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  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    MCQs on Cash & Accrual accounting

    and Depreciation

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    1. Which of the following statements is associated

    with the accrual basis of accounting?

    a) The timing of cash receipts and disbursements isemphasized.

    b) A minimum amount of record keeping is required.c) This method is used less frequently by businesses

    than the cash method of accounting.

    d) Revenues are recognized in the period they areearned, regardless of the time period the cash isreceived.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    2. An accrued expense is an expense that:

    a) Has been incurred but has not been paid.

    b) Has been paid but has not been incurred.

    c) Has been incurred for which payment has been made

    in installments.

    d) Will never be paid.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    3. In reviewing some adjusting entries, you

    observe an entry which contains a debit toPrepaid Insurance and a credit to Insurance

    Expense. The purpose of this journal entry is

    to record a(n):

    a) Accrued expense

    b) Deferred expense

    c) Expired Cost

    d) Prepaid Revenue

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    4. An adjusting entry to record an accrued

    expense involves a debit to a (n):

    a) Expense account and a credit to a prepaid account

    b) Expense account and a credit to cash.

    c) Expense account and a credit to a liability account

    d) Liability account and a credit to an expense account.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    5. The failure to properly record an adjusting

    entry to accrue an expense will result in an:

    a) Understatement of expenses and anunderstatement of liabilities

    b) Understatement of expenses and an overstatementof liabilities

    c) Understatement of expenses and an overstatementof assets

    d) Overstatement of expenses and an understatementof assets

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    6. Which of the following properly describes adeferral?

    a) Cash is received after revenue is earned.b) Cash is received before revenue is earned.

    c) Cash is paid after expense is incurred

    d) Cash is paid in the same period that an expense is


  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    7. An adjusting entry to allocate a previously

    recorded asset to expense involves a debit to


    a) Asset account and a credit to cash.

    b) Expense account and a credit to cash

    c) Expense account and a credit to an asset


    d) Asset account and a credit to an expenseaccount.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    8. Which of the following adjusting entries will

    cause an increase in revenues and a decreasein liabilities?

    a) Entry to record an accrued expense

    b) Entry to record an accrued revenuec) Entry to record the consumed portion of an expense

    paid in advance and initially recorded as an asset.

    d) Entry to record the earned portion of revenue

    received in advance and initially recorded asunearned revenue.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    9. The failure to properly record an adjustingentry to accrue a revenue item will result in


    a) Understatement of revenues and a over statement of


    b) Overstatement of revenues and an overstatement of


    c) Overstatement of revenues and an overstatement of


    d) Understatement of revenues and an understatement

    of assets.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    10. The failure to properly record an adjusting entry

    for the expiration of insurance coverage willresult in an (assume the account Prepaid

    Insurance was charged when the premiums were


    a) Overstatement of assets and an overstatement of owners


    b) Understatement of assets and an understatement of


    c) Overstatement of assets and an overstatement of liabilities

    d) Overstatement of liabilities and an understatement of


  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    11. The omission of the adjusting entry to record

    depreciation expense will result in an:a) Overstatement of assets and an overstatement of

    owners equity.

    b) Understatement of assets and an understatement of

    owners equity.

    c) Overstatement of assets and an overstatement of


    d) Overstatement of liabilities and an understatement ofowners equity.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    12. An auditor is examining an adjusting entry that

    reduces liabilities and increases owners equity.Which of the following adjusting entries couldthat be?

    a) Entry to record an accrued revenue.

    b) Entry to record the earned portion of revenue received inadvance and previously recorded as Unearned RentRevenue.

    c) Entry to record an accrued expense.

    d) Entry to record the expired portion of expense paid in

    advance and previously recorded as Prepaid Expense.e) Entry to record bad debts expense.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    13. The Office Supplies on Hand account had a balance atthe beginning of year 3 of Rs. 1,600. Payments for

    acquisitions of office supplies during year 3 amountedto Rs. 10,000 and were recorded by a debit to the assetaccount. A physical count at the end of year 3 revealedsupplies costing Rs. 1,900 were on hand. The requiredadjusting entry at the end of year 3 will include a debitto:

    a) Office supplies expense for Rs. 300

    b) Office supplies on hand for Rs. 300

    c) Office supplies expense for Rs. 9,700d) Office supplies on hand for Rs. 1,900

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    14. The book value of a piece of equipment is


    a) Original cost of the equipment.

    b) Current replacement cost of the used equipment.

    c) Current market value of the used equipment.

    d) Difference between the original cost of the

    equipment and its related accumulated


  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    15. The purpose of recording closing

    entries in the books of account is to:a) Reduce the number of nominal


    b) Enable the accountant to prepare theraw trial balance.

    c) Enable the accountant to work out cost

    of goods sold.d) Establish new balances in some asset

    and liability accounts.

