Download - Ms Word 2007 Ans

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    Odesk Test Answers MSWORD 2007

    To find the answer press CTRL+F in your keyboard and type the word(s) you want to find.

    Which feature(s) should be selected in order to find and remove hidden data and personal

    information in Office documents?

    Ans: Docuent !nspector

    Which keyboard shortcut is used to make the text size smaller?

    Ans: CT!"#$%&T"' or ") CT! "

    Which amon the follo*in options *ill you use to add a command to the +uick ,ccess Toolbar?

    Ans: A## of the abo$e

    Which option(s) should you select to remove a chart or axis title from a chart?

    Ans: To reo$e an a%is tit#e& se#ect the Layout tab. !n the Labe#s 'roup& c#ick on A%is Tit#es& c#ick the type

    of a%is tit#e& and then c#ick one.

    Which of the follo*in t*o pararaphs is-are true for Word .//0?

    ()To show or hide forattin' arks in your editin' arkup * on the oe ribbon& in the ,ara'raph

    'roup& c#ick the -howide button.

    (") The -howide button wi## not hide a## the forattin' arks in the docuent if you se#ected those

    arks that are to be disp#ayed at a## ties (such as para'raph arks& tab characters& hidden te%t& optiona#

    hyphens& ob/ect anchors& or spaces). To turn off any or a## of these se#ected forattin' arks& fo##ow this

    procedure: C#ick the 0icrosoft 1ffice 2utton and then c#ick 3ord 1ptions. Then C#ick Disp#ay. 4nder

    5A#ways show these forattin' arks on the screen&5 c#ear the check bo%es for any forattin' arks that

    you do not want to show at a## ties in your docuents.

    Ans: 2oth () and (")

    This 6uestion is based upon the fi'ure shown be#ow

    %n the iven picture1the 2Washout2 option has been selected3 What purpose does it serve?

    Ans: !t #i'htens the picture so that it does not interfere with the te%t.

    The defau#t insta##ationof 3ord "778 inc#udes se$era# bui#t9in character sty#es. 3hich of the fo##owin' is

    1T one of the defau#t& bui#t9in character sty#es:

    Ans: -pecia# phasis

    This 6uestion is based upon the fi'ure shown be#ow

    !n soe cases& when #ists are cobined into one 5List&5 the forattin' is not updated. Refer to the picture

    'i$en abo$e. 3hich aon' the fo##owin' options shou#d be used to update this forattin';

    Ans: D

    3hich aon' the fo##owin' charts do not ha$e a%es;

    Ans: Dou'hnut charts
  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    0icrosoft naed two sty#es that work in 3ord "778 as both character and para'raph types as bein'

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    3hich aon' the fo##owin' ethods wou#d you se#ect when you want to add protection to parts of a


    Ans: o to the De$e#oper tab& c#ick on ,roperties in the Contro#s 'roup and then c#ick any of the Lockin'

    options in the Content Contro# ,roperties dia#o' bo%.

    3hich of the fo##owin' isare true about phishin';

    Ans: A## if the abo$e

    3ith the he#p of which $iew wi## the 3aterark not be seen;

    Ans: 3eb Layout $iew

    3hich of the fo##owin' types of charts are not supported by either Lines or 2ars& as shown in the picture;

    Ans: Area charts

    3hich aon' the fo##owin' features cou#d be used to create a connectionto a -hared etwork fo#der;

    Ans: 0ap etwork Dri$e

    dit trackin' chan'es are typica##y foratted in the fo##owin' anner: () de#etions*red strikethrou'hs&

    (") additions*'reen and under#ined& and () forattin' chan'es are ade bo#d in a#ost any other

    desired co#or. 3here in 3ord "778 cou#d you set your own custo forattin' options for trackin'


    Ans: -e#ect the Re$iew ribbon and then se#ect the trian'#e by Track Chan'es. !n the drop9down enu&

    se#ect 5Chan'e Trackin' 1ptions5 and then set your forattin' options in the Track Chan'es 1ptions

    dia#o' bo%.

    This 6uestion is based upon the fi'ure shown be#ow:

    Refer to the 'i$en picture. 3hich of the fo##owin' Line ubers shou#d be used when each pa'e has tobe'in with the nuber ;

    Ans: Restart ach ,a'e

    3hich keyboard shortcut cou#d be used to switch to Draft Eiew;

    Ans: ALT+CTRL+

    -tate whether true or fa#se:

    The 5Add Assistant5 shape option in a -artArt 'raphic is a$ai#ab#e on#y if an or'aniBation chart #ayout is


    Ans: True

    3hich $iew(s) cou#d be used to $iew the 6uation p#aceho#ders in the Docuent Eiews 'roup;

    Ans: A## of the abo$e

    This 6uestion is based upon the fi'ure shown be#ow

    Refer to the 'i$en ia'e. 3hich option shou#d be se#ected to con$ert a professiona##y foratted e6uation

    into an e6uation on one #ine;
  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    Ans: C

    3hich of the fo##owin' is not a Content Contro#;

    Ans: Chart

    This 6uestion is based upon the fi'ure shown be#owAns: uberin'

    3hich aon' the fo##owin' options shou#d be used to nuber the ce##s in a tab#e;

    Ans: -e#ect the tab#e ce##s that need to be nubered. 1n the oe tab& in the ,ara'raph 'roup& c#ick on


    3hich of the fo##owin' options repeats a tab#e headin' on subse6uent pa'es;

    Ans: Repeat eader Rows

    3hich keyboard shortcut cou#d be used to check the spe##in' of a te%t fi#e;

    Ans: F8

    3hich aon' the fo##owin' is not true re'ardin' the use of a pie chart;

    Ans: A pie chart shou#d be used when there are ore than se$en cate'ories.

    This 6uestion is based upon the fi'ure shown be#ow

    3hat is the a%iu nuber of co#uns that can be created in the Co#uns dia#o' bo% as shown in the



    This 6uestion is based upon the fi'ure shown be#ow

    Refer to the 'i$en ia'e. !n ,icture& a%es appear on the #eft side. 3hich settin'shou#d you use to ake

    the appear on the ri'ht side& as shown in ,icture";

    Ans: -e#ect the A%is 1ptions tab in the Forat A%is dia#o' bo%. -et the A%is #abe#s: fie#d to i'h.

