Download - Mubashir Assignment for Marketing

  • Marketing Communications and Business to Business Marketing

    Assessment Number: One

    Individually Written Report: 50% of the overall module grade

    Word count 3000 words maximum

    Learning Outcomes Covered: 1, 2, 3, and 4

    Assignment Brief

    Introduction This assignment is the first part of three components that assesses the overall module. It is an individually written report that consists of 3,000 words (10 % +/-). This word count excludes any attached appendices, title page and table of contents. Your report should ideally display an excellent level of analytical and evaluative skills as well a reflection of theory and its contextualisation to the intended scenario. The use of appropriate theories, models and concepts to analyse and evaluate the given scenarios is needed in order to provide a proper and sustainable answer. In order to further complete this report in a successful manner, you are advised to use an organisation of your choice (one that you are currently employed in, a previous work place or one that you can obtain relevant information with ease). Your report will consist of a certain amount of secondary research and a significant amount of primary research to support your answer. Any supporting documents that you choose to use to reinforce your answer, need to be attached at the end of the report as appendices, in order to equip the examiner with the required background knowledge on the information you have provided within the report. It is essential that all theories, concepts, models and industry examples are appropriately referenced using the Harvard System style in the bibliography. You are advised to cite only those that you have used within your answer. Finally, you are advice to pay attention to the wording in which the tasks have been presented to you, to ensure that you understand and address the requirement as a whole with minimal misinterpretations.

  • As the Marketing Manager of your organisation, you are required to prepare a report that encompasses the following aspects


    1. Identify your target market and recommend appropriate marketing communication strategies

    while using the promotional mix to create an integrated marketing communications plan for

    your organisation

    In addition, discuss the usefulness of statistical data and quantitative indicators in evaluating the

    success of the communications plan formulated in the section above

    2. You are in the process of designing a promotional campaign of a new product/service of your

    organisation. Therefore;

    identify the ways in which you can use the promotional campaign to create the

    competitive advantage of the marketing mix

    evaluate the ways in which the use of internet and information technology can assist the

    organisation to further enhance the competitive advantage

  • Marketing Communications and Business to Business Marketing

    Assessment Number: Two

    Individually Written Report: 50% of the overall module grade

    Word count 3000 words maximum

    Learning Outcomes Covered: 5,6,7,8

    Assignment Brief

    Introduction This assignment is the second part of three components that assesses the overall module. It is an individually written report that consists of 3,000 words (10 % +/-). This word count excludes any attached appendices, title page and table of contents. Your report should ideally display an excellent level of analytical and evaluative skills as well a reflection of theory and its contextualisation to the intended scenario. The use of appropriate theories, models and concepts to analyse and evaluate the given scenarios is needed in order to provide a proper and sustainable answer. In order to further complete this report in a successful manner, you are advised to use an organisation of your choice (one that you are currently employed in, a previous work place or one that you can obtain relevant information with ease). Your report will consist of a certain amount of secondary research and a significant amount of primary research to support your answer. Any supporting documents that you choose to use to reinforce your answer, need to be attached at the end of the report as appendices, in order to equip the examiner with the required background knowledge on the information you have provided within the report. It is essential that all theories, concepts, models and industry examples are appropriately referenced using the Harvard System style in the bibliography. You are advised to cite only those that you have used within your answer. Finally, you are advise to pay attention to the wording in which the tasks have been presented to you, to ensure that you understand and address the requirement as a whole with minimal misinterpretations,.

  • As the Marketing Manager of a B2B organisation of your choice, you are required to produce a report that encompasses the following aspects: Tasks 1. Define the term B2B Marketing and critically evaluate the key differences between B2B

    marketing and consumer marketing in the following sectors:

    a. Commercial sector

    b. Not-for-profit sector

    c. Public sector

    2. Identify a macro economic change that can have an impact on your organisations B2B marketing

    process and discuss the opportunities and threats that can occur as a result of this change.