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    16. If ending accounts receivable exceeds

    beginning accounts receivable:a) Cash collections during the period exceed the

    amount of revenue earned.

    b) Net income for the period is less than theamount of cash basis income.

    c) No cash was collected during the period.

    d) Cash collections during the year are less than

    the amount of revenue earned

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    17. The Camp. & Company made cash sales ofservices of Rs. 5,000 and credit sales of services

    of Rs. 4,200 during the month of July. Thecompany incurred expenses of Rs. 6,000 duringJuly of which Rs. 2,000 was paid in cash and theremainder was expected to be paid in August.Using the accrual method of accounting, netincome for July amounts to:

    a) Rs. 7,200

    b) Rs. 5,200

    c) Rs. 3,200

    d) Rs. 3,000

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    18. Dr. Handa keeps his accounting records on thecash basis. During 2012, Dr. Handa collected Rs.

    660,000 in fees from his patients. At December31, 2012, the doctor had accounts receivable ofRs. 50,000 and unearned fees of Rs. 6,000. AtDecember 31, 2011, he had accounts receivable

    of Rs. 68,000 and unearned fees of Rs. 4,000.The amount of fees earned on the accrual basisby Dr. Handa during 2012 was:

    a) Rs. 640,000

    b) Rs. 680,000

    c) Rs. 724,000

    d) Rs. 676000

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    19. Which of the following facts regarding the statement

    of financial position would notbe true?

    a) It is unnecessary to make any estimates or judgementswhen preparing a statement of financial position.

    b) The statement of financial position reveals how abusiness is funded.

    c) intangible assets are often missing from the statementof financial position.

    d) The statement of financial position separately identifieslong-term and short-term assets and liabilities

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    20. For an asset owned for more than one year, thedepreciation charge for the year, calculated usingthe reducing-balance basis at the rate of 35%,would be arrived at as follows:

    a) 35% x cost of the asset.

    b) 35% x (cost of the asset - accumulateddepreciation).

    c) 35% x accumulated depreciation.

    d) 35% x (cost of the asset + accumulated


  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    21. Misha bought a machine for Rs.39,000,

    which she expects to have a useful life of fouryears and a residual value of Rs.4,000 at theend of that time. If depreciation is to be

    provided on the straight-line basis, the netbook value after two years will be:

    a) Rs. 17,500.

    b) Rs.19,500.

    c) Rs.21,500.

    d) Rs.30,250.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    22. Brun & Co. buys two motor vans costing

    Rs.41,000 in total. They are depreciated on thereducing-balance basis at the rate of 40% perannum. Which of the following statements is nottrue?

    a) The WDV of the vans after one year will beRs.24,600.

    b) The WDV of the vans after two years will beRs.14,760.

    c) The charge to the income statement fordepreciation in Year 2 will be Rs.26,240.

    d) The charge to the income statement fordepreciation in Year 3 will be Rs.5,904.

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    23. Mattil & Associates bought a delivery van for

    Rs. 14,000 on 1 July 2012. It is expected to have auseful life of 4 years and a value at the end ofthat time of Rs. 3,000. If depreciation is to beprovided at 30% on the reducing-balance basis,the depreciation charge for the year ended 30

    June 2014 will be: a) Rs. 2,940.

    b) Rs. 1,260.

    c) Rs. 4,200.

    d) Rs. 2,310.

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    24. Which of the following interpretations of theprudence concept is nottrue:

    a) The prudence concept requires preparers ofaccounts to anticipate all income.

    b) The prudence concept requires preparers ofaccounts to anticipate all costs.

    c) The prudence concept requires preparers ofaccounts to take a cautious approach to accountspreparation.

    d) The prudence concept underpins the need forbusinesses to create a provision for doubtful debts.

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    25. Dilip's account balances at the business year end

    show a figure for trade receivables of Rs. 103,100.Included in this figure is an amount of Rs. 6,500 owedby Reece, which will not be received. Dilip usuallycreates a provision for doubtful debts of 2% of tradereceivables. The figure for trade receivables on the

    statement of financial position at the year end shouldbe:

    a) Rs. 94,538.

    b) Rs. 101,038.

    c) Rs. 107,408. d) Rs. 94,668.

