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Motivational InterviewingSession 1: The Spirit of MI

Stephen R. Andrew, LCSW LADC CCS

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Engaging PatientsAttitudes and behaviors

What you’ve done or witnessed

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MI: What is it?

Definition: Motivational interviewing is a collaborative, person-centered evidence-based, guiding method of communication for enhancing and strengthening intrinsic motivation for change.

Spirit: Collaboration, Autonomy, Respect, Compassion

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Motivational Interviewing...

assumes motivation is fluid and can be influenced

motivation is influenced in context of a relationship

principle task: to guide conversation towards eliciting motivation for change

goal: to influence change in the direction of health

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Communication is hard...

Here are the places it can break down.

Speaker Listener

1. What the speaker means

2. What the speaker says

3. What the listener hears

4. What the listener thinks the speaker


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What is listening?Focus all purpose, attention, and energy on understanding

What is the person experiencing right now?

Hearing what they are NOT


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Five General Principles

Express accurate empathy

Amplify ambivalence

Avoid arguments

Support self-efficacy

Roll with resistance

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What People Seek/Need

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Motivational Interviewing Process:

The Structure



CHANGE TALKDesireAbilityReasonNeed

CHANGE TALKDesireAbilityReasonNeed




and/or HEATLH


and/or HEATLH








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The Skills “OARS”

O = open-ended questions

A = affirm

R = reflection

S = summarize

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Amplify Ambivalence

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The Accuracy Function of Reflection

Speaker Listener

1. What the speaker means

2. What the speaker says

3. What the listener hears

4. What the listener thinks the speaker


Bridge the gap byreflection

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The Case53 year-old male came to clinic one week ago for concern of high blood pressure reading at work. He presents now for follow up and BP is in control.

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“Now that we have a plan to manage your blood pressure, Mr. Jones, I wonder if I can talk with you about some preventive health care. Specifically, I wanted to mention some recommendations for all patients over age 50 to undergo colon cancer screening. Would it be okay with you to talk a little about this today?”

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Jones: “ Geez, doc, like I said, I only came in ‘cause my wife made me after that nurse at work got that abnormal blood pressure reading. I’m not here for the works. You know what I’m say-in’?”

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What is this patient telling you?

How will you respond?

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Next Steps

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