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Reflection Booklet


Page 2: Motivational Quotes

Getting Started

When life gets you down, it’s easy to give up, scrap an idea or fail to see a greater opportunity when it presents itself. It’s in those moments when a little motivation can do wonders to help you move forward.

In this booklet, there are 13 motivational quotes, along with easy to remember tips and self-reflection questions to ask yourself so you can get through nearly any tough situation in your life.

Read through each quote and reflection carefully, then choose one that speaks to you. Print it out and place it on your fridge, desk, and throughout your workspace.

Next time you need a pick-me-up, have a glance at these quotes and remember that there is a beautiful light awaiting you, at the end of the darkness.

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Real knowledge is to

know the extent of one's


– Confucius

There are people in this world who will never admit when they are wrong. However, in order to fully understand something and reach true wisdom, you must know what areas of your life could use improvement. After all, you can’t possibly know everything. That’s precisely why you have to be willing to constantly learn and improve upon your skills.

✤ Know your strengths.✤ Always be open to learning.✤ Work to improve your weaknesses.

Self-Reflection Questions:

I. Do I know my limits? II. Am I willing to acquire the necessary knowledge to complete my work?III. Once I know where I’m in need of development, am I willing to

take the steps necessary to improve?


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Winners lose much more often than losers.  So if

you keep losing but you’re still trying, keep it up!  You’re right on track.

– Matthew Keith Groves

If you stop trying to win, than you won’t have a chance. It’s like running a marathon. You can’t win if you don’t run and the more training you do, the better your odds of winning.

No matter what you do in life, if you practice over and over you’ll see improvement.

✤ Maintain a positive mindset.✤ Constantly work toward your goal.✤ Have a short memory when it comes to past failures.

Self-Reflection Questions:

I. Do I keep trying through the tough times or do I give up?II. Do I reward myself for the little accomplishments on the way to

my bigger goals?III. Do I see good in everything?


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Blessed are the flexible,

for they shall not be

bent out of shape.

– Anonymous

It’s far less difficult to get angry or fly off the handle when you can work around negative things in your life. Learning to handle your stress is important.

Do your best to not let stress engulf you. It’s easy to let negative feelings pile up until they all pour out at once. When you can easily adjust to changes or difficult situations, you’ll lead a much happier, healthier life.

✤ Learn to let trivial things go.✤ Don’t hold your feelings inside.✤ There’s no such thing as perfect.

Self-Reflection Questions:

I. Am I aware of my feelings before they get out of hand?II. What do I do when things don’t go the way I’d planned?III. How will I remove myself from negative situations when necessary?


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The way to gain a good

reputation, is to endeavor to

be what you desire to appear.

– Socrates


Society has a way of making people believe they aren’t as good as the next person. When they can’t measure up to the standards of others, some people put up a front hoping they will look better in the eyes of others.

We must stop trying to stand-out and start showing our true self. It’s easier to remember who you really are than trying to keep a web of lies from becoming tangled.

✤ Take time to remind yourself of your positive traits.✤ Figure out who you really are.✤ Every day remind yourself that you are unique.

Self-Reflection Questions:

I. Am I comfortable in my own skin?II. Can I define my positive characteristics?III. Can I reflect on my life and be someone I am proud of?

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Seek the lofty by reading, hearing and seeing great

work at some moment every day.

– Thornton Wilder

In order to be a better person and seek the greater things in life, you must first be appreciative of the things that are already good in your life. After all, you can’t know ‘good’ without first experiencing the ‘bad.’

As hard as it may be, strive to find something positive about every single day.

✤ When met with negative things, take a minute to search for the upside of the situation.

✤ Positivism breeds the same.✤ Take time to find joy in the little things in life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

I. Am I a positive person? II. What happens if I see the glass half full instead of half empty?III. Will my positive attitude help someone else through a difficult



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I like the dreams of the

future better than the

history of the past.

– Patrick Henry

History has passed. We can’t change history no matter how hard we try. However, we can make choices and decisions that affect our future. Take time to dream about what you want the future to hold, instead of living your life in the past. The past only diverts your mind from the great things that are waiting for you in your future.

✤ History is meant to be read about, not re-lived.✤ Start planning for the future.✤ See life as exciting and adventurous instead of

something you have to merely get through.

Self-Reflection Questions:

I. Am I constantly looking for ways to improve myself?II. Is there anything I’d like to do or say, but something in my

past keeps stopping me?III. Do I tend to think negatively about situations because of things

I’ve dealt with in the past?


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Only those who dare to

dream can make their

dreams come true.

– Unknown

If you don’t have dreams and aspirations is life really worth living? No one can expect any of their wishes to come true unless they make the wish in the first place. Don’t let life’s ups and downs keep you from wanting and working towards your goals and dreams. If you never take the time to seek the things you want in life, how can those things ever come into being?

✤ Decide what it is you really want out of life.✤ Dare to dream big. ✤ Set milestones to help you achieve your goals.

Self-Reflection Questions:

I. Do I take time to dream no matter how big or small they may be?II. How can I reach my goals one step at a time?III. Do I seek to improve my life on a daily basis?


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Nothing is a waste of time if

you use the experience wisely.

– Auguste Rodin

Everything in life is an experience you can learn from. Be it good or bad, if you take the time to absorb the wisdom which comes from these experiences, you can use them to better yourself and the lives of others. If you’re wrong, there’s no shame in admitting it. It takes a bigger person to admit when he or she has made a mistake than it does to place blame elsewhere.

✤ Admit when you’ve made a mistake. ✤ Learn from your mistakes to avoid making the

same one twice.✤ Use your experiences to help others.

Self-Reflection Questions:

I. Do I realize that I’m not always right? Am I willing to admit when I’m not?

II. Do I make it a point to avoid past mistakes?III. Have I used my life experiences to help others?


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The value of life lies

not in the length of

days, but in the use

we make of them.

– Michel de Montaigne

Every day is a gift we’ve been given free of charge. We mustn’t waste it away! Instead, make the most of each and every moment. After all, we don’t know just how many we’ll end up getting in our life.

Wouldn’t it be sad to know that we’ve simply wasted away such a precious and meaningful gift?

✤ Set goals and know where you want to go.✤ Learn the value of life.✤ Remind yourself every day that life is a gift.

Self-Reflection Questions:

I. Do I know and appreciate the value of my life?II. How did I effectively use my time today?III. Is there someone I can help that will make my day more

meaningful and fulfilling?


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Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.

– Anonymous

Our life will never be perfect, that’s a fact. However, if we spend all of our time worrying about what might be coming our way, we’ll never reap the benefits the world has to offer. The worry warts of the world miss out on so many joys because they focus all their energy on the things that could happen so they miss out on the good things that actually did happen.

✤ Nothing good comes from worrying.✤ Take time to enjoy the moment because once

today is over you can never get it back. ✤ Focus on the good things in life – no matter

how trivial they may seem.

Self-Reflection Questions:

I. Can I find the meaningful things in each day?II. Do I accept that I’ll never be perfect nor have a perfect life?III. Am I able to make the best of each day I have been blessed with?


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You may have to

fight a battle more

than once to win it.

– Margaret Thatcher

It takes patience and perseverance to win any battle. Sometimes, it’s important that we travel down a path more than once in order to gain the knowledge we need in life. If you feel like you’re going down the same road you’ve been down before, reflect on your previous experiences so you can constantly sharpen your skills and knowledge.

✤ Keep pushing forward.✤ Learn from your mistakes.✤ Keep a positive outlook in order to continue through your

struggles and come out the other side a better person.

Self-Reflection Questions:

I. Do I have the patience to see something through to the end?II. What lessons have I learned from my past? III. Am I focused and willing to keep moving forward even when

faced with adversities?


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Knowledge is power, but enthusiasm pulls

the switch.

– Ivern Ball

You can have all the information in the world stored in your mind, but if you lack the desire or passion to get things done, that knowledge is useless. In order to be successful at anything you must have an eagerness to make it work. Without passion turning the light on, no one will ever see the glow. You might not use what you know right away, but never let knowledge go to waste.

✤ Learn something new every day.✤ Never let knowledge go to waste.✤ Have the courage to be enthusiastic, even in

difficult times.

Self-Reflection Questions:

I. Do I really enjoy what I’m doing?II. Do I have something that motivates me to keep chugging along

when I really don’t want to?III. Have I done something significant with the information I have

learned in my life?


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It is no disgrace to

start all over. It is

usually an opportunity.

– George Matthew Adams

So many people see themselves as failures when something they are working on goes wrong. For this reason they scrap the whole idea. What do you think would happen if they had instead started the process over again, knowing what they didn’t know the first time around? Greatness just might be achieved, but they never took the opportunity to find it because humiliation taking over.

✤ Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.✤ Don’t wait for opportunities to come your way –

create your own!✤ Opportunities can arise in the oddest of places.

Self-Reflection Questions:

I. Do I truly understand the power of the lesson learned?II. Can I put my pride aside and try even harder?III. Am I comfortable enough in my own skin that I can start over

without feeling humiliated or shameful?


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final thoughts

Let these quotes motivate you to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness. Everyone is capable of great things, but not everyone grasps those opportunities.

When you’re feeling defeated or run down, choose your favorite quote and meditate on its meaning. Find your inner strength and then take action.

Let the world see what you’re capable of achieving.