    3hich aon' the fo##owin' acro settin's is eant for de$e#opers on#y;

    Ans: Trust access to the E2A pro/ect ob/ect ode#.

    -tate whether true or fa#se:

    A bui#din' b#ock can be added to as any 'a##eries as you want.

    Ans: True

    3hich of the fo##owin' isare true about phishin';

    Ans: !t is an on#ine fraud techni6ueused by criina#s to #ure users into disc#osin' their persona#


    3hich aon' the fo##owin' options is the reason of te%t de#etion at the insertion point when you type a


    Ans: The 5o$ertype ode5 is turned on in 3ord options.
  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    3hat is eant by nhanced -creenTips;

    Ans: nhanced -creenTips are #ar'er windows that disp#ay ore descripti$e te%t than a -creenTip and

    can ha$e a #ink to a e#p topic.

    -tate whether true or fa#se:

    Any chan'es that are sa$ed to 5ora#.dot5 wi## be app#ied to the docuents that you create in thefuture.

    Ans: True

    -tate whether true or fa#se:

    Chan'in' the Author property in the Docuent !nforation ,ane# of an e%istin' docuent has no effect

    on the 4ser nae settin' in the 3ord 1ptions dia#o' bo%.

    Ans: True

    This 6uestion is based upon the fi'ure shown be#ow

    ow wi## the 0essa'e 2ar a#erts be enab#ed as shown in the 'i$en picture;

    Ans: -e#ect 3ord 1ptions fro the 0icrosoft 1ffice 2utton. C#ick on Trust Center& then c#ick Trust Center

    -ettin's& and then c#ick 0essa'e 2ar.

    3hich aon' the fo##owin' is not a 2ookark option to sort the #ist of bookarks in the docuent;

    Ans: Author

    This 6uestion is based upon the fi'ure shown be#ow

    3hy is the 5Different First ,a'e5 option used in the ,a'e -etup dia#o' bo% as shown in the 'i$en picture;

    Ans: This option a##ows you to reo$e the ,a'e uber fro the first pa'e.

    3hich aon' the fo##owin' is a correct way to ake your fi#e 5Read9on#y;5Ans: C#ick 5-a$e As5 fro the 0icrosoft 1ffice 2utton. C#ick on Too#s and then c#ick enera# 1ptions.

    -e#ect the Read9on#y recoended check bo%. C#ick 1. C#ick on -a$e.

    3hich aon' the fo##owin' options shou#d be used to start a bu##eted #ist autoatica##y;

    Ans: Type (asterisk) and then press spacebar or the Tab key.

    3hich of the fo##owin' can be the reason for the appearance of the red G& as shown in the picture;

    Ans: A## of the abo$e

    predefined #ist sty#es are a$ai#ab#e when you first create a docuent in 3ord "778.

    Ans: Fa#se

    3hat steps shou#d be fo##owed to rep#ace a shape with other shape;

    Ans: -e#ect the shape to be chan'ed. -e#ect the Forat tabH use the 5Chan'e -hape5 button in the

    -hape -ty#es 'roup.

    @ust as in 3ord "77 or prior 3ord $ersions& the defau#t standard $iew for 3ord "778 is the Draft $iew

    (and is sti## a#so ca##ed the ora# $iew in 3ord "778):

    Ans: Fa#se

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    3hich aon' the fo##owin' options cou#d be used to turn off the 1ffice C#ipboard;

    Ans: A## of the abo$e

    -tate whether true or fa#se:

    A-C!!9foratted te%t contains no forattin' inforation such as bo#d& ita#ic& or fonts.Ans: True

    -tate whether true or fa#se:

    ew te%t aniation effects can be app#ied in 0icrosoft 3ord "778.

    Ans: Fa#se

    -tate whether true or fa#se:

    1nce a bu##et is reo$ed fro the 52u##et Library5 and it is no #on'er a$ai#ab#e in the 5Docuent 2u##ets5

    area& the bu##et cannot be added back to the 2u##et Library.

    Ans: Fa#se

    This 6uestion is based upon the fi'ure shown be#ow

    ow wi## you insert te%t bo%es for a printed for;

    Ans: -e#ect the !nsert tab& in the Te%t 'roup& c#ick on Te%t 2o% and then se#ect Draw Te%t 2o%.

    This 6uestion is based upon the fi'ure shown be#ow

    Refer to the 'i$en picture. 3hich of the fo##owin' options turns off nhanced -creenTips but keeps the

    -creenTips sti## $isib#e;

    Ans: 2

    This 6uestion is based upon the fi'ure shown be#ow

    3hat is the purpose of the 5Deote5 button as shown in the dia'ra;

    Ans: !t increases the #e$e# of a se#ected bu##et or a shape.

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    oDesk Word 2007 Test is a very important test. Do you

    100% pass the test? Check some links belo !or the

    other oDesk test ansers.This is aoDesk help!ul blo"

    and the best source !or in!ormative and educative

    ritin" about oDesk test ansers any sub#ects. $ts

    e&cellent process !or all oDesk knoled"e !inders. $t

    is very use!ul !or !reelancin" #ob. 'hare( Cheers and

    )o ahead( *est +uck..........

    oDesk Test Answers MSWORD 2007To find the answer press CTRL+F in yor key!oard and type the

    word"s# yo want to find$

    SET NO. 1

    SET NO. 2

    SET NO. 3

    SET NO. 4

    SET NO. 5

    %estion &' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* options shod !e sed

    to start a !eted ist ato)ati(ay,

    Ans' a$ Type - "asterisk# and then press spa(e!ar or the Ta!


    !$ Type . and then press the spa(e!ar key$

    ($ Type . and then press /nter$$

    d$ one of the a!o1e$

    %estion 2' Whi(h featre"s# shod !e see(ted in order to find

    and re)o1e hidden data and persona infor)ation on offi(e

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    a$ o*$

    !$ aons$

    Ans' ($ Do()ent inspe(tor$

    d$ A of the a!o1e$%estion 3' Whi(h key!oard short(t is sed to )ake the te4t

    si5e s)aer,

    a$ ALT+S6FT+8

    !$ CTRL+S6FT+9

    Ans' ($ CTRL+S6FT+:

    d$ ALT+S6FT+

    %estion ;' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* options wi yo se to

    add a (o))and to the %i(k A((ess Too!ar,

    a$ Ci(k on (sto)i5e and (hoose the (o))and fro) the ist to !e


    !$ Ci(k on the Mi(rosoft !tton and then see(t word options$

    Ci(k on (sto)i5ed$

    ($ On the ri!!on? (i(k the appropriate ta! or *rop to dispaythe (o))and that yo want to add to the %i(k a((ess too!ar$

    Ri*ht (i(k on the (o))and and then (i(k on =Add to on the short(t )en$

    Ans' d$ A of the a!o1e$

    %estion @' Whi(h option"s# shod yo see(t to re)o1e a (hart

    or a4is tite fro) a (hart,

    Ans' To re)o1e an a4is tite? see(t the Layot ta!$ n the La!es

    *rop? (i(k on A4is Tites? (i(k the type of a4is tite? and then

    (i(k one$

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion ' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* is a (orre(t way to

    )ake yor fie =ReadBony>,

    a$ Ci(k on Open fro) the Mi(rosoft Offi(e tton$ Ci(k on

    Toos? see(t the ReadBony re(o))ended (he(k !o4$ Ci(k O$!$ See(t the te4t yo ha1e typed? ri*ht (i(k on the )ose and

    see(t the =As Re(o))ended> option and sa1e it$

    Ans ($ Ci(k =Sa1e As> fro) the Mi(rosoft Offi(e tton$

    Ci(k on Toos and then (i(k enera Options$ See(t the ReadB

    ony re(o))ended (he(k !o4$ Ci(k O$ Ci(k on Sa1e$

    d$ one of the a!o1e$

    %estion 7' Whi(h of the foowin* two para*raphs isEare trefor Word 2007,

    "To show or hide for)attin* )arks in yor editin* )arkp

    on the 6o)e ri!!on? in the Gara*raph *rop? (i(k the

    ShowE6ide !tton$

    "2# The ShowE6ide !tton wi not hide a the for)attin* )arks

    in the do()ent if yo see(ted those )arks that are to !e

    dispayed at a ti)es "s(h as para*raph )arks? ta! (hara(ters?

    hidden te4t? optiona hyphens? o!He(t an(hors? or spa(es#$ To

    trn off any or a of these see(ted for)attin* )arks? foow this

    pro(edre' Ci(k the Mi(rosoft Offi(e tton and then (i(k

    Word Options$ Then Ci(k Dispay$ Inder JAways show these

    for)attin* )arks on the s(reen?J (ear the (he(k !o4es for any

    for)attin* )arks that yo do not want to show at a ti)es in

    yor do()ents$

    Ans' oth " and "2#

    %estion K' This

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    Ans' t i*htens the pi(tre so that it does not interfere with the


    %estion ' The defat instaation of Word 2007 in(des

    se1era !itBin (hara(ter styes$ Whi(h of the foowin* is OTone of the defat? !itBin (hara(ter stye$

    a$ /)phasis$

    Ans' !$ Spe(ia /)phasis$

    ($ S!te /)phasis$

    d$ ntense /)phasis$

    %estion &0' This

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion &;' Mi(rosoft na)ed two styes that work in Word

    2007 as !oth (hara(ter and para*raph types as !ein*


    Ans' Linked%estion &@' To enter a sy)!o or spe(ia (hara(ter into yor

    do()ent "to where the (rsor is o(ated#? whi(h of the

    foowin* )ethods (od yo e)poy in Word 2007,

    Ans' Open the nsert ri!!on$ Ci(k Sy)!o in the Sy)!os

    *rop$ A )en wi appear with a s)a see(tion of sy)!os$ f

    yo donNt see the sy)!o or (hara(ter yoNd ike to insert? (i(k

    More Sy)!os$ Choose the spe(ia (hara(ter "or sy)!o# thatyo want and then (i(k nsert and (i(k Cose$

    %estion &' o are editin* a fi*re sin* the Drawin* Toos 9

    For)at options$ Whi(h a)on* the foowin* Shape Fi options

    in the Shape Styes *rop adds a soid (oor and transparen(y to

    a shape,

    a$ o fi$

    Ans' !$ More fi (oors$($ a(k*rond (oor$

    d$ Te4tre

    %estion &7' When yo sa1e a do()ent as a We! pa*e? the

    te4tres and *radients are sa1ed as PG/ fies and the patterns

    are sa1ed as F fies$

    Ans' a$ Tre$

    !$ fase$

    %estion &K' 6ow wi yo set the defat font so that e1ery ti)e

    yo open Mi(rosoft Word it wi se the settin*s that yo had


  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    A$ Ci(k on the Mi(rosoft tton and see(t Word options$ Ci(k

    on Dispay and then see(t =Defat font settin*s$>

    Ans' $ See(t the 6o)e ta!? and then (i(k the Font Diao* o4

    Lan(her$ See(t the font stye and si5e$ Ci(k on DefatQ andthen (i(k es$

    C$ oth a and !

    D$ one of the a!o1e

    %estion &' Whi(h of the foowin* ineBspa(in* options sets

    fi4ed ine spa(in* that Word does not adHst,

    Ans' Do!ed

    %estion 20' 6ow wi yo (han*e the athor na)e in an

    e4istin* do()ent,

    Ans' A of the a!o1e

    %estion 2&' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* is not a ook)ark

    option to sort the ist of !ook)arks in the do()ent,

    Ans' Athor

    %estion 22' Mi(rosoft Offi(e pro*ra)s store so)e additiona

    infor)ation within the di*ita si*natre ato)ati(ay that )i*ht

    not !e 1isi!e in the (rrent 1iew do()ent$

    Ans' a$ Tre$

    !$ fase$

    %estion 23' What does the (o))and JWinword$e4e Ef

    MyDo()ent$do(4J )ean,Ans' This (o))and instr(ts Word to start and i))ediatey

    open a fie na)ed MyDo()ent$do(4$

    %estion 2;' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* is an in1aid (hara(ter

    to in(de in a fie na)e,

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    Ans' A of the a!o1e

    oDesk Word 2007 Test is a very important test. Do you

    100% pass the test? Check some links belo !or theother oDesk test ansers.This is aoDesk help!ul blo"

    and the best source !or in!ormative and educative

    ritin" about oDesk test ansers any sub#ects. $ts

    e&cellent process !or all oDesk knoled"e !inders. $t

    is very use!ul !or !reelancin" #ob. 'hare( Cheers and

    )o ahead( *est +uck..........

    oDesk Test Answers MSWORD 2007

    To find the answer press CTRL+F in yor key!oard and type the

    word"s# yo want to find$

    SET NO. 1

    SET NO. 2

    SET NO. 3SET NO. 4

    SET NO. 5

    %estion &' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* options shod !e sed

    to start a !eted ist ato)ati(ay,

    Ans' a$ Type - "asterisk# and then press spa(e!ar or the Ta!


    !$ Type . and then press the spa(e!ar key$($ Type . and then press /nter$$

    d$ one of the a!o1e$
  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion 2' Whi(h featre"s# shod !e see(ted in order to find

    and re)o1e hidden data and persona infor)ation on offi(e


    a$ o*$!$ aons$

    Ans' ($ Do()ent inspe(tor$

    d$ A of the a!o1e$

    %estion 3' Whi(h key!oard short(t is sed to )ake the te4t

    si5e s)aer,

    a$ ALT+S6FT+8

    !$ CTRL+S6FT+9Ans' ($ CTRL+S6FT+:

    d$ ALT+S6FT+

    %estion ;' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* options wi yo se to

    add a (o))and to the %i(k A((ess Too!ar,

    a$ Ci(k on (sto)i5e and (hoose the (o))and fro) the ist to !e

    (sto)i5ed$!$ Ci(k on the Mi(rosoft !tton and then see(t word options$

    Ci(k on (sto)i5ed$

    ($ On the ri!!on? (i(k the appropriate ta! or *rop to dispay

    the (o))and that yo want to add to the %i(k a((ess too!ar$

    Ri*ht (i(k on the (o))and and then (i(k on =Add to on the short(t )en$

    Ans' d$ A of the a!o1e$

    %estion @' Whi(h option"s# shod yo see(t to re)o1e a (hart

    or a4is tite fro) a (hart,

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    Ans' To re)o1e an a4is tite? see(t the Layot ta!$ n the La!es

    *rop? (i(k on A4is Tites? (i(k the type of a4is tite? and then

    (i(k one$

    %estion ' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* is a (orre(t way to)ake yor fie =ReadBony>,

    a$ Ci(k on Open fro) the Mi(rosoft Offi(e tton$ Ci(k on

    Toos? see(t the ReadBony re(o))ended (he(k !o4$ Ci(k O$

    !$ See(t the te4t yo ha1e typed? ri*ht (i(k on the )ose and

    see(t the =As Re(o))ended> option and sa1e it$

    Ans ($ Ci(k =Sa1e As> fro) the Mi(rosoft Offi(e tton$

    Ci(k on Toos and then (i(k enera Options$ See(t the ReadBony re(o))ended (he(k !o4$ Ci(k O$ Ci(k on Sa1e$

    d$ one of the a!o1e$

    %estion 7' Whi(h of the foowin* two para*raphs isEare tre

    for Word 2007,

    "To show or hide for)attin* )arks in yor editin* )arkp

    on the 6o)e ri!!on? in the Gara*raph *rop? (i(k the

    ShowE6ide !tton$"2# The ShowE6ide !tton wi not hide a the for)attin* )arks

    in the do()ent if yo see(ted those )arks that are to !e

    dispayed at a ti)es "s(h as para*raph )arks? ta! (hara(ters?

    hidden te4t? optiona hyphens? o!He(t an(hors? or spa(es#$ To

    trn off any or a of these see(ted for)attin* )arks? foow this

    pro(edre' Ci(k the Mi(rosoft Offi(e tton and then (i(k

    Word Options$ Then Ci(k Dispay$ Inder JAways show thesefor)attin* )arks on the s(reen?J (ear the (he(k !o4es for any

    for)attin* )arks that yo do not want to show at a ti)es in

    yor do()ents$

    Ans' oth " and "2#

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion K' This

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion &;' Mi(rosoft na)ed two styes that work in Word

    2007 as !oth (hara(ter and para*raph types as !ein*


    Ans' Linked

    %estion &@' To enter a sy)!o or spe(ia (hara(ter into yor

    do()ent "to where the (rsor is o(ated#? whi(h of the

    foowin* )ethods (od yo e)poy in Word 2007,

    Ans' Open the nsert ri!!on$ Ci(k Sy)!o in the Sy)!os

    *rop$ A )en wi appear with a s)a see(tion of sy)!os$ f

    yo donNt see the sy)!o or (hara(ter yoNd ike to insert? (i(kMore Sy)!os$ Choose the spe(ia (hara(ter "or sy)!o# that

    yo want and then (i(k nsert and (i(k Cose$

    %estion &' o are editin* a fi*re sin* the Drawin* Toos 9

    For)at options$ Whi(h a)on* the foowin* Shape Fi options

    in the Shape Styes *rop adds a soid (oor and transparen(y to

    a shape,

    a$ o fi$Ans' !$ More fi (oors$

    ($ a(k*rond (oor$

    d$ Te4tre

    %estion &7' When yo sa1e a do()ent as a We! pa*e? the

    te4tres and *radients are sa1ed as PG/ fies and the patterns

    are sa1ed as F fies$

    Ans' a$ Tre$!$ fase$

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion &K' 6ow wi yo set the defat font so that e1ery ti)e

    yo open Mi(rosoft Word it wi se the settin*s that yo had


    A$ Ci(k on the Mi(rosoft tton and see(t Word options$ Ci(kon Dispay and then see(t =Defat font settin*s$>

    Ans' $ See(t the 6o)e ta!? and then (i(k the Font Diao* o4

    Lan(her$ See(t the font stye and si5e$ Ci(k on DefatQ and

    then (i(k es$

    C$ oth a and !

