Download - MPH Group Newsletter Spring 2013

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April budgets – have you considered all access issues?

We are aware of the constraints on budgets and the impact that the recession has had on us all, but this means we now need to plan e ven more carefully for our budget allocations. 2013 was always going to be a challenging year. It is difficult to plan while we are all uncertain of market volatilities and the economic roller coaster of the last couple of years. At MPH we thought it might be worth a timely reminder of your requirements under the Single Duty Equalities Act. There is a pre-emptive element now to your accessible format and disability provision, this means that you should consider the needs of your disabled customers prior to them raising an issue that they cannot access your goods, facilities or services. What does this mean in real terms? Well it certainly means that you know the customers who have already identified their needs, but are you promoting what you do for those who have not? Are you considering for instance those who have Dyslexia, learning or language difficulties? What about those who

have mobility problems and may have difficulties accessing your buildings? And where do you stand for those customers who are simply getting older and have difficulties but do not consider themselves as disabled? If it is any consolation, we are here to help and have experts in all of these fields and many more. Why not call your contact at MPH and they will advise who the best person to speak to is. Better still, arrange a visit to us and we can go through your requirements and aid in developing a strategy for your organisation to follow. Why not ring our MD, Alan Matthews (pictured left), and set up a meeting now. Call 0191 4386063 then press 0 and 222 for his direct extension.

MPH Newsletter

Issue No: Spring 2013 for all of your access needs

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MPH Studios Why not try our cost effective DVD or CD duplicatio n offers?

If you have the need for multiple copies of DVD or CD’s, why not ring Claire or Ashleigh from our Studios team and let them quote y ou our low prices?

Switchboard confusion!

Some of our clients have had issues with our new switchboard. Hopefully we can address some of these for you. Our telephone number is still the same as ever: 0191 438 6063 The difference is that now you need to press 0 and then the extension number required. So for instance if you are ringing our Admin department you would dial 0191 438 6063 then when you hear the message you press 0 and then 221 or 227, this will take you directly to their extensions. There is a list below of key extension numbers that may be useful for you. For the following sections dial our number and then for: Admin 0 – 221 or 0 – 227 MD’s office 0 – 222 or 0 – 223 Admin Manager 0 – 224 Production Manager 0 – 229 Accounts 0 – 252 HR 0 – 230 IT Manager 0 – 253 IT & Development 0 – 245 Customer Liaison 0 – 249 Legal services 0 – 230 Access services 0 – 257

The MPH Training and Conference Centre still has the same number – 0191 495 2895 As does the MPH Customer Centred Training Team: – 0191 469 9486 And our Accessible Environments Access Practice – 0191 469 9535

MD Alan Matthews said, “We invested in a state of the art telephone system and this seems to have caused us some issues with clients. I know the switchboard message is quite long, however, if it is followed you should be able to reach any section you wish. If not, then please use the extension numbers above as the manager’s extensions can be forwarded to their mobile telephones.” Alan added, “I would also like to apologise to any clients who have faced difficulty in getting through. It was never our intention to make things worse, it was done as people were not always getting through on a busy switchboard, and this direct dial option will ultimately make things more efficient”.

Telephone 0191 438 6063 for all of your access need s for all of your access needs

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MPH Studios – The team for all of your

filmed requirements It has been proven that one of the most effective c ommunication methods is that of film. Whether this is a demonstration of the set-up of a piece of equipment, the addition of BSL into your website or the promotion of a new and innovative service, f ilmed footage hits the mark with most groups.

Jon Davidson, senior AV Technician for the Group said, “We are receiving more and more requests for original materials. It is superb that we can work with a client from inception to finished product, and in some cases we have dispatched mail-shots on their behalf also. The effectiveness of filmed footage is unbelievable and I am sure this is because we now have an expectation that we will be able to view this where and when it is

convenient for us. Many of our clients now have a You-Tube channel or offer downloadable footage from their website. It is also, of course, the most effective way to convey information to your Deaf customers by the use of BSL footage.” Claire Lockwell, MPH Studios Administrator added, “The Studios team not only are involved in our clients promotional materials, they are also regularly working on the companies own promotional and informational materials. This can be viewed on the MPH You-Tube channel at – This is now an excellent cost effective way of producing information, it is current, vibrant and it represents you and the brand fully. Just think of what a short promotional piece might achieve for your service or product”. All of MPH Studios well known services are available to all of our clients. DVD and CD duplication and mailing. Television and studio space for hire. BSL interpretation and sub-titling services, even on your own original footage. We are experts in filming for museum services and can add much to your exhibitions as well as souvenier films for sales in your heritage site gift shops. Remember, MPH Studios is not simply a disability service, it is a commercial production company which offers the full collection of services that you would expect from a company in the media business. The team are experts in graphics as well as original footage, editing and production which are all at hand from a company you already trust. We are developing a new and innovative service for care homes, hotels, leisure facilities and for doctors and dental surgeries. Why not contact the MPH Studios team and let’s see what they can do for you, your service and your products.

To speak to Studios call direct on: 0191 438 6063 – 0 - 256 for all of your Studio needs

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Springtime is refurbishment time As we all receive new section budgets, we also receive new budgets for maintenance and refurbishment. Remember that we can aid in ensuring that access for older or disabled customers is considered in some of the simplest applications possible. Jim Taylor, pictured right carrying out work on York Railway Station, says, “It is surprising what can be achieved with colour and tonal contrast for way finding and orientation for older people or for people with poor vision. A simple tip is sometimes the most effective and can save hours of staff time addressing queries from your customers and the public. Jim went on to say, “It is always worth just talking to us as we can normally address many issues within a

standard maintenance and refurbishment budget. We have done this so many times for transport, museums, banking groups, hotels and retail as well as sports and leisure facilities. It is amazing to see the reaction when we simply suggest a colour change to doors against that of the walls, suggest better or different types of lighting, or propose getting rid of all of those temporary signs that we all end up with. Why not let us assist you in developing a prioritised list of work that can be achieved within a normal budget and see what this achieves or let us offer a set of KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) which can be applied as soon as budgets become available to you.”

Steve Frake from our legal services team added, “It would be great if organisations could look at the standard regulation issues. The fact that all public reception points should have at least one cross counter communication point (hearing loop), this would be a massive step in the right direction and can be carried out cost effectively. Often we find the problem is that one person in an organisation has the knowledge of disability services, then they move onto another role or leave the company, and the knowledge is lost because it has simply not been passed on.”

If you think this is too good to be true, call Jim direct for a chat on 0191 469 9535

View our services at

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Portable Customer Care


Special Offer £42.50

Maxine Casey steps into the breach Maxine Casey was the MPH Assistant Production Manager; she has worked closely with Coreen Ward our previous Production Manager and is a long established key member of the production team. Maxine has

now stepped up to replace Coreen in this difficult role and her team will be your contact point for all mailings, transactional mail and ad hoc one-off requests, along with the IT & Development Team ably managed by Rob Wray. Maxine, pictured here said, “It is important that all customers realise that Coreen is off on long term sick-leave and when she returns she will be carrying out another role for the company. Thankfully I have the support of Coreen and the team who I have worked with for some time now. I

have Rob and Teresa Burge to lean on and a very experienced team of transcribers, printers, production and dispatch assistants along with the team leaders in these areas. I am aware of the opportunity and the responsibility that goes with this and I look forward to trying to fill the gap left by Coreen and her recent illness.” Group Managing Director, Alan Matthews said, “It is a credit to Coreen that she had no hesitation in saying that Maxine should take on the role of Production Manager when it became clear that she would be absent from the role for some time. I have been in regular contact with Coreen whose advice and knowledge is a considerable asset to the company, to me personally and of course to Maxine. The beauty of having contingency planning is that when something like this happens, it works seamlessly and our clients would not notice anything other than someone else was on conference calls or in client meetings. In the meantime it is now up to Coreen to make sure she takes the time it takes to be fully well again and ready for a new challenge when she returns to work in early 2014.” Those of you who already deal with our excellent transcription section will know just how efficient they can be. If you have a mailing or wish to communicate with your customers effectively, then these are the people who can make sure not only that it happens, but within the timescales that you require whether it is legislatively or simply as the best way to communicate with your customers. If you have not dealt with this team – why not!

Effective communication can be achieved and in the timeframe of your standard print!

To speak to Maxine, call her direct on: 0191 438 60 63 – 0 - 229

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The venue for you – but book early! The MPH Training and Conference Centre here in Gateshead continues to be a flagship service for the Group in the North of England. This fabulous facility with its digital displays, IT suite and executive meeting room is quite simply one of the best of its class in this region and this is not simply the opinion of the MD of the Group.

