so that the reader can picture the innocence of children, but at the end of the story she uses imagery to capture a dark sense of murder and an inside look of how easy it is for a murderer to take things from a harmless situation to a deadly murder scene.

Literary Devices:

-There were many devices in the story, in my opinion mainly imagery to set the mood and atmosphere of the story, but there were also more obvious examples of literary devices such as a simile, “watching the keys go up and down all by themselves, like something from a late movie right before seeing the

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dead person” in this simile the author compares the piano keys and the creepiness of how they can play all by themselves to a murder movie. She’s comparing the atmospheres of both situations using the word like.