    Taking the above context in to consideration, provide recommendations on how the

    organisation can adapt its resources in order to maintain its national and global level

    competitive advantage while capitalizing on the above change

  • Marketing Communications and Business to Business Marketing

    Assessment Criteria for all Assessments

    % Grade Criteria







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    Has presented an answer with an outstanding result with a minimal number of errors

    Reflects an excellent level of knowledge and understanding of related models, theories and frameworks. Analytical techniques used are of high standards that display the required breadth and depth.

    Ability to apply models, theories and frameworks to interrelate and contextualise findings is of high standards.

    The analysis and interpretation of research related data, as well as the ability to use the data to reach acceptable and accurate conclusions is outstanding.

    Answers reflect independent thought and clarity with an overall focused and evaluative answer

    Has followed appropriate Harvard referencing in the bibliography.


    The answer reflects an above average standard with errors.

    Reflects a good level of knowledge and understanding of related models, theories and frameworks. The use of analytical techniques is evident throughout the answer in a manner that reflects a very good level.

    Ability to apply models, theories and frameworks to interrelate and contextualise findings is of a good standard, however, is quite broad in certain instances.

    The analysis and interpretation of research related data, as well as the ability to use the data to reach acceptable and accurate conclusions is of a good standard.

    Answers reflect independent thought and clarity with an overall focused and evaluative answer. Nevertheless, does not reflect consistency at all levels.

    Has followed appropriate Harvard referencing in the bibliography.


    The answer reflects an above average standard with errors.

    Reflects a general level of sound knowledge and understanding of related models, theories and frameworks, though with notable errors. The use of analytical techniques is evident throughout the answer in a manner that reflects a very good level.

    Ability to apply models, theories and frameworks to interrelate and contextualise findings is of a reasonable level, however, the link between theory and practice projected through the presentation of findings has been restricted.

    Reflects more assumptions rather than valid arguments based on analysis of research data. However, has displayed sound interpretative and evaluative abilities.

    Answers reflect independent thought and clarity with an overall focused and evaluative answer. Nevertheless, does not reflect consistency at all levels.

    Relatively appropriate Harvard referencing is evident in the bibliography.

  • 43-49% In





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    Displays several shortcomings throughout the answer.

    Reflects a limited level of knowledge and understanding of related models, theories and frameworks.

    The use of analytical techniques is also limited.

    The degree of accuracy and research abilities are somewhat limited and the interpretation and the application of findings reflect a superficial characteristic.

    A certain level of appropriateness is evident in Harvard referencing in the bibliography.


    Answer reflected is weak and lacks proper focus.

    Reflects a high level of poor grammar and spelling errors.

    Understanding of subject knowledge, related models, theories and frameworks is poor.

    Contextualisation, interpretation, and evaluation are of poor standard.

    The degree of accuracy and research abilities are somewhat limited and the interpretation and the application of findings reflect a superficial characteristic.

    Reflects basic level of Harvard referencing in the bibliography.


    Requires more work on overall answering skills.

    Very little evidence of appropriate subject knowledge has been reflected.

    The evidence of the use of appropriate models, theories and frameworks is quite poor.

    The analytical skills and contextualisation is almost non-existent.

    Answer produced has little relevance to the assignment briefs.

    The overall output is well below the required standard.


    Considerable amount of work is needed as the overall answer it quite weak and unacceptable.

  • Link of the requirements to the learning outcomes

    Requirement Learning Outcome Level 5 Learning Outcome Level 4 Business Analysis and


    Assignment One

    Identify your target market that the organisation focuses on Recommend appropriate marketing communication strategies (Push, Pull and Profile) while using the promotional mix to create an integrated marketing communications plan for your organisation Discuss the usefulness of statistical data and quantitative indicators in evaluating the success of the communications plan formulated in the section above

    1. Identify and critically evaluate the role of promotion in marketing and sustaining competitive advantage using the marketing mix.

    2. Identify and evaluate the role of internet marketing methods and other uses of information technology in gaining and upholding different forms of competitive advantages.

    3. Analyse the elements of the promotional mix and, critically evaluate the role that each can play in Integrated marketing communications using practical examples.