Alan Matthews, Group MD said, “I am truly proud of this section of the company, it has a hard working and pro-active team, some of whom are new staff to this sector, and the drive and enthusiasm shown by them and the manager Lyndsey Burdis is something which is a joy to see”. He went on to say, “Often as an employer it is difficult to get staff to have the enthusiasm that you have for a project or a section until you show them every avenue you are trying to pursue, not with this team. Even in this time of recession they have managed not only to show growth, but to access other sections of the customer base who would wish to book this excellent venue. Lyndsey has achieved a tremendous amount in her time with us and it is fabulous to see someone thrive and blossom in the role. It is particularly gratifying when the centre was my idea initially and the design was developed with my Accessible Environments team.” Lyndsey Burdis, Centre manager said, “It is the hard work and determination of my team which has made the centre the success it has been. This and the fact that we made some needed changes and this has brought a new feel to the place. We are also making great inroads into new menus, food is vitally important if you have been in a training meeting all morning. Preparing it on-site with our own staff means we have control over how fresh and how well the food is prepared.”

Training & Conference Centre goes from strength to strength

Contact Lyndsey and her team on: 0191 495 2895

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Offering your staff incentives, need not always be about financial reward

Financial restrictions can mean that as employers, even if we would like to increase wages, it is not always possible to do so. Where we can show our staff commitment and incentive are in areas such as training. A qualification gained also means that you have a staff member who is doing well in their role and a staff base who are a real asset to your business. June Brewis, Customer Centred Training Provision Manager, pictured right with our recent Matrix Award of Quality, said, “Based on the Groups own staff requirements, and the massive benefits that the MD has seen because of our approach to all new staff gaining a qualification, I am sure that in these days of recession and longer unemployment queues any qualification which is work related is seen as a benefit.” June added, “I simply wish that employers could see the confidence that has been gained by some of our

younger staff by having level two and level three NVQ’s. It has offered them the belief that not only are they learning new skills, but that these are skills which will be useful to them throughout their working lives”. Helen Cleary, one of the MPH Group HR solicitors said, “The MD is determined that we offer quality training not only to our own staff but also to all learners who pass through the system, whether they are from the care sector, retail, manufacturing or via our commercial training services. His aim is that anyone who wishes to

be offered an opportunity to train, should get the same level of attention and understanding as anyone else. Both June and I understand this approach and it is one of the reasons we work in the fields that we do. To see this sort of staff development working means that it can also work elsewhere and June assures me this is the case in any of the areas that her assessors work in. Quality training is worth its weight in gold as far as I am concerned, especially with my HR hat on. You can reinforce procedures and why it is important to follow these for many reasons. Areas such as security, equality etc. can be unfolded over a period of time within training modules and they become less intimidating.” If you want information about our training services why not call June and her team on the number below?

Contact us if you would like more advice on the Sin gle Equality Act

MPH Customer Centred Training Team: 0191 469 9486

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Thank you from Coreen Coreen Ward has asked me to pass on her thanks to a ll of our customers who have asked after her health in the pa st few months. I am pleased to say Coreen is doing really well and looking forward to returning to work in 2014. We are in regular co ntact with Coreen.

New disability statistics show no improvement One of the most popular areas of our website is our disability statistics section. This is reviewed and the figures refreshed regularly so we can offer our clients the most up-to-date information that

we have at any time. The most recent statistics hav e now been uploaded for those of you who need this information. Alan Matthews said, “I know people like to see statistics, they are an excellent aid in developing services but it is vital that we do not lose sight of the fact that we are talking about people first, and people with a disability second. Setting services is all well and good, however you can no more standardise what we do for disabled people than you can for what we do for blondes or brunettes”.

Alan went on to say, “We are all guilty of labels or pigeonholing people but the real issues around disability is being seen as some sort of other race of people who need something other than good service. I have no doubt services and other areas have improved, however in times of financial difficulties, it is amazing how often disability services are the first to be hit”. The statistics are showing even more people conside ring themselves as having a long-term illness or disabil ity. This may be because we are better at finding out an d gathering information. This may be because we are l ess cautious about any sort of stigma around disability . In reality it is probably an element of all of these t hings, but the picture is no brighter now than it has ever bee n.

To look at our services contact us via our website at:

For information on any of our services go to our we bsite at: