Download - Mr. C's Prescription For Pithy Power Point Presentations

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2. Prescription for Pithy
Mr. Cs
3. Pithy
Precisely meaningful; forceful and brief; Concise and full of meaning; succinctly well-argued; Of, like, or abounding in pith
4. Contents
Design & Colors
Parallel Structure
Presenting Tips
5. Designs & Colors
Choose designs that do not distract from your text
Choose colors for your background and text that can easily be read
6. What not to do
Reading this text is not easy for all audience members
Presenting with this background can distract from the text and make the screen cluttered and unreadable
7. What nottodo
Combining bright/clashing text with bright/clashing backgrounds or pictures strains the eye
Causing discomfort will not make your presentation effective
8. 9. Text
Text should be:
3-5 lines per slide (ideally)
10. What not to do:
Projected slides are a good medium for depicting an idea graphically or providing an overview. They are a poor medium for detail and reading. Avoid paragraphs, quotations and even complete sentences. Limit your slides to five lines of text and use words and phrases to make your points. The audience will be able to digest and retain key points more easily. Dont use your slides as speakers notes or to simply project an outline of your presentation.
Source: The Seven Deadly Sins of PowerPoint Presentations
11. What not to do:
12. Parallel Structure
Sentence structured to convey equal weight to all of your points
Usually used in presentations, resumes, business letters
13. Examples of Parallel Structure
What not to do:
Prepared weekly field payroll
Material purchasing, expediting, and returning
Recording OSHA regulated documentation
Change orders
Maintained hard copies of field documentation
Source: Purdue OWL
14. What to do:
Prepared weekly field payroll
Handled material purchasing, expediting, and returning
Recorded OSHA regulated documentation
Processed change orders
Maintained hard copies of field documentation
Examples of Parallel Structure
Source: Purdue OWL
15. Images
16. What not to do
17. What not to do
18. Animations
Should not distract
Should be used sparingly
Should facilitate transitions between slides
When in doubt, do not use animations!
19. Presenting Tips
A PowerPoint presentation:
should be a visual aide, not a visual distraction!
should not be read from during the presentation!
should only include key points
20. the end