    D$ one of the a!o1e

    %estion &' Whi(h of the foowin* ineBspa(in* options setsfi4ed ine spa(in* that Word does not adHst,

    Ans' Do!ed

    %estion 20' 6ow wi yo (han*e the athor na)e in an

    e4istin* do()ent,

    Ans' A of the a!o1e

    %estion 2&' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* is not a ook)arkoption to sort the ist of !ook)arks in the do()ent,

    Ans' Athor

    %estion 22' Mi(rosoft Offi(e pro*ra)s store so)e additiona

    infor)ation within the di*ita si*natre ato)ati(ay that )i*ht

    not !e 1isi!e in the (rrent 1iew do()ent$

    Ans' a$ Tre$

    !$ fase$

    %estion 23' What does the (o))and JWinword$e4e Ef

    MyDo()ent$do(4J )ean,

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    Ans' This (o))and instr(ts Word to start and i))ediatey

    open a fie na)ed MyDo()ent$do(4$

    %estion 2;' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* is an in1aid (hara(ter

    to in(de in a fie na)e,Ans' A of the a!o1e

    oDesk Word 2007 Test is a very important test. Do you

    100% pass the test? Check some links belo !or the

    other oDesk test ansers.This is aoDesk help!ul blo"

    and the best source !or in!ormative and educativeritin" about oDesk test ansers any sub#ects. $ts

    e&cellent process !or all oDesk knoled"e !inders. $t

    is very use!ul !or !reelancin" #ob. 'hare( Cheers and

    )o ahead( *est +uck..........

    oDesk Test Answers MSWORD 2007

    To find the answer press CTRL+F in yor key!oard and type theword"s# yo want to find$

    SET NO. 1

    SET NO. 2

    SET NO. 3

    SET NO. 4

    SET NO. 5

    %estion 2@' State whether tre or fase' ridines do not print

    when a do()ent is printed$

    Ans' a$ Tre$
  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    !$ fase$

    %estion 2' Whi(h key!oard short(t inserts a hyperink,

    a$ CTRL+6$

    !$ CTRL+M$($ CTRL+G$

    Ans' d$ CTRL+ $

    %estion 27' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* )ethods wod yo

    see(t when yo want to add prote(tion to parts of a te)pate,

    Ans' o to the De1eoper ta!? (i(k on Groperties in the

    Contros *rop and then (i(k any of the Lo(kin* options in theContent Contro Groperties diao* !o4$

    %estion 2K' Whi(h of the foowin* isEare tre a!ot phishin*,

    a$ Offi(e 2007 has a featre to dispay a se(rity aert a!ot a

    sspi(ios We! address$

    Ans' !$ t is an onine frad te(hni

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion 32' 6ow wi the Messa*e ar aerts !e ena!ed as

    shown in the *i1en pi(tre,

    a$ See(t the iew ta! and then see(t the Messa*e ar featre

    fro) the Windows List$Ans' !$ See(t Word Option fro) the Mi(rosoft Offi(e tton$

    Ci(k on Trst Center? then (i(k )essa*e !ar$

    ($ see(t word option fro) the Mi(rosoft offi(e !tton$ Ci(k

    dispay and then see(t )essa*e !ar$

    d$ one of the a!o1e$

    %estion 33' /dit tra(kin* (han*es are typi(ay for)atted in thefoowin* )anner' " deetionsred strikethro*hs? "2#

    additions*reen and nderined? and "3# for)attin* (han*es are

    )ade !od in a)ost any other desired (oor$ Where in Word

    2007 (od yo set yor own (sto) for)attin* options for

    tra(kin* (han*es,

    a$ See(t the Offi(e !tton and then see(t Word Options$ n

    the Word Options diao* !o4? see(t Groofin* and then set yor

    for)attin* options$Ans' !$ See(t the Re1iew ri!!on and then see(t the trian*e

    !y Tra(k Chan*es$ n the dropBdown )en? see(t =Chan*e

    Tra(kin* Options> and then set yor for)attin* options in the

    Tra(k Chan*es Options diao* !o4$$

    ($ See(t the Offi(e !tton and then see(t Tra(k Chan*es$

    Set yor for)attin* options in the Tra(k Chan*es Options diao*

    !o4$d$ See(t the Offi(e !tton and then see(t Word Options$ n

    the Word Options diao* !o4? see(t Csto)i5e and then set yor

    own (sto)i5ed for)attin* options$

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion 3;' Refer to the *i1en pi(tre$ Whi(h of the foowin*

    ine n)!ers shod !e sed when ea(h pa*e has to !e*in with

    the n)!er &,

    A$ ContinosAns' $ Restart ea(h pa*e

    C$ Restart /a(h Se(tion

    D$ Sppress for Crrent Gara*raph

    %estion 3@' State whether tre or fase'

    Chan*in* the Athor property in the Do()ent nfor)ation

    Gane of an e4istin* do()ent has no effe(t on the Iser na)e

    settin* in the Word Options diao* !o4$Ans' a$ tre$

    !$ fase$

    %estion 3' Whi(h key!oard short(t (od !e sed to swit(h

    to Draft iew,

    a$ ALT+CTRL+G$

    !$ ALT+CTRL+O$

    Ans' ($ ALT+CTRL+$d$ one of the a!o1e$

    %estion 37' The =Add Assistant> shape option in a S)artArt

    *raphi( is a1aia!e ony if an or*ani5ation (hart ayot is


    Ans' a$ Tre$

    !$ fase$

    %estion 3K' Whi(h 1iew"s# (od !e sed to 1iew the /

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion 3' This

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion ;@' Whi(h key!oard short(t (od !e sed to (he(k

    the spein* of a te4t fie,

    Ans' a$ F7

    !$ F($ F@

    d$ one of the a!o1e

    %estion ;' What is )eant !y /nhan(ed S(reenTips,

    Ans' /nhan(ed S(reenTips are ar*er windows that dispay

    )ore des(ripti1e te4t than a S(reenTip and (an ha1e a ink to a

    6ep topi($

    %estion ;7' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* is not tre re*ardin*

    the se of a pie (hart,

    Ans' a$ A pie (hart (od !e sed when there is ony one data

    series to !e potted$

    !$ A pie (hart (od !e sed when the data points in a pie

    (hart are dispayed as a per(enta*e of the whoe pie$

    ($ A pie (hart (od !e sed when none of the 1aes that

    need to !e potted on the (hart is ne*ati1e$Ans' d$ A pie (hart shod !e sed when there are )ore than

    se1en (ate*ories$

    %estion ;K' This

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    ET NO. 3 : L 49 TO 72

    ET NO. 4 : L 73 TO 96

    ET NO. 5 : L 97 TO 123

    Gosted !y Mdr ader at '02'00 GMLa!es' ahead? est L(k? (ate*ories?Cheers? e4(eent

    pro(ess? fi*re? freean(in* Ho!$ Share?hepf?knowed*e? Messa*e? MS Word 2007?oDesk?or*ani5ation?per(enta*e? Test Answers? typi(ay

    oDesk Word 2007 Test is a very important test. Do you

    100% pass the test? Check some links belo !or the

    other oDesk test ansers.This is aoDesk help!ul blo"

    and the best source !or in!ormative and educative

    ritin" about oDesk test ansers any sub#ects. $ts

    e&cellent process !or all oDesk knoled"e !inders. $t

    is very use!ul !or !reelancin" #ob. 'hare( Cheers and)o ahead( *est +uck..........

    oDesk Test Answers MSWORD 2007

    To find the answer press CTRL+F in yor key!oard and type the

    word"s# yo want to find$

    SET NO. 1SET NO. 2

    SET NO. 3

    SET NO. 4

    SET NO. 5
  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion ;' This

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion @;' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* options (od !e sed

    to trn off the Offi(e Cip!oard,

    Ans' A of the a!o1e

    %estion @@' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* options is the reasonof te4t deetion at the insertion point when yo type a


    Ans' The Jo1ertype )odeJ is trned on in Word options$

    %estion @' ASCBfor)atted te4t (ontains no for)attin*

    infor)ation s(h as !od? itai(? or fonts$

    Ans' a$ Tre!$ Fase

    %estion @7' ew te4t ani)ation effe(ts (an !e appied in

    Mi(rosoft Word 2007$

    a$ Tre

    Ans' !$ Fase

    %estion @K' State whether tre or fase'

    On(e a !et is re)o1ed fro) the Jet Li!raryJ and it is no

    on*er a1aia!e in the JDo()ent etsJ area? the !et

    (annot !e added !a(k to the et Li!rary$

    Ans' Fase

    %estion @' 6ow wi yo insert te4t !o4es for a printed for),

    a$ See(t the insert ta!? in the header footer *rop see(t the

    Te4t !o4Ans' !$ See(t the insert ta!? n the te4t *rop? (i(k on Te4t !o4

    and then see(t draw te4t !o4$

    ($ See(t the pa*e ayot ta!? in the pa*e setp *rop? see(t the

    Te4t !o4$

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    d$ one of the a!o1e$

    %estion 0' A !idin* !o(k (an !e added to as )any *aeries

    as yo want$

    Ans' a$ Tre!$ Fase

    %estion &' Refer to the *i1en pi(tre$ Whi(h of the foowin*

    options trns off /nhan(ed S(reenTips !t keeps the S(reenTips

    sti 1isi!e,

    a$ A

    Ans' !$ ($ C

    d$ one of the a!o1e

    %estion 2' This

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion @' This

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    a$ Chan*e dashed to none$

    !$ Chan*e wei*ht to 0 pt$

    Ans' ($ Chan*e ine (oor to no (oor$

    d$ Chan*e stye to none$%estion 72' This

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion 73' This ,

    a$ Ci(k on Open fro) the Mi(rosoft Offi(e tton$ Ci(k on

    Toos? see(t the ReadBony re(o))ended (he(k !o4$ Ci(k O$!$ See(t the te4t yo ha1e typed? ri*ht (i(k on the )ose and

    see(t the =As Re(o))ended> option and sa1e it$

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    Ans' ($ Ci(k =Sa1e As> fro) the Mi(rosoft Offi(e tton$ Ci(k

    on Toos and then (i(k enera Options$ See(t the ReadBony

    re(o))ended (he(k !o4$ Ci(k O$ Ci(k on Sa1e$

    d$ one of the a!o1e$%estion 7K' This !o4$

    ($ one of the a!o1e$

    d$ oth a and !$

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion K2' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* is a key!oard short(t

    to nderine !ank spa(e for a for),

    a$ Ctr + 6yphen"B#$

    Ans' !$ Shift + 6yphen"B#$($ At + 6yphen"B#$

    d$ A of the a!o1eV$

    %estion K3' Whi(h of the foowin* is the (orre(t order to

    (on1ert a ta!e to te4t,

    a$ See(t the ta!e? ri*htB(i(k on it? and see(t =(on1ert to

    te4t>$Ans !$ Inder ta!e toos? on the insert ta!? in the ta!es

    *rop? (i(k on the =(on1ert to te4t>$

    ($ one of the a!o1e$

    %estion K;' State whether tre or fase$

    n Mi(rosoft Word? a dia*ra) (an !e (on1erted to indi1ida


    a$ Tre$Ans !$ fase$

    %estion K@' 6ow does the =tter )ar*in> hep whie sin*

    Ga*e Setp? as shown in the pi(tre,

    Ans' a$ t ensres that the te4t is not o!s(red !y !indin*$

    !$ t pre1ents the =F S(reen Readin*> 1iew fro) openin*


    ($ t dispays the fied rests instead of fied (odes$d$ A of the a!o1e$

    %estion K' 6ow wod yo di1ide yor word 2007 do()ent

    into three (o)ns,

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    a$ Gosition yor (rsor where yo wod ike to insert the

    (o)ns$ Open the insert ri!!on$ n the pa*es *rop? (i(k

    (o)ns? see(t three$

    !$ Gosition yor (rsor where yo wod ike to insert the(o)ns$ Open the insert ri!!on$ n the pa*e *rop? (i(k Ga*e

    !reak$ See(t three$

    Ans' ($ Gosition yor (rsor where yo wod ike to insert

    the (o)ns$ Open the pa*e ayot ri!!on$ n the arran*e

    se(tion? see(t three$

    d$ Gosition yor (rsor where yo wod ike to insert the

    (o)ns$ Open the pa*e ayot ri!!on$ n the pa*e setp

    se(tion ? (i(k (o)ns see(t three$

    %estion K7' With whi(h (hart type"s# isEare the =Depth

    ridine> options a1aia!e,

    a$ !!e (hart$

    !$ Line (hart$

    Ans' ($ Tre 3BD (hart$

    d$ A of the a!o1e$

    %estion KK' State whether the foowin* state)ent is Tre or


    On(e a )a(ro is rnnin*? it is not possi!e to stop it$

    a$ Tre$

    Ans' !$ fase$

    %estion K' Whi(h of the foowin* is tre a!ot phishin*,

    Ans' a$ A of the a!o1e$

    %estion 0' The

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion &' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* )a(ro settin*s is