    4. Illustrate how to analyse the needs of target markets and plan, implement and control marketing communication strategies in an everchanging national and global marketplace

    1. Identify and assess the usefulness of key numerical,

    graphical and statistical indicators of business activity

    2. Demonstrate how various quantitative indicators

    can be used by for inform their decision making

    3. Use of statistical packages and spreadsheets to

    support the quantitative analysis of raw data.

    9. Apply business principles to actual business

    situations in the context of real world

    Identify a potential new product/service that the organisation intends releasing to the market Identify the ways in which you can use the promotional campaign that you intend designing to create competitive advantage of the marketing mix, in relation to the new product/service Evaluate the ways in which the use of internet and information technology can assist the organisation to further enhance the competitive advantage. Candidates can touch on areas such as SEO, web based marketing, email campaigns etc.

  • Assignment Two

    Define the term B2B Marketing Critically evaluate the key differences between B2B marketing and consumer marketing in the following sectors:

    a. Commercial sector b. Not-for-profit sector c. Public sector

    1. Examine and evaluate how marketing is used in the B2B sector in the commercial, notforprofit and public sector

    2. Critically evaluate consumer marketing and businesstobusiness marketing;

    3. Predict future change and examine how the businesstobusiness organisation might adapt its resources so as to maintain competitive advantage both at the national and global level

    4. Understand the role of B2B marketing in the national and international business market place form both a theoretical and practical perspective

    4. Assess the ways of allocating resources in different economic units 5. Demonstrate an awareness of the different types of market structure (both product and factor markets) 6. Understand the likely impacts of various types of 'market failure' on business activity 7.Identify the key macroeconomic variables, understand how they are measured and be aware of their possible impacts on business activity; 8. Identify and understand the macroeconomic variables 9. Apply business principles to actual business

    situations in the context of real world

    Identify a macro economic change in the industry that the organisation functions in Explain the impact that the above mentioned change can have on your organisations B2B marketing process. Discuss the impact in terms of opportunities and threats that can occur as a result of this change. Taking the above context in to consideration, provide recommendations on how the organisation can capitalising on the above change Candidates are expected to explain how the organisation can adapt its resources in order obtain the above mentioned competitive advantage The answer should reflect both national and global level

  • Marketing Communications and Business to Business Marketing

    Student Name:

    Student Number:

    Assignment One: Written Assignment

    Work is assessed according to the assessment criteria


    Comment Marks




    Identify your target market that the organisation

    focuses on

    Recommend appropriate marketing communication

    strategies (Push, Pull and Profile) while using the

    promotional mix to create an integrated marketing

    communications plan for your organisation

    Discuss the usefulness of statistical data and

    quantitative indicators in evaluating the success of the

    communications plan formulated in the section above

    Identify a potential new product/service that the

    organisation intends releasing to the market

    Identify the ways in which you can use the

    promotional campaign that you intend designing to

    create competitive advantage of the marketing mix, in

    relation to the new product/service

    Evaluate the ways in which the use of internet and

    information technology can assist the organisation to

    further enhance the competitive advantage.

    Candidates can touch on areas such as SEO, web based

    marketing, email campaigns etc.

    Structure and presentation of work including use of Harvard referencing


    Total 50

    Overall comments:

  • Second markers comments:

    First Marker: Second Marker: Agreed Mark:

  • Assignment Two: Written Assignment

    Work is assessed according to the assessment criteria


    Comment Marks




    Define the term B2B Marketing

    Critically evaluate the key differences between B2B

    marketing and consumer marketing in the following


    a. Commercial sector b. Not-for-profit sector c. Public sector



    Identify a macro economic change in the industry that

    the organisation functions in

    Explain the impact that the above mentioned change

    can have on your organisations B2B marketing

    process. Discuss the impact in terms of opportunities

    and threats that can occur as a result of this change.

    Taking the above context in to consideration, provide

    recommendations on how the organisation can

    capitalising on the above change

    Candidates are expected to explain how the

    organisation can adapt its resources in order obtain

    the above mentioned competitive advantage

    The answer should reflect both national and global


    30 05





    Structure and presentation of work including use of Harvard referencing


  • Total 50

    Overall comments:

    Second markers comments:

    First Marker: Second Marker: Agreed Mark:

    Overall total: