Download - Multi location inventory user manual by AITOC

  • 1. Edit Inventory for a Product When editing inventory for a product, you can choose for which website to specify inventory parameters. For this please choose any store view of the website and then specify the needed parameters (the parameters will have effect for all store views of the website, not only the chosen one ). If you do not specify individual parameters for a website, default values will be used. Multi-Location Inventory User Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 2/ 5 For Magento EE make sure url_key attribute has scope: store view in order to set different stock level. Otherwise the product will not be saved as starting from EE the url_key logic formation has been changed. The product URL keys must be globally unique among all websites, stores, and views. You can no longer have two different products that have the same URL key. More details can be found at

2. Edit Inventory for a Product Multi-Location Inventory User Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 3/ 5 You can use either default or individual inventory values for a website. If you have several websites that use default values, the system will think that the websites have common inventory. This way items ordered from all these websites will be deducted from the default value (e.g. default value for a product is 100, website 1 and website 2 use default values; if 10 items of the product get ordered from website 1 and 20 items of the product get ordered from website 2, the default value would become 70). 3. Track Low Stock You can view Low Stock reports per website. To view low stock report for a particular website, please choose the website in the dropdown. Multi-Location Inventory User Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 4/ 5 4. Update Inventory Attributes The module supports Update attributes feature of Magento. So you can mass update inventory attributes per website. Multi-Location Inventory User Manual | Developed by AITOC, Inc. | [email protected] | Page 5/ 5