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    26. If the trial balance at Laurie's year end shows tradereceivables of Rs. 19,900 and bad debts of Rs. 600 writtenoff during the year, which of the following statements istrue?

    a) The income statement should include a bad debtexpense of Rs. 600 and trade receivables of Rs. 19,300

    should be included on the statement of financial position. b) The income statement should include no bad debt

    expense and trade receivables of Rs. 19,900 should beincluded on the statement of financial position.

    c) The income statement should include no bad debt

    expense and trade receivables of Rs. 19,300 should beincluded on the statement of financial position.

    d) The income statement should include a bad debtexpense of Rs. 600 and trade receivables of Rs. 19,900should be included on the statement of financial position.

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    27. If an asset cost Rs. 27,000 with salvage value

    Rs. 10125 and the annual depreciation chargecalculated using the straight-line method is Rs.

    6,750 per annum, then depreciation is being

    charged at the rate of: a) 67.5%.

    b) 25%.

    c) 6.75%.

    d) 40%.

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    28. Eva & Co. has purchased a machine for Rs. 300,000. Thecompany will depreciate it either at 20% on the straight-

    line basis or at 30% on the reducing-balance basis. Whichmethod will lead to the highest combined profits in the firsttwo years that the machine is owned?

    a) The straight-line basis will lead to the highest combinedprofits.

    b) The reducing-balance basis will lead to the highestcombined profits.

    c) The choice of depreciation method will not affect thecombined profit figures.

    d) Both the straight line basis at 20% per annum and thereducing balance basis at 30% per annum will lead to thesame combined profit figure for the first two years.

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    29. Eva &Co. has purchased a machine for Rs.300,000. The Company will depreciate it at 20%

    on the straight-line basis in the books of accountand at 30% on the reducing-balance basis basedon Income Tax. The In come Statement andBalance Sheet at the end first year will report:

    a) Positive Deferred Tax and Deferred Tax Asset in the IncomeTax and Balance Sheet respectively

    b) Negative Deferred Tax and Deferred Tax Asset in theIncome Tax and Balance Sheet respectively

    c) Positive Deferred Tax and Deferred Tax Liability in theIncome Tax and Balance Sheet respectively

    d) Negative Deferred Tax and Deferred Tax Liability in theIncome Tax and Balance Sheet respectively

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    30. Amit Private Limited purchased a machineryof 1.01.2012 for Rs. 12,00,000/-. Installationexpenses incurred to operate it from1.01.2012 was Rs. 100000/- and the residualvalue of Rs. 50000/- was estimated with useful

    life ten years. In July 2012, Rs. 20000/- wasspent on repair of the machinery.Depreciation during 2012 under SLM is:

    a) Rs. 127000/-

    b) Rs. 135000/-c) Rs. 130000/-

    d) Rs. 125000/-

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    31. If a concern is no longer going concern in the

    year 2012, the balance sheet as of 31st

    Dec2012 should indicate the assets at their:

    a) Historical costb) Net realisable value

    c) Cost less depreciation

    d) Cost price or market value, whichever is lower.

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    32. The portion of the acquisition cost of the

    asset, yet to be charged off to the incomestatement is known as:

    a) Written Down Valueb) Accumulated value

    c) Salvage Value

    d) Realisable value

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    33. In the year 2011, there is a timing difference of

    Rs. 10000/- in Current Tax and Tax Expense

    resulting therein DTL of Rs. 10000/-. What should

    be the Tax Expense as per GAAP if actual tax

    payable is Rs. 340000/- during 2012.

    a) Rs. 10000/-

    b) Rs. 340000/-

    c) Rs. 350000/-d) Rs. 330000/-

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    34. Deferred tax should be accounted for in relation

    to certain differences between taxable profit and

    accounting profit. The differences which require

    an enterprise to account for deferred tax are:

    a) Temporary Differences

    b) Permanent differences

    c) Both temporary and permanent differences

    d) Neither temporary differences nor permanentdifferences

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    35. A companys financial statements for the year31stMarch 2012 show a pretax profit aftercharging depreciation of Rs 100000/- is Rs.500000/-. Depreciation for the tax purposes is Rs.170000/- Assuming the that the tax rate for thecompany is 30%, the required transfer to the

    company deferred tax account is:

    a) A debit of Rs. 21000/- to the deferred tax account

    b) A credit of Rs. 21000/- to the deferred tax account

    c) A debit of Rs. 51000/- to the deferred tax accountd) A credit of Rs. 51000/- to the deferred tax account

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    36. A companys financial statements for the year31stMarch 2012 show a pretax profit aftercharging depreciation of Rs 170000/- is Rs.500000/-. Depreciation for the tax purposes is Rs.100000/- Assuming the that the tax rate for thecompany is 30%, the required transfer to the

    company deferred tax account is:

    a) A debit of Rs. 21000/- to the deferred tax account

    b) A credit of Rs. 21000/- to the deferred tax account

    c) A debit of Rs. 51000/- to the deferred tax accountd) A credit of Rs. 51000/- to the deferred tax account

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    37. Unpaid expenses are shown in the companysstatement of financial position as a currentliability of Rs. 30000/-. These expenses havealready been deducted when computingaccounting profit but will not be deducted for taxpurposes until they are paid. Assuming that thecompany pays tax @ 20%, the resulting deferred

    tax is:

    a) Deferred Tax Asset of Rs 30000/-

    b) Deferred tax asset of Rs. 6000/-

    c) Deferred tax liability of Rs. 6000/-

    d) Rs. 0/-

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    38. The same rate of depreciation charged under

    SLM and RM on a fixed asset with same cost andsame salvage value would result into:

    a) The same estimated useful life

    b) The estimated useful life in SLM works out higherthen that in RM

    c) The estimated useful life in SLM works out lowerthen that in RM

    d) Cant say in the absence of adequate details

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    39. Which of accounting standard is applied for

    inventory valuation:

    a) AS 2

    b) AS 6

    c) AS 10

    d) AS 22

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    40. Which of accounting standards is applied for

    Accounting for Income Tax:

    a) AS 2

    b) AS 6

    c) AS 10

    d) AS 22

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    41. Which of accounting standards is applied for

    Accounting for Fixed assets:

    a) AS 2

    b) AS 6

    c) AS 10

    d) AS 22

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    42. Which of accounting standards is applied for


    a) AS 2

    b) AS 6

    c) AS 10

    d) AS 22

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    43. If Deferred Tax Liability of Rs. 500 lakhs as of

    31stMarch 2012 is to be reduced in the

    subsequent years because of timingdifference, the deferred tax of Rs. 45 lakhs

    pertaining to the year 2013 would be:

    a) Added to arrive at accounting taxes

    b) Deducted to arrive at accounting taxes

    c) No change in the accounting taxes

    d) None of the above

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    44. The company has disposed of the fixed asset

    for Rs. One lac (which has the original cost of

    Rs. 25 lacs & the accumulated depreciation till2013 of Rs. 22 lacs). What is the amount of

    loss/profit from the sale of fixed asset?

    a) Loss of Rs. 2 lakhsb) Profit of Rs. 2 Lakhs

    c) Profit of Rs. 1 Lakh

    d) Loss of Rs. 1 lakh

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    45. A company estimated that 2% of their creditsales of Rs. 550 lakhs is likely to be non-

    recoverable as of 31st

    March 2012 and the samehas been accounted for in the books under theprinciple of prudence. In 2013, Rs. 9.50 lakhs hasactually not been recovered and the remaininghas been collected. What is the impact of this

    event in the Income statement of 2013 if thecompany is profit making?a) Profit has been reduced by Rs. 9.50 lakhs

    b) Profit has been reduced by Rs. 2 lakhs

    c) Profit has been increased by Rs. 11.00 lakhsd) Profit has been increased by Rs. 2 lakhs

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    46. As at 31st March 2013 M Limited has issued100 million equity shares of Rs. 10 each, Rs.

    8/- called and paid up. On that day, Tarun paidRs. 12 per share to buy 4,000 equity sharesfrom Lohan. In the event M Limited becomesinsolvent and is unable to meet in full its

    debts, what is the maximum amount Tarunmay be required to pay from his personalresources?

    a) Rs80000b) Rs. Nothing

    c) Rs.40000

    d) Rs.8000

  • 8/13/2019 Multiples Choice Questions With Answers


    47 Rs. 120,000 recorded in the Cash Book, upon issuing

    100,000 equity shares of Re 1/- each, should becredited to which account or accounts:

    a) To the share premium account

    b) Rs. 100,000 to share capital account and Rs. 20,000to the share premium account

    c) To a suspense account

    d) To the share capital account

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    48. Rs. 360,000 being the proceeds of issuing

    600,000 equity shares of 50p each, has been postedfrom the cash book to the credit of the share capitalaccount. How should this error be corrected?

    a) Dr cash account Rs. 360,000, Cr share capital account Rs.300,000 and Cr share premium Rs. 60,000

    b) Dr share capital account Rs. 300,000, Cr share premiumaccount Rs. 360,000

    c) Dr share capital account Rs. 60,000, Cr share premium Rs.60,000

    d) Dr suspense account Rs. 360,000 Cr Share Capital a/c Rs.300,000 and Cr Share premium Rs. 60,000

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    49. X YZ Limited offered for issue ten million equityshare of Rs. 1 each at Rs. 1.20p per share.

    Application were received, however for only ninemillion shares and the directors proceeded to allotthe shares applied for. Expenses of the issueamounted to Rs. 3,00,000. What will be the balance

    in the share premium account, after thesetransactions are accounted from?

    a) Rs. 1,997,000b) Rs. 1,797,000c) Rs. 2,000,000d) Rs. 1,800,000

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    50. Rs. 15,000 still to be received, by the year end, out

    of the total amount receivable from a share issue

    should be reported on that companys financialstatements, as:

    a) An asset on the statement of financial positionb) A loss on the statement of income

    c) An income in the statement of income

    d) A liability on the statement of financial position

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    51. You are holding a Financial Asset for trade purposes at Rs.2500/- as of 31/3/2011. What accounting entry would you

    process in the year ending 13/03/2013, assuming the fairmarket values as of 31/03/12 & 31/03/2013 are Rs. 2400/-and Rs. 2650/- respectively using FVTPL method?

    a) Debit Financial asset with Rs. 250/- and credit P & L

    Account with the same amount.b) Debit Financial asset with Rs. 150/- and credit P & L

    Account with the same amount.

    c) Credit Financial asset with Rs. 250/- and debit P & LAccount with the same amount.

    d) Credit Financial asset with Rs. 150/- and debit P & LAccount with the same amount.

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    52. The calendar year-end trial balance of QT Limited

    reports Rs. 400,000 at 8% Loan Notes (issued 2006) andRs. 16,000 as interest paid. In this regard identify the

    amounts to be reported as expense in the Statement of

    income for the year ended 31.12.2013 and as current

    liability on the Statement of financial position

    a) Interest expense: Rs.48,000; Current liability: Rs. 16,000

    b) Interest expense: Rs.32,000; Current liability: Rs. 16,000

    c) Interest expense: Rs.32,000; Current liability: Rs.32,000

    d) Interest expense: Rs. 16,000; Current liability: Rs. 32,000

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    53. The commercial exploitation of a coal mine commenced

    on 1st January 2009. The remaining development cost

    relating to that mine, amortised over five years from thatdate using the sum of the years digits method, was

    reported as Rs. 360,000 as at 31st December 2010. What

    is the amortisation in the year ended 31st December

    2011.a) Rs.96,000

    b) Rs. 180,000

    c) Rs. 120,000

    d) Rs. 72,000

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    54. Accounting Standard for Cash Flow

    Statement is:

    a) AS 12

    b) AS 3

    c) AS 13

    d) AS 31

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    55. Cash & Cash Equivalent includes:

    a) Cash & Bank Balance

    b) Marketable Securities

    c) Overdraft in Bank Account

    d) (a) & (b)

    e) (a), (b) and (c)

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    56. Dividend paid by a manufacturing firm is

    considered in Cash Flow Statement as :

    a) Operating Activity

    b) Investing Activity

    c) Financing Activity

    d) All the above

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    57. Interest paid on borrowed fund by amanufacturing firm is considered in Cash FlowStatement as :

    a) Operating Activity

    b) Investing Activity

    c) Financing Activity

    d) All the above

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    58. Bad debt written off by a manufacturing

    company is considered in Cash FlowStatement as:

    a) Operating Activity

    b) Investing Activity

    c) Financing Activity

    d) None of the above

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    59. Positive opening Cash & cash equivalent

    and negative closing Cash & cash equivalentimplies that:

    a) The surplus cash generated during the periodb) There is a cash deficit during the period

    c) Either (a) or (b)

    d) The information given in the question is