    )ean for de1eopers ony,

    a$ Disa!e a )a(ros with notifi(ation$

    !$ Disa!e a )a(ros with notifi(ation$($ /na!e a )a(ros$

    Ans' d$ Trst a((ess to the A proHe(t o!He(t )ode$

    %estion 2' Whi(h (o))andBine swit(h and para)eter starts

    word 2007 withot dispayin* the word spash s(reen,

    Ans' a$ E

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    one of the a!o1e$ Word 2007 (annot do (ross referen(es$

    %estion 3' The Ri!!on is a new featre for Mi(rosoft Offi(e

    2007$ There are se1era ways to trn off the Ri!!on in order to

    sa1e spa(e on yor (o)pter$ Whi(h of the foowin* (anoptionay trn off the Ri!!on in Word 2007,

    a$ Ci(k the Down arrow to the ri*ht of the %i(k A((ess too!ar

    !tton and see(t =Mini)i5e the Ri!!on$>

    !$ See(t the iew ta! and see(t the =Do()ent Map> (he(k

    !o4 option in the ShowE6ide *rop$

    ($ Gress Ctr+F&$ "Gress Ctr+F& a se(ond ti)e to )ake it

    reappear a*ain$#d$ Do!eB(i(k the (rrenty a(ti1e ta! "the ta! that is in fo(s#

    a!o1e the Ri!!on$

    e$ A of the a!o1e

    %estion ;' The draft 1iew was (aed the nor)a 1iew in

    1ersions of word prior to word 2007$ The draft 1iew (an hep

    with settin* the pa*e and se(tion !reaks for the do()ent$

    Whi(h of the foowin* (od !e sed to see(t the draft 1iew fora do()ent,

    a$Open the 1iew ri!!on$ Ci(k draft in the do()ent 1iews


    !$See(t the offi(e !tton and then see(t word options$ n the

    word options diao*e !o4? see(t dispay and (he(k draft (he(k

    !o4 nder pa*e dispay options$

    ($ Ci(k draft i(on on the stats !ar

    %estion @' What steps shod !e foowed to repa(e a shape

    with another shape,

    Ans' a$ See(t the shape to !e (han*ed$ See(t the For)at ta!

    se the =Chan*e Shape> !tton in the Shape Styes *rop$

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    !$ See(t the shape to !e (han*ed$ Ri*ht (i(k on the )ose

    !tton and (hoose the =Chan*e Shape> option$

    ($ See(t the shape to !e (han*ed$ See(t the nsert ta! and see(t

    =Another Shape> in the strations *rop$d$ one of the a!o1e

    d$ A of the a!o1e$

    %estion ' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* is a key!oard short(t

    to nderine !ank spa(es for a for),

    a$ Ctr + 6yphen"B#

    Ans' !$ Shift + 6yphen"B#

    ($ At + 6yphen"B#d$ A of the a!o1e

    ($ C$

    d$ one of the a!o1e$

    oDesk MS Word 2007 Test Answers Today - 5

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    oDesk Word 2007 Test is a very important test. Do you

    100% pass the test? Check some links belo !or the

    other oDesk test ansers.This is aoDesk help!ul blo"

    and the best source !or in!ormative and educative

    ritin" about oDesk test ansers any sub#ects. $ts

    e&cellent process !or all oDesk knoled"e !inders. $t

    is very use!ul !or !reelancin" #ob. 'hare( Cheers and

    )o ahead( *est +uck..........
  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    oDesk Test Answers MSWORD 2007

    To find the answer press CTRL+F in yor key!oard and type the

    word"s# yo want to find$

    SET NO. 1

    SET NO. 2

    SET NO. 3

    SET NO. 4

    SET NO. 5

    %estion 7' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* options wod yo

    (hoose to ato)ati(ay enter the (rrent date,

    Ans' a$ See(t the insert ta! and then see(t date and ti)e in thete4t *rop$ Choose one of the a1aia!e for)ats in the date and

    ti)e diao* !o4$

    !$ Type the first for (hara(ters of the (rrent day of the week$

    ($ See(t the ho)e ta! and then see(t date in the te4t *rop$

    Choose one of the a1aia!e for)ats in

    the date diao* !o4$

    d$ one of the a!o1e$
  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion K' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* options wi !e sed to

    see(t a para*raph at on(e with the hep of a )ose,

    a$ Do!eB(i(k anywhere on the word$

    Ans' !$ TripeB(i(k anywhere in the para*raph$

    ($ Ci(k at the start of the see(tion$

    d$ one of the a!o1e

    %estion ' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* options is not trere*ardin* a )a(ro,

    a$ A )a(ro is sed to ato)ate a (o)pe4 series of tasks$

    !$ The )a(ro re(order is sed to re(ord a se

    type of Ga*e Layot,

    a$ )a*e

    !$ Gi(tre

    Ans' ($ Gortrait

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    d$ A of the a!o1e

    %estion &0&' Whi(h of the foowin* (harts dispay =/rror!ars> for 4 1aes? y 1aes? or !oth,

    a$ 8 "S(atter# (harts

    !$ !!e (harts

    Ans' ($ oth a and !

    d$ one of the a!o1e

    %estion &02' Whi(h of the foowin* is not tre a!ot =For)at


    a$ For)at Gainter is sed to appy te4t for)attin* and so)e !asi(

    *raphi(s for)attin*? s(h as !orders and fis$

    !$ For)at Gainter works !est with drawin* o!He(ts? s(h as


    Ans' ($ For)at Gainter (an (opy the font and font si5e on

    WordArt te4t$

    %estion' 33

    %estion &03' State whether tre or fase'

