Download - Mr Sutton - Teacher Miss Tait– Teaching Assistant.

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Mr Sutton - Teacher

Miss Tait– Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Otter Class

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English and Mathematics taught every day in the morning, where possible.

English lessons incorporate guided reading, grammar, spelling and punctuation work.

Foundation subjects in the afternoon, where possible.

Our science topic for the first term is Earth and Space.

Creative curriculum: two sessions each week.Our theme for the first terms is: ww2Incorporates geography, history, art, DT and music

(where possible).


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Consolidates work covered in class.One piece English or theme-based to be

chosen from a given list. This will be able to be completed in any order. One piece returned each Wednesday.

Maths sent home on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday.

Maths homework to be completed online, other homework in pencil or blue handwriting pen. All homework should be completed neatly and to a high standard.


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Reading books should be brought home every evening and read for at least 10 minutes.

Children will be provided with a reading book of an appropriate level.

Children may also choose their own books if they wish, but these must be in addition to the provided book.

Reading should be recorded in reading record books.Comments about the book can be made by the

parent or child.Listen to your child read where possible.Reading records in every day and this is recorded.


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Spelling tests each Friday.New spellings sent home on a Friday.


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Mental maths tests take place on a Tuesday.100 club – children will be made aware of the

times tables that need to be learnt. This will happen on a Friday.

Dependent on gaps in knowledge / any revision needed. Children may need to repeat a times table the following week if they are still struggling with it.

Times Tables and Mental Maths

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Classroom rules created by the children.

School rules and policy.Good to be Green.This may lead to a loss of Golden Time.Rewards for positive behaviour – house points,

stickers, certificates.

Parental support essential.


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Behaviour Scheme – Good to be Green

In every classroom.Aim to be green all week.Start on green each day.Yellow card for first

misdemeanour.Red card for continued

poor behaviour.

This will result in a Thinking About Behaviour sheet being sent home.

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Thinking About Behaviour sheet

Teacher fills in the top.

The child then fills in the bottom.

This will then be sent home for parents to sign and return. Comments can be added at the bottom.

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Details available on school website.All uniform should be clearly named.No jewellery apart from simple ear studs and

watches which should be removed for PE.No ‘extreme’ hairstyles.Make up and nail varnish not permitted.Sensible, smart black shoes: no trainers,

platform soles, open toes, heels.


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Timetabled for every Wednesday and 2 out of 3 Thursdays.

Kit should be in school at all times.Indoor kit: house t-shirt, white shorts,

plimsolls.Outdoor kit: plain dark coloured jogging

bottoms and sweatshirt and trainers.All PE kit should be clearly labelled.


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SpillsWe can’t lie, Year 5 is a very important year.In September next year, some of you will

undertake your 11+ tests.You will encounter NVR and VR papers.

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ThrillsResidential trips: Aylmerton – Year 5 Exciting themesTrips

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We are always available at the end of the school day.

We are happy to make appointments where necessary.

Contact books – please make sure your child is aware to hand this to an adult so nothing is missed.

Contact us

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Class reps and adult readers?
