Download - Multimedia Project CLICK HERE TO SKIP VIDEO AND MOVE TO INTRODUCTION Multimedia Project Building Background for The Samurai’s Garden by Gail Tsukiyama.

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  • Multimedia Project CLICK HERE TO SKIP VIDEO AND MOVE TO INTRODUCTION Multimedia Project Building Background for The Samurais Garden by Gail Tsukiyama
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  • Rationale and Objective Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading Rationale We will begin second semester by reading Gail Tsukiyamas novel The Samurais Garden. To prepare for this, we will build background about Chinese and Japanese culture. Objective Work in your small group to create a multimedia learning center about one of the background topics for The Samurais Garden. Use research, media, and power point design to structure a non-linear presentation that shows thorough understanding of your topic.
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  • Home Base Page Research Design Synthesize Questions Media Six Traits Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading TopicsGrading
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  • Requirements - Research Each group member is responsible for finding 1 source. The required sources are: 2 Databases (accessed through the Saint Louis County Library) 1 Website 1-2 Book(s) 2 books for a group of 5 Sources must be cited according to MLA guidelines (Use A Guide to MLA Documentation or OWL at Purdue website for help) Information should be collected, analyzed, selected, and presented to enhance understanding and provide sufficient background knowledge on topic Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Requirements - Design Your presentation must include at least 25 slides (approximately 6 per group member). You must include all of the following slides: - Title page - Attention grabber and introduction - Home base page - Information and media (organized) - Questions page(s) Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Requirements Design - Summary and conclusion page - Works cited page Your power point must be non-linear, meaning that you have a home base page with links to important sections. Font, layout, color, and background are eye-catching, consistent, and well chosen. Aspects of design help contribute to the establishment of mood. Enhances the content and flow of presentation (transitions, etc.). Graphics and video are appropriate, functional, and easy to access in the presentation. Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Media Presentation must include at least: 1 video (not to exceed 3 minutes) 4-5 images (1 per group member) including pictures, maps, graphs, or charts audio, background music, (mood contributing) or narration for slides. All media must be cited and be within fair use guidelines. Media can be taken from sources provided from this power point or new sources that you find. Media can be linked or embedded. Click here to see examples. Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Media Examples Here are some examples of the types of media you need in your presentation. Video Audio Image Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading Click here to see examples of citation
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  • Embedding a YouTube Video
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  • Requirement - Questions 3 True/False questions 4 Multiple choice questions with at least 5 choices per question 2 Short answer questions (A definite/clear answer that must be answered in a complete sentence) 1 Essay question that students will argue one of two clearly established and opposite points with evidence taken from your presentation. Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Grading is based on the general areas following. A more specific scoring guide will follow: Following all directions and meeting all criteria Project reflects understanding of topic How well learning center communicates and presents information (content and design) Group works well together and stays on task Follows guidelines established under Six TraitsSix Traits Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Synthesis Communicates the researched material Expands upon, rather than regurgitating and repeating information Clearly explains facts, evidence and media Organization of material reflects understanding Facilitates understanding Establishes relationships between information Media is integrated meaningfully All pieces(info, design, media, resources) are connected Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Six Traits Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Topic Areas Samurai Chinese/Japanese Gardens Chinese/Japanese Gardens Shinto Tuberculosis/Leprosy Buddhism Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Samurai Guiding Questions. What exactly is a samurai? What was their role in Japanese society? What information is necessary to understanding the samurai? What special terms are associated with the samurai? Click here for Websites to begin. Click here for Websites to begin Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Tuberculosis and Leprosy Guiding questions. What is each of these diseases? What are the symptoms of each? What are the cures and treatments now and in the past? What are current statistics on these diseases?(Number of cases, regions of the world where common, etc.) Click here for Websites to begin. Click here for Websites to begin Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Japanese/Chinese Gardens Guiding Questions. What are the basics of garden design? What are the purposes and uses of the garden in Asian culture? How are the gardens different from Western gardens? What else needs to be known to fully understand the topic? Click here for Websites to begin. Click here for Websites to begin Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Shinto Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading Guiding Questions. What are the major tenants/beliefs of this religion? What place does this religion hold in Chinese and Japanese culture? What are the views of other religions? What needs to be known to understand this religion? Click here for Websites to begin. Click here for Websites to begin
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  • Buddhism Guiding Questions. What are the major tenants/beliefs of this religion? What place does this religion hold in Chinese and Japanese culture? What are the views of other religions? What needs to be known to understand this religion? Click here for Websites to begin. Click here for Websites to begin Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Websites United Streaming Wikipedia Leprosy Shinto Free Music Samurai Tuberculosis Buddhism Chinese/Japanese Gardens Chinese/Japanese Gardens Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading Use these websites to help you with your project. These are just starting points. You will need to find more on your own.
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  • Ideas Clear, relevant information and details are carefully selected and presented to enhance understanding of the topics assigned. All key events/terms/ideas are fully developed and explained. Information leads to an overall conclusion/summation/idea that the constructors were able to take away from the formation of the project. Multimedia is developed and explained, not just dropped in for effect. All information is developed, important, coherent, and connected. Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Organization The attention of the viewer is readily grabbed and maintained throughout the presentation. The information is presented in a logical (not linear) format. All ideas are clearly connected and there are transitions from one sub-topic to another. The information is ordered so as to build and develop understanding of the topic. All ideas fall under the main topic and help support the main idea of the piece. Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Word Choice Strong words are used throughout, and new or unfamiliar words are explained or defined. Word choice is precise, formal, and enhances understanding of topic. Headings are clearly developed with strong words that key the reader into the content of the slide. Any key terms associated with the topic are defined. Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Sentence Fluency The presentation is easy to read and follow. Information is presented clearly and in a variety of ways. The presentation uses a variety of sentence structures. The parts of the presentation transition well between one another, both visually and syntactically. Both phrases and sentences are used at appropriate times within the project to enhance and guide understanding. Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Voice Readers are able to make a connection to the information that is presented. Media is used in a way to create and set a specific mood and tone for the piece. Viewers are able to develop opinions about the topics based on not only the information, but how the information is presented. A connection between the constructor of the presentation and viewer is established. Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Conventions Presentation is checked for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. All information, data, video, images, and music is properly cited using MLA standards. Directions regarding amount of media and sources used in presentation are followed. The works cited page is clear and correctly follows MLA standards. Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading
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  • Works Cited page - sample Image: Ainu on Lake Akan, Japan.. IRC. 2005. Discovery Education. 24 November 2008 Video: Loyal Samurai. WGBH/Soup2Nuts. (2005). Discovery Education. 3 February 2010 Home Base Home Base Topic Areas Websites Six Traits GradingTopic AreasWebsitesSix TraitsGrading Audio: Chopin, Frederic. Waltz Opus no. 69. Freeplaymusic. Free Play Music Corp. 24 Nov. 2008.