    Chan*es that are )ade on the Worksheet are ato)ati(ay

    pdated in the (hart$

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    a$ Tre

    Ans' !$ fase

    %estion &0; n Mi(rosoft Word? a dia*ra) (an !e (on1erted to

    indi1ida shapes$

    a$ Tre$

    Ans' !$ fase$

    %estion &0@ On(e a )a(ro is rnnin*? it is not possi!e to stop


    a$ Tre$

    Ans' !$ fase$

    %estion &0 Ga(ehoder (itations appear in the !i!io*raphy$

    Ans' a$ Tre

    !$ Fase

    %estion &07 Swit(hes and para)eters are not (aseBsensiti1e$

    Ans' a$ Tre

    !$ Fase

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion &0K This hep whie sin*

    Ga*e Setp? as shown in the pi(tre,

    Ans' a$ t ensres that the te4t is not o!s(red !y !indin*$

    !$ t pre1ents the =F S(reen Readin*> 1iew fro) openin*ato)ati(ay$

    ($ t dispays the fied rests instead of fied (odes$

    d$ A of the a!o1e

    %estion &&0' What does the i(on )arked with YAZ on the stats

    !ar on the !otto) of the pa*e indi(ate in the *i1en pi(tre,

    a$ t indi(ates that the do()ent (ontains a 1irs$

    !$ t indi(ates a water)ark$

    ($ t indi(ates that Mai Mer*e is o1er$

    Ans' d$ t indi(ates that the do()ent (ontains a si*natre

    %estion &&2' n Gi(tre&? the (he(k !o4 has a *ray !a(k*rond$

    Whi(h a)on* the foowin* Le*a(y Toos "see(t the De1eoper

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    ta! and then the Contros *rop# wi !e sed to re)o1e the *ray

    shadin* in Gi(tre2,

    a$ A


    ($ C

    d$ D

    %estion &&3'n the *i1en pi(tre? the =eep Te4t Fat> optionhas !een see(ted$ What is the se of this featre,

    a$ When this option is see(ted? the te4t inside the shape foows

    the shapeZs front srfa(e as it rotates$

    !$ t )o1es the shape !a(kward or forward in 3BD spa(e$

    Ans' ($ t pre1ents te4t inside the shape fro) rotatin* when the

    shape is rotated$

    d$ A of the a!o1e

    %estion &&3' For what prpose is the S)artArt *raphi( (ontro

    sed? as shown in the pi(tre,

    a$ t is sed to rotate the S)artArt *raphi($

    !$ t is sed to add a water)ark on shapes$

    Ans' ($ t shows the Te4t Gane on (i(kin* the (ontro$

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    d$ one of the a!o1e

    %estion &&;'Refer to the *i1en i)a*e? whi(h option shod !e(hosen to see(t the styes that appear !y defat in the

    re(o))ended ist whie for)attin*,

    a$ A

    Ans' !$

    ($ C

    d$ one of a!o1e

    %estion &&@' Whi(h of the foowin* is the (orre(t order to

    (on1ert a ta!e to te4t,

    a$ See(t the ta!e? ri*htB(i(k on it? and see(t =(on1ert to


    Ans !$ Inder ta!e toos? on the insert ta!? in the ta!es

    *rop? (i(k on the =(on1ert to te4t>$

    ($ one of the a!o1e$

    %estion' &&' 6ow does the =tter )ar*in> hep whie sin*Ga*e Setp? as shown in the pi(tre,

    Ans a$ t ensres that the te4t is not o!s(red !y !indin*$

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    !$ t pre1ents the =F S(reen Readin*> 1iew fro) openin*


    ($ t dispays the fied rests instead of fied (odes$

    d$ A of the a!o1e$

    %estion' &&7' 6ow wod yo di1ide yor word 2007

    do()ent into three (o)ns,

    a$ Gosition yor (rsor where yo wod ike to insert the

    (o)ns$ Open the insert ri!!on$ n the pa*es *rop? (i(k

    (o)ns? see(t three$

    !$ Gosition yor (rsor where yo wod ike to insert the

    (o)ns$ Open the insert ri!!on$ n the pa*e *rop? (i(k Ga*e

    !reak$ See(t three$

    Ans ($ Gosition yor (rsor where yo wod ike to insert

    the (o)ns$ Open the pa*e ayot ri!!on$ n the arran*e

    se(tion? see(t three$

    Ans' d$ Gosition yor (rsor where yo wod ike to insert

    the (o)ns$ Open the pa*e ayot ri!!on$ n the pa*e setp

    se(tion ? (i(k (o)ns see(t three$

    %estion &&K' State whether tre or fase'

    When yo sa1e a do()ent as a We! pa*e? the te4tres and

    *radients are sa1ed as PG/ fies and the patterns are sa1ed as

    F fies$

    Ans' Tre

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    %estion &&' With whi(h (hart type"s# isEare the =Depth

    ridine> options a1aia!e,a$ !!e (hart$

    !$ Line (hart$

    Ans' ($ Tre 3BD (hart$

    d$ A of the a!o1e$

    %estion &20 ' State whether the foowin* state)ent is Tre or


    On(e a )a(ro is rnnin*? it is not possi!e to stop it$

    a$ Tre$

    Ans' !$ fase$

    %estion &2&' Whi(h of the foowin* is tre a!ot phishin*,

    a$ A of the a!o1e$

    %estions' &22' Whi(h a)on* the foowin* )a(ro settin*s is

    )ean for de1eopers ony,

    a$ Disa!e a )a(ros with notifi(ation$

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    !$ Disa!e a )a(ros with notifi(ation$

    ($ /na!e a )a(ros$

    Ans' d$ Trst a((ess to the A proHe(t o!He(t )ode$

    %estion &23' Whi(h (o))andBine swit(h and para)eter starts

    word 2007 withot dispayin* the word spash s(reen,

    Ans' a$ E

  • 7/24/2019 Ms Word 2007 Ans


    ($ Open the insert ri!!on? (i(k sy)!o in the sy)!os *rop$ A

    )en wi appear with a s)a see(tion of sy)!os$ f yo donZt

    see the sy)!o or (hara(ter yoZd ike to insert? (i(k )ore

    sy)!os$ Choose the spe(ia (hara(ter "or sy)!o# that yo wantthen (i(k insert and (i(k (ose$

    d$ Open the ho)e ri!!on? (i(k sy)!o in the te4t *rop$ A

    )en wi appear with a s)a see(tion of sy)!o$ f yo donZt

    see the sy)!o or (hara(ter yoZd ike to insert? (i(k )ore

    sy)!os$ Choose the spe(ia (hara(ter "or sy)!o# that yo want

    and then (i(k